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Guest whitebunny2000

I have 12 cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<

2 Dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<

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Guest jordy

lolz.. i had 4 turtles which i smuggled from china.. DO NOT DO! i didnt know how bad the consequences were if i got caught after i did that haha.

well the first one suicided cus it couldnt float i dont know why.. then the 2nd jus wouldnt eat anything and it jus died one day.. then i got really sad and so i bought all these turtle stuff from the pet store. costed me about $100 bucks ._. (heating stick, filter, turtle platform etc.etc.). One of them suddenly went blind and couldnt open its eyes, and i think the other couldnt handle the sudden change in temperature due to the heating stick. so they all died shortly after >:|. i think they all lasted about.. a month and a half -__- *sigh*

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so my german shepherd died on monday because he ate some poison (from the thingies that kills bad grass) now everyone's all depressed and thinking about getting a new dog. But heres the thing; my mom said she doesn't want to get another dog, because she doesn't want to be so sad again, and my dad really wants another dog, but we can never seem to find any dog as good as the one we just had...

so should we wait awhile, and then get a new dog ? =O

First of all, I am sorry to hear that.

You should wait until all of you have gone through the grieving process. Everyone deals with it differently. Some will want a new dog as to replace the loss of the old one and others have a harder time letting go.

Also, mind that the new one will never be like the old one. All dogs and cats have slightly different personalities even though they may all seem to be more alike than not. When you expect a new pet to be like the old one and he's not, you're already setting up the new pet for failure and yourself for regret of adopting him. Take your time.

It took me 11 years to get over my cat who passed on. Now, I have a new one (picture in my sig) and she has many of his loving nuances, but she also has many of her own different sweet flare. It's refreshing. Of course, you don't have to take a decade, but at least a few months.

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Guest Mentos

long story short

my dog ate some nutella, and it contains cocoa powder, i gave him laxatives, should i still take him to the vet?

How much nutella did your dog eat?

How big is your dog?

I remember when my dog was a pup, he ate my bag of M&Ms (the mini ones). I freaked out and called my friend (who is an experienced Golden owner).

She said the dog should be fine... just as long as he doesn't eat anymore (a given).

The size of your dog can also be a determining factor if you're dog will be okay or not.

My golden was a bit big as a puppy, and even though his immune systems and all that were still developing, eating an small bag of M&Ms didn't hurt him at all. Thank God.

You're dog SHOULD be fine, but I'm going to put my best foot forward and say never underestimate the subjective matter at hand.

If you're worried, just call your vet and tell him what happened.

I have a few questions about adopting...

I'm actually thinking about adopting now (those adoption websites really made me second guess my decision to purchase from a private breeder).

I looked at several online applications and they ALL ask if your current pet is neutered/spayed.

My dog is NOT neutered, but he has never been bred, and he has never displayed any "wrong" behaviors. (I don't know if this matters or not, but he doesn't even hump).

Will my dog's uncut balls be counted against me?

Will the shelter also look down on my decision to have an outdoor dog (and the fact that my current dog is an outdoor dog)?

People look at me VERY harshly when I tell them I have an outdoor dog. Just because my dog is outside does NOT mean I don't include him in any of my activities or neglect him. I make sure he has clean, fresh water (refilling his bowl up to 3 times a day to ensure that he won't drink "dirty" water), and I make sure he has plenty of shade when sunny, a warm bed (during the winter), and lots of toys to play with. I clean his living space by brooming and water rinsing (every week). I even replace his toys sometimes every two or three months because they get dirty. I walk him properly (more than most dogs would get walked), and I spend some quality time with him by doing my reading assignments outside where he's at. I play with him, he meets everyone who comes to our house, etc. [/rant]

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Mentos: The reason why there's such a great necessity to spay/neuter is to help decrease the numbers of unwanted animals and also for health reasons. This is why shelters insist on pets being fixed. It's a state of mind they've been accustomed to; their belief that it is the right thing to do. I'm all for spay/neuter, but to each owner their own decision. Most dogs that aren't neutered will develop prostate cancer. It's a preventative measure to neuter. Also, some dogs are more aggressive and prone to mark, so it's more acceptable to get them fixed. I don't hear much about issues in females except for breeding. Your dog is probably one of the select few males without issues still having his manhood intact.

As for having an outdoor dog, as long as he's fed well, groomed, has a good sturdy clean shelter, water access, and is healthy, there's no issue with it. Most people just tend to spoil their animals by letting them have the the run of the house (like me and my cat for example). Just remember that when it does get extremely cold or hot, bring him in for a little reprieve whether in the garage, basement, or a room designated for only him.

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How much nutella did your dog eat?

How big is your dog?

I remember when my dog was a pup, he ate my bag of M&Ms (the mini ones). I freaked out and called my friend (who is an experienced Golden owner).

She said the dog should be fine... just as long as he doesn't eat anymore (a given).

The size of your dog can also be a determining factor if you're dog will be okay or not.

My golden was a bit big as a puppy, and even though his immune systems and all that were still developing, eating an small bag of M&Ms didn't hurt him at all. Thank God.

You're dog SHOULD be fine, but I'm going to put my best foot forward and say never underestimate the subjective matter at hand.

If you're worried, just call your vet and tell him what happened.

uhh he ate a little bit probably nothing bigger than the cap of the chapstick and last itme I weighed him he was about 23.8 pounds.

he seems fine now, he's still walking and running and doing the normal things he normally does.

but i did notice he's limping alot especailly after lying down and sleeping =/ i felt around his legs and i don't feel anything abnormal...

getting a dog neurtered helps prevents other future health problems, that's what i've heard but in bit completely sure.

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Guest Mentos

Mentos: The reason why there's such a great necessity to spay/neuter is to help decrease the numbers of unwanted animals and also for health reasons. This is why shelters insist on pets being fixed. It's a state of mind they've been accustomed to; their belief that it is the right thing to do. I'm all for spay/neuter, but to each owner their own decision. Most dogs that aren't neutered will develop prostate cancer. It's a preventative measure to neuter. Also, some dogs are more aggressive and prone to mark, so it's more acceptable to get them fixed. I don't hear much about issues in females except for breeding. Your dog is probably one of the select few males without issues still having his manhood intact.

As for having an outdoor dog, as long as he's fed well, groomed, has a good sturdy clean shelter, water access, and is healthy, there's no issue with it. Most people just tend to spoil their animals by letting them have the the run of the house (like me and my cat for example). Just remember that when it does get extremely cold or hot, bring him in for a little reprieve whether in the garage, basement, or a room designated for only him.

I'm all for fixing pets, but my parents didn't want to fix my dog when he was a puppy (and they weren't even considering breeding him, either). They had their reasons, and for some reason, I never fought against it. I did talk to my vet about neutering my dog a few months back, and although my vet did suggest it to prevent possible health issues, he said health wise, my dog was in tip-top shape. I guess I'm just very blessed and lucky to have a dog like my dog XD!

He has full access to our garage. I don't really know how to explain the layout of our property, but my dog knows everything, LOL. It's like he's almost an inside dog, except he doesn't have access to everything. Plus, because he grew up outside, he gets very "claustrophobic" when inside the house (I sometimes let him in). He always wants to be out in the open air.

This makes adopting a dog difficult for me because people already have preconceived notions of being a "responsible" pet owner. Like you said, a state of mind. I am responsible, but I'm a bit "old-fashion" (for a lack of better words). I don't feel like I need to PROVE that I'm a good owner, they can just see and interact with my dog to determine that.

uhh he ate a little bit probably nothing bigger than the cap of the chapstick and last itme I weighed him he was about 23.8 pounds.

he seems fine now, he's still walking and running and doing the normal things he normally does.

but i did notice he's limping alot especailly after lying down and sleeping =/ i felt around his legs and i don't feel anything abnormal...

getting a dog neurtered helps prevents other future health problems, that's what i've heard but in bit completely sure.

Has your dog been limping before he ate the nutella?

I doubt the incident with the nutella has anything to do with him limping, but... I would take him to the vet for that.

I don't know any symptoms for a particular health concern, so if I see anything abnormal in my dog, I research the possible aspects of it online, go for the latter, and take him to my vet.

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And you know that being responsible is the basic requirement of being a pet owner. People will judge whatever it is we do because it doesn't fall into their beliefs.

My cat has food allergies and I give her bottled water along with an expernsive prescription diet and others think I'm nuts for spending so much on her. Well, I adopted her and vowed to care for her, so why not do just that by helping her with medical conditions she has? Do I ignore it when what I spend on her I can spend on a night of shameless boozing? :lol: Nope. I have my responsibility and it's her. Shelters should be fortunate to have people who want to adopt from them. I think they shouldn't look down on you. At least you take your pet to the vet. Some people don't even bother.

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Guest fredinsac

hi ~

my dog gave birth to 3 dogs but 2 died cuz the mother sat on it so i have one pup so im keeping it so i have these questions

1. how old do the pup take it shoots ???

2. lots of breeders declaw the pups ? wat is that "Declaw" ?

3.what shoots do i gave the pup ?

plez help ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thank You

1) I would recommend around 6-8 weeks for their first shots. I would deworm them around 4 weeks though cause all puppies are born with worms.

2) They remove the dew claw because it's basically an unecessary nail on an unnecessary toe. It often becomes very sharp because it never touches the ground and it can someone or another dog.

3)There are a large variety of shots that you'd want to give them. Parvo, Giardia, Lime disease, rabies, etc. I'd say that Parvo and Rabies are the most important. PetSmart has a puppy plan where you get all of their necessary shots for a year. You pay a $120 up front fee then a $19 fee every month for 12 months. Pretty good plan especially to ensure your pup gets all the shots it needs. Some of these shots can be purchased at feed stores too though. They usually sell an all-in-one parvo shot at the feed stores. I've seen a lot of dogs make it fine just on parvo shots and deworming but if you wanna go the safe and secure way go to the vet to get all the necessary shots.

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Guest Rawr3

I'm getting a german shepherd puppy from a shelter nearby, which I am hoping is tomorrow (we're stopping by)

My mom hates the shedding and german shepherds shed a lot

So I was wondering if the furminator deshedding shampoo works on this type of dog?

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Guest Mentos

^ The FURminator deshedding shampoo won't be effective ALONE. You need the whole package (the brush is really the deal breaker, here) in order to see legit results.

I suggest you check out: www.furminator.com

They have demos, facts, results, prices, and even recommended groomers who use the furminator products.

The FURminator does not eliminate shedding, it just reduces it. Although they say results can be as high as 80-90%, those results are not typical (especially for a GSD, who shed year round).

Will your dog be an inside dog? If so, then I really wish you'd reconsider getting a German Shepherd.

If you mom hates shedding, I don't think a GSD is the right dog to get. You WILL find dog hair all over the house, no matter how much you groom the dog or clean your house. The worst part is, loose hair travels. Shedding is inevitable, so you either deal with it, or opt for a dog more suitable for your family's lifestyle.

Good luck =)!

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Guest Rawr3

^ The FURminator deshedding shampoo won't be effective ALONE. You need the whole package (the brush is really the deal breaker, here) in order to see legit results.

I suggest you check out: www.furminator.com

They have demos, facts, results, prices, and even recommended groomers who use the furminator products.

The FURminator does not eliminate shedding, it just reduces it. Although they say results can be as high as 80-90%, those results are not typical (especially for a GSD, who shed year round).

Will your dog be an inside dog? If so, then I really wish you'd reconsider getting a German Shepherd.

If you mom hates shedding, I don't think a GSD is the right dog to get. You WILL find dog hair all over the house, no matter how much you groom the dog or clean your house. The worst part is, loose hair travels. Shedding is inevitable, so you either deal with it, or opt for a dog more suitable for your family's lifestyle.

Good luck =)!

Thanks for the link and info.

It will typically be an inside dog, but it will probably stay outside most of the time

We've owned a beagle before (who sheds a lot) and my mom just blamed me on my "bad grooming" -__________-

I'm not too worried about what my mom would do (who would probably blame me and make me clean everything)

Though, when I visited the shelter, the dog looked like a mix (was tan all over) and short hair, so I'm thinking maybe the shedding might be different from a regular German Shepherd dog.

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Has your dog been limping before he ate the nutella?

I doubt the incident with the nutella has anything to do with him limping, but... I would take him to the vet for that.

I don't know any symptoms for a particular health concern, so if I see anything abnormal in my dog, I research the possible aspects of it online, go for the latter, and take him to my vet.

Yeah, he started limping before that. I felt his back legs and didn't feel anything out of place, and neither did my friend whose an experienced dog owner. She said if my dog felt pain he would of let me know.

I think its because his foot fell asleep (if dogs legs do fall asleep) or just didn't stretch when he got up. I started to notice that more, before when he would get up in the morning he would stretch his whole body, now that he stopped sleeping in a kennel and in a round dog bed he doesn't stretch as much.

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ok so my 4 yr old cat (adopted last week) got his 30 day Felv vaccine and annual rabies shot 2 days ago and he's been acting weird since then..like breathing hard/loud sometimes and breathing fast too..is that a serious problem? :(

Your kitty might be having some respiratory problems and it could get very serious. Please take him to the vet asap.

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Guest anecia

My dog is a cavalier King charles spaniel, 7 years old,Male,He LOOKS overweight but 3 or 4 months ago,the vet says that he's underweight..Today,my sister found a lump on his left front leg,below the elbow joint while playing around with him.The lump is like the size of a small grape.Its movable,no bleeding or pus,doesn't seem to be painful or itchy(cause he lets us touch it and he doesn't scratch it),and when i press it,it feels like pressing cooked meatballs.I'm not sure how long this lump has been staying on my dog's leg.I bath him yesterday and I didn't felt any lump.So its either I happen to miss a spot or the lump happen to grow overnight.We're bringing him to a vet, I understand that it might be a fatty tumor but....what are the possibilities that it might be a cancerous tumor?Does the type of food dogs eat affect the chances of having cancer?

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what kind of dry dog food do you guys feed your dogs???

my friend told me those brands that they sell at target/walmart is just crap.

(purina, pedigree, iams, science diet, etc...)

and i've been told that there shouldn't be any corn, soy, or wheat in the ingredients.

later when i went home and checked the ingredients (i feed my dogs beneful btw),

it has all three listed!

so i'm kinda searching for a different brand, one of those expensive, natural ones,

and i dont know which ones are actually worth it.

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