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Guest Ib3li3v3

There is someone who I have been talking to. I first noticed him when I sat next to him during the subway. We were going to school and our stop was here so I tapped him on the shoulder and told him its our stop. He is in my first period class so I tapped him. From there he was very nice because one time someone was passing a paper to me and dropped it and he helped me pick it up even though he wasnt that close to it. but we never talked until a month ago where he initiated a convo. We talked a lot for that bus and subway ride. But sometimes on the rides I would see him n we wouldn't talk. Do u think he likes me? Other times he would randomly come up and start talking. And when my friend was with me and asking me a question and I looked at him for the answer he looked back at me while my friend was talkingWhat do u think?

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shinuko said: Well, I was living on my own before, but I moved back home because my mother was having major health problems. I helped her with the bills and everything and I lost my "day job" I suppose you can say. I make enough to take of myself, but not enough for rent in Downtown Los Angeles. A studio by it's own is like $800 and I wouldn't be able to just rent a room somewhere due to my business. I'm also in a real tough spot because my mother died so I have no family to back up on. That is the reason me being stuck. My ex room mate stole $ form me too so that put a chunk out of things. -_-; It's not that easy to just go out there. 

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Guest liezlmacabuhay

I am very confused about how I feel about this guy. (sorry this is so long.. I tried to condense it but..)

I just started working and one of my coworkers took an interest in me from the get go. He's 22 and I'm 18. My first impression of him: very charming, outgoing, friendly, suave.

We started texting but his texting persona is totally different from how he's like in person. He is very charming and outgoing in person, but through text he is incredibly boring and horny. He randomly made a remark, "You are probably a virgin. Innocent little 18 year old," which I found very haughty and condescending. He kept asking me if I've ever did it with anyone to which I replied no. Then he asked me to send him a picture of me. I found this creepy so I stopped texting him for a while. Is it normal for guys to be significantly different (and bland) through text?

Although I'm totally repelled by how he is through text, I find myself very attracted to him in person. So I decided to give him another shot. I have never initiated a conversation. He would text randomly with a very bland "Hi" to which I don't know what to respond... But one day he asked me to eat lunch with him before work, but I was busy. I decided I would make a move after work and ask him to go out and eat.

We went to In n Out and he didn't pay for me. I figured since it was just a hangout it didn't matter too much. (I still wonder though, should he have paid?) But then he asked me how much I got in my paycheck and then (not sure if it was jokingly) said "you should buy me things." I thought that was weird. But then I asked him if he had anywhere to go afterwards and he said he was actually going back home which was a 3 hour drive, but he'd rather hang out with me first which I thought was sweet. He kept commenting on how cute my mannerisms are, and that he finds me very attractive. He admitted to liking me. He told me he likes serious relationships. We somehow got on the topic of our dating history. I think he was trying very hard to impress me by telling me all the girls he's been with which I found annoying. When I told him I had a lot of flings, he made a condescending remark, "What's a fling to you? Holding hands?" I was kind of annoyed. But whenever he would say something that was irksome, he'd say something sweet, so I would look past it.

We hugged and when I got home he texted me. We talked for a little while and then things got weird.... He randomly asked me "So do you like sexual activity?" And I told him it was strange he'd ask me that. And then he kept saying "tell me" as to whether or not I enjoy being sexual. I told him I only do if it's with a guy I really connect with-- if it's a serious relationship. Then he asked me, "Do we connect?" to which I replied "I don't know.. We only hungout once" And then he asked me, "Don't you want to experience what a good sex life could be like?" and I replied "Do you just want to get in my pants?" He said "Nope, but I'm just wondering because I'm a fan of being sexual." So then I said "I don't do friends with benefits." And then he made a very cocky remark, "I think you'd like it with me." And I angrily replied, "Stop asking me. It's damn annoying. I told you already I am only intimate when I'm in a serious relationship." Then he said "Lol." The next morning he texted me 'good morning'.

I had a dream about him that night, and it was very.. intimate. I feel weird about it.

Well basically my dilemma is I still find myself attracted to him despite his very strange tendencies. Is that normal? His personality is so inconsistent. I think I may just like him because he's good looking and is the first white boy I've ever gone out with (I've only ever dated Asian boys, but am very attracted to Caucasians). I also haven't been dating for a while, and he's the first guy in a while to really show interest in me. However, he is pretty kinky. Does he just want to get in my pants? I sometimes get the impression he just wants to do me but then other times it feels as if he genuinely likes me.

My confusion over my feelings for him really lingers in the back of my head. I have no clue why! All my friends tell me to just forget about the guy since he sounds sketchy. And I normally heed my friend's advice, but something inside of me is telling me to continue this weird relationship. I am normally a very rational person. This is really bothering me.

What do you guys think? Is pursuing this relationship a bad idea? I boldfaced the questions that I am super confused about.

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I'm going to be blunt. If you can't handle that, then you don't belong here. Seems like you want to love him, but you don't. You also want to trust him, but in light of recent events, you are growing distant. Yes?
Well, the situation that you put yourself in is one where you use him for monetary support.

Get rid of that.

I understand people use others in different ways, but I don't understand why you set yourself up to be so dependent on him. Think about it, what the hell is a break going to accomplish? Stalling the inevitable? If I were in your shoes, I'd find a new roommate, and move out. My advice here would be to break up if you find that you cannot deal with his "problem".

But if you're all for manipulation, then I can't say much to convince you otherwise. Live your life.

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wow interesting post. I don't see any good qualities in this guy besides his looks. he only wants to get in your pants, but you don't seem to mind. Don't you realize that anyone can say sweet things to you? Go find yourself someone who can say those sweet things withOUT the suggestive things. You do seem like you want it though.
sorry for judging, but being able to look past this idiot because of his good lucks is tell-tale that you want a physical relationship instead of an emotional one.

I could see you two going out, and having sex everyday. It'd be great and all, but I can't see any substance building between you two. Not sure if you care though, since a flip of his hair would do it for you and you be all over him again. I guess I could relate, sometimes I found myself interested in pretty girls who were pretty dumb. physical component is important, but don't get lost in it ok?

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said: I am very confused about how I feel about this guy. (sorry this is so long.. I tried to condense it but..)

I just started working and one of my coworkers took an interest in me from the get go. He's 22 and I'm 18. My first impression of him: very charming, outgoing, friendly, suave.

We started texting but his texting persona is totally different from how he's like in person. He is very charming and outgoing in person, but through text he is incredibly boring and horny. He randomly made a remark, "You are probably a virgin. Innocent little 18 year old," which I found very haughty and condescending. He kept asking me if I've ever did it with anyone to which I replied no. Then he asked me to send him a picture of me. I found this creepy so I stopped texting him for a while.

Is it normal for guys to be significantly different (and bland) through text?

Although I'm totally repelled by how he is through text, I find myself very attracted to him in person. So I decided to give him another shot. I have never initiated a conversation. He would text randomly with a very bland "Hi" to which I don't know what to respond... But one day he asked me to eat lunch with him before work, but I was busy. I decided I would make a move after work and ask him to go out and eat.

We went to In n Out and he didn't pay for me. I figured since it was just a hangout it didn't matter too much. (I still wonder though,

should he have paid?)

But then he asked me how much I got in my paycheck and then (not sure if it was jokingly) said "you should buy me things." I thought that was weird. But then I asked him if he had anywhere to go afterwards and he said he was actually going back home which was a 3 hour drive, but he'd rather hang out with me first which I thought was sweet. He kept commenting on how cute my mannerisms are, and that he finds me very attractive. He admitted to liking me. He told me he likes serious relationships. We somehow got on the topic of our dating history. I think he was trying very hard to impress me by telling me all the girls he's been with which I found annoying. When I told him I had a lot of flings, he made a condescending remark, "What's a fling to you? Holding hands?" I was kind of annoyed. But whenever he would say something that was irksome, he'd say something sweet, so I would look past it.

We hugged and when I got home he texted me. We talked for a little while and then things got weird.... He randomly asked me "So do you like sexual activity?" And I told him it was strange he'd ask me that. And then he kept saying "tell me" as to whether or not I enjoy being sexual. I told him I only do if it's with a guy I really connect with-- if it's a serious relationship. Then he asked me, "Do we connect?" to which I replied "I don't know.. We only hungout once" And then he asked me, "Don't you want to experience what a good sex life could be like?" and I replied "Do you just want to get in my pants?" He said "Nope, but I'm just wondering because I'm a fan of being sexual." So then I said "I don't do friends with benefits." And then he made a very cocky remark, "I think you'd like it with me." And I angrily replied, "Stop asking me. It's damn annoying. I told you already I am only intimate when I'm in a serious relationship." Then he said "Lol." The next morning he texted me 'good morning'.

I had a dream about him that night, and it was very.. intimate. I feel weird about it.

Well basically my dilemma is I still find myself attracted to him despite his very strange tendencies.

Is that normal?

His personality is so inconsistent. I think I may just like him because he's good looking and is the first white boy I've ever gone out with (I've only ever dated Asian boys, but am very attracted to Caucasians). I also haven't been dating for a while, and he's the first guy in a while to really show interest in me. However, he is pretty kinky.

Does he just want to get in my pants?

I sometimes get the impression he just wants to do me but then other times it feels as if he genuinely likes me.

My confusion over my feelings for him really lingers in the back of my head. I have no clue why! All my friends tell me to just forget about the guy since he sounds sketchy. And I normally heed my friend's advice, but something inside of me is telling me to continue this weird relationship. I am normally a very rational person. This is really bothering me.

What do you guys think? Is pursuing this relationship a bad idea? I boldfaced the questions that I am super confused about.

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shinuko said: Well, I was living on my own before, but I moved back home because my mother was having major health problems. I helped her with the bills and everything and I lost my "day job" I suppose you can say. I make enough to take of myself, but not enough for rent in Downtown Los Angeles. A studio by it's own is like $800 and I wouldn't be able to just rent a room somewhere due to my business. I'm also in a real tough spot because my mother died so I have no family to back up on. That is the reason me being stuck. My ex room mate stole $ form me too so that put a chunk out of things. -_-; It's not that easy to just go out there. 

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liezlmacabuhay said: I am very confused about how I feel about this guy. (sorry this is so long.. I tried to condense it but..)

I just started working and one of my coworkers took an interest in me from the get go. He's 22 and I'm 18. My first impression of him: very charming, outgoing, friendly, suave.

We started texting but his texting persona is totally different from how he's like in person. He is very charming and outgoing in person, but through text he is incredibly boring and horny. He randomly made a remark, "You are probably a virgin. Innocent little 18 year old," which I found very haughty and condescending. He kept asking me if I've ever did it with anyone to which I replied no. Then he asked me to send him a picture of me. I found this creepy so I stopped texting him for a while. Is it normal for guys to be significantly different (and bland) through text?

Although I'm totally repelled by how he is through text, I find myself very attracted to him in person. So I decided to give him another shot. I have never initiated a conversation. He would text randomly with a very bland "Hi" to which I don't know what to respond... But one day he asked me to eat lunch with him before work, but I was busy. I decided I would make a move after work and ask him to go out and eat.

We went to In n Out and he didn't pay for me. I figured since it was just a hangout it didn't matter too much. (I still wonder though, should he have paid?) But then he asked me how much I got in my paycheck and then (not sure if it was jokingly) said "you should buy me things." I thought that was weird. But then I asked him if he had anywhere to go afterwards and he said he was actually going back home which was a 3 hour drive, but he'd rather hang out with me first which I thought was sweet. He kept commenting on how cute my mannerisms are, and that he finds me very attractive. He admitted to liking me. He told me he likes serious relationships. We somehow got on the topic of our dating history. I think he was trying very hard to impress me by telling me all the girls he's been with which I found annoying. When I told him I had a lot of flings, he made a condescending remark, "What's a fling to you? Holding hands?" I was kind of annoyed. But whenever he would say something that was irksome, he'd say something sweet, so I would look past it.

We hugged and when I got home he texted me. We talked for a little while and then things got weird.... He randomly asked me "So do you like sexual activity?" And I told him it was strange he'd ask me that. And then he kept saying "tell me" as to whether or not I enjoy being sexual. I told him I only do if it's with a guy I really connect with-- if it's a serious relationship. Then he asked me, "Do we connect?" to which I replied "I don't know.. We only hungout once" And then he asked me, "Don't you want to experience what a good sex life could be like?" and I replied "Do you just want to get in my pants?" He said "Nope, but I'm just wondering because I'm a fan of being sexual." So then I said "I don't do friends with benefits." And then he made a very cocky remark, "I think you'd like it with me." And I angrily replied, "Stop asking me. It's damn annoying. I told you already I am only intimate when I'm in a serious relationship." Then he said "Lol." The next morning he texted me 'good morning'.

I had a dream about him that night, and it was very.. intimate. I feel weird about it.

Well basically my dilemma is I still find myself attracted to him despite his very strange tendencies. Is that normal? His personality is so inconsistent. I think I may just like him because he's good looking and is the first white boy I've ever gone out with (I've only ever dated Asian boys, but am very attracted to Caucasians). I also haven't been dating for a while, and he's the first guy in a while to really show interest in me. However, he is pretty kinky. Does he just want to get in my pants? I sometimes get the impression he just wants to do me but then other times it feels as if he genuinely likes me.

My confusion over my feelings for him really lingers in the back of my head. I have no clue why! All my friends tell me to just forget about the guy since he sounds sketchy. And I normally heed my friend's advice, but something inside of me is telling me to continue this weird relationship. I am normally a very rational person. This is really bothering me.

What do you guys think? Is pursuing this relationship a bad idea? I boldfaced the questions that I am super confused about.

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Guest chloe_addict

I'm close with a group of guy friends in my school. But recently, one of the guys broke up with his gf and is having a rebound with another girl in our program. Before this association, I never liked this girl when I first met her because she likes to talk behind people's backs and has a strange bipolar personality. Being super friendly one minute and then a complete b*** the next. So my question is, how do act when she's there with our group? For example, today, we didn't bother saying "hi" to each other when she stopped by to talk to her guy while we were standing outside of our class. 

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Guest iilysium

What do you guys think of girls who always look polished/put together? Nice outfit, nice natural looking makeup, shiny hair done and manicured nails. Do your "high maintenance girl" alarms sound off? Wonder why she spends so much time on her looks and assume she's superficial? Or do you appreciate the efforts in looking nice?

Just wondering, stumbled on a thread in a womens health forum and everyone seemed very nasty about the girls who like to look polished.

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Guest jammer25

chloe_addict said: I'm close with a group of guy friends in my school. But recently, one of the guys broke up with his gf and is having a rebound with another girl in our program. Before this association, I never liked this girl when I first met her because she likes to talk behind people's backs and has a strange bipolar personality. Being super friendly one minute and then a complete b*** the next. So my question is, how do act when she's there with our group? For example, today, we didn't bother saying "hi" to each other when she stopped by to talk to her guy while we were standing outside of our class. 

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Guest ikweli

liezlmacabuhay said: I am very confused about how I feel about this guy. (sorry this is so long.. I tried to condense it but..)

I just started working and one of my coworkers took an interest in me from the get go. He's 22 and I'm 18. My first impression of him: very charming, outgoing, friendly, suave.

We started texting but his texting persona is totally different from how he's like in person. He is very charming and outgoing in person, but through text he is incredibly boring and horny. He randomly made a remark, "You are probably a virgin. Innocent little 18 year old," which I found very haughty and condescending. He kept asking me if I've ever did it with anyone to which I replied no. Then he asked me to send him a picture of me. I found this creepy so I stopped texting him for a while. Is it normal for guys to be significantly different (and bland) through text?

Although I'm totally repelled by how he is through text, I find myself very attracted to him in person. So I decided to give him another shot. I have never initiated a conversation. He would text randomly with a very bland "Hi" to which I don't know what to respond... But one day he asked me to eat lunch with him before work, but I was busy. I decided I would make a move after work and ask him to go out and eat.

We went to In n Out and he didn't pay for me. I figured since it was just a hangout it didn't matter too much. (I still wonder though, should he have paid?) But then he asked me how much I got in my paycheck and then (not sure if it was jokingly) said "you should buy me things." I thought that was weird. But then I asked him if he had anywhere to go afterwards and he said he was actually going back home which was a 3 hour drive, but he'd rather hang out with me first which I thought was sweet. He kept commenting on how cute my mannerisms are, and that he finds me very attractive. He admitted to liking me. He told me he likes serious relationships. We somehow got on the topic of our dating history. I think he was trying very hard to impress me by telling me all the girls he's been with which I found annoying. When I told him I had a lot of flings, he made a condescending remark, "What's a fling to you? Holding hands?" I was kind of annoyed. But whenever he would say something that was irksome, he'd say something sweet, so I would look past it.

We hugged and when I got home he texted me. We talked for a little while and then things got weird.... He randomly asked me "So do you like sexual activity?" And I told him it was strange he'd ask me that. And then he kept saying "tell me" as to whether or not I enjoy being sexual. I told him I only do if it's with a guy I really connect with-- if it's a serious relationship. Then he asked me, "Do we connect?" to which I replied "I don't know.. We only hungout once" And then he asked me, "Don't you want to experience what a good sex life could be like?" and I replied "Do you just want to get in my pants?" He said "Nope, but I'm just wondering because I'm a fan of being sexual." So then I said "I don't do friends with benefits." And then he made a very cocky remark, "I think you'd like it with me." And I angrily replied, "Stop asking me. It's damn annoying. I told you already I am only intimate when I'm in a serious relationship." Then he said "Lol." The next morning he texted me 'good morning'.

I had a dream about him that night, and it was very.. intimate. I feel weird about it.

Well basically my dilemma is I still find myself attracted to him despite his very strange tendencies. Is that normal? His personality is so inconsistent. I think I may just like him because he's good looking and is the first white boy I've ever gone out with (I've only ever dated Asian boys, but am very attracted to Caucasians). I also haven't been dating for a while, and he's the first guy in a while to really show interest in me. However, he is pretty kinky. Does he just want to get in my pants? I sometimes get the impression he just wants to do me but then other times it feels as if he genuinely likes me.

My confusion over my feelings for him really lingers in the back of my head. I have no clue why! All my friends tell me to just forget about the guy since he sounds sketchy. And I normally heed my friend's advice, but something inside of me is telling me to continue this weird relationship. I am normally a very rational person. This is really bothering me.

What do you guys think? Is pursuing this relationship a bad idea? I boldfaced the questions that I am super confused about.

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iilysium said: What do you guys think of girls who always look polished/put together? Nice outfit, nice natural looking makeup, shiny hair done and manicured nails. Do your "high maintenance girl" alarms sound off? Wonder why she spends so much time on her looks and assume she's superficial? Or do you appreciate the efforts in looking nice?

Just wondering, stumbled on a thread in a womens health forum and everyone seemed very nasty about the girls who like to look polished.

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iilysium said: What do you guys think of girls who always look polished/put together? Nice outfit, nice natural looking makeup, shiny hair done and manicured nails. Do your "high maintenance girl" alarms sound off? Wonder why she spends so much time on her looks and assume she's superficial? Or do you appreciate the efforts in looking nice?

Just wondering, stumbled on a thread in a womens health forum and everyone seemed very nasty about the girls who like to look polished.

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chloe_addict said: I'm close with a group of guy friends in my school. But recently, one of the guys broke up with his gf and is having a rebound with another girl in our program. Before this association, I never liked this girl when I first met her because she likes to talk behind people's backs and has a strange bipolar personality. Being super friendly one minute and then a complete b*** the next. So my question is, how do act when she's there with our group? For example, today, we didn't bother saying "hi" to each other when she stopped by to talk to her guy while we were standing outside of our class. 

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Guest chloe_addict

If you didn't do anything "wrong" and you still see each other on a daily basis at school/work, what would be potential causes of falling out between you and a friend? 

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Guest ikweli




If you didn't do anything "wrong" and you still see each other on a daily basis at school/work, what would be potential causes of falling out between you and a friend? 

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Guest chloe_addict

ikweli said:




If you didn't do anything "wrong" and you still see each other on a daily basis at school/work, what would be potential causes of falling out between you and a friend? 

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Guest dolcedor.

chloe_addict said: If you didn't do anything "wrong" and you still see each other on a daily basis at school/work, what would be potential causes of falling out between you and a friend? 

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