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I - J U S T - W A N T - T O - M A K E - Y O U - S M I L E

Guest poopiness

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ahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahahah !

lol. i bursted out laughing for the first one...

i don't know why O_O oh wait! I DO know

why! That's what I always say too! lmao. But

I don't actually pull out a knife and kill someone!

If I did, I wouldn't be sitting around here typing

to you camera wh.ore! lol :D

Anyway. Guys that don't listen = BAD BOYS.

Haha. Anyway, lovely script! It makes up for

how long you took to update. FAIR ENOUGH?

lol [: and be quite, you're MR . POOPY. you

poop head. LOL. just kidding [: WOW!

I realized that your PM LIST got so frickkn

long. POOR YOU! :[ But that happened to me

for my fanfic in the 'fanfix' section. Got so

tired of it ... so I decided to not make a PM

list anymore.. don't you get tired?! lol. Or

you have someone to help you?! LUCKY butt.

lol [if you did that is .... ] haha. I'm so bored..

that's why I'm typing you this really long

comment. Feel special, please, poop head.


- Why are you so mean to me?

^ WOW .. that was funny. I barely read it now.... haha.

But don't worry, of course you're not ^^

Okay, until next update... & hopefully...

the next time you post won't be long...

so I won't have to go back to my old post

& check what I typed.. since I don't know

what you are replying about O.O haha.

TAKE CARES --- poop head = boo

jennifer = YAY!



^ OMG . it's like a MYSPACE comment almost o.o

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Guest j1youngxj3

puhhaahhaha the flying squirrel one is so cuteeee!!

hey..hey...that's what the boy gets for not listening! ahahahha =]]]

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Guest ladee_bug

ladee_bug: ahaha seriously, if you are pregnant with your teacher's baby, I think we would have to break up. I don't think I can support another man's baby.


This update is dedicated to xblush and ladee_bug. Awwww, I was really touched when you wrote 2 replies to tell me to update. LOVE!!!


A post dedicated to me!!! and to, xblush!!!!

AWW mr. poopiness XD XD XD you're so nice =D

BUT BAD!! BAD BAD BAD for being lazy and not updating LOL


It's been a week since our exams. and non, I am not pregnant!

Atleast I don't think I am. I haven't been gaining weight... or have I? *becomes a couch potato* =O

o_o another man's baby? How many children do you have?

You are now considered as a cheater :mellow:

lol I'm kidding


I LOVE the comics lol Especially #2!!!!!!!

made me laugh again ahahah =D

Update soon poopiness XD

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bORicha.: ahaha don't lie! I know if given the chance, you'd totally jump kick me in the face, and then take my flowers!!

aww come on. i'm not that mean.

i'd atleast put one flower in your hair then run off. ;DD LOL

i love the girl with knife thing. hahaha poor guy. =P

and in the third comic, is the guy touching the girls BOOB?! O: oh, the violation.

that would earn a guy a nice slap in the face and kick in the ballllls. lolll



- Well... I was mostly lazy AHUAHUAHAUAH. ;D. Plus I was getting too comfortable with summer. And you know what they say, distance brings people closer together. So I hope this brought us closer ;D

oh, man, you are corny. :P

update soon! =D

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Guest eunhyung

unfortunate but thats what happens when a guy doesn't listen....warning to you all >.>

pwahaha flying squirrel?????

thanks for the pm ;]

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Guest ANG.7BD

anniieeboo: so typical, you like the "rejecting" one. You probably reject boys like this don't you? so mean!

wahhh!! hahah...No! i dont reject guys like that..

thought it would be fun to trie that for onces..hahah


i love ur first comic

thats wat he gets for not listening to her when shes' talking to him......

thanks for the pm!

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Guest hiswendy

*thumbs up* I prefer bittersweet, actually.

The STRIPS! xD Oh em eff gee like whoaaa. haha

The first one was... haha omfg I actually FEEL like that when someone doesn't listen to me. xD But that's because I'm "vicious"? Ehehe ^^; Eek the second one made me giggle. xD Haha flying squirrels to the rescue! =D The third one... hold on, I forgot. Brb lol

ok I'm back. It was the cold feet one!

hahaha xD Wait, lol the furry shoes were supposed to be on the girl, right? >_O OH WELL. What do I know x) You're the artist. Hahaha WHAAA GROPEY MC GROPE! *slap* NAUGHTY!

That's all. Update soon! =) And thank you for the pm!

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Guest hyukiemylove


it's so funny.

its like the definition of all my guyfriends.





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conscience: I should be asking you that! Why ARE the girls so mean?

and you can't flatten my house, my mom would kill me, and then kill you.


oh i shan't do it personally then. haha

and good job !!

i like the pick-up line one. LOL

nice for the first time the girl responded. haha.. but the guy had a sad ending. oh btw are you treated like that?

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jen: ahaha America where? Oh and I had an abortion, I talked with my professor, and we're not ready to keep the baby.

i'm from Oregon. where are you from? wow you had a abortion? O_O lol did it hurt? aww....

btw i love your new work. keep them coming, makes me smile each time. =)

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I loved that first one~ it's too cute O_O

actually too funny!! Just a little better?


............... yeah~ can't talk much....

really have to go! UPDATE THOUGH!!!

thanks for the pm ^_^


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sadly too many times.....

But anyways, I love all of them. Hahaha. I agree with the first script.

You can read us really well. That's exactly what us girls mean!

The flying squirrel is an awesome one, though what are the chances it will happen?

I love the last one too, the cold feet one. I swear how do you come up with these scripts?

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Guest ( BEAUTIFUL; life )

i'm so sad :X i never realized you only post three at a time? or last time did you post more =_=x maybe its because i got to like... all of them in one sitting that's why there were so many :x POST LOTS INSTEAD OF THREE! lol :( its okay if you post more than 2 old ones! T_T<19 i mean :x

i really like both versions of your comic. like when they're not stick people and when they're stick people. the non stick ones they're so cute T_T<19 yet the stick people ones their expression (even if it's SO simple) makes me laugh so much ><"

ahh i was like I'M ON THE PM LIST! YET I DIDN'T GET A PM >>;; but i did, it's just that my pm inbox was full so i didn't realize :x

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