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Meezu said: Hey guys,
So, let me just get to it:
I (22 yo) met this guy (24 yo) at a club and I already know that meeting guys at night clubs don't usually amount to much in terms of long term, but this guy seemed different. I told him right away I wasn't interested in a booty call or fling or whatever and he went on and on that he wasn't either, he wants to get to know me. I still wan't sure but he seemed genuine about it, so I gave him my number at the end of the night. We went on a date (Walk in a park), and we hit it off. I was starting to like him and wanted to see where it will go, and he seemed to like me too. After that date, he didn't really text that much but when he did he followed up on activities that I mentioned I was going to do (like how my essay was going for class, etc.). Fast forward a couple days, we ended up making plans to do something  on the weekend after he was done work (second date). Weekend came, and he says that his friend he hasn't seen in a while and is only in town for the weekend, wants to go out that same night (to the same night club I met the guy at) and asked me if I wanted to come. I said no, I didn't want to. Then he said he hasn't seen this friend in a long time and I said O ok (Who am I to tell him what he can and can't do). He didn't text back after that.
To me it seems like he's not interested because he ditched me to go to the club with his friend but I'm wondering if I should let it go since he hasn't seen this friend in a while? I like him but I mean, I don't want to waste my time. 

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hey guys,
i was wondering what's normal guy behaviour for a guy leading up to / during exam period..?
should i be pissed/worried if my boyfriend isn't messaging me out of the blue during this time?

i don't know how couples do it. i feel so low priority when he doesn't ask me how i'm going. it feels like i'm the one speaking to him first, or if he speaks to me, it's some random unrelated-to-me shizz, like a funny post on 9gag :\ am i just being unreasonable, or should he inquire more about my wellbeing or something..?

edit: we do most of our messaging on fb btw, so i can tell he's online on fb.. i don't know if he's doing work/not doing work/using it to communicate to his peers, cos i use it for a wide range of stuff too

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Guest showoff

If my woman was going to drastically alter the way she looks, especially though non-essential surgery, I'd want to know about it.  She wouldn't be asking for permission, but we'd have an honest conversation about it as it won't just impact her, it'll impact us.  She may think that she'll look better with a different nose, but I may find her absolutely repulsive, which will obviously influence how attracted I am to her.  If she elects not to talk to me about it and just does it, then she better be prepared for the consequences, both good and bad, of her decision.

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iilysium said:




iilysium said:<br />

Boobs or butt? Pick 1 :0<br />

<br />

<br />

Pretty hard to decide without your pic.<br />

<br />

Or wait - is this just a general question?

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Diina said: Another question; If the girl you love dearly wants to change something about herself...let's say her lip? Her nose? And she would tell/ask you about this...maybe asking for premision? ....would u guys give it to her? What would your reaction be? Would it change ur opinion about her?

(honestly I'm against plastic surgery...especiallyif it isn't a health problem..but just curious about ur reactions xp)

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Guest ikweli

hey i want a thanks...

Diina said: Another question; If the girl you love dearly wants to change something about herself...let's say her lip? Her nose? And she would tell/ask you about this...maybe asking for premision? ....would u guys give it to her? What would your reaction be? Would it change ur opinion about her?

(honestly I'm against plastic surgery...especiallyif it isn't a health problem..but just curious about ur reactions xp)

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Guest ikweli

^actually plastic surgery is kind of a thinker for me. i'd probably ask her why and if she has a legit reason then im not gonna stop her. but it has to be a good one otherwise i'd be like wtf and then argument debate #50 will commence

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Diina said:

Another question; If the girl you love dearly wants to change something about herself...let's say her lip? Her nose? And she would tell/ask you about this...maybe asking for premision? ....would u guys give it to her? What would your reaction be? Would it change ur opinion about her?

(honestly I'm against plastic surgery...especiallyif it isn't a health problem..but just curious about ur reactions xp)

Truthfully i would say i love you for who you are and if your not feeling that great about your lips i can help then just give her a kiss

There is no point asking her not to do it and try to convince her into not because she'll go blahblahblah why not make her happy instead?

Thanks for your reply! That's sweet of you...doing that for your gf. But to be hoest...I don't really agree with you

Do explain why you dont agree. Plus I knkw girls do ps for their own.

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Guest iamhe

We are friends, not close or anything. We can carry on a conversation. When we talk one on one, he makes eye contact, sometimes really intense eye contact. But in a group setting, he always avoids looking at me. I don't know if he purposely avoids looking at me, but he doesn't look at me at all. He looks at other people though. I'm not bothered about this but I'm really curious. What do you fellas think the reason(s) why he doesn't make eye contact with me when we're in a group? I don't think I've done anything to offend him.

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Guest sr76

Plastic surgery? No thanks.
The following is about cosmetic plastic surgery, not functional or necessary surgery.

The last two girls I dated brought up plastic surgery. One wanted to change her nose and a breast augmentation, and the other also wanted a breast augmentation. Both times, I got a little mad and had to reassure them that their complete package and those areas of insecurity were beautiful to me. 
Now, I'm sure for many people plastic surgery is a thought that is entertained just as I entertained the thought of steroids for a little. The root if the issue is the insecurity about how that body part was formed. The issue or mindset needs to be dealt with and resolved/accepted, not surgically corrected by a quick fix. The amount of self-love and confidence one gains from working through an issue like that is worth more than any materialistic or cosmetic change that is applied. It aids the person and how they see and believe in themselves. Granted, I'm speaking from a guy's perspective, but the fundamental concept of it is the same.
 If you throw a bunch of nice decorations on an ugly christmas tree, its still gonna be an ugly tree underneath it all. Throw some water on that tree and it'll be healthy from the inside. 

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Guest sr76

iamhe said: We are friends, not close or anything. We can carry on a conversation. When we talk one on one, he makes eye contact, sometimes really intense eye contact. But in a group setting, he always avoids looking at me. I don't know if he purposely avoids looking at me, but he doesn't look at me at all. He looks at other people though. I'm not bothered about this but I'm really curious. What do you fellas think the reason(s) why he doesn't make eye contact with me when we're in a group? I don't think I've done anything to offend him.

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^actually plastic surgery is kind of a thinker for me. i'd probably ask her why and if she has a legit reason then im not gonna stop her. but it has to be a good one otherwise i'd be like wtf and then argument debate #50 will commence

Ahahaha okay I see. Yeah she should have realy good reason....otherwise would be such a waste to masque her natural 'beauty'..:( and yeah everyonetheir own choise and own rights....but I'm def not a fan.

Diina said:

Another question; If the girl you love dearly wants to change something about herself...let's say her lip? Her nose? And she would tell/ask you about this...maybe asking for premision? ....would u guys give it to her? What would your reaction be? Would it change ur opinion about her?

(honestly I'm against plastic surgery...especiallyif it isn't a health problem..but just curious about ur reactions xp)

Truthfully i would say i love you for who you are and if your not feeling that great about your lips i can help then just give her a kiss

There is no point asking her not to do it and try to convince her into not because she'll go blahblahblah why not make her happy instead?

Thanks for your reply! That's sweet of you...doing that for your gf. But to be hoest...I don't really agree with you

Do explain why you dont agree. Plus I knkw girls do ps for their own.

Oh well like I said earlier...if a person doesn't have a real good reason (lets say a ugly scar after a surgery or something else) it shouldn't be necessary.because everyone is blessed and gifted with their own beauty..why change the way you where born and meant to look? It's just like being against mother nature and not being thankfull at all...just love yourself the way you are...if u don't how could someone else learn to love you...but that's just my opinion.of course everyone has to do what they think is right

I never said im okay with plastic surgery I just said to make her happy enough not to think down of herself. To me ps looks good for 10 years then youll see the scars for the rest of your life

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Guest TheJVS

So.... what would be some ideal traits / habits for your gf/wife? eg. She kisses you before you leave the house, is a good cook, likes to keep things clean, etc. Going to take notes and try them out :D

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