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I - J U S T - W A N T - T O - M A K E - Y O U - S M I L E

Guest poopiness

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Guest ichikawaii

ichikawaii: So you fainted eh? ;D Don't worry, I KNOW CPR ;D!!


well your to late i fainted and like.. 3 hours later i woke up

yes you made me faint that long


awww poor guy T__T


ahah XD



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jen: ahaha, if you come to America, that's what you would hear, all the time.

lol you're funny, i AM from America. woooohoooo you updated =P that IS the worst way to get rejected =( so sad lol. i love your thread. i hope you're not really pregnant with your professor's baby ;) and i hope you did well with your finals =) please update again when you can.

- jen

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Guest hiswendy

-JAYee_o4: I am more happy because of your existence ;D
Whooo, a sweet talker..?! x) Rofl

AWW, omg! The getting rejected one was funny! Rofl POOR BOY.

"I wanted you for Christmas"? Awww <33 Too bad.

The wallpaper was too cute! The bf's drooling over the girl haha

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Guest katamari


There seem to be a lot of horrible ways to get rejected. I SHOULD TRY THIS ONE. LOL


And no candles/petals/music/GIRL. =)

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Guest hyukiemylove

hyukiemylove: oh it wasn't a phase, he kept those videos because he was still using them ;D




i love the first one.

it is freakishly adorable.


i dont get your last one though.

that wasian guy was so much cooler no offnese to your friend though. [;

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Guest HANAo1

...eh?! i didnt say that i rejected boys, the girls in yur comics do!

yur confusing T-T

and.........wha?! your a woman? how could yu be pregnant?!



and thats sad. the little girlie kicked the guy for the flowers -__-

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Guest pinkmarker

pinkmarker: well how did you respond to that line ;D?

like the girl in the comic, i walked away after giving him a 'omg, how cheesy' look. lol.

i like your 1st one too but its sad. XD

hey i noticed something: it didn't have the 'TV' thingee on the bottom!

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Guest crystallizedtear

Aww these are all sooo cute. :3 squeeeeeee. lol! when will the girl and the guy ever get together T___T

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Guest dragonjade

dragonjade: UGH!! You can't do that! You must write more, my self esteems depends on it. T__T SAVE ME!!

BWAHAHAHAHA! I thought you had a lot of self-esteem. :rolleyes: (maybe not..coughcough) (I wrote two paragraphs this time, I should try for a whole page one day...) So another comic on the worst way to get rejected, nice.... I've never asked this, but do you base these comics on your own personal experiences? (BWHAHAHAA...I can imagine you getting kicked in the head.. :lol: ) Poor guy, he's just wants to give the flowers. Why does the girl fly kick him in the head??!! Why can't she just go get some flowers at some grocery store.. :( Hmm..maybe they were too expensive for her too buy...

YAY! THE HAMSTER COUPLE IS BACK!! I thought I would never see them again. I call them the hamster couple because of the first one you made of them. The dude had a frying pan on his head and was protecting the girl from the CUTEST HAMSTER! Awww..but it's so sweet "But I wanted you for Christmas..." You should make one where the guy attempts to kiss the girl under some..whatchamacallit..darn it! I forget what it's called...OH YEAH! Mistletoe...that's it!

Hope you update soon! Have a great day!~

bye~ :D

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juhjenn: ahaha what script are you talking about? UGH!! I can so pull of mysterious, just you wait, one day I'll show you a picture of just my hands, how is that for mysterious? AUAHUAHAU ;D

The script about you and your professor -_-" aha. You're lying! lmao. Anyway, you CAN'T pull off mysterious. haha. Does this wants to make you want to take a picture of yourself even more? LMAO! Camera whoree! Haha. JUST KIDDING [: You never told me your name, boo you! lmao. Mine is Jennifer =D So you can just call me Jennifer. lmfao. I'll call you POOP for now [: How does that sound? lol. I'm oh-so-joking. Anyway, I like the one where the girl kicked his face. ;D People say it's sad, but I think it's pretty unique... you see, not many people do that. so go GIRL! lmao. OK, until next one. Bye, poopy!

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Guest ANG.7BD

anniieeboo: ahaha a softer side? I didn't know I had a rough side ;D


haha..man! stop teasing me..

haha..you get what i mean..lol


i like the rejecting one!!

WHOOT!! **high 5**


that is the bet wayy to reject a guy..


once again you've made me smile...darn you!

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Guest smiless

Ohhh my gosh. I love coming back to this thread to check out your updates. These are seriously the best comics ever. I love them.

Okay so two questions..

1. do you mind if we use some of your comics as long as we credit them?

2. can you add me to your PM list.. pretty please? :]

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Guest eunhyung

eunhyung: OH HELLS YES!! Well then, hello there ;D

lmao XD

and that is the worst way to get rejected, lol. thanks a bunch for the pm!

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Guest Ll 7l

I've seen your comics/been in your comic thread twice now, and each time they really do put a smile on my face. :D They're all really cute and have great humor in them. By the way, can I be added to the PM list? :D

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aah sorry for the late reply. =)

HAHA i love the first one!

dang. your comics make girls look so cruel. T__T

hahahah what the heck? licorice whip? :P yum.

wow. college. so much older than me. ._. lol

thanks for the pm<3

post soon!

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Guest ( BEAUTIFUL; life )

aw your comics are so cute i love them :X i'm still ... reading all of them but i had to say this one made me laugh ahaha <191919




^ ROFL AHAH LOOK HOW THEY'RE LAUGHING OMG :X thats SO cute like T_T how the blue guy looks in the third panal(sp?) omg :x i dont know why but thats so cute


lol look at her face at the end shes just smiling aw :x i love this T_T

I LOVE THESE THEY'RE SO FREAKING CUTE. okay i need to read the other updates :x




aw thats so sad :( but aw T_T<19


seriously. i love the characters expressions T_T<19 and like how her laughter is dying off aw thats so ..augh i love it :x




aw thats cute <19

lovelyyyyyyyyyyyyy i love them all >DDD

can i be on pm list ! if you're still .. adding? <19

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Guest kissmaiazz89

hey this is my first time here on this thread but dropped in to say hi n that your comics and your quirky comments make me smile!^^ i hope you make more soon!~~

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