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Do You Think You Are Pretty?


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I'm alright I guess. I rated myself a 7.

I have good confidence in myself and I like my smile (I got crooked teeth btw)

and I really like my skin, hair and my body =D

confidence is the key, a lot of people tell me I'm cute/pretty. I get pretty flattered and tell them they're beautiful for saying that. Someone once told me that, if you think your not pretty, then don't sit your fat richard simmons there on the computer and go do something about it :)

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I'd say I'm around a 3 - 6?

Because I really dislike my looks (compared to well.. all those other girls out there).

Although I tend stand out too much - due to my height/the fact that I don't eat too much.

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Guest thathalfjapaneseboy

As conceited as this may sound, I think I am attractive - I have a symmetrical, above average face.

In terms of my body, it's skinny which is a good thing where I live, but I want to be more muscular.

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Guest daradiridaraduu-

Uhm. I give everyone a ten :D

Beauty is opinion and what is pretty to one isn't to another.

Everyone's beautiful in their own way^^'

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Guest SHINEjaejoong

Sometimes I think I look really gorgeous, but those days are quite...rare... :mellow:

But sometimes I just look in the mirror and my hair is all greasy, my face looks like it has been slaughtered and then tried to be put together but failed miserably. Those days I just look at myself and think: "Damn, girl! You are UUU-GLAY!"

I really feel like crap those days.. :tears:

But all in all, I do find myself attractive.

I mean, people have said that to me soooo :phew:

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Guest Midnight-Sun

I think I'm a 2. TT o TT

... um... yeah...

I guess it depends on the day?

Some days I'd feel more like a 5-6, others more like a 3-4, and today/lately... 1-2. D:

But basically never 8-10. 7 would be the absolute highest ever... and pretty rare? loool~

yeah - v - ''

... DX

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Guest aikogranados

I consider myself pretty... really pretty, I'd say around an 8 or 9. But I'm a bit on the chubby side and that's why I feel bad about myself sometimes. I'm working on it tho! And I really think when I hit my goal weight/size I'd consider myself a 10...

My best assets would b my eyes and my mouth, my face overall actually, tho I admit i'd like my nose ever better if it was a bit higher ^^

I'm a bit vain i guess and i care for my skin a lot.. I'm 25 but everybody thinks i'm 18-20 so I'm guessing that's a good thing?

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Guest MiniAng

Sometimes, I feel pretty. These days though, I've been extremely self conscious of little parts of my face, like my nose and because of that Ive been thinking about getting that 'fixed' up :unsure: ' It's honestly bothering me everywhere I go, especially when I have those days, and that affects how 'pretty' I think I am.

However, other than that..I feel like I could be a 7. I turn some heads and get a few compliments and it does make me feel better about myself. But even so, when I have my self conscious days, compliments don't matter, and I would give myself a 4 or a 5.

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Guest Danniel

I voted 9 because I'm a conceited pinkberry.

Haha no but seriously, long ago I learned that a high self esteem does heaps of good for me, so I believe I'm a 9 an I don't care what anybody says.

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Guest joyfulmuffin

Once you start to love yourself and who you are, appearances are no longer important. It is when you have confidence in yourself, despite how you look, that you have become truly beautiful. There are no standards to determine the attractiveness of a certain individual, be yourself, be happy, and you will find that you don't need to be 'better, taller,or slimmer' to be considered pretty.

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Guest XangelXtranX

On day I question myself, is this how people sees me because I look pretty messed up right now. And those days are normally weekends. I rated myself 8 o_o cuz well people are telling me that I'm pretty. I just turn into an ugly duck as soon as Saturday morning rolls around and turn back into a pretty duck when monday comes I guess. I'm not happy with the way I look tho, I wish I was a few lbs heavier and taller but meh. :]

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Guest banh_xe

think im really average ... if im in a good mood-->about 7 or 8 if im not in a good mood or just really feelin sad ------> 4 or 5

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Guest papiroflexia

Average like most.

I think everyone gets those days where they feel hot and then days where they just feel ugly as hell.

I agree with the others, confidence is key.

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Guest super piggy

beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

i think many girls has issues with their image. i hate girls who knows they're pretty but say "oh im so ugly".


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Guest oopyecoj

maybe a 7 usually?

I think I'm just average on the days where I can't be bothered.

If I were skinnier I guess I'd put myself at an 8 or MAYBE...8.5? (on your scale lol)

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