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Guest poopiness

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Guest Atmosphere.

rofllllllllllllllllllll you make the cutest comic! thanks for sharing!!

the "omg she fainted" and the "i will protect you" is soo cute!! i will be reading more of your comics after i post this!

i was gona sleep for a bit before i go out but omg your comic is too cute and funny!!XD

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Guest dragonjade

Hellooooo! I'm back! Well, I only missed one update, sorry about that. I've been banned from my computer!! Doesn't that suck!? I have to sneak on to even glance at my email, luckily I can access the internet with my phone and check my email. Hilarious updates as usual!!! You know what the comic of the girl with knife in her hand reminds me of? Well here's a story of mine:

I was going to Korean school to improve my Korean which my mom thinks is very bad. So, I make a couple of friends. This one girl is a little bit weird and waaaay too hyper, but I'm friends with her anyway. So one day it was snack time and everyone had left except me and her. For some reason, I do not know why, there was a butcher knife on top of this storage thingymabobber. She grabbed it and decided to chase me around the room pretending she was going to stab me with it. Now, in this situation, I of course screamed and then stopped screaming to save energy to run around the room from this crazy girl. Luckily she put it back and sat down. Thank God for that.

I love the other comics!!!! They're very cute and witty! Old jokes are the best because everyone knows them and it kind of creates a nice atmosphere. The one with the girl with the sack on her head reminds me of the Phantom of the Opera where the phantom dude, when he was younger had a sack on his head too, except he was uglier than the girl. '

A page!? Well, that was a joke, but seriously there is a character limit to these posts. A page is soooo long, it would take me an hour.... I'll try my best.

Well, you know how you write poems? Well, I'm a poet too. Here goes:


open your eyes

to an unparalled world

where thoughts hide like people

and love is a girl.

where emotions are naked

and pushed back away

and men are the thoughts

that keep them at bay.

where beating is common

and streets are bare cold

filled with the thoughts

of the young and the old.

where thoughts rue emotions

and emotions rue thoughts

in a war that never

ends or starts.

where words are vituperative

and burn like hell

and scorch the thoughts

that scream and yell.

where black hearts beat and pulse with evil

a sinister place of thoughts of bad people

and this is where the thoughts have to stay

and hide like the people of your heart today.


Why do I cry,

When all is over?

I can stop.



Do I cry?


Do I carry on?

Is it just me?

Is it just you?

Is it just the sky,

That is sharing it's copious tears?

Is it just the night with its dark visage,

That darkens our mood?

Or is it just my heart,

That is broken,

Lying on the ground,

That is sinking,

Beyond my reach,

Or anyone else's.....

I cry.


Because I can.


Two knocks on the door,

Two soldiers that she’s never seen before,

She hopes its good news not the bad,

But before they’re finished she’s roaring mad.

How could you let him die?

Did you just stand and watch by?

She lies down in bed,

Hoping in the morning,

He’ll wake up from the dead.

But he won’t,

He never will,

This time he took an everlasting sleeping pill.

How could you, how could you!

She screams, but to no avail,

She knows she’s going to be wearing that odious black veil,

To hid her face while she cries,

To watch the mourners,

Come passing by.

She knows she’s going to get,

A pat on the back,

A few sincere words,

She wants to attack,

Tell them he never died,

That he’s just standing by,

Watching and laughing,

Not believing they fell,

For a simple child’s trick,

But she’s sick,

So she holds back the anger,

Watching every stranger,

Making sure they don’t disrespect,

The honorable soldier,

That was laid down to rest.

She finally understands,

That he’ll never wake up,

She’ll never be able,

To give him his morning cup,

To watch him eat breakfast,

And laugh while he eats,

To watch him make phone calls,

To get front row seats,

To make sure his girlfriend,

Doesn’t play tricks,

And to make sure he doesn’t,

Hit people for kicks.

So she lays down the veil,

She’s been wearing so far,

And greet all the mourners,

As they leave for their cars,

And to say one last goodbye,

To her only dead son,

Whispering so no one can hear her,

I love you, my son.

Hope you enjoyed that!

Oh! I need more, it's not a page yet, here's a story I wrote for health a long time ago:

A Day in the Life of a Healthy Rowan and an Often Sick Gwen

Rowan sat in the dying rays of the sun as he watched the sunset. It was a cool night in Washington and the wind blew through the pine trees bringing a tangy scent all around. As he got up he noticed a wild animal watching him with suspicious eyes in the pine trees. Rowan stepped carefully around the trees and unto the trail. It then came out and faced him. It was a stray dog that seemed to have lost its way back to its owner. Instead of taking it home he called animal control and waited. (Possibility of Rabies) After animal control had detained the dog he then headed home.

"Rowan, you’re late again!" whined his little sister Gwen. She was sitting down on the family room carpet playing with her Barbies. "I was busy, Gwen. I'll make you dinner so stop whining."

Rowan went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. He headed to the sink to wash his hands. (Flu to Other People or Other Viruses) As he did he pondered about what had happened earlier in the day. He was walking down to the grocery store to buy groceries when he noticed a woman beckoning to him. Rowan ignored the woman and kept on walking, faster and faster. The woman then walked over to him and said: "Hey boy, you wanna come to my house?" Rowan turned around and said with the coldest voice that he had: "No." (Abstinence: Not Getting Sexually Transmitted Diseases) He then went into the grocery and proceeded to start his shopping.

Rowan's trail of thoughts broke as he heard is sister screaming for him. 'What is it this time?!' He thought as he headed for the family room slightly angry. "Rowan! When is dinner going to be ready!!!" screamed Gwen. "I'm hungry so hurry up!" Rowan stomped back to the kitchen and started to prepare their dinner: chicken soup. He took the chicken meat he had bought earlier and started to cook it. He made sure it was thoroughly cooked so that they didn't have an incident like last time. (Tapeworms) His sister had gotten tapeworms in her stomach and he had to pay a lot of money to have her surgery.

As he finished the chicken soup he yelled: "Dinner time!" Then in response his sister screamed: "Geez! Finally!" Rowan shook his head and thought: 'Great.. I go through all this to make soup and she screams at me?' As they finished their dinner Gwen asked for dessert. “Can we eat Twinkies for dessert?” pleaded Gwen. She had those puppy eyes you detested, yet loved at the same time. But Rowan remembered his promise to Mom and firmly said: “No.” (Possible Coronary Heart Disease in the Future) His mom had reminded him not to give her any fatty or oily stuff so she wouldn’t get bad eating habits. Then she wouldn’t have coronary heart disease when she got older.

Then she started the waterworks and the intensely high screaming. “I WANT TWINKIES! I WANT TWINKIES!” His sister seemed to reach beyond normal human decibels of sound. He clapped his hands on his ears and walked out going up the stairs 2 at a time to reach his room. As he lied in his bed he thought about what he would do tomorrow. He decided to take Gwen to the beach because he felt bad about the recent Twinkie incident. He got up out of bed and walked back downstairs to his sister who was still screaming, but at a normal screaming volume.

“Gwen, Gwen, GWEN!” Rowan yelled at the last possible moment to catch Gwen’s attention who was still busy screaming her head off. She slowly turned around and silence filled the air for a precious moment. Then she screamed again: “I WANT TWINKIES YOU IDIOT!”





“BECAUSE MOM SAID SO!” Rowan instantly regretted saying it. He looked at Gwen who had started crying softly and had ended her Twinkie tantrum. “I’m sorry I said that Gwen,” Rowan said softly. “How about this, I’ll take you to the beach tomorrow for the whole day and we can have fun. Maybe we’ll eat Twinkies.” Gwen’s eyes lit brightly at the suggestion. She instantly stopped crying and started to jump around. “TWINKIES! TWINKIES! TWINKIES!” Rowan smiled and guided her up the stairs.

“Time to sleep Gwen,” said Rowan as he half dragged, half walked her up the stairs. He went to the bathroom and made sure she brushed her teeth. (Prevents Tooth Decay) He smiled at the thought of his parents saying to Gwen every night: “Brush well, and the better they sell.” Gwen always loved the stories about the tooth fairy and was extremely delighted to find a $10 dollar bill under her pillow instead of her tooth.

Rowan then took Gwen to bed and made sure she was comfortable. “Ro-ro?” Gwen always had called Rowan Ro-ro before bedtime ever since he could remember. “Yeah Gwen?” “Could you read me a bedtime story?” Rowan sighed and said: “I guess I could.” He picked up a nearby book and opened it to the middle. “All right, our story for today is about Princess Guinevere and her trusty knight Rowan.” Gwen giggled slightly as she thought about herself being a princess. Rowan started his story. A story about himself and Gwen.

A very long time ago, there was a happy family. King Lance and Queen Sora ruled the kingdom while their two children played happily on the grounds with each other. They were Princess Guinevere and Knight Rowan. They all lived in the kingdom of Washingtonia along with all its inhabitants. Then one cruel day an assassin who hated King Lance and Queen Sora with a black evil heart came to the kingdom to kill them. He had a fearsome weapon that shooted circles of fire that pierced the King and Queen’s hearts. Then they were dead. The knights all over the kingdom arrested the assassin and the two children escaped and lived alone for the rest of their lives.

By the time Rowan had finished his story Gwen had fallen asleep. A single tear rolled down her cheek. It fell like a raindrop unto Rowan’s hand. “I’m sorry,” said Rowan. “I’m so sorry.” He left, but not before a tear fell down his cheek too. It dropped unto Gwen’s tear and they both washed away. A sign of best to be forgotten memories.

“Yay! It’s so sunny outside!” Gwen seemed to be in the best of moods as she walked along the hot searing sand of the beach. People were yelling and screaming as they walked back and forth in the small cold waves that lapped up at the beach. “Hey! Gwen! Wait! You need to put on sun block,” yelled Rowan. He rubbed sun block all over Gwen and then let her go play. (Skin Cancer)

As he finished putting sun block on himself he noticed a pair of rough looking guys who were smoking head towards him. “Hey you! You want a cigarette? You look a little down in the dumps,” said one of the guys. “Nah, I’m fine,” said Rowan nervously, hoping that they wouldn’t start picking on him. (Emphysema) “All right, but your missing out!” said the other guy over his shoulder as the 2 guys walked away searching for another victim. Rowan sighed with relief and then turned his head to Gwen who was playing with another girl her age.

“Rowan, Rowan, Rowan! Did you see that turtle! I got to touch it!” Gwen was still jumping with excitement as they reached their house. “It was so cool! Then there was this gigantic crab, but it pinched me.” Rowan imagined what happened next. “So… um… what did you do with it?” “I flung it out to the sea, but it hit these rocks and it smashed.” Then she added with a nasty smile: “It was so cool.” Rowan shook his head in disgust and opened the door.

The sun shone coldly through the windows. Rowan woke up rubbing his eyes. He sluggishly walked over to his window and opened up the curtains. “Aagh..” The bright sun blinded him as he blinked repeatedly to see. “Whoa…..” Rowan was in awe as he saw what had happened overnight. The whole ground was covered in pure white snow. As he was enjoying the new scenery he heard a big scream and then another scream saying: “Rowan! There’s snow outside!”

Gwen begged him over and over again to play with her outside. Finally, he gave up and decided to go outside with her. “Hey, hey, hey! You can’t go outside till’ you’ve dressed warmly. Don’t’ want to be catching hypothermia or something like that,” said Rowan as he dressed up Gwen. (Hypothermia) They finally got dressed up and headed outside.

It was cold and the sun was shining brightly. Rowan slightly shivered as he trudged across the backyard to the rolling hills that faced them. He dragged the sled that Gwen was sitting on to the biggest hill they had. The rest of the day they slid down the hill over and over till’ they were tired out. They headed back to the house for a warm cup of hot chocolate and retired for the day.

As Rowan slept a chicken who had somehow gotten from their neighbor’s farm sat upon him. He woke up sneezing as feathers flew all around him. “What the heck! Get off of me!” Rowan swept his hand back and forth near the chicken as it flapped around on his bed. He heard a series of thumps before Gwen came flying into his room. “Oh my gosh…. There’s a chicken!”

Rowan managed to get a hold of the chicken and held it away from him. (If Bitten, Possibility of Bird Flu) He let it outside and finally went back to bed. “Oh…what a day.,” he said softly. He couldn’t fall asleep so he was about to head downstairs when he heard crying. Gwen was sniffling in her sleep when he reached her room. Rowan knew why. They had been living by themselves with no parents for 2 years now and Gwen needed someone to look up to. They also needed support. He didn’t know how long they could keep on living like this. So Rowan made the most important decision of his life.

“Oh Rowan and little Gwen! So you’ve finally decided to live with us!” Aunt Maria smiled warmly and ushered them in. “I knew you couldn’t be living like a hermit for too long and plus, you wouldn’t be able to afford little Gwen’s Twinkies.” Rowan laughed and so did Gwen.

‘I guess it won’t be so bad here after all,’ thought Rowan. ‘I guess it’s time to move on, but I’ll always remember Mom and Dad. No matter where I go, I’ll always remember.’ With that Rowan and Gwen walked through to another life hand in hand. A new beginning, a new family. A new life.

Darn! It's not a page yet!!!! Does this count as a page??? It's super looooong!~ Graaaaah! I give up. Enjoy my writing though~


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Guest hyukiemylove

that last one is flippin killer.

its soooo funny.and the first one is very interesting.

though i doubt women can be TOO vicious with communication. ;P

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Guest asdf.BLAHH

nice comic strips,

makes me wanna get a boyfriend so i can just slap him until he cries to his mommy. :rolleyes:

i'm taking one, okay? o k. (:

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Guest poopiness

xblush: WOW!! You waited 2 WEEKS to return to edit your post?! You are such a jerk!! UGH!!

viet13aby90: JESUS!! You don't even know how much I love your reply. UGH!! I love that you compliment individual ones! UGH! <3 to the max! Oh and don't worry about the story. I just wrote some random stuff so that you wouldn't notice that I didn't give you a reason for not updating hahaha.

eternal.happiness: I will consider that! Look forward to another bonus update in the near future ;D

lo0say: Nope definitely not japanese. And I'm not a halfie I'm a fullie.

random azn: wow really? I ROCK!! ;]

indefinable: Ahaha the story was just to distract you ;]. Awwww that's so cool! well you can count on me when you're sad! I have extra soft tissues!

Ll 7l: yep that's where I took the "no pass back" thing from. Oh those were the days....

luckione: No problem you rock! Ugly pigeon? AHAHHAHA. I don't get it.

PUMPK1N.: yea i did consider a website once, and then I looked at my piggy bank, and he said "eff you! what do you think I'm made of money?", and so there are no website.

eunhyung: I listen. Sometimes. Well to the important stuff. Like... "Dinner's ready!"

lilchan: that's fine with me!! ;D

évasion: THANKS! ahaha I usually like to make my comic strips short and simple.

jen: Oregon? Like oregon trail oregon? I heard it rains a lot there, very depressing, come back to cali where the sun is always shining, and everyone is hot, white and rich!

aznbluegurl916: yes and yes! Thanks for asking!

HANAo1: the last mirror he had broke, and so he doesn't look in the mirror anymore T__T

Molar: You are the most awesome human being ever!!

eru.pop: yea a lot of people actually thought I was a girl at first, and that's why I started posting my picture...that and I love myself too much.

bORicha.: You smell poo? it wasn't me, but you should check your underpants! I can't believe you would go in your underpants, you are so grosss!!

pinkmarker: ahhaa yea he does, at first I was going to give him a straw hat too, but I decided against it.

( BEAUTIFUL; life ): but if you ignore my PM then I'd be sad, and then we'd both be sad, and then everyone will be sad, and then the earth will be sad T__T.

i_LiNA: ahaha why is my initial ironic? Yea... I spent too much time infront of the computer, my eyes have gotten dramatically worse over the year...

katamari: she could be a model. I mean a lot of the top super model I've seen are crazy ugly.

BBY_G;: well I think its about time you see all of them ;D

ANN.esthetic: come on don't be a party pooper, just laugh anyways ;D

- - -Rain: Seriously their clothes are so badass, I should be a designer.


Jennifer: Wowza! I suck! T__T

Poopiness: I smell... AWESOME!!

My real name? ahhaha entice me!

BU_RP: ahaha I'm surprised you liked that one best, it's usually the least liked.

BabyK: PM list? No sorry, VIPs only. I said no. Okay fine.

fly away.: AHAHAH I love it when people tell me that. It makes my day ;D

conscience: ahaha I checked for a stab wound, meaning yes the girl did stab me.

Kumikox3: all of them? you're such a liar, you haven't seen the ones on this update ;D

Mae!: ahahah it took me 10 days to figure out that choree = sorry. I'm actually so scared of you stabbing me in the face that I actually posted a picture.

SsUaSmAmNy: don't sleep! read the comics! You can do it! FIGHTING! ;D

dragonjade: ahahahahah your friend is hardcore!! If someone chased me around with a knife, I'd fake death and then when they're not looking call the cops on their richard simmons! It's not a page, but I'll let you slide this time! just this time ;D

untouched.hart: Yea I'm like the horse whisperer, only I don't whisper, I talk, and not to horses but to girls.

overly_obsessed: Wow I should've known you were a gold digger! UGH! I'm never signing the divorce paper, we're bound FOREVER!!

hyukiemyloveb]: women can be pretty vicious, trust me, my sisters tore her bfs apart.

x_LuvAlwayz: wow what a coincidence because I'm single ;D

yelhsagnay: ahahaha you're so mean!!


If I forgot to reply to you, sorry!! :D




- Okay so I was in Korea filming for the show High Five for a week and a half, and the rest of the time was spent traveling back and forth so srorry I didn't have time T__T. I however did make a few new strips, they're just on paper and not in my computer. Oh and if you haven't noticed, that was all BS.


- Wow you are so hard to please!


- wow you need to calm down!! She's SoHee. She's a member of a girl group called "wonder girls" . I'm a BIG fan of hers.




Here's a picture I drew of Sohee yesterday. Don't know who that is? refer to the FAQ above.

BONUS 2: Picture!!


^ I was thinking about my next comic ;D. This was taken a month or 2 ago, my hair is longer now.



EDIT: wow i realized I didn't even change the comment for this one. Okay comment: This is part 2, you kinda have to see part 1 to get it.


ANNOUNCEMENT: OKAY so I updated the PM list. Check to see if it's correct :D


1. mermaid

2. random azn

3. bORicha.

4. katamari

5. untouched.hart

6. jen

7. lo0say

8. -JAYee_o4

9. anniieeboo

10. juhjenn

11. ichikawaii

12. conscience

13. lov3.y0u

14. viet13aby90

15. alena_thao

16. xblush

17. hyukiemylove

18. Little Miss Snackwrap

19. dragonjade

20. lilmelon213

21. sueyun x3 minwoo

22. Mae!

23. lilchan

24. j1youngxj3

25. bbasya

26. ladee_bug

27. sachiko_x

28. indefinable

29. wOrtHwHiL

30. eunhyung

31. pinkmarker

32. HANAo1

33. c a t h e r s

34. eternal.happiness


36. phear.

37. Ll 7l

38. smiless

39. ( BEAUTIFUL; life )

40. itz_n_obsession

41. Elee

42. vietgal

43. peanuts

44. BabyK

45. aznbluegurl916

46. Molar

If you want to be on the PM list, just tell me :D

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Guest hiswendy

FIRST m,.sanhdkcj;ldfj ldfk



AWW Mann, that`s a great drawing! D= I`m not too familiar with her so I can`t really say much but garr *mouth foams* That`s awesommmmee! Garr, you're too talented! Gimmme some of your skills pleeease? *puppy eyes* Lol, I really can`t do the puppy eyes thing. Hahaha Rofl, why cover half your face? x) Nice picture. Ohhh mann, lol the third one made me giggle. Kinda mean but xD `tis funny! Yay you! Thanks for the pm!

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BRB`s to edit :D whoot seconddd?

haha & i have sexier hair than you ^_~

lmao jk. yours might be longer than mine.

JK on that too =D


OKEE`s I`m backkkk! :P jeez, thats a nice sohee picture B)

hope she is well! ANYWAY, the comic is funny... hahaha. frckn

he`s so meannn. she probably know she`s ugly already :unsure:

LOL.. anyway, entice you?? shoot, if i do that... i`ll know your name in a second! LMFAO

anyway, update soon poopy head `cuz i`m awesome B)

DUDE, is that your name on SoHee`s picture? LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO. haha

i know your name now. except, WRITE NEATER! lol JUST KIDDINGS

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lololol. x)

thats mean haha. :P

but woow thats a realy good drawing.

and i miss your new comic strips. :[

altho your old ones are good too. hehe.

maybe you'll make a new one next time? x)

and i really like your hair in the picture. haha

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bORicha.: You smell poo? it wasn't me, but you should check your underpants! I can't believe you would go in your underpants, you are so grosss!!

?!?!?! i did not poo in my pants! i'm young but not that young. <_<

i must say, i am offended, mr. poopiness. apologize! D< lolll jk

but yeah. i'm not gross. T__T

dang, you're good at drawing realistic pictures too!

you should do more of those and post them as special bonuses in your posts. (:

anyway, thanks for the PM and.. update soon.?

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Guest BabyK

DAYUM!!!!! Your drawing skills are HECKO pro O___O like.... OMFG!!! *dies*

VIPS only? Ah! I see how it is! *kicks poopiness* XD JKJKJK!!!

The ugly comic strip is hecka mess but hella funny LMAO!

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Guest hyukiemylove

does that mean he just suffocated her? o.O


okay sorry if im fangirling but you just look so cute. and i love your hair. ;P

and the drawing of sohee is so pro. it really looks like her.

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Guest xblush

AHAHAH... stop kiddding.. I'm not a jerk!

I was kinda busy too you know? I mean..

your not the only one who has to film

in Korea! I've been jumping all over the

place and barely have time for anything!

So consider yourself lucky I actually

remember to come back and leave you an

edit.. with a busy packed schedule! :phew:



update soooon pooopie. ^^

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Guest viet13aby90

Ahhhhhhh. An update ^_^

I'm so late though.

I just got back from playing badminton :)

Will be right back to edit. Teehee.


Okay, so I'm an idiot.

I accidentally replied on another post. Haha.

Click --> x <-- for Yvonne's reply. Teehee.


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