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who will admit that they have never been kissed?

green papaya

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@ first poster: HEY! I'm 19 (turned 19 a month ago) and I haven't had my first bf or kiss yet too... and I'm not ugly either (and I'm not EXTREMELY pretty either @__@).

Apparently I'm living in this dreamworld where I'm waiting for my PERFECT GUY to come along. haha

It's all about time (for me anyway), I guess. :]

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Guest strawberries.xoxo

hehe its ok!!!! your not the only onee!!!!!

i havent either and i'm the same age as you!!

and btw.. its kind of a good thing!

to me.. its like.. saving a special first kiss to someone special..

maybe to that special person whom you have not met yet!

but you will eventually give away ur first kiss soon =)

its really not that bad!! =) *hi5!!*

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you are not alone. (: i'm turning 20 and i've never been on a date before, let alone having a bf. ><

my friends finds it wierd because they kind of expected me to be in a relationship before. i just can't bring myself to date just any guy. Those whom i like often don't show much interest in me, or the interest only last for a short period. OR the guys just have to have gfs. i'm no mistress. sigh.

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Guest crystallizedtear

well i'm 18, my friend's 19 (she's gorgeous though).. and she did get asked out a lot...she's going out with him this week so i don't know if that counts as bf yet Lol!

my other friends are like 18 and they don't have bf's or first kisses either

others had bf's but no first kisses

to some people it might be abnormal (even sometimes i think that...)

but whatever, who cares what they think

i feel good that i didn't give away a first kiss to any random dude, that's for sure.

i've hugged guys a lot, but that's not the same. especially if you're just friends

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Guest che3ri0s

people need to get a life an stop trying to wait for the "right" one. cos youll soon end up having all that single time on flirting an whatnot all wasted. I think its retorical for the waiting for the right person to date or first kiss. Because there is so many women an men out there. Your just not in the right mind to go out an look for one. Please dont give me that,"I'll wait for him/her to come to me first". It's bull.

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Guest A I R I

Wow..I see dat i'm not alone---->Over here..? i'm 20, turnin 21 this yr. it's so sad to even say my age*sniffs* T^T. i never had a bf or my first kiss. it's really not a big deal, i guess all of us haven't met our matches yet.

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im 15 and i never had any of that. i havent even had guys like me (as far as i know) and ive only liked one guy in my whole life and that didnt go so well. most of my friends have had bfs, or flings. they're a year older than me though cuz im a grade higher than im supposed to be. n yea im not gonna lie.. i want a bf x_x

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Guest shurgen

I'm 16 and turning 17 later this year..

and i've never had a gf or had my first kiss yet XD

and like some other people who've posted, i haven't really gone out of my way to try to either =/

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Guest Mr.Saturday

my roommates are 19,20.... never had a bf or anything.
Something to brag about.

ANYWAYS, yeh.. how about talking about our last kiss of our life? No? Because it's friggin' scary. I know...

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