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For Those Of You That Are Not Korean, How Do Your Parents React When They Find Out You Listen To Kor

Guest psquare6806

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Guest psquare6806

How do your parents react when they find out you listen to korean music or watch korean dramas even though you're not korean?

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Guest pooface

My parents dnt mind .. they like watchin korean dramas themselves! .. :) but they perfer historial versions that are melodramas!

but do make fun out of me listenin to korean music .. like ..u understand? .. :) .. giggly type.. nothin biggy

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Guest angelcadex

I must admit they were a little weirded out at first, it's just different to them.

But they don't mind ^^

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Guest _obsession

it was my auntie who introduced me to korean media.

my whole family is practically into korean dramas.lucky me, i guess :)

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Guest The Legend

My parents and my family don't care. I even got my dad to listen to Jinusean..and he likes them lol. But sometimes some of my other family members are all like, why do you listen to the ching chong music? and i really don't like it when they do that. But usually they don't bother me about it.

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I don't think any parent really cares if their kids listen to a different language song or drama as long as the song isn't filled with foul language. My parents don't really care.

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Guest moonies

my parents don't care..in fact, they watch korean drama with me (our chinese channel have korean drama dubbed)

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I'm going to replace "Korean" with "Japanese" because its the same situation for me. I'm not Japanese but I listen to the music, watch the anime etc.

I reckon my mum thought it was a little bizarre at first, but I've always been quite internationally conscious so I guess she didnt find it too weird. I think she finds interesting that I listen to foreign music/watch foreign programmes. I think what she does find a little weird is that my favourite bands of choice play mostly very heavy rock, and are - to her - more than a little bit creepy XD (<3 Dir en grey and The GazettE) Then there's the whole VK androgyny thing.

I'm not close to my dad, so I dont think he really knows about my J-obsessions. But he probably wouldnt think much of it either way.

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Guest `faded

they don't care O_O..haha..cause they know I also embrace my own chinese culture fully haha XD..they're pretty open minded XD..LOL..

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Guest xiong_mau

I started woth chinese at first.. My parents at first.. quite okay with it..

When i hear chinese radio.. My parents will asked "Do you actually understand??"...

then i will answer "no.. not exactly".. Hahaha~

But now.. I more to korean.. they use to it already... hehehe~

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Guest x SaRaNg HaE x

My parents didn't care; they just left me alone.

But my mom started watching Korean dramas once I started watching.

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Guest Velocitii

they dont care, they care that i listen to rap, because the only words they understand are the curse words

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Guest tontamoo

My parents don't care. My mom knows that I like Korean food (she likes it too) and listening to Korean music. I listen to Chinese music and English songs too.

My mom only thought it was weird when I was super obsessed with H.O.T. back in high school. During those days she did ask why do I like them -- that they looked like girls (haha) and why do I listen to it if I can't understand what they're saying. Now I'm not obsessed with any band in particular -- no collection pictures or reading lyrics anymore. I just have it on my playlist.

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Guest straw.ME

They dont really mind!

My parents watch all kinds of movies

like Thai Chinese Japanese.

anything thats good so they dont mind.

~Meishsh0rt <3

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Guest sweet_treats1812

they kinda think it's amusing and they smile when they hear me listening to it..sometimes they ask if i understand it and i say, yeah i get some words :lol: it's really no biggie to them i guess...

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