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Guest poopiness

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Guest mermaid

YAY!! I'm Finally BACK!!

Oh mang, midterms owned me pretty hard. My professor humped me in the butt. I think I might be pregnant T_T.

ur cheating on me ?! O__O'

yea whatever..blame the professor >__>; you thought i wouldnt find out huh!


mermaid: Let's roll play, you be the carrot, I'll be the bunny ;D

I dont wanna be a carrot.. U can be a carrot.

please let me take control :vicx:



ps. add me to PM list!

i wanna be on top!! i mean..first one in line? :D


and i own page 17!

im sooo awesome! =o

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Guest j1youngxj3

OH MY GOSH...THESE ARE SO FUNNY AND CUTEEE~~i wanna be on the pm list too please =]]] the last one is hilarious...kinda feel bad for the guy though...>_<;;

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Guest bbasya

0_o i missed an update! (stupid school. :crazy:)

bbasya: the bigger the heart, the easier it is to break. sad.gif

true that but the bigger your heart, the more love you can get. hehe. ^_^

the first one is just hilarious! lmao! :lol:

good one! *still laughing*

awww. poor guy on the last one. :(

girls can be mean sometimes.

btw, i wanna be on the pm list too! ^^

thanks for making me smile again.

ok, gotta go back to writing my term paper. ugh!

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Little Miss Snackwrap: your profile picture is cheating! My mom keeps asking about my nose bleeds, and I keep having to tell her someone beat me up, to sound more manly.

P.S. Ahaha, I actually made one, but I scrapped it. Didn't like it too much. Basically it had 2 panels, one on top of each other. The girl is on top, the boy is on the bottom panel looking up at the top panel, and he has a nose bleed. BTW, she's wearing the usual skirt ;D.

Hahahah getting beat up all the time is manly?

Well obviously I won't be calling you when I'm in distress...you'd just sit there and bleed.

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Guest ladee_bug

Omg I can not believe I haven't seen this earlier.

I love your strips!!!

They are so adorably cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahah

If you don't mind I'd LOVE to be on your PM list!

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Desideratum: ahaha yes!! you're correct!! HIGH FIVE!!

P.S. Yes, you did tell me you love carrots, when we were dating. Then you dumped me because I said I was allergic to carrots.

Lol, I love the first one and the last one. If any guy would ask me that I would take out a small stop sign and the little turn around sign and show it to him. XD That was a cute idea.

And poor guy of gettin rejected like that. Blehh, all the... bleh on his hair. >.< I love how you made them so pudgy. XD

And when did we date? =O And you're allergic to carrots?!


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got your pm!

LOL two seater bike? hottt. :P

and no, unfortunately, i can't drive. T__T

i wish i could though. not legal yet. (yes, i'm that young.)

aahahaha the trivia. cute.

you really like smiles. =)

ooh. i'm part of the 13%. =P

not a surprise. i can't een drive yet. hahhahahaha

besides, i prefer that 13%. i'vealready pledged my purity until i get married anyway.

how about you?

the poor boy.

i don't think i've witnessed such a cruel rejection before..

but nonetheless, that's really cruel. aahahaha

what a jerk.! she rejected him AND messed his hair up. :crazy:

nice update. and thanks for the pm. ;)

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omg~ that was too harsh for the kid!

not only does he get rejected but get spit on TOO?!


LOL! my fav from the update has gotta be the first one

the girl is just too cool for him~ PUAH~

yeah~ poor you with your typing. But~

it's too bad that so many people loves you <3

pm pm? maybe i'll let you see my pic if you let me get pm! :lol:


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Guest suki_*

coool ur comic strip characters are similar to the ones from explosm.net ... the humour is also similar too ~


awesome comics and very creative dialogue! hehe

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Guest poopiness

katamari: PLAYBOY? what do you think I'm rich or something? I can only afford Playgirl T_T. And why do you lie? My doctor would never call me. Ever since my last physical, things have been awkward between us. I haven't called him because I didn't want to sound desperate.

lilmelon213 : so true!!

untouched.hart: yea, I stopped picking up the sunday papers too... The only strip I like is "pearl before swine"

anniieeboo: I see your name too!! **points** :D

sueyun x3 minwoo: ahaha you are now on the pm list. Aren't you glad you replied? ;D

And yea, I do the same thing for my PM list, if not for firefox, I would probably not do pms...

lo0say: triple dorms is not cool. 3 guys in a room as big as a walk in closet? very very uncool. Majoring in psychobiology :D, yourself?

dragonjade: ahaha if you actually walk around with two traffic signs, you'd look retarded! And no that's not gum. it's worse ;D

Um... I don't think I'll ever make one where he gets the girl. Well maybe if I ever get a girl myself, I'll make one :D

ichikawaii: it only went up 5 levels. Now I'm at 0. which sucks!! you need to fix that!!

JAE JUN: it's cute because it's true ;D

juhjenn: I think I've seen that angry little girls strip :D

Yea I'm in the 87% but for all the wrong reasons. I can't believe I lost my virginity to my chem professor. This was so not how I imagine it. There was no candle light, no satin sheets, no romantic music, no rose petals on the bed, and worst of all, no girl!!

-JAYee_o4: THANK YOU!!! <3 LOL!! THANK YOU!! ;D

twist&fall-: wow your friend is sneaky!! I usually just don't tell them, or change the subject hahahah

xblush: OW!! you patted too hard. I have a boo boo. and you know what you gotta do don't you? ;D

oh ahaha, well actually I posted up 2 pictures so far, 1 of which you can see my whole face. ;D

random azn: seriously, tell me about it!! Spitting on my head and stuff... NOT COOL!!!

hyukiemylove: ahaha the easter egg is the answer to the trivia I posted. Which basically is that groping her makes him happy in the pants. You'll know what I'm talking about when you look at the picture :D

jen: as you wish!! :]

conscience: he wasn't pathetic, she was just plain mean T_T

kitarisa: well don't wait!! :D here's more.

Mae!: okay you're on the list, you should feel special, it's a VIP list ;D

and what do you mean they should have name? you mean the characters or the strip?

mermaid: I was really hoping you wouldn't find out, because well, it's humiliating... T_T

Sure you can take control, I don't mind, either way I'm getting some hot bunny-carrot action!! PM list added, top too, so you are pretty awesome ;D

lilchan: evil teddy bears already haunt me... T_T

j1youngxj3: kinda feels bad? only kinda? wow he got spat on and you only feel KINDA bad. you're a jerk!!

haha you're added to the list ;D

bbasya: well then where is the love? Because I sure can't find it T_T

added to PM!! :D

dietPill: ahaha cool name!!

Little Miss Snackwrap: ahaha yea... I'm going for the pity tactics. I'll just keep bleeding until they feel pity for me, and stop beating me up. It's great, it works 25% of the time!

ladee_bug: and I'd LOVE for you to be on my PM list ;D

Desideratum: omg! you even forgot that we dated? stab me in the heart why don't you!

bORicha.: I know, it's pretty hott! So hop on already!! By the way, you're pedaling.

yea I do like smiles :], so you gotta smile more often for me! ;D

sachiko_x: DONE!! now show me your picture this instant!

lov3.y0u: success!!

overly_obsessed: ahaha well I gotta entice them to come back. I gotta sell myself!! Plus I have the most fun flirting with you anyways ;D

Don't worry, that little boy is still like me. Lonely!! UGH... SO UNCOOL!!

suki_*: except in mine, the girls are the jerks ;D P.S. have anyone told you, you look like byul? She's a kpop singer.

YES!! It only took half and hour to reply T_T, I need to type faster



I mean I'm so much better. I'm taller, bigger, AND I can talk. What more does she want


^ Newest one. Designed it for a t-shirt thing that little miss snackwrap was doing.

I also have the wallpaper version of it, if anyone wants it, I'll post it up :D

ANNOUNCEMENT: OKAY so I updated the PM list. Check to see if it's correct :D



random azn
















Little Miss Snackwrap



sueyun x3 minwoo








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thank you for the PM BTW..XD

wha?!?!then MORE evil teddybears will haunt you..and these WILL STEAL YOUR COOKIES!!!so be scared


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is it seriously that small?

well at least u don't have parents behind ur back all the time

i'm still a high school student, in year 11 this year.

wat's psychobiology? i've never heard of that major. Which college do u go to as well?

i love the first one

it's soooooo cute!!!!

thanks for the pm

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Little Miss Snackwrap: ahaha yea... I'm going for the pity tactics. I'll just keep bleeding until they feel pity for me, and stop beating me up. It's great, it works 25% of the time!

Hahah well honey I hate to break it to you, but I don't think it's ever going to work out between us if you're more of a girl than I am....and then there's your manslave complex....so I guess if you keep this up, you'll be renting that treehouse for nothing :rolleyes:

I mean I'm so much better. I'm taller, bigger, AND I can talk. What more does she want

One that doesn't talk and is smaller so that it can be effortlessly abused :phew:

PS. Is the wallpaper version different than the one you sent me? I'm using it as my wallpaper right now and it looks fine... :]

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Guest indefinable

Hello! This is the first time I saw this thread on Soompi. @_@ How did I manage to miss out this cute thread?!

I totally love your comic strips. They're so sweet. Gives a different perspective too, of boys and girls. :P

Add me to the PM list, if it's possible? ^^;

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