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Park Min Young 박민영 [ Amazon No.1 Hit Drama "Marry My Husband" 2024 |New drama 'The Confidence Man KR' (2025), start shooting!/ Three nominations at Korea Drama Festival | Daejeon Film Festival 2024|'MY Beans Fanmeet' in Tokio Nov.8


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Thanks for the info.

Does she know to speak Chinese? How about JCW and her in a Chinese rom com?

Remember PMY mentioned in her sohu interview she is learning mandarin hence I was already suspecting she intends to venture into china market. Good for her because china is a big market with many cfs possibilities and of course higher income :P

She has lovecalls after the director saw her on City Hunter. He request her to grow back Nana hair =))

And she also mentioned she has a project coming 2nd half of the year too maybe another kdrama so this year I can see her onscreen often!!! =D>

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Guest youngshin

celyw said:


said: I read in baidu her next project will be a china production so will be flying to China and Australia? for the next few months


Hope that project will be successful and hope the china male leads will be super handsome and good in acting. It's a rom comedy!

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A summary of some of the things Min Young said in her recent interviews (not repeating what has already been posted)

Min Young says she likes Young Shin more than Yoon Hee of SKKS now. Before, though she had done many dramas, whenever her name was mentioned, people would think of the twinkling big eyes under the black hat (her role as Yoon Hee). Now she likes Young Shin more though since she thinks it is hard for an actress to get such a character. In Kdramas, usually the female character is one always protected by the hero, but Young Shin is different in that though she knows it is difficult, she will keep moving forward bravely. MY emphasized that she was glad to get an active character to play.

She wants to take up a more challenging role next time and feels that 'Healer' has given her the courage to do that.

Before 'A New Leaf' and 'Healer', compared to actresses who were known for their acting, MY was regarded as a 'beautiful actress". But this time, she let go of the desire to look beautiful and embraced the desire to act. MY had been working continuously since her debut. But after a point, she felt that she didn't have the strength to take on new roles. So, she decided to take a break for 2 years. She was worried if the break was going to be dangerous for her career and whether she would be forgotten during this period, but she felt that she couldn't go on like that being unhappy. So, when her contract with her agency was about to expire, she decided to take a break for 2 years. As she let go of her distractions, she got the role in 'A New Leaf' when she felt the desire to act again and learn from her seniors. 'A New Leaf' may have been her drama after 2 years, but  for Min Young whose mind was desiring to be filled with other things, it was a gift from God. Seeing her seniors act, she felt how lazy she had been as an actress and that made her get closer to her role and the script. She felt that it was a pity when the drama ended since getting close to her role and the script had made her feel happy. Kim Myung Min (her partner in ANL) advised her "If you have the desire for acting, just keep on doing one work after another without taking a break". Just after 'A New Leaf' , she got the offer for 'Healer', got the script when she was abroad and decided to do it in 3 hours. Soonafter, she returned to Korea to meet the producer and confirm her participation. It may be a slight exaggeration, but the Park Min Young of Healer and the Park Min Young of her previous works are very different from each other.

Because of tracheitis, she was on drip for 5 days. Because of snot, she used to make NGs and could not concentrate. But she realised that it was just an excuse and was unhappy with how she did the scene where she meets her mom. She had to run away when that scene was being re-watched. The writer told her, "I will make room for both of your characters, yours and Chang Wook's" and that is what she did. She also feels grateful to the staff and the actors, especially Yoo Ji Tae for helping her act freely.

The writer was worried that since Min Young had done many decisive characters in the past, her acting had become rigid. So, she wanted to create a Park Min Young who would be loved by the female fans. Park Min Young said, "Because I am shy, I usually want to do characters I am familiar with. But this time, I felt I had made a breakthrough and had stepped out of my comfort zone."

cre: lark, weibo

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@celyw Thanks for the news. I too checked. Yeah, it seems she had been planning to do a chinese project for some time. She said she had got many love calls after City Hunter to act in a Chinese production and felt now was the right time to do it. It will be shot in Ghangzhou (China) and New Zealand. ( Will MY play a chinese girl who is not that comfortable with her mothertongue being born in NZ? Hehe Me going wild with the theories) She has been learning mandarin for some years now, from 2013, if I remember right. I don't know how good she has become at it though. And would that be enough to lend her own voice, I am not sure.

Ensuns are not really happy since they don't think chinese productions are that good, qualitywise. Her voice might also be dubbed. I am keeping my expectations low (haven't watched mainland productions other than BBJX which was a classic) since the story should be good and it will be sad to see her do a so so project (if it turns out to be that) just for getting popular in China and get more fans. Hope it is a romcom movie. But so many actors are expanding into China now and more than anything else, I want her to experience how another industry functions and interact with actors from a different culture and nation. That would definitely broaden her perspective. From what little I know, I think it is an industry which is more free with regard to interaction betwen actors and actresses.

Also, if MY is gonna be dubbed, she wouldn't have one of her strengths to rely on when it comes to kdramas, her enunciation. That will mean she will have to fall back upon her other strengths and develop new ones along the way. I really hope her character is more than someone who looks pretty/glamorous. But I have faith in Min Young. She has never chosen a doormat character in all her career and now that her thirst for acting has increased, she may choose something which excites us.

More than anything else (and I think for MY also, this is definitely one factor), this will be her way of paying back the ensuns for supporting her all through these years right from her 'I am Sam' days. Their love for her has been unconditional and even during months when MY's DC Gallery remained inactive when she was in hiatus, her Chinese fans on baidu and weibo kept on excitedly discussing her and her next projects. They would be hunting for news about her and her DC gallery also used to get updates at times from her Chinese fans. They are that lovely though she has not even done a proper fanmeet in China. Time she gave them back for sticking with her through thick and thin!

Excited for her comeback in July. Wonder which is the project she has already picked. May be a KBS drama again? @youngshin I am definitely keeping an eye on that drama.

@saved2k Haha. I know you will find out devious ways to drag me in here. May be I will go on my hiatus after her b'day. Let's see.

@autumn93 Agree with everything you said. I also feel that setting up celebrities as gods and goddesses is just to pull them down the next day when they don't live up to the unreachable standards which nobody can maintain without turning mad. Intelligent actors realise it soon enough and stop bothering about maintaining those images. Glad that is finally happening with Min Young. People will start respecting you only when you start charting your own path, not bogged down by their expectations.

I also sometimes feel that celebs get more hate for trivial things and that sometimes celebs' lives act as the punching bag for the general public to take out their frustrations and a smokescreent to cover the real scandals of the corrupt politicians and others in power. Is somebody showing "not enough respect" to a senior or "not showing enough humility" that big a deal to be discussed to death? Trifles get discussed more than the really important things.
@youngshin I was happy MY had got another fanboy. LOL Not to be. Hehe Welcome to the girlcrush party. 

@anthurium_52 Good to see you back here. :) Healer has brought back many old fans.

@pnaysurfer84 Amen to that! Hopefully, will get more news of this project soon.

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@mimi26 Thank you for compiling those interviews into a wonderful summary! 
I'm glad that PMY has found her passion to act again. She really should ignore all those hateful comments and focus on the fans that love her. To want to improve in her chosen craft is something admirable and she has totally earned my respect, which I can't say for many actresses or actors. Her newfound philosophy for acting and the way she has approached her recent interviews has turned me into a supporter of PMY and her career. She very grounded and thoughtful and it really shows.
But I must reiterate, she did a wonderful job in Healer and the change in her acting was evident. This was the first time I connected with her characters. Also she just seemed happier and....freer. Keep it up girl! 
Totally agree with her sentiments regarding how rare of a character YS is. Writers and the drama industry need to get with the times and write more engaging and active female leads who don't solely rely on the male lead to save her or for her to find fulfilment in life. 
Also @mimi26, sadly, I think that's just how people are. People love raising a person up but they like it more to see that same person crash and burn. It's sadistic really. Also, not to be a conspiracy theorists or anything, but I totally believe that certain "scandals" are released by the government about celebrities as a way to deflect attention from something corrupt thing that's happening within the government or country at the moment. A shame. Plus some of these so called scandals are ridiculous. For example, two people dating should be a cause for joy, not something that should be labeled as being bad...*le sigh* 

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Guest lovekayla

Those nasty comments *tsk tsk*! I'm so glad uri PMY is standing above that and keeping her head up high. She has nothing to worry - she's beautiful inside and out. I'm one of those who's not heard of her before Healer as well and I'm a fan now. Personally, i find her one of the most attractive out of all the SK actresses I've seen - she's kind, witty, erudite, warm and doesn’t act as if she’s above others despite being a celebrity.  She’s really got her head screwed on right (pardon the expression) and that KBS Drama awards speech, oh gawd, that won me over. Despite not having prepared a speech, she didn’t fail to thank everyone – that shows how thoughtful and considerate she is. She’s so adorable too without being too aegyo like some I know.  PMY, I can go on and on about you because you are truly amazing! I wish you all the best and hope that you will continue to be happy and successful both in your career and relationships. Here’s looking forward to your amazing projects!

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Hello everyone! This is my first time posting on this thread even though I have been a BIG fan of PMY ever since her City Hunter days and I can't believe it never occurred to me to join in on the PMY fangirling here on Soompi! And I am so so so so excited that PMY is finally getting out of her hiatus which means more girl crushing for me  :)) Anyways just wanted to drop by and say hello!

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Guest youngshin

Sorry for my ignorance guys but I am very new to this kdrama fandom and an on and off kind of fanatic through the not so many years of watching. 

But how did she get so many fans from China?

And why did the Chinese fans call themselves "Ensuns"?

And where else do you guys get your info about PMY?

The weibo, dc, whatever thingy I always read are those sites in Korean language? any English site to go to?

I learned soompi from google and twitter, but I am new here, still don't know how to post pics, vids etc.

Thanks for sharing infos here.

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Hi to all fans!I lurk and lurk and sometimes make comments to only three threads now. Healer's thread, JCW & PMY shipper's thread and mostly on this thread. I fell in love with this couple especially with PMY. She's a pretty tough woman. with all the hard work she did, how she endured her bashers, how she coped up and persevered... PMY is amazing. Now, I wanna follow her religiously. I hope she gets more projects and cf's too.

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mimi26 said: A summary of some of the things Min Young said in her recent interviews (not repeating what has already been posted)

Min Young says she likes Young Shin more than Yoon Hee of SKKS now. Before, though she had done many dramas, whenever her name was mentioned, people would think of the twinkling big eyes under the black hat (her role as Yoon Hee). Now she likes Young Shin more though since she thinks it is hard for an actress to get such a character. In Kdramas, usually the female character is one always protected by the hero, but Young Shin is different in that though she knows it is difficult, she will keep moving forward bravely. MY emphasized that she was glad to get an active character to play.

She wants to take up a more challenging role next time and feels that 'Healer' has given her the courage to do that.

Before 'A New Leaf' and 'Healer', compared to actresses who were known for their acting, MY was regarded as a 'beautiful actress". But this time, she let go of the desire to look beautiful and embraced the desire to act. MY had been working continuously since her debut. But after a point, she felt that she didn't have the strength to take on new roles. So, she decided to take a break for 2 years. She was worried if the break was going to be dangerous for her career and whether she would be forgotten during this period, but she felt that she couldn't go on like that being unhappy. So, when her contract with her agency was about to expire, she decided to take a break for 2 years. As she let go of her distractions, she got the role in 'A New Leaf' when she felt the desire to act again and learn from her seniors. 'A New Leaf' may have been her drama after 2 years, but  for Min Young whose mind was desiring to be filled with other things, it was a gift from God. Seeing her seniors act, she felt how lazy she had been as an actress and that made her get closer to her role and the script. She felt that it was a pity when the drama ended since getting close to her role and the script had made her feel happy. Kim Myung Min (her partner in ANL) advised her "If you have the desire for acting, just keep on doing one work after another without taking a break". Just after 'A New Leaf' , she got the offer for 'Healer', got the script when she was abroad and decided to do it in 3 hours. Soonafter, she returned to Korea to meet the producer and confirm her participation. It may be a slight exaggeration, but the Park Min Young of Healer and the Park Min Young of her previous works are very different from each other.

Because of tracheitis, she was on drip for 5 days. Because of snot, she used to make NGs and could not concentrate. But she realised that it was just an excuse and was unhappy with how she did the scene where she meets her mom. She had to run away when that scene was being re-watched. The writer told her, "I will make room for both of your characters, yours and Chang Wook's" and that is what she did. She also feels grateful to the staff and the actors, especially Yoo Ji Tae for helping her act freely.

The writer was worried that since Min Young had done many decisive characters in the past, her acting had become rigid. So, she wanted to create a Park Min Young who would be loved by the female fans. Park Min Young said, "Because I am shy, I usually want to do characters I am familiar with. But this time, I felt I had made a breakthrough and had stepped out of my comfort zone."

cre: lark, weibo

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Guest Canavalia

So she's in Europe? I thought she's in US?



Omo,my bad.

Maybe you are right. I just thought I heard it somewhere and the scenery fitted pretty well ;)

Sorry (✽ ゚д゚ ✽)

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