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Guest Gofishus

So I was wondering what are some signs that a guy likes you? :P

Yeah, I know XD

If he has sex with you, that might be a sign.

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Guest dragonninja598000

but the thing is they're not dating

that's why he was mad at me in the first place

for not trusting him

"he's like if your my friend then u should've known that i wouldn't like her

can't believe u didn't trust me" >.<


Hmmm. well.. It sounds like they are, so i see where you might have gone wrong. I don't see how this has anything to do with trust. And honestly just because your someone's friend doesn't mean you know every single aspect of their life. I think he's just being a big dooche about all this. People just need to learn to forgive and forget easier, because people aren't perfect.

so i think my crush likes me back,

and he keeps randomly shaking my hand out of the blue, is it a sign?

No. A handshake is a handshake. He's probably just trying to be funny or something. There isn't a for sure formula for knowing if he likes you or not. General rule of thumb is that if he treats you differently from other girls probably means that he likes you.

If he has sex with you, that might be a sign.

This i have to disagree with. You don't have to like someone to have sex with them.

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Guest Mr. Chan

This i have to disagree with. You don't have to like someone to have sex with them.

I think the man was being sarcastic.

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There`s a guy that will always get into my space (bubble) at school. Yes, I have a bubble and he has popped it several times even when I tell him not to. He`ll do every little thing to annoy me and get my attention for some strange reason. I`ve only known since the summer because our friends hang out together a lot so we`re not close. I know for a fact that he doesn`t like me. He likes my best friend A LOT and asks about her ALL the time (; He`ll get up close to my face (an inch away) until I notice him and then ask me why I`m looking at him. I mean, like he`s obviously doing it on purpose to get my attention but he denies that he`s looking at me everytime. I always tell him how creepy it is when he does that and he doesn`t mind at all. Still, he keeps it up. Is he just messing with my head because he thinks it`s funny? It`s getting old and I`m tired of telling him to stop. I`m not a toy and I don`t like being played with. Sorry if this is long ^^;; Thanks much! (:


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Guest teelee

guys, would you find it suspicious if a new girl (new to the school) ask you to accompany her to homecoming?

i need a date to mine and since i dont know anyone well enough, i dont even have a group, and this will be my first and last chance (parents never allowed me to attend dances) to go to hc, so I really want to go, but I dont want people to take it the wrong way and things might get awkward.

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Guest dragonninja598000

I think the man was being sarcastic.

Obviously i couldn't tell.

There`s a guy that will always get into my space (bubble) at school. Yes, I have a bubble and he has popped it several times even when I tell him not to. He`ll do every little thing to annoy me and get my attention for some strange reason. I`ve only known since the summer because our friends hang out together a lot so we`re not close. I know for a fact that he doesn`t like me. He likes my best friend A LOT and asks about her ALL the time (; He`ll get up close to my face (an inch away) until I notice him and then ask me why I`m looking at him. I mean, like he`s obviously doing it on purpose to get my attention but he denies that he`s looking at me everytime. I always tell him how creepy it is when he does that and he doesn`t mind at all. Still, he keeps it up. Is he just messing with my head because he thinks it`s funny? It`s getting old and I`m tired of telling him to stop. I`m not a toy and I don`t like being played with. Sorry if this is long ^^;; Thanks much! (:


Yeah. he's just messing with you. Feel like this is an excuse to get physically closer to you tho. =P

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Guest dragonninja598000

guys, would you find it suspicious if a new girl (new to the school) ask you to accompany her to homecoming?

i need a date to mine and since i dont know anyone well enough, i dont even have a group, and this will be my first and last chance (parents never allowed me to attend dances) to go to hc, so I really want to go, but I dont want people to take it the wrong way and things might get awkward.

No. Just ask someone you think will be fun to go with. Just make sure that you state before that you want to go as friends or something. Why don't you save it for prom or something. =P Prom is like super important.

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Guest Mr. Chan

No. Just ask someone you think will be fun to go with. Just make sure that you state before that you want to go as friends or something. Why don't you save it for prom or something. =P Prom is like super important.

I'm not saying prom is unimportant. But to me it really isn't important one bit. Why is it that to girls, prom is such a big deal? I didn't go to mine, nor did I really care about it.

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Guest dragonninja598000

I'm not saying prom is unimportant. But to me it really isn't important one bit. Why is it that to girls, prom is such a big deal? I didn't go to mine, nor did I really care about it.

Well I mean it's different for everyone. For me it's more important just because the scale of it is much bigger than a normal dance. Not only that, but everyone gets hyped for it so you can't help but feed off that energy. Prom is usually a big deal for girl just because they get to dress up and stuff. It's really an excuse to buy a hella expensive dress and get pampered with all the stuff. Not to mention the media glamorizes prom for pretty much guys and girls. For my old high school, most of the normal dances sucked anyway because teachers were hella uptight about the dancing and conduct. At prom they cared a lot less than they would at a normal dance. That's pretty much why I went to prom. Most people only remember proms anyway it's one of those cultural things.

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Guest Amethist

1. Just go talk to him. You dont' have anything to lose in this situation. Worse he's gonna do is just walk away and be uninterested.

2. No. Just means your asking how he's doing.

3. Probably. Just change your status so that everyone can see that he's stalking you. AHHAH or just tell him up front.

4. ? Ok.... No it doesn't.

1) Really? Just talk to him. Also I find it creepy that you're standing next to him or near him at EVERY j-rock concert.

2) No.

3) If there is any form of stalking the person doing the stalking usually likes the person being stalked. There is no way to tell that person without hurting his feelings. Once they're at the point of stalking the only thing that won't hurt their feelings is if your reciprocate feelings.

4) Yeah, it would. What you shoulda said is,"Awww...you two are so cute together. I wish I had a boyfriend as good as you." See, it's all about how you word your words cause now since you're a twin he's having threesome fantasies. I know I would.

Whoa totally bypassed the twins part. whoops. Well yout right about the sexual fantasy part. I probably would be thinking the same thing.

Thanks for answering my questions you guys :)!

And lol ok I didn't stand next or near the guy all the time, but I have to the point where he knows my face I guess :P. About the stalker haha putting it in a status is a bit to mean, I guess I should shove him off then, make him clear I don't like him. And about my twin sister's boyfriend, omg I really hope he didn't XD. I guess I could have formulated my sentence differently indeed :mellow: ..

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Guest bishie_bashie

i cant think right now... so yeh =s

1. he always uses the reason: "because we're not together"... thats why..etcetc

does he refer to because i've moved somewhere further to him, or ...?

2. if you like a girl, how often would you text her? or do you expect her to text you?

3. so my ex has been talking to me lately, and he keeps telling me to bake for him (since i bake often) >_> arghh is this normal?

thanks guys!

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I've noticed that a lot of guys I know don't seem to ask for a girl's number unless they see them regularly... So what if you meet a girl at something that's not regular - what are the chances you'll ask for her number?

I've just been observing some of my guy friends, and it's interesting, really. They might be totally attracted to someone they met, like say, one day at the shops or at a seminar or something, and they have an awesome talk with each other, yet they won't have a means to contact her.

In my case, as well, if I find a guy totally attractive but it's at something irregular, I /do/ feel awkward saying, "So, what's your number?" But I have done it more times than those boys have. :P

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Guest fredinsac

:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((( that's mean. How can this face be anything near creepy. D:

Why lie? It's the face. If you were two notches cuter it'd be on like donkey kong.

i cant think right now... so yeh =s

1. he always uses the reason: "because we're not together"... thats why..etcetc

does he refer to because i've moved somewhere further to him, or ...?

2. if you like a girl, how often would you text her? or do you expect her to text you?

3. so my ex has been talking to me lately, and he keeps telling me to bake for him (since i bake often) >_> arghh is this normal?

thanks guys!

1)It's obvious. It's because you guys aren't together. All kidding aside, you need to elaborate more on the situation so we can answer this question better for you.

2) This depends on the guy. Some guys crazy text and some just don't. Most guys will text the girl a lot though unless he despises texting, which some guys do.

3) He might be missing you and is using your cookery skills as an excuse to spend time with him. Either that or he's just crazy hungry.

I've noticed that a lot of guys I know don't seem to ask for a girl's number unless they see them regularly... So what if you meet a girl at something that's not regular - what are the chances you'll ask for her number?

I've just been observing some of my guy friends, and it's interesting, really. They might be totally attracted to someone they met, like say, one day at the shops or at a seminar or something, and they have an awesome talk with each other, yet they won't have a means to contact her.

In my case, as well, if I find a guy totally attractive but it's at something irregular, I /do/ feel awkward saying, "So, what's your number?" But I have done it more times than those boys have. :P

It's because people usually take a couple of chance meetings before they actually become comfortable around each other. Granted some guys are pretty gung ho and will ask for a number the first time meeting but guys nowadays are usually a lot less daring. They like comfortability and asking for something as personal as a phone number on their first meeting is uncomfortable. But again, this depends entirely on the guy. If I like the girl enough and think that something will come out of it (not doin the monkey dance but a relationship) I will ask for her number the first time.

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Guest Mr. Chan

Well I mean it's different for everyone. For me it's more important just because the scale of it is much bigger than a normal dance. Not only that, but everyone gets hyped for it so you can't help but feed off that energy. Prom is usually a big deal for girl just because they get to dress up and stuff. It's really an excuse to buy a hella expensive dress and get pampered with all the stuff. Not to mention the media glamorizes prom for pretty much guys and girls. For my old high school, most of the normal dances sucked anyway because teachers were hella uptight about the dancing and conduct. At prom they cared a lot less than they would at a normal dance. That's pretty much why I went to prom. Most people only remember proms anyway it's one of those cultural things.

That's cool. I remember during prom night, me and a few other people went out drinking. At that time, it was way cooler than prom. Now that I look back on it, it wasn't all that great. lulz

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Why lie? It's the face. If you were two notches cuter it'd be on like donkey kong.

SIIGHHHHHH.. if only! =( Almost got some booty..by two notches.

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Guest Lenduro

SIIGHHHHHH.. if only! =( Almost got some booty..by two notches.

Girl, if ya be two notches cuter, dis hello kitty here be way below yo' standards. Then, you'd be able get Edward Norton's booty any tyme, dawg. ;)

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Guys, lets say a year and a bit has passed since your ex girlfriend ended it with you,

you've had a cooling off period for a few months before getting back into contact with her, you've had 2-3 girlfriends after her, would you still take this ex girlfriend out to dinner, remain in contact with her, and pay for her etc. be like a gentleman, despite her breaking it off in the past? what's going on here?

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Guest Mr. Chan

Guys, lets say a year and a bit has passed since your ex girlfriend ended it with you,

you've had a cooling off period for a few months before getting back into contact with her, you've had 2-3 girlfriends after her, would you still take this ex girlfriend out to dinner, remain in contact with her, and pay for her etc. be like a gentleman, despite her breaking it off in the past? what's going on here?

Depending on the circumstances, I probably wouldn't.

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