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Guest kirstie

Is her litter box dirty? Make sure it's cleaned daily so she won't be encouraged to pee elsewhere. Cats are fussy about their litter boxes. Praise her every time she does her business in the litter box so she'll associate it with good behaviour that is rewarded. Is she spotting with increased frequency? If so, it might indicate she's having some problems - take her to the vet.

Kittens are playful and not particularly aggressive, unless provoked. Their intention is not to hurt, but just to get you to play with them. Watch your siblings when they handle the kitten - if they're being a bit too rough, or holding the kitten in a way that makes it uncomfortable, the kitten will respond by biting or scratching to let them know it doesn't like it. Kittens learn from what they observe of their surroundings and they can imitate rough play if they see it. If your kitty is being more aggressive than usual, then just tell her very firmly 'NO', maybe clap your hands, to show her that this sort of behaviour is not tolerated. In time she should learn.

mm i seee. thanks! :]

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I'm very sorry to hear about your dog. Lethargy is one of the symptoms (along with lack of appetite, jaundice, depression, dark-coloured urine) associated with liver infection, so yes she may be feeling drained of energy and doesn't want to move around much. You'll need to work with your vet to manage your dog's diet to repair the liver. Make sure your dog has fresh water at all times, and give her plenty of TLC.

I'm sure the dog owners in this thread will be able to give more advice.

thanks. she's finally eating and walking normally again :]

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My maltese has a barking problem.

We have him for almost a year already and only arond August that he finally started to bark and now he just won't stop.

He barks when he sees someone outside or if anyone coming down the stairs all dressed up.

I jokingly blame it on my bf's mom since she was complaining that its been so long already and he hasn't barked and now he just won't shut up.

It gets really irritating when its in the middle of the night he barks up at us to change his water bowl or to clean up his mess.

The little guy doesn't exactly bark either. For some reason he likes to throw his head back and howl.

Sorry for the extra pointless info but can anyone give me some advice on how they stopped their dog from barking so much?

Tell him "No!" when he barks. Do NOT give him what he wants. Because that just teaches him that barking will get him the attention he is seeking.

I`m not a fan of these and I will never use them myself, but I know people who have - shock collars. As soon as he makes a noise of a certain frequency, it will send a jolt into his body. Mm, again, it`s not a humane thing to do IMO, but it is an option.

ANOTHER option is similar - JUICE collar. He barks, juice gets squirted at his nose and irritates him. He`ll know better.

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Guest honeylove

Dog help, pleasee :]~

Well I bought a puppy a few weeks ago, and it's good with me & my brother. But it barks/growls at my dad sometimes, like if he tries to touch him.. same with my mom. And he barks/growls at random people on the street. How do I train him otherwise? I've tried hitting him & saying no and stuff, but it won't work. :/

& The previous owner of this dog trained him to be housebroken, so it's good that he goes outside to pee& stuff but sometimes when I'm lazy or when it's raining, it's a hassle to walk him. So how do I change his habit and get him to pee/crap on newspaper inside the house? Will it be hard to train him because he'll try to hold it in? Will it lead to infections? ]:


Sorry, no one answered my questionn :[ so i'm posting again.

& Also, I want to get him neutered but the previous owner didn't even give me any of the dogs vaccination papers or anything and he's always freaking disappearing. Like he won't pick up calls, answer e-mails.. it's only once in awhile. -___- I'm so irritated. Can I still bring him to get neutered then? Will they charge me a lot and give him shots all over again? He's 9months old btw.


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are shelter homes good places to get a dog?

i want a stable dog without any personality issues from previous abuse or etc. preferably relatively cheap, like under $500 (max).

if i get it from a shelter, it won't have any disease or anything right? :/

what are some good shelters to go to? the closest one to my place is in oakland which is this ghetto with one of the highest crime rates in the area.. so i'm not really wiling to go there D:

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I'm guessing your dog wasn't socialized very well as a puppy. He might also just be settling in still. You should hire a trainer. Also, whenever he meets a stranger, make sure it's a completely positive experience. Maybe see if you could get some friends hes never seen before to throw him treats while your walking him. Eventually he'll learn meeting new person=treats, so strangers will means good things for him. As far as getting him fixed, i think you'll need proof that he had his shots but im not sure. If you're worried about the price, there are places that will fix him for free or very cheaply so all you would need to pay for is the shots. http://www.lovethatcat.com/spayneuter.html#states Listings by state, for both cats and dogs.


Animal shelters and animal rescues are great places to get dogs. You might wanna check out a rescue first, since they foster all the dogs they have they'll be able to tell you about its personality. Most shelters and rescues fully vet the animals before adopting them out. I think a rescue would be best for you. Go to petfinder.com and you'll be able to see a listing of all the shelters and rescues in your area. Most adoption fees can be anywhere from $50-$250 really depends on the place.

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Guest ali.star

My Gindo just recently had puppies... on the 17th of November so about 3 weeks ago and my dad wants to give them away already. They're still drinking the mom's milk and they can't really walk that well yet. I told him that it's TOO early to give them away but he won't listen to me and he said that in a week it'll be fine for them.

So I'm going to double check!

When is it a good and healthy time to separate puppies from the mother?

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Guest AngelSakuraX

For a dog, how many annual shots are you supposed to get?

I sorta feel that the vet is telling us about shots that my dog doesn't need annually . :mellow:

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My Gindo just recently had puppies... on the 17th of November so about 3 weeks ago and my dad wants to give them away already. They're still drinking the mom's milk and they can't really walk that well yet. I told him that it's TOO early to give them away but he won't listen to me and he said that in a week it'll be fine for them.

So I'm going to double check!

When is it a good and healthy time to separate puppies from the mother?

Noooo, bad bad bad idea for them to be taken away from the mother earlier than 8 weeks of age. Depending on where you live, it may also be illegal to give them away so young. Puppies are learning so much from being around their mom and siblings at this age, it teaches them very important things like bite inhibition. Taking them away now could mean they might grow up to be trouble dogs (biters) and would probably be PTS. The minimum age is 8 weeks, but if its a small breed its best to keep them for 12 weeks. You should look into having them fixed before giving them away, to discourage people that will just wanna use them to make a profit^

For the shots question, not everyone agrees on how often pets should be vaccinated. I've heard most of the shots are good for 1-3 years. Just for safety I take my dogs in every year for a Rabies shot and some other things (don't remember the names). If you really feel that you're dog doesn't need them every year, you might wanna talk it over with your vet or find a new vet.

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My Gindo just recently had puppies... on the 17th of November so about 3 weeks ago and my dad wants to give them away already. They're still drinking the mom's milk and they can't really walk that well yet. I told him that it's TOO early to give them away but he won't listen to me and he said that in a week it'll be fine for them.

So I'm going to double check!

When is it a good and healthy time to separate puppies from the mother?

I agree with b1argh (about the shots also---our dogs only got rabies shots--many breeders and even some vets now say certain shots are not necessary, but others may be--)-- they're way too young to be away from their mother. I would get in touch with a Jindo rescue--rather than having them go to a shelter or something--because these people would know exactly what they need, and how they should be taken care of. I read that more Jindos are ending up at shelters these days. =/ Unfortunately the Jindo Project website is offline >< The couple of times we've actually had puppies (different breed), we've never been able to have them before 4 or 5 months. I think that may be a general age for being okay to be away from the mother.

Hopefully the ther site will be back up soon: but meanwhile, maybe these people can help you:


this is the main site--you can try calling them, and telling them you need help.


good luck!

edit: Jindo Project has a Myspace~


maybe you could try calling them directly--found this:

Jindo Project

Phone: 888-343-4364

Fax: 909-433-2136

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For a dog, how many annual shots are you supposed to get?

I sorta feel that the vet is telling us about shots that my dog doesn't need annually . :mellow:

Recommended the basic 5 way shot which includes canine distemper.

then get an update on rabies.

Other than that, nothing else he really needs unless he`s out a lot socializing.. then I guess kennel cough shot would be good for him too :mellow:

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Guest AngelSakuraX

Recommended the basic 5 way shot which includes canine distemper.

then get an update on rabies.

Other than that, nothing else he really needs unless he`s out a lot socializing.. then I guess kennel cough shot would be good for him too :mellow:

Thank You! :)

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My maltese has a barking problem.

We have him for almost a year already and only arond August that he finally started to bark and now he just won't stop.

He barks when he sees someone outside or if anyone coming down the stairs all dressed up.

I jokingly blame it on my bf's mom since she was complaining that its been so long already and he hasn't barked and now he just won't shut up.

It gets really irritating when its in the middle of the night he barks up at us to change his water bowl or to clean up his mess.

The little guy doesn't exactly bark either. For some reason he likes to throw his head back and howl.

Sorry for the extra pointless info but can anyone give me some advice on how they stopped their dog from barking so much?

stop spoiling him and giving him control. your enforcing his bad behavior because he has learned that when he barks/howls you will do what he wants because u just want him to shutup. first firmly say NO! and if you really want to stop him from barking get a muzzle that u can put on him. and when u put it on say QUIET or STOP BARKING. don't leave it on all night.. just leave it on for a couple of mins. if you take it off and he continues to bark put it back on and say QUIET or STOP BARKING. when you say this he will learn when you say QUIET or STOP BARKING (pick one to teach him) it means to stop barking or the muzzle will be put on him.


yeah.. your dog hasn't been socialized well and he isnt use to strangers. best thing is to have friends that arn't afraid of a barking dog and let your friend approach it giving your dog a treat. if your dog just automatically start barking at the sight of a stranger calm him down but dont reward him. keeping trying to get him use to having a stranger near by getting the "stranger" to give your dog treats and act friendly. you have to teach your dog how to tell between good people and bad people.

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Guest honeylove

Thanks for the replies(:

But yeah, I got another problem & it's totally urgent! :[ When I bought this dog, it has already been house broken. & I usually take it out 2 times a day for him to go do his business. But now it's raining and I can't take him outside so I don't kno how to house train him to go on newspaper. This whole day, starting at 1PM, I've put him in the bathroom & laid the floor with newspaper. But he doesn't go. :[ And he keeps whining and everything. And I left him in there for hours and he still hasn't went. I took him outside when it was sprinkling and he peed like once or twice, but won't do anything else. And I put him back in the bathroom now. What do I do? I'm scared he'll hold it in too long and have an infection or something. I really need help asap. /= Thank youu~

& Btw, he should be like 11-12 months by now since the post that was selling him said he was 9 months around Oct30.

Is it possible to train him to be house broken AND house trained?

Damn rainy weather. >_>

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Thanks for the replies(:

But yeah, I got another problem & it's totally urgent! :[ When I bought this dog, it has already been house broken. & I usually take it out 2 times a day for him to go do his business. But now it's raining and I can't take him outside so I don't kno how to house train him to go on newspaper. This whole day, starting at 1PM, I've put him in the bathroom & laid the floor with newspaper. But he doesn't go. :[ And he keeps whining and everything. And I left him in there for hours and he still hasn't went. I took him outside when it was sprinkling and he peed like once or twice, but won't do anything else. And I put him back in the bathroom now. What do I do? I'm scared he'll hold it in too long and have an infection or something. I really need help asap. /= Thank youu~

& Btw, he should be like 11-12 months by now since the post that was selling him said he was 9 months around Oct30.

Is it possible to train him to be house broken AND house trained?

Damn rainy weather. >_>

Yup yup !

Every 45 minutes tell him "Pee/poo here" and point to the newspaper. When he whines about going outside, say "No poo/no pee" and bring him back to the newspaper. Keep doing that and eventually he`ll get it

Thing is though, SOME dogs... won`t learn both. Once you let him pee in the house he won`t wanna go outside and he`ll pee on whatever newspaper is on the floor. So make sure your training is strict, reward for good behavior of course

Another method is using scented pee pads.. they`re made for puppies, but whatever. Works for adult dogs too

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Guest hbunnynote

i have a pet bunny (american mix) and my family feeds it random things such as rice and different fruits including grapes. is that okay?

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Guest pucca1430262022

Does anyone know how long a dog can stay outside in the snow? i took my dog outside today for a walk and he loves the snow and doesnt even want to go inside

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i have a pet bunny (american mix) and my family feeds it random things such as rice and different fruits including grapes. is that okay?

they can eat them, but only in small amounts (they're basically treat foods so should be limited)

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Guest mooshi x3

so the bamboo plants. would that be considered an aquatic plant? because they do grow in water. i want to get a fish tank and put it in. is that bad for fishes?

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