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Kang Dong-Won 강동원 [Upcoming movies: “The Plot”, “Dr. Cheon and Lost Talisman”, “ War and Revolt”]


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Yeah I do too and I noticed KDW has a large neck.


i don't think dongwon has a large neck, but actually his face is smaller than ordinary man has.


the pics from the top page that oceanluv post...

wow...is that only my vision? that i see kdw is more handsome and handsome these days....in lovely short hair......


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a friend of mine send me this :

Joong Ang Daily

Actor and model Kang Dong-won, 26, is no longer just a pretty boy. In Lee Myung-se’s recent psychodrama “M,” Kang plays a writer named Min-woo who journeys back and forth between reality and fantasy in search of his first love Mi-mi, played by Lee Yeon-hee.

Compared to Kang’s previous work, films such as “Temptation of Wolves” (2004) and “Duelist” (2005), M seems less naturalistic in tone. The actor’s pretty face is hidden behind black-rimmed spectacles and his hair is shaped like the letter M. The story’s blurry visual effects create an atmosphere that reflects Kang’s psychological quest.

“Playing the part of Min-woo was very challenging,” Kang said. The film focuses on Min-woo’s entire life, so Kang had to reach deep to find the necessary romance and the drama of his character. The director specifically asked Kang to play up his facial expressions as much as possible to convey the required depth of emotions. After all, the film was image-oriented rather than story-oriented.

“Lee uses the actors like tools,” Kang said. “Working with this director allowed me to give full flight to my acting range.”

M marks Kang’s second collaboration with Lee Myung-se. The first was “Duelist,” with a script that greatly interested Kang.

“This film proves that Lee is a great director,” Kang said. Though the film wasn’t a hit at the box office, Kang still admires the story.

M was the same. The first time he read the script Kang knew the film had great potential. He was also sure that the complexity of the plot would challenge movie-goers. In his latest movie, Kang reveals growing self-confidence.

“In the past, I was more concerned about what people, particular those in the movie industry, thought about me,” he said. But when filming M, Kang decided that he would enjoy himself to the fullest when shooting began. He got into character straight -away.

“From the start of the shoot, I made myself out to be just as crazy as Min-woo,” Kang said. He had to portray three different personas ― the ordinary, obsessed and young Min-woo. Kang said a recent conflict with his agent allowed him to act more hysterical in the movie.

“I adopt this grotesque facial expression whenever things don’t turn out the way I want,” Kang said. “That expression turns up again and again in this movie.”

For some of Kang’s fans, it’s hard to imagine him playing such serious cinematic roles.

In “Don’t Believe in Her,” Kang was a country pharmacist. In “Our Happy Time,” he was a condemned criminal. In “Voice of a Murderer,” he contributed his voice as a kidnapper.

“I choose scripts that interest me most at that very moment,” he said.

He said he signed up for Our Happy Time to prove that he could act. At that time, the public was mainly interested in Kang’s looks and many doubted he had the acting chops to make it on the big screen.

Kang revealed the depth and range of his voice work in Voice of the Murderer. In Duelist, he showed off his martial arts skills. In this film, Kang said, he reckons he did everything an actor can do with his body. Surprisingly, Kang didn’t dream of becoming an actor. He started out as a model. But when he took some acting classes, he realized what he had been missing. The revelation meant a change of career.

“I felt incredibly refreshed,” he said, adding the world blazed with energy whenever he expressed intense emotions as an actor.

“Acting is what I’ve been looking for my entire life,” he said.

Kang, now regarded more as an actor than a model, wants to pursue what he thinks is best. He refuses to compromise and wants to continue to defy public expectation.

“I want to forge a new direction,” he said. “Other actors are my competitors. I want to make full use of my strengths and weaknesses to be the best that I can be.”

By Yang Sung-hee JoongAng Ilbo [estyle@joongang.co.kr]

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syille..i've read this also at news thread courtesy of rubie.

that is why i like reading articles..here's my thoughts.

He said he signed up for Our Happy Time to prove that he could act. At that time, the public was mainly interested in Kang’s looks and many doubted he had the acting chops to make it on the big screen.

well, im sure the public is looking at Dongwon oppa now...as an actor in a new light.

he proved to everybody that he excel on acting & modelling :rolleyes:

i regard Dongwon oppa as one of the most versatile actors. :P

Surprisingly, Kang didn’t dream of becoming an actor. He started out as a model. But when he took some acting classes, he realized what he had been missing. The revelation meant a change of career.

“I felt incredibly refreshed,” he said, adding the world blazed with energy whenever he expressed intense emotions as an actor.

“Acting is what I’ve been looking for my entire life,” he said.

Kang, now regarded more as an actor than a model, wants to pursue what he thinks is best. He refuses to compromise and wants to continue to defy public expectation.

“I want to forge a new direction,” he said. “Other actors are my competitors. I want to make full use of my strengths and weaknesses to be the best that I can be.”

Kang Dong Won is getting more passionate on his acting craft. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets an award in the future :lol:

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syille..i've read this also at news thread courtesy of rubie.

that is why i like reading articles..here's my thoughts.

well, im sure the public is looking at Dongwon oppa now...as an actor in a new light.

he proved to everybody that he excel on acting & modelling :rolleyes:

i regard Dongwon oppa as one of the most versatile actors. :P

Kang Dong Won is getting more passionate on his acting craft. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets an award in the future :lol:

Totally agree and I loved his comment on other actors are his competitors, could not agree more. It's yours for the taking KDW take no prisoners. Also what was this conflict with his agent that made him act a fool on the screen LOL. I liked the fact KDW is coming out more and more and not being so shy as he was in the beginning. I noticed he doesn't touch his hair that much or cover his mouth. He will have a long career in the movies.

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cool stuff oceanluv...

well about the "Joong Ang Daily" article.... me too agree with all comments....

but for me, I love all the answers that he gave...love it so much... i think he's really a deep thinker,

and smart, 1 of the answer i like is this “I want to forge a new direction, Other actors are my competitors. I want to make full use of my strengths and weaknesses to be the best that I can be.”

wow..we all behind you kdw...so... fightoh...!!!

aah..oceanluv....is "M" not in the box office list anymore...??

no news about the selling ticket anymore.......


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Dada, trans this news pls...


강동원 성적표 공개, 화제 만발!

2007년 11월 09일(금) 오전 08:23



강동원의 중학교, 고등학교 시절 성적표가 네티즌들 사이에서 공개되어 화제다.

강동원의 중학교 시절 성적은 말 그대로 '수'와 '우'뿐이다. 평가란에도 "전교과 성적이 우수하다"라는 글귀가 눈에 띈다.

고등학교 시절에는 "축구부원으로 활동했으며 활동에 적극적임"이라는 평이 써있다.

강동원의 성적뿐만 아니라 기록부에 남아있는 사진도 공개돼 화제를 모으고 있다. 지금과 다르지 않은 모습에 '자연미남'임을 입증됐다.

한편 강동원은 최근 영화 'M'을 통해 관객과 만났으며 그의 향후 일정에 팬들의 관심이 집중되고 있다.

- 색깔있는 뉴스 스포츠서울닷컴 (sportsseoul.com)

Copyrights ⓒ 스포츠서울닷컴. 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지 -

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thanks oceanluv...

that news? with DW's kiddy pics...

hmmmm.....i wondering what it's all about too???

hopely dadani will hears us...


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Guest Airine Pratama

Guyz thanks for pics and info ^^ ... I read the article where mention the media start to acknowledge his acting and not just face makes me happy and proud ... I also admire the way Dongwon manage his career ... He definitely always pick right project, he choose very wise ... And he know what he wants and his objectives to pursue ... I learn something from him ... ^^ He doesn't talk much but he proves through action ... And he make it ^^ ... Congratz oppa!

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‘M’ 대한민국 영화대상 8개 부문 최다후보작

2007년 11월 10일(토) 오전 09:30


[뉴스엔 김미영 기자]

강동원 주연의 ‘M’(감독 이명세/제작 프로덕션M)이 제6회 대한민국 영화대상 최다부문 후보작에 올랐다.

‘M’은 최우수작품상 감독상 신인여우상 미술상 촬영상 조명상 편집상 시각효과상 등 총 8개 부문에 후보를 올리며 최다부문 후보작이 됐다. ‘타짜’는 최우수작품상 감독상 남우주연상 등 7개 부문에 이름을 올렸다.

‘M’은 톱스타 강동원과 이명세 감독의 만남으로 화제를 불러일으킨 작품이다. 몽환적인 느낌과 과거와 현실을 오가는 독특한 화면구성이 눈길을 끌었으나 모호하고 어려운 이야기로 관객들에게는 별다른 감흥을 주지 못하며 흥행에도 적신호가 켜졌다.

그러나 대한민국 영화대상에서는 8개 부문에 후보로 이름을 올리며 선전하고 있다.

이 외에도 눈여겨 볼 점은 매번 여주인공에게 가려졌던 주진모가 영화 ‘사랑’(감독 곽경택/제작 태원엔터테인먼트, 진인사필름)으로 남우주연상 후보에 올랐다는 사실이다. 영화 ‘미녀는 괴로워’에서 주진모와 함께 호흡을 맞췄던 김아중도 여우주연상 후보에 이름을 올렸다.

송강호는 ‘우아한 세계’ ‘밀양’ 두 작품으로 후보에 이름을 올려 강력한 남우주연상 후보가 됐다.

제6회 대한민국 영화대상 장편 후보작 심사는 12일부터 15일까지 서울 메가박스 목동점 3개관에서 진행되며 장편 수상작 선정 인터넷 투표는 16일부터 12월 1일까지 MBC 홈페이지에서 할 수 있다.

제6회 대한민국 영화대상 시상식은 12월 1일 오후 6시 50분 서울 세종문화회관 대극장에서 개최된다.

김미영 grandmy@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지


'M' nominated 8 categories from The 6th Korean Film Awards (the ceremony will be held on Dec 1, 2007)

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this is such a good news! thanks Oceanluv :)

its been 2years since Duelist :rolleyes: did it mention our Dongwonnie as a nominee for Best Leading actor?! im crossing my fingers :sweatingbullets: this is another exciting show to look forward. *giggles*

with director Lee Myung See.. a film will surely not be shortlisted on such event.

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this is such a good news! thanks Oceanluv :)

its been 2years since Duelist :rolleyes: did it mention our Dongwonnie as a nominee for Best Leading actor?! im crossing my fingers :sweatingbullets: this is another exciting show to look forward. *giggles*

with director Lee Myung See.. a film will surely not be shortlisted on such event.

no, he didn't...so bad..... :(

more M's promo pics




edit on 07.11.12















M's-Promo-Nov (26.84 MB).zip

credit: dcdongwon

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no, he didn't...so bad..... :(

more M's promo pics

credit: dc

So..our dongwonnie isn't nominated. that's sad =( i was hoping somehow coz i think his role as Minwoo is very challenging..but then..award winning acting is not director Lee Myung See's cup of tea. well.. hope M could win their respective category.

Wow!! our dongwonnie is pretty much busy with M's promotion. :w00t: the last time i check KOFIC's tally board..M is at #7 securing 2M more tickets :rolleyes:

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강동원, 영화 ‘M’을 통해 카메라 앞에서 제대로 놀았다

2007년 11월 12일(월) 오전 10:11


강동원이 돌아왔다. 이명세 감독의 신작 영화 ‘M’에서 첫사랑의 기억을 찾는 소설가 한민우 역할을 맡은 그는 주인공의 불안하고 날카로운 심리 상태를 표현해냈다. ‘M’ 시사회 직후 열린 간담회에서 모처럼 그의 이야기를 들어봤다.

감독님이 무섭다고요? 아마 집요한 부분이 있어서 그런 소문이 난 것 같습니다. 배우가 몸에 배어 있는 걸 다 떨쳐내고 끝까지 영화 속 캐릭터에 젖어들 수 있도록 해주시거든요. 하지만 현장에서는 굉장히 친절한 감독님이세요. ‘친절한 명세씨’라는 별명처럼요.”

정신적 유전자가 닮은 이명세 감독과 두 번째 조우

‘M’은 이명세 감독과는 ‘형사 Duelist’에 이어 두 번째로 함께한 작품이다. 그는 항간에 떠돌던 감독과의 불화설을 불식시키려는 듯 이 감독에 대한 깊은 존경과 애정의 말로 운을 뗐다. 배우로서 연기를 하면서 본인의 어떤 면을 버리기가 어려웠느냐는 질문에는 "가진 게 별로 없어서 떨쳐내는 것도 힘들지 않았다”며 겸손해한다. 그는 이명세 감독에 대한 믿음이 있었기에 자신을 마음껏 맡길 수 있었다고 힘주어 말했다. 덕분에 발성에 보다 많은 신경을 쓰는 대신, 연기는 더욱 편하게 하려고 노력했단다. ‘M’을 촬영하는 동안 "카메라 앞에서 제대로 놀 수 있었다”는 것이 그의 자평.

영화 속에서 그는 주제곡 ‘안개’를 기타를 치며 직접 불렀다. 노래 부르는 것을 좋아한다는 그는 최대한 밝은 느낌으로 부르려 노력했다고 전했다.

"촬영장에 항상 ‘안개’가 흐르고 있었어요. 지겹게 들어서 익히는 게 어렵지는 않았고, 노래는 잘 부르진 못해도 늘 즐겨 부르기는 하거든요. 다만 기타 연주는 하루 만에 급조된 실력이라 좀 힘들었어요.”

전반적으로 어둡고 침울한 분위기로 흐르는 영화 속에서 그는 소설가 한민우의 내면 연기를 나름의 색깔로 소화했다. 스스로도 가장 인상적이라고 꼽은 ‘일식집 장면’에서는 전에 없던 연극조의 연기까지 선보이며 새로운 스타일로 변신을 꾀했다.

"특별히 모델로 삼은 연기자는 없습니다. 형사 때도 그랬지만 모든 신이 새로운 영화이면서 새로운 장르라고 생각했어요. 감독님 말씀대로 사랑의 감정일 때는 멜로 영화라고 생각하고, 액션이 있으면 액션 영화라 생각하면서 연기를 했죠.”

2006년 ‘우리들의 행복한 시간’에 이어 올 초 개봉한 ‘그놈 목소리’를 통해 연기파 배우로 거듭난 그에게 2007년은 다사다난한 한 해였다. 영화 촬영을 마치고 나서 발등의 신경과 인대가 끊기는 부상을 당하기도 하고, 영화를 촬영하던 중에는 오랫동안 함께 일하던 소속사와 결별하는 아픔을 겪기도 했다. 최근 모 일간지와 한 인터뷰에서 "개인적으로 정말 힘들었던 시기였다”며 "내 편인 줄 알았던 사람이 내 편이 아니라고 느끼게 됐다”고 불편한 심경을 드러냈을 정도. 지난해 가을 터져나온 모델 출신 여자친구와의 결별설도 지난 6월 강동원 측 관계자에 의해 사실로 확인되면서 팬들의 마음을 안타깝게 했다. 사랑해 본 적이 있느냐는 질문에 "사랑했지만 집착이었던 것 같다. 내가 잘못한 것 같다”고 한 것은 아마도 헤어진 연인을 염두에 둔 말일지도 모른다.

하지만 그는 영화 속 한민우와는 달리 나쁜 기억이라고 해서 머릿속에서 지워버리고 싶지는 않은 모양이다.

"물론 지난 기억 중에는 즐거운 기억도 있고, 잊고 싶은 기억도 있죠. 하지만 좋은 기억이든 나쁜 기억이든 그러한 기억들 덕분에 발전할 수 있었고 지금의 제가 있는 것 같아요. 그래서 그 기억들을 다 지우면 아마도 못난이가 되어 있을 것 같다는 생각이 드네요.”

스스로 ‘자신에 대한 실험’이라고 얘기할 만큼 판타지와 미스터리가 한데 엉킨, 생소한 장르의 이번 영화에서 그는 전작들과는 확연히 다른 가능성을 선보였다. 이제 강동원이라는 배우가 어떤 모습으로 성장할지 지켜볼 일만 남았다.

■글 / 곽소경(자유기고가) ■사진 / 이성훈


unseen pics



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ooh...look at him....he's so cute.... :lol:

he's surely couldn't stand of the cold weather.....

poor him... it's winter now in korea, i hope he's fine...


and so sad..he didn't get any nomination for himshelf... :angry:

well...at least "M" got it....


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ooh...look at him....he's so cute.... :lol:

he's surely couldn't stand of the cold weather.....

poor him... it's winter now in korea, i hope he's fine...


haha i wonder why the guys beside him didn't feel cold like him...

Dongwon, take care yourself so much.... :blush:

[M gets 398,988 tickets now]

unseen pics again



^ it's rarely to see his lively looks, wow...that made me good-tempered... :D

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Guest subduing mara

So..our dongwonnie isn't nominated. that's sad =( i was hoping somehow coz i think his role as Minwoo is very challenging..but then..award winning acting is not director Lee Myung See's cup of tea. well.. hope M could win their respective category.

What a pity!! DW was not a nominee for best actor!. I personally think that the time for M promoting is rather short in comparision to the orther nominees. It launched to public end of last Oct and judgin' from BO results is pretty disappointed :sweatingbullets: . I read some reviews and it sounds like movie is hard to capture (is it?). I need to withness myself of what M is like and why people keeps saying so. ..

Anyway, I'll keep my fingers cross for director Lee and all the involved people in this .M.ovie

to win total 8 awards. Aja Aja!!

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^ it's rarely to see his lively looks, wow...that made me good-tempered... :D
you're very truly right oceanluv...nowadays..along with his huge popularity........hardly seing him like that...thanks 4 posting it....remind me how cute and funny he was......... :lol:
Anyway, I'll keep my fingers cross for director Lee and all the involved people in this .M.ovie to win total 8 awards. Aja Aja!!
yeap...i cross my fingers now too... :)
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