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Not sure if this has been posted before, but say if you had a crush on one of your closest friend for a while; and somehow she found out just recently. However, knowing that she doesn't feel the same way about you, how would you like her to response? Would you prefer, to be given some time to sort your feelings out or having her pretend nothing happened and you guys are still close as before?

Also, would you be mad if the girl were to start distancing herself from you despite how close you guys are?

Normally if it was just others, I would distance myself from them gradually, but this is slightly different. Seeing how he's one of my closest friends. Originally, I was going to pretend as if nothing happened and still talk to him like I do before, hoping that it wouldn't be too awkward. But my other guy friend said that it would just make him more disappointed if I were to pretend nothing happened, as if I disregarded his feelings... So then, should I leave him be? :unsure:

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I was telling my friend and her boyfriend about some texts I got from a guyfriend. The "bf" said from this text which basically read "can't talk atm dotaing", that a guy would stop his gaming to reply/text a girl he is interested in. Is this true for most guys?

Also because he said this, my friend decided to mention that my guy friend always likes to mess around with me by teasing and touching me. For example touching my stomach. The "boyfriends" reply was; he seems like the type to only touch you when he feels like it, and that he 's not worth it. I'm not sure where he got that from but could that be the case?

I would personally stop whatever I am playing. I would exit out with no second thought attached even if I am doing good. Maybe he was playing a REAL important match to him or something so I wouldn't rule out that possibility.

If I was playing with friends then I would just have to make up something to why I had to leave.

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I was telling my friend and her boyfriend about some texts I got from a guyfriend. The "bf" said from this text which basically read "can't talk atm dotaing", that a guy would stop his gaming to reply/text a girl he is interested in. Is this true for most guys?

Also because he said this, my friend decided to mention that my guy friend always likes to mess around with me by teasing and touching me. For example touching my stomach. The "boyfriends" reply was; he seems like the type to only touch you when he feels like it, and that he 's not worth it. I'm not sure where he got that from but could that be the case?

er. I'm not sure if it's because I just woke up, or because you have some grammatical skills you need to work on... but I didn't comprehend half of what you said... D:

If anything is confusing, I apologize ahead of time.

it's common courtesy to return texts. that text seems to be minimalistic. i found that guys tend to write out their texts w/o abbreviations to the girl they like, but this could vary.

I'm not sure what you're asking here. lol sorry

Not sure if this has been posted before, but say if you had a crush on one of your closest friend for a while; and somehow she found out just recently. However, knowing that she doesn't feel the same way about you, how would you like her to response? Would you prefer, to be given some time to sort your feelings out or having her pretend nothing happened and you guys are still close as before?

Also, would you be mad if the girl were to start distancing herself from you despite how close you guys are?

Normally if it was just others, I would distance myself from them gradually, but this is slightly different. Seeing how he's one of my closest friends. Originally, I was going to pretend as if nothing happened and still talk to him like I do before, hoping that it wouldn't be too awkward. But my other guy friend said that it would just make him more disappointed if I were to pretend nothing happened, as if I disregarded his feelings... So then, should I leave him be? :unsure:

all these questions are posted before. in some form or another... but it's okay :)

I would want her to make it clear on where we stand... but only if I advance towards her. If I don't, I would like some time to sort out my feelings.

not sad, but disappointed. I have a close friend who started distancing herself from me b/c her bf gets jealous... perfectly understandable, but nevertheless strains our friendship.

If you have romantic interests toward this guy, until he brings it up in the conversation, be as you were before. If he does, kindly, but firmly let him understand what you truly feel about your relationship.

4 hours of sleep? D: sorry if that didn't make sense

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Guest fredinsac

Not sure if this has been posted before, but say if you had a crush on one of your closest friend for a while; and somehow she found out just recently. However, knowing that she doesn't feel the same way about you, how would you like her to response? Would you prefer, to be given some time to sort your feelings out or having her pretend nothing happened and you guys are still close as before?

Also, would you be mad if the girl were to start distancing herself from you despite how close you guys are?

Normally if it was just others, I would distance myself from them gradually, but this is slightly different. Seeing how he's one of my closest friends. Originally, I was going to pretend as if nothing happened and still talk to him like I do before, hoping that it wouldn't be too awkward. But my other guy friend said that it would just make him more disappointed if I were to pretend nothing happened, as if I disregarded his feelings... So then, should I leave him be? :unsure:

So he already knows that you don't feel the same way right? So why does he need you to tell him if he already knows? Also, why should you say that you don't feel the same? I mean, it's not like he came up to you and confessed to you face to face. I say that you just play it off and keep on going about your business. I personally, as soon as I found out she didn't like me, then I'd just move on. But a lot of guys play too much on the idea that if they try hard enough they will succeed which isn't always the case. But yeah, what I'm saying is to just ignore it like nothing happened. If he wasn't man enough to tell you his feelings himself then I don't think he's man enough for you to reply back to.

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Guest s0y0un*

what does it mean when a guy says "do you not think of me as your boyfriend?"

me: "um no you didnt ask me out yet"

him: "Ok i will tomrrow"

wtff?!?! can he be any more unromantic

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what does it mean when a guy says "do you not think of me as your boyfriend?"

me: "um no you didnt ask me out yet"

him: "Ok i will tomrrow"

wtff?!?! can he be any more unromantic

sounds like you're complaining, more than anything else lol

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Hahaha, okay. I feel a bit embarassed elaborating on one of my situations, but here goes.

Sometime around August, I met this dude and he was so shy but somehow I left a good enough impression for him to add me on MSN. (*groan* I know MSN lmao. :P I hate MSN.) So during the year we talked, chatted, found that we could help each other on our homework (whoot) and I'm always wondering if it'd be awkward to hang out with him in real life.

1) Because it feels weird asking someone to hang out over MSN. ~__~

2) His other friends (I don't know if it's a joke or not) keep teasing one of his close friends that he (the close friend) likes me. The close friend also invited me to the ball but I felt he was really distant to me most of the night; left me with a WTF feeling.

So, how in the world can I finally hang out with him in real life? Should I just wait until he asks me to hang (which could take a long time, or never, I guess)? But I have no idea how to do this with tact.

Grr. >_> I hate hate hate hate hate MSN. I would much prefer real life interaction. ;_;

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Guest fredinsac

1) Do guys really mean what they say?

Not the "I love you", or "You're beautiful" but when you say "I'm gonna go home and watch a porno with a girl that looks like you, then come to school and imagine what she does."

2) When do guys think it's a good time to feel some girl up?

In between classes, in class?

Thanks so much!

I don't know if I should take these questions seriously.....

1)Always true to some extent. If he said it then there prob is some pr0n chick that reminds him of you. Him actually telling you is a little creepy though.

2)We think it's good ALL THE TIME. Whenever we possibly can.

Hahaha, okay. I feel a bit embarassed elaborating on one of my situations, but here goes.

Sometime around August, I met this dude and he was so shy but somehow I left a good enough impression for him to add me on MSN. (*groan* I know MSN lmao. :P I hate MSN.) So during the year we talked, chatted, found that we could help each other on our homework (whoot) and I'm always wondering if it'd be awkward to hang out with him in real life.

1) Because it feels weird asking someone to hang out over MSN. ~__~

2) His other friends (I don't know if it's a joke or not) keep teasing one of his close friends that he (the close friend) likes me. The close friend also invited me to the ball but I felt he was really distant to me most of the night; left me with a WTF feeling.

So, how in the world can I finally hang out with him in real life? Should I just wait until he asks me to hang (which could take a long time, or never, I guess)? But I have no idea how to do this with tact.

Grr. >_> I hate hate hate hate hate MSN. I would much prefer real life interaction. ;_;

Well, you've answered your own question. If you prefer the real life interaction then stop with the MSNing and actually hang out together. Just ask him on MSN. I don't think he'll turn down the offer. I mean what's the worst that could happen? Him turn you down and you guys only chat on MSN? Haha...

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Guest em_vanilla

Hmmm. I might as well ask!

Does it mean anything if a guy keeps coming back to your group of friends?!

Let me elaborate:

So, I was sitting with my guy friend and his friend at a lunch table. It was an after school event from 6:30-9.

And so this other guy came to say hi to the guy that I just met. l glanced at him but I didn't say anything because I was eating and I didn't know him. I paid no attention to him.

So he left the table to get food and all. And ate it with other people and he came back and sat down next to the person across from me. I was sitting at the end of the table and, now, so was he. He just sat there and I don't really think he contributed to the conversation. maybe just a comment or two. And then he left again. And he did this multiple times.

And then when he sat down again, I finally looked at his face and I'm like "Oh...he's kinda cute." So I introduce myself to him when I get the chance and stuff. He was a great person to talk to. After that, he never really the group left until he had to go home. We exchanged numbers that night and I texted him first and he texted me if I had a Facebook so then he added me himself.

So. Was I the reason he kept coming back? Or was it because one of his friends was sitting at the table also?

And if I was the reason...does it mean that's he's interested or something along those lines? Because...I'm sort of interested too. XD

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1) Do guys really mean what they say?

Not the "I love you", or "You're beautiful" but when you say "I'm gonna go home and watch a porno with a girl that looks like you, then come to school and imagine what she does."

2) When do guys think it's a good time to feel some girl up?

In between classes, in class?

Thanks so much!

WTF. who says something like that?

A LOT of guys watch porn. A LOT. let's just keep it at that.

oh dear. i duno whether to take your posts seriously or laugh it off...

if you mean 2nd base, then it's whenever both parties feel comfortable.


Hahaha, okay. I feel a bit embarassed elaborating on one of my situations, but here goes.

1) Because it feels weird asking someone to hang out over MSN. ~__~

2) His other friends (I don't know if it's a joke or not) keep teasing one of his close friends that he (the close friend) likes me. The close friend also invited me to the ball but I felt he was really distant to me most of the night; left me with a WTF feeling.

So, how in the world can I finally hang out with him in real life? Should I just wait until he asks me to hang (which could take a long time, or never, I guess)? But I have no idea how to do this with tact.

Grr. >_> I hate hate hate hate hate MSN. I would much prefer real life interaction. ;_;

From a guy's perspective...

1) why? you're still talking to the person. o_O

2) some guys are shy.

if you want to hang out with him that badly, just ask him! I'm sure he won't bite.

So. Was I the reason he kept coming back? Or was it because one of his friends was sitting at the table also?

And if I was the reason...does it mean that's he's interested or something along those lines? Because...I'm sort of interested too. XD

not enough info to determine that. plus, it seems like you left out a lot in your story...

most likely the latter though.

if you're the reason, yeah. but from what you told me so far, it's too early to tell.

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Guest em_vanilla

not enough info to determine that. plus, it seems like you left out a lot in your story...

most likely the latter though.

if you're the reason, yeah. but from what you told me so far, it's too early to tell.

Ahh Right. Info like what? I just didn't want my post to seem super long. ><"

Let's see...we started making "funny" faces at each other from across the table like pouts and "blowfish" faces and whatever or he'd simply copy what I was doing. Or when he was standing he'd use my shoulder as his arm rest because he's 6ft and I'm...well short. Idk, I thought that was a bit odd since we just met minutes earlier and all. I don't expect people to be just touching me the first time we met unless it was a handshake. Haha... And he'd bend his knees to make himself shorter so that I could feel better about my height, I guess. That's just a friendly gesture, right? Because I wouldn't know...

And what do you mean by "most likely the latter" ? I'm so confused. @_@"

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MrPower, crappy22, : Thank you! Hahha, it's just that most of my guy friends think it's weird how I talk to them about pretty girls, though they know I'm straght (x

for a second there, i thought u were gonna say "MrPower, crappy advice." lol

yw. ;) I'm glad to see that I'm able to help out in some way D:

girls talk about a wide variety of topics... soo i think they'll understand

edit: Just realized, this is the 911 page XD

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Guest Dreamss

so, i've been having this issue with a guy. he is pretty confusing, so i want a guys opinion.

Well first off, he's a pretty quiet guy and all, but he's does talk to me and all.

we're basically in the same class, we talk quite a bit, and we text each other SOMETIMES.

and one of my friends that is friends with him told me that he thinks im 'cute'.

i'm possibly overthinking this, but sometimes when he texts me and and i text back, he never seems to reply.

and he's definately a nice guy to me and all, and playful. he acts a bit diifferently to me than to the others girl in class.

and i also just broke up with my ex last week, and he's been talking more and more to me since, but he hasn't made any like huge signs thats making me believe hes talking interest. and some of my friends says that maybe he's just giving it more time since its only been a week.. but he knows im completely over my ex. :/

SO, in a guys opinion, what do you think it means? and what other signs should i look out for?


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Guest illicitmercy

so, i've been having this issue with a guy. he is pretty confusing, so i want a guys opinion.

Well first off, he's a pretty quiet guy and all, but he's does talk to me and all.

we're basically in the same class, we talk quite a bit, and we text each other SOMETIMES.

and one of my friends that is friends with him told me that he thinks im 'cute'.

i'm possibly overthinking this, but sometimes when he texts me and and i text back, he never seems to reply.

and he's definately a nice guy to me and all, and playful. he acts a bit diifferently to me than to the others girl in class.

and i also just broke up with my ex last week, and he's been talking more and more to me since, but he hasn't made any like huge signs thats making me believe hes talking interest. and some of my friends says that maybe he's just giving it more time since its only been a week.. but he knows im completely over my ex. :/

SO, in a guys opinion, what do you think it means? and what other signs should i look out for?


Hm. Do you like him then? Cuz that sometimes matters when you overthink something or see things in that way. Anyway, I think that he has feelings for you, but not like crazy about you. Don't take the fact that guys don't reply when you text them so seriously. Guys are never really that serious about texting. But i think hes taking it slowly and you should just wait and see =). Keep your eyes peeled.

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Guest angel6794

okay so i have a boyfriend and he used to be best friends with his ex and when he knew that i had doubts on whether he liked me,he stopped talking to her.then after a few months,she messages him and tells him that she's really hurt that he'd choose me,his current girlfriend, over her,his "best friend". after that,he started talking to her again and they're hanging out now.

does he still like her? or is he only intending to be just friends?

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