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Wendy Attempts At "rap"


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Guest Lilvi3t1314

Hey it sounds nice..^^

but i dink the beginning sounds kinda funni..lol

other den tht..its good!! continue it..

n cant wait the finishin product...

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ohemgeee, me gusta mucho ! (=

jennifer's like 'wowww' ;D


EDIT [lol okay wendy?! --;]

[: hahahs, ohmygod i feel mad slow.

i shoulda read the thing. blah didnt kno you wrote it. DANG YOU POETIC PRO LYRICIST BUTT. =) i give you CINCO STARS! araso? ;p GG HOMIEEEEE ~

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Guest amurokenji

the beginning was all muffled but i can hear u pronounce ur lyrics as the song went on... u seem to have the same problem as mike z in where u end ur lines... it makes your flow as choppy as his.. but its ok .. wendy > mike z anyday,,, sorri mike z... wo bu ai ni~! .. lol but yea some lines seem to need more words to land in the right spot... also when your rapping the tone of ur voice is always rising as if ur asking a question.. just relax and get comfortable on the mic... read over your lyrics with the beat playing then record.. it might sound better.. these are jus suggestions.. ^_^ keep trying and keep elevating .. hope to hear u rap more

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Guest o6.91

yooo. this is greeaat. i told you already. haha <3

aww. you worked hard on it too. lol xp


im even more special for being se7enth. =p

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Guest amazingdude1

giggity giggity. you roxor at rappin and stuff. i like the sound. can't concentrate on lyrics at the moment.

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Guest Reese!

Wow, sounds nice. I really like the lyrics. ^_^

I can see a lot of improvement that could be done in the way your rap, but who cares. You just started and YOU'RE COOL! ^_^

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mikez- lols mmmhmm (:

Lilvi3t1314- i don't know i laugh at this whenever i hear it ><'' it's kind of embarrasing but i guess whatever :T i'm still waiting for my friend to finish hers. then i can finish :].

kAPEESH-i sigh at you; lol thnks.


wendy > mike z anyday,,, sorri mike z... wo bu ai ni~!
LOL x.x i wish i can do half as good as him >< or you. . i shall go run & hide. I wasn't quite on the beat but i tried my best. yeah i don't know why i always go high towards the end of the line.
read over your lyrics with the beat playing then record.. it might sound better..
i reread the lyrics before i recorded but then sometimes i start on the wrong place & end up messing up ><'' i need help :cries: thanks for the comment ^^

F r 0 s t t- i guess you can say that :T lols

Hanh- yeah LOL don't you feel so special. thanks for awlays helping me (: <3

amazingdude1- o-o thnks

Reese!- LOL thanks. i know there are so many more things i have to improve on but *lazy* i'll try again when i'm not as lazy ^^

knockblock- yuppp! it can be better if i actually tried :D

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Guest mikez

ok i checked it, nice wendy

rapping with a melody was real cool, plus all original too. i love how you sang the addlips too

the only things needs working on is have more words to avoid those pauses during the middle of your bar. how you end your lines like a question was funny too :P

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Guest kimseo

It's nice, but I can't really imagine it flowing with the word choice you made. :sweatingbullets: Maybe if you can alter the words a bit it would flow more and be smoother. When you rap, emotion is sort of missing, so it sounds like you're just saying it at a monotone voice sometimes. Good job, though. :)

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Guest geneyoonit

oo i really like the background!

haha.. but i think ur alittle too.. whispery? i donno ANYTHING About rap.. but one thing is, i like it when the rapper is confident.. but it doesnt seem like uare...

common wendy~ i kno u got more in ya~~ :D

anyway, GJ :)

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sungiebaby637- tahnks . ;D

mikez- thanks xD ; i tried finding words to stick in between the pauses but i couldn't exactly find the right words >_> yeah me & my voice goes up at the end. gotta change that :T

kimseo- i cant exactly alter the words to make it flow; rather i dont know how to change it x.x'' i tried my best at it for that day. but me & emotion never works out.

geneyoonit- i'm never confident ><'' i guess that's what's bad. you probably know more about rap than i do :X lol thanksss x]

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Guest kimseo

^ lmao maybe I can help you write some lyrics to make it flow. :)

I've been writing some on my free time for myself, as well. haha might as well help you out XD

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Guest simply_dream

i wish i can write my own rap lyrics, but i have no rhythm at all =P anyways it's pretty good =D and umm... except the beginning sounded a little funny, but i liked all the addlips =)

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Guest AMIbunny

aww i like this! its sweet :) i like your voice. its soft. thats a good thing XD i also cant wait until this song is finished! ihope you'll post it up =X because i really think this is nice.

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Guest juhjuh

Finally I could listen to this. Soundclick's been acting crazy to me lately.

Your rapping... it sounds like you slur the words, so next time make it clearer ^^

But that's the only thing I can comment on cos I know nothing about rapping.

But I really like it!

I'm looking forward to hearing the finished track.

It sounds really sweet, and you really impressed me.

I can never come up with something like this :)

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