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Anyone Know French?

Guest yonsu

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Guest _stillDOLL

Stilldoll, i'm a French so we can talk via MSN if you want, just send me MP.

And if you want a French forum, i'm a old member in Doctissimo, it is like Soompi, it is like Soompi but less beautiful and too munch people.xD

Ooh.^^ Okay xD the more the merrier >3<"

oh my gosh~ cool xD;; I'm gonna check that out nowww~~ xD

btw, L♥veeeeee your signature~~~~ =]

No no I didn't mean skyping with webcam, just with mic (by just making a call)... HAHA...

But ah well, we'll end up blah blah-ing on msn soon anyway... cool.gif Just that we're both busy at the moment and we're in different time zones...

Ohhh xD;;; haaha I feel like a noob not knowing skype xD;;;; but yeah, either way my parent's are gonna like kill me if I mic/webcam =3=lllllll TT_TT so unfairrrr.

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nope, i just get my french friend garrett to translate stuff for me.

funny thing is, he hates french.





not sure how accurate these are ;p

It has already been translated... without a mistake. Yours still has some mistakes. Sorry.

Tell your friend Garrett to keep his eyes opened next time. You too, because apparently, you didn't know it was already translated perfectly.

Women is "femmes"... You forgot an S because it's in plural...

Filles is mostly "girls"...

Beauty is "beauté".

That's the most accurate you can be.

Beautiful would be "belle" though.


Ohhh xD;;; haaha I feel like a noob not knowing skype xD;;;; but yeah, either way my parent's are gonna like kill me if I mic/webcam =3=lllllll TT_TT so unfairrrr.

Hahaha... It's good when you have some important people you don't live with, and that you wanna communicate with them just like that instead of using a phone... Hand free!!! (Unless you really have a mic that you have to hold haha)... I have a typical gamer headset... B)

But ahhh... Webcaming is understandable if your parents get mad (especially with strangers) but why not mic? They don't wanna hear you talking with people? xD I mean, a lot of strangers-strangers talk on the phone (telemarketing craps mostly xD... OH and some dating services HAHAHA!)...

The advantage of using a mic is very good to practice our speaking...

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Guest _stillDOLL

But ahhh... Webcaming is understandable if your parents get mad (especially with strangers) but why not mic? They don't wanna hear you talking with people? xD I mean, a lot of strangers-strangers talk on the phone (telemarketing craps mostly xD... OH and some dating services HAHAHA!)...

The advantage of using a mic is very good to practice our speaking...

LOL. They don't. hahah;; they won't even let me web-cam with friends irl. =3=;;

Oh yeah, that is true otherwise you just go around speaking french with an epic fail accent LOL;;;;

O________O PEOPLE TELEMARKET ON THE NET?!~ O_________O"" i never knew that....lol

eeww. dating services are dodgyyyyy (I'm guessing xD;; since I don't even set foot on those sites XD;)

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  • 1 month later...

salut! j'etudie le francais. ce n'est pas tres bien. je veux pratiquer mon francais ici. je ne sais pas where to start (sorry i don't know how to say that in french lol). alors, vous pouvez demander moi des questions, et j'essaye de repondre.

the grammer in that probably needs fixing. if you guys can correct me that would be great.

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^from a french dictionary, it's the masculine adjective for nutty. so yeah it's along the lines of crazy.

hmm no one wants to converse with me in french :(? or is my grammar so out of place that no one can understand it?

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^ don't worry your french is understandable, lol you just need to work on your grammar (pretty difficult even for us native speaker^^)

vous pouvez demander moi des questions --> vous pouvez me poser des questions (with "question" it's always "poser" but you can "demander quelque chose")

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hmm i think i'm a little bit over my head here. looks like i'm 10yrs too early to start conversing in french haha. however it is rewarding to see someone who can understand my broken french!

learning french has made me realise how bad my basic english is. i have alot of troubles structuring and forming basic sentences in french. it doesn't help when i constantly think of sentences in english and then directly translate it into french word for word.

andromeda, est-ce que vous etes de france?

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^ non je suis de Belgique, où on a 3 langues nationales : français, néerlandais(dutch) et allemand (german).

i have alot of troubles structuring and forming basic sentences in french. it doesn't help when i constantly think of sentences in english and then directly translate it into french word for word --> it was the same for me when I learned english and dutch. Now I also think in english^^ that makes things easier

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c'est impressionnant! je suis le chinois. je parle le chinois et le australien (lol). j'ai recemment commence etudier le japonais et j'etudie le francais huit mois.

it's amazing how a lot of people who studied in europe are fluently trilingual. i guess it helps when you are surrounded by different countries with their own language system.

one day (probably in like 50 years) i'll be able to type all that out in french with proper grammar!

is it better to say 'où on a 3 langues nationales' as oppose to 'je sais 3 langues nationales'?

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Guest lychee_poo

je suis le chinois. je parle le chinois et le australien (lol). j'ai recemment commence etudier le japonais et j'etudie le francais huit mois.

I think there should be an apostrophe there since "australie" begins with a vowel. And I believe you're trying to say you have been studying french for eight months right? A better way to phrase that is "J'étudie le français depuis huit mois." Just my two cents haha I'm not sure if I'm right since I'm also still learning x.x Learning grammar made me realize how little I know about english grammar =(

And can anyone here help me with some grammar, I'm very lost with conditionnel. I hardly understand it =X Especially if clauses, I get really lost on the probable and possible stuff.

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yeah it should be l'australien. i'm using australien cause i'm trying to say australian. australie is australia no? i always forget to do the apostrophe.

i was trying to say i've been studying french for 8 months. i actually forgot to write 'pour' before huit mois. but depuis is probably the correct way. andromeda should be able to school us blush.gif.

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Guest ng0cnguy3n

Could someone please check my oral presentation to see if there are any mistakes? I had to use help from a translator a lot because what I wanted to write was just way too complicated. >_<

Personne Celebebre

Description Physique(supposed to be in passe compose):

Ils s'appelle TVXQ. Luer haeteur gammes de cinq pieds dix a six pieds et deus. Ils cheveux gammes de noir a blond. Ils sont la plupart sexy hommes de Asie.

Les Faits de sa vie(supposed to be in pass compose):

TVXQ est ne vingt-six decembre deux mille trois. Ils sont de Seoul, Korea. Ils a gagne beaucoup competition avant ils ont signe a S.M. Entertainment. Ils ont assiste formation pour devenir des artistes de onze ans avant ils sont devenus DBSK en deux mille quatre. Ensuit, en deux mille cinq, ils debut en Japon par le nom THSK. Ces cinq different hommes venu ensemble est ils est forme la plupart legendaire groupe de musique de Asie.

Ses succes ou reussites(supposed to be in pass compose):

Leur chanson, "Purple Line", debut au sommet le Oricon, qui a fait le premier etranger groupe de musique d'avoir un certain nombre d'une chanson sur le Oricon en Japon. Luer retour album, "Mirotic", en deux mille huit a ete le premier a rompre le cinq mille ventes marque en Korea en six ans. Luer fanclub, Cassiopeia, detient le record pour le plus grand fanclub avec huit cent mille fans.

J'ai choisi cette personne parce que:

DBSK est mon favori le group de musique.

Ils est mon inspiration et le personnes j'aime la plupart.

J'admire cette personne parce que...:

Ils peuvent danser, chanter, et d'agir tres bien. Ils ont de grandes personnalities aussi.

Si je pourais lue poser une question, ce serait...:

Serez-vous le pere de mes enfants?

Je vais...:

Je vais aller beaucoup de concerts par luer.

Here is what I was trying to say:

Famous Person

Physical Description:

Their name is TVXQ. Their height ranges from 5'10 to 6'2. They hair ranges from black to blonde. They are the most sexy men of Asia.

About their life:

They are from Seoul, Korea.

They won many competitions before they signed to S.M. Entertainment.

They trained for many years from the starting age of 11 years old before they became DBSK in 2004.

They later debuted in Japan by the name THSK in 2005.

These five different men came together as one and formed the most legendary group of Asia.

Their Accomplishments:

Their song, "Purple Line" debuted atop the Oricon, making them the first foreign group to top the Oricon in Japan.

Their comeback album, "Mirotic", in 2008 was the first to break the 500k sales mark in Korea in six years.

Their fanclub in Korea, Cassiopeia, with 800000 fans holds the record for the biggest fanclub.

I chose this person because:

DBSK is my favorite music group.

They are my inspiration and the people I love the most.

I admire this person because:

They can dance, sing, and act very well.

They also have great personalities.

A question I would ask them:

Will you be the fathers to my children?

I will...:

I will go to as many concerts by them as I can.

I'd appreciate any help and thank you in advance. Also, I know accent marks are crucial when doing the passe compose and I fully understand how to do that. I just didn't put the accent marks on here because I didn't know how. >.<

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wow i'm surprised i understood most of it. thanks for posting that up. a good reading practice.

i think you forgot to add the translation for 'TVXQ est ne vingt-six decembre deux mille trois'

TVXQ was born on december 2003. perhaps it's better to use 'etait' (l'imparfait) instead of 'est'. don't know what to do with 'on' though.

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Guest sweetie1611

Could someone please check my oral presentation to see if there are any mistakes? I had to use help from a translator a lot because what I wanted to write was just way too complicated. >_<

Here is what I was trying to say:

I'd appreciate any help and thank you in advance. Also, I know accent marks are crucial when doing the passe compose and I fully understand how to do that. I just didn't put the accent marks on here because I didn't know how. >.<

Please excuse my broken english. I've tried my best to explain your mistakes =.="

Personne célèbre

Ils s'appellent TVXQ. ("Ils" is a plural pronoun so the verb must be in plural too)

Leur taille varie("hauteur" is used for things, like height of a box, or mountains. When it comes to the height of a person, I think "taille" is the appropriate word ) de ... à ... (I don't think they use the unit "foot" in french so the number should be converted to meter ).

Leur couleur des cheveux varie de noire à blonde. Ils sont les hommes les plus sexy de l'Asie.

Les Faits de leur vie (you are talking about a group of people so we must use the pronoun "leur" )

TVXQ est formé au vingt-six decembre deux mille trois. Ils sont de Seoul, Corée du Sud. Ils ont gagné beaucoup de competitions(" beaucoup" always comes with "de") avant de signer à S.M. Entertainment.

Ils ont assiste formation pour devenir des artistes depuis onze ans avant de devenir DBSK en deux milles quatre.

Ensuite, en deux mille cinq, ils ont debuté en Japon sous le nom THSK.

Ces cinq differents hommes se sont rassemblés et forment le groupe de musique le plus légendaire de l'Asie.

Leurs succes ou reussites:

Leur chanson, "Purple Line" a débutée en première place de l'Oricon. Cela les rend le premier étranger groupe de musique qui était au top de l'Oricon en Japon. (I actually change all the phrasal structures in this part because I think it sounds much better in this way)

Leur retour album, "Mirotic", en deux mille huit était le premier a rompre le cinq mille ventes marque en Korea en six ans. (this sentence sounds kinda weird but I don't know how to fix it, sorry >"< )

Leur fanclub, Cassiopeia, est devenu le détenteur d'un record du fanclub le plus grand du monde avec huit cent mille fans.

J'ai choisi ces personnes parce que:

DBSK est mon group de musique préféré.

Ils sont mon inspiration et ceux que j'aime les plus.

J'admire ces personnes parce que...:

Ils peuvent danser, chanter, et bien interpréter.

Ils ont de bonnes personnalités aussi.

Si je pourais leur poser une question, ce serait...:

Serez-vous le pere de mes enfants?

Je vais...:

Je vais aller à beaucoup de concerts d'eux .

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Guest sushie-chan

I am a French girl, i will try to correct your mistakes:

Personnes célèbres(i add a "s" because it is a band so there are several persons)

Ils s'appellent TVXQ.= it would be better: Le nom de leur groupe est TVXQ ("their band name is TVXQ" because "ils s'appellent" is not the good sentence to say.

Leur taille varient de ...cm à ...cm.

La couleur de leur cheveux varie de noire à blonde. Ce sont les hommes les plus sexys de l'Asie.

Les Faits de leur vie

TVXQ s'est formé le vingt-six décembre deux mille trois. Ils sont originaire de Séoul, Corée du Sud. Ils ont remportés beaucoup de compétitions avant de signer avec S.M. Entertainment.

Ils ont assistés à des formations pour devenir artiste depuis onze ans avant de devenir DBSK en deux mille quatre.

Ensuite, en deux mille cinq, ils ont debuté au Japon sous le nom de THSK.

Ces cinq differents hommes se sont rassemblés et forment le groupe de musique le plus légendaire de l'Asie.

Leur succès:

Leur chanson, "Purple Line" a débutée en première place de l'Oricon. Grâce à la réussite de cette chanson, ils furent les premiers chanteurs étrangers qui furent au top de l'Oricon au Japon.

Leur album, "Mirotic", en deux mille huit fut le premier a dépassé les cinq mille ventes en Corée en six ans.

Leur fanclub, Cassiopeia, atteint le record du fanclub ayant le plus populaire du monde avec huit cent mille fans.

J'ai choisi ces personnes parce que:

DBSK est mon groupe de musique préféré.

Ils m'inspirent et ce sontceux que j'aime les plus.

J'admire ces personnes parce que...:

Ils peuvent danser, chanter, et sont doués pour l'interprétation.

Ils ont de bonnes personnalités aussi.

Si je pourrais leur poser une question, ce serait...:

Seriez-vous ("pourriez-vous devenir"= for an authorization) le père de mes enfants?

Je vais...:

Je vais assister à leur nombreux concerts.

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Guest ng0cnguy3n

Thank you so much everyone! I didn't expect so many replies! Our oral was today but we ran out of time so I haven't presented yet. I will definitely make all the changes you've all suggested! Thank you again everyone! n_n

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