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Guest crystal_t33rs

^ That would be an interesting pairing. :D 
I also would like to see her paired with Park Hae-jin. I keep remembering their awkwardness from her guest appearance in Family Outing. Wonder how it would translate in a drama or movie.
Also I am dying to see her and Gwang-soo in something together. I know they did the voice-dubbing for an anime feature, but I love these two together so much on RM I am sure they would do really well together in a live action film of some sort. <3

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Hi, Everyone, I see this article haven't been post here. Is about Song Ji Hyo. She is not only beauty looking but also beauty in heart and soul. 

JYJ, Song Ji Hyo, and Other C-JeS Artists Send Dream Notes to Philippines [01042014]
Hoping to send even just a little bit of comfort, the artists at C-JeS Entertainment delivered Dream Notes to children in Philippines.
According to NGO World Vision on April 1, JYJ, Choi Min Sik, Seol Gyung Gu, Lee Jung Jae, Park Sung Woong, Song Ji Hyo, Gummy, Kang Hye Jung, and Park Yoo Kwan send 20,000 Dream Notebooks.
The artists participated in the production of the notebooks, leaving signatures and messages of hope to the children of the Philippines after experiencing much destruction after Typhoon Haiyan in November of 2013.

"Most of the schools have been affected after the typhoon. In areas where the classrooms were destroyed, children have been gathering at town halls to study. World Vision and the Philippines Ministry of Education is working hard on a restoration plan so that children can hurry and continue their education," said the head of the World Vision international relied team, Jeon Ji Hwan.
"With education equipment and supplies lacking, the notebooks with C-JeS Entertainment artists' messages of hope have been a huge encouragement and help to the children."
Photo Credit: World VisionSource: mwave

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Guest cjmcjh

I remember when I first watched Song Ji Hyo on Goong and I hated her character for getting between the main couple.Now I envy her for working with all my favorite people *coughChoiJinHyukcough* in dramas or through Running Man. I love seeing her on Running Man, but it really is hard to let go of her image there when I watch her dramas now.
But also, does anyone know the answer to one of the questions asked earlier? What did her schedule look like while she was filming Emergency Couple? A couple episodes of Running Man mentioned how she came straight to RM after filming EC.

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Guest FerencP

Emency Couple-ban igaz vigjátéki szinésznőt ismerhettünk meg. Szép és nagyon jó szinésznő. De már lassan 34 éves mikor akar férhez mennI,Ha akar.Ilyen korban,bármilyen fiatalos is a RM-ban futni már nem kellene. Döntse el Gary vagy más. 

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Guest runningturtle

Looks like Song Jihyo fans in Korea gave her a questionnaire to fill out. She actually answered all the questions except the last long answer question. Thanks to Mongi-fan for the translation and post.
Cr: Mongi-fanWithJiHyo & DCSJH questionnaire for JiHyo~

Credit: DCSJH
Chinese Translations: QY_0807 SJH BaiduBar
*Words in italics are not from original post~. sorry for the errors, click the SJH Baidu Bar link for Chinese translations and DCSJH for original post ^^ *

According to Korean fans, this questionnaire was prepared for JiHyo for the celebration(종방연), but they were afraid it would be inconvenient for JiHyo to do it there, so they told JiHyo’s manager that there was no need to rush it out, and that they could get it back from them during the concert or fan meet, they were originally not expecting much, but much to their surprise,after the concert ended the manager returned this done questionnaire to the fans. And said: “Except for the last question everything else is completed…” 

Original Questionnaire:



Class of Year 2013   Paper 1   WithJiHyo & Song JiHyo DC August Mock Exam Question Paper

Class 33 ———Song Ji Hyo Domain

1. Before the mock exam begins, please choose the option which best fits your feelings right now

(1) Oh, should be interesting
(2) Anxious, scary, afraid
(3) With time to do this kind of thing, might as well read more books
(4) there is really nothing you guys can’t do
(5) No idea

(Answer: she wrote: Really great)

2.Please choose from the following facial features in which you are most pleased with

(1) As though there are stolen stars in those pair of eyes
(2) A nose that is so high it is going to reach the sky
(3)Those lips, as though they are calling others to kiss them 
(4) The bright and shiny forehead
(5) Not telling you

(Answer: 5 and she wrote: only I will know…)

3. What kind of charm do I possess that will make the heart of others flutter?

(1) Existing as the only girl, being free and easy as well as straightforward
(2) The guts to do bungee without hesitation from the highest point in the world
(3) Getting more and more humble as I mature
(4) Able to smile even in fear
(5) Regardless of location or time, appearing everywhere and being Mong

(Answer: 3,4,5)

4. When did you start becoming beautiful

(1) From when I was in my mother’s tummy
(2) From the point when I took the graduation photos
(3) When I got into the broadcasting industry
(4) Yesterday
(5) Others

(Answer: she wrote: starting from tomorrow I should start becoming beautiful..)

5. Which of the following hairstyles are you most pleased with

(1) Black Straight Hair 
(2) Black Curly Hair
(3) Black Ribbon Hair
(4) Black hair that is naturally brushed to the back

(Answer: she wrote: 5. I don’t really like black hair…)

6. Who do you think resembles you most?

1.(EXO Luhan)
2. (Kim Soo Jung)
3. (The relative of Dr Woo JangChun) 
4.(Aquarium fish)
5. Character in the drawing

(ans:  6. There is only one me.. I look like my mom!!)(not sure about the first line)

7. How do you judge your own dancing abilities?

(1) Very pleased with it
(2) This standard is considered good
(3) Truthfully speaking, it is just like that
(4) As long as I am happy, it’s ok
(5) It is done on purpose for the variety effect, I dance very well

(Answer:  4)

8. Looking back now, which appearance can you not stand?
(Answer: None.. they are all me..)

9. Every time you look at the Mr Pizza CF, what is your feeling?

(1) Who am I, where is this place
(2) I am missing my mom
(3) Earning money is so tiring
(4) I don’t need anything, pizza is delicious
(5) I’m so beautiful, I’m so cute, I’m the best

(Answer: 2)

10. The thing you fear most?

(1) Insect (2) Zombie (3) Mom (4) Fish (5) Others(       )
(Answer:  1, 2 & 3, she wrote in the bracket (Zombie<Insect<Mom))

11. You lack confidence in doing?
(1) Singing (2) Aegyo (3) Jump rope(refer to RM Ep25) (4) Multiplications (5) Ddakji
(Answer: Aegyo. Feels like my fingers are going to disappear)(not sure=P )

12. Who are you most pleased with?

(1) Fans who support JiHyo 
(2) Fans who love JiHyo
(3) Fans who cherish JiHyo
(4) Fans who like JiHyo
(5) Fans who dote on JiHyo(?)

(Answer: All, Every single one of you is precious to me, people who I have to thank and thank again..)

13. The pictorial you are most pleased with?

(1) Levis (2) Instyle (3) Nylon (4) Elle (5) Esquire 
(Answer: 1)

14. Which of the following roles do you think is nice to try acting as?

(1) Dreaming about how to get out of your unemployed state and ended up falling in love
(2) A role with a painful past yet still being able to fall in love
(3) A doctor who puts her patients as the most important people of her life and ended up falling in love
(4) Destined to be single even before she was born, not having any dating experience though of marriageable age but ended up falling in love
(5) A role just falling in love

(Answer: All. There isn’t a role that I won’t do, I want to try them all)

15. Which piece of work(film, drama) that you have done is your favorite? Best 1 2 3 
Answer: The same meaning as asking which finger will hurt if you were to bite all 10 fingers. Every piece of work is precious to me.

16. Which role do you think best suits yourself or the role you are most pleased with? Best 1 2 3
(Didn’t answer, should be the same as 15)

17. Choose 1 out of the 2

(1) Sleep vs Eat (answer: sleep)

(2) Soju vs Beer (answer: beer)

(3) Valley vs Sea (answer: sea)

(4) Wakeboard vs Snowboard (answer: wakeboard)

(5) (Original)Fried Chicken vs (With sauce)Korean Fried Chicken (answer: both)

(6) (the 2 ways of eating sweet and sour meat, don’t know what it means =P)
 She wrote below both the choices: “Rice”
And added: Rice.. you should have let me chose between whether to put the rice in or not to put the rice in  

18. 5 Word talk

(1) Do you want to dye your hair black? (Don’t want to do it)

(2) When will take up your next work? (I want to rest a bit more)

(3) What do you do when you are not working? (Sleep.Eat. Sleep.Eat.Sleep)

(4) Any beauty secrets? (Beauty? Sleep.Eat. Sleep.Eat.Sleep)

(5) Precious possessions? (I cherish everything that is mine)

Descriptive Question. Things you want to say to your fans (Within 1000 Words)


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Guest aria1993

I remember when I first watched Song Ji Hyo on Goong and I hated her character for getting between the main couple.

Now I envy her for working with all my favorite people *coughChoiJinHyukcough* in dramas or through Running Man. 
I love seeing her on Running Man, but it really is hard to let go of her image there when I watch her dramas now.

But also, does anyone know the answer to one of the questions asked earlier? What did her schedule look like while she was filming Emergency Couple? A couple episodes of Running Man mentioned how she came straight to RM after filming EC.

I think everyday in less she had another shooting like RM or photoshoot or CF...ect

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