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Guest Inconnu

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Guest JaCkiie


New photos and sorry for the small photos, but hey, at least there's one big photo :D






And also aplogies for the small photos but Kelbin put his blog onto private and he hasn't uploaded the photos on his flickr album yet. Might edit this later once he has :)





Not sure if these have been posted but I'll just post them anyway :)





Just because I haven't seen photos of him recently





















Phew that's done :) & wow! I haven't been in here for ages & there's so many new faces & I'm absolutely delighted :D Of course there was a few faces that I was :mellow: with but there were a couple of outstanding ones :)

I'm also glad that we're changing out title to something different because by having the word Ulzzang in it, I think people misinterpret & it just creates more arguments about Vietnamese people being korean wannabes etc.

Also, I think we should start the idea that AAgurl789 aka Yen (please correct me if I'm wrong, I can't remember anyone anymore unless I chat to them!) has raised. I think we should start forming a directory so that other Soompiers can have a chance to stalk, I mean participate in this thread :) And plus, I don't have all other net idol's links to update regularly, thus the reason why I always upload the same people :lol:

And also, thanks for the spams Yen ;)

Huyen Hoang is absolutely gorgeous. Can't help but stare at her, she has this sweet look that looks really natural!

& I have to agree, Myong's smile is so pretty. I adore her, she's really adorable in certain photos. Natural :)

AND OMG, Boo is a '91er? He looks so much older, around 18, 19.

Japan aka Phuong Anh's style is really unique & she's adorable herself.

Huong (the one BeepBeep posted) is pretty :)

And it looks like I have to watch Hanazakari no Kimitachi e as well, it better be good!

& Reese, I'll comment your story real soon :) So please wait for it ;D It's coming!

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Guest vienglish

DUONG is so cute, especially with the dimple ;]<3 dimples!

Dang Khoi

I don't know if anyone posted up his pictures already, but I'm too lazy to look through 205 pages, so yeahh. :]





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Guest Inconnu

I agree... let's make a directory and put it in the first post. ^^

It'll be easier and I'll have to work less hard. x__x

I miss seeing Andy's face~ Wish he'd update more... like

Bao Thy or something. lol x_x

YNhi, by the way, you ALWAYS post up really pretty/cute

girls. ;D Haha, I never can find them because I'm really picky

about which girls are pretty... and the ones that are usually

have their flickr locked. =__=;;

And thanks for the Ngoc Anh spam ^^ I wonder if she has a

blog like Bao Thy...

Reese: haha.... xD yesss I fall in love with that drama rite at the first few minutes of epi 1.... I kept re-watching epi 1 and 2 while waiting for epi 3.. xD hahaha i'm really obsessed xD ... can't wait to watch epi 3 with subs xD ... i really really loveeee it :D oh... who's Yamamoto?! my head is only about Shun, Maki, Toma, and the ghost boy.. tat's all xD haha

Yamamoto is the ghost boy. I totally forgot his first name but

I just happen to remember his last name because Yamamoto

is my favorite Japanese last name for some reason. ANYWAYS~

xD IM DYING TO WATCH Ep. 3... :tears::tears: Seeing Toma wearing

the bra and panties on his head makes me want to watch it

so badly. AHHAA. Man, okay, I think we should get back on

topic. x__X

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Guest AAgurl789

wows, so many beautiful viet people in this thread.

i'm viet myself and i used to think viet people aren't that great,

but there are beautiful people in different ethnicities and it's supposed to be the eye of the beholder.

im surprised no one posted pictures of Tila Nguyen, she's isn't that great, but

i have no clue why she is so famous in the US, like whenever I ask anyone do you know any viet person that is famous. I usually get the Reply, Tila Nguyen from girls&guys. *roll eyes* :]

I'll ignore your first statement..and reply to your second statement. Tila is known because she puts herself out there a lot and ppl come back to see her photos since it's interesting, and yes she has been posted before. Personally, I find Tila to be a pretty girl...

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Guest jolie pomme

Lol, Reese we must have the same taste, because I agree with most of your posts too. haha


--New/unseen and repost--

How provocative!






Meh, she looks better without all that makeup.




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Guest Inconnu

^ Yeahh~ Me and you have the same tastes ;D The girls you post are

always interesting to look at because they dont pose the same in

every picture.

Thuy Dung is sooo pretty! Haha, I actually like the photoshoot!


Isn't this her too?




Man... she looks so different. She's a 1990-er, right? x__x Omg.. same age as me

but she looks so much older.

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Guest C-Jay`eZ

but he's cosplaying as Kira.


I'm sorry. I was thinking about "Light" (Kira)

*covers self in shame*

I didn't like Thuy Dung's photoshoot. Maybe because of the photoshop. -________________-

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Guest jolie pomme

^ Yah I dislike the photoshop also, too cheesy.

^ Yeahh~ Me and you have the same tastes ;D The girls you post are

always interesting to look at because they dont pose the same in

every picture.

Thuy Dung is sooo pretty! Haha, I actually like the photoshoot!


Isn't this her too?

Man... she looks so different. She's a 1990-er, right? x__x Omg.. same age as me

but she looks so much older.

Yep, thats Thuy Dung. I choose not to post those pics because I found them too cutesy. haha XD


Linh's boyfriend? Whacha think? I like his eyes and lips.





Ugly red pants. :crazy:



And some extras:



I found a vid of her, I'm assuming Beo is filming this. Hes kinda of a pervert. haha


She has the squeakiest voice, what accent is that? Hanoi?

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Guest C-Jay`eZ

Oh gosh, that is pure Ha Noi.

I find that Hanoi-ers are pretty damn polite. (maybe I didn't see much of it)

But erm, that pix of hers is nice. Do you have more of those set? :D :D

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Guest m1ntytea

I totally understand what you mean when people bring down other races. Being a Chinese girl I've always heard nothing but people saying stuff like, "Chinese people smell bad, are ugly, fat, have gay accents" and it would richard simmons me off badly, like on youtube, theres always this stupid arguement whenever some idiot has to start dissing Chinese or Asian people.

It's really sad and it leaves me really angered by it, and my friends are no better, they're always going that they would rather marry a viet/korean/japanese girl/guy instead of a Chinese so I come here to give you KUDOS to creating this thread for the sake of your own race. :) You are very true at words when you said, "Every race has its pretty and non pretty people" :D

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Oh gosh, that is pure Ha Noi.

I find that Hanoi-ers are pretty damn polite. (maybe I didn't see much of it)

But erm, that pix of hers is nice. Do you have more of those set? :D :D

I like Ha Noi accents too... but like... just a lil accents are really cool to listen to.. and the way they talk appeals strongly to the audiences about whatever they would like to say.... examples: Mr Nguyen Ngoc Ngan and Ms. Ky Duyen's accents are my favorite... I love it whenever they talk... tat's the type of Ha noi accents that I like.... but other than that... :crazy:

it's not that I hate it... I just hate listening to it.. xD ... whenever I talk to a Ha Noi-er with heavy accents.. I feel insulted by the sound he/she talk ..... idk y .... <_<

and whether they are really polite or not... tat's a question mark for me.... since i've never encountered any polite Ha Noi-er -_-

----------------- something off topic again:

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Hana Kimi ep 3 is sooooo good, Reese!!! :w00t: the part where Toma wore the underwear on his head and sang "I'm not a homo" hahaha I laughed soooo hard :lol: he's sooo funny.. xD then a smile after that... hahahahahaha it's the best part... and his convo with the Ghost Boy... lolz ..... gahh so many fav scenes xD too bad that my pc's hard drive is full now... >< if I can get my external hard drive soon, i'm so gonnna download this series in HIGH QUALITY :P hehehehe


back to topic :lol:

I like Beo in the 1st three pictures.... he's cute :D

for some reasons I think Linh looks better in short hair than long hair...

Jackiee... where have you been?! I miss you and ur pic spam :D

http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w43/lil..._950f0d6cfb.jpg << isn't that Wanbi?! :blink:

Duong is always cute.. I wanna poke his dimples :lol: hahaha

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Guest C-Jay`eZ

^lol, Nguyen Ngoc Ngan & Nguyen Cao Ky Duyen are not from Ha Noi dear (I think her dad is, but not Nguyen Ngoc Ngan), because Hanoi-ers have a STRONGER accent....so yeah.

And I agree with inconnuu, Thuy Dung does have a nice photoshoot. I'm digging it.

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Guest xXSJloveXx

Alot of people claim she's Vietnamese but moved to China. x__x

But then other people said shes really Chinese. So..... which

side should we trust? :lol:

I dont think thats she's vietnamese.

And Huyen hoang is SO PRETTY!

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^lol, Nguyen Ngoc Ngan & Nguyen Cao Ky Duyen are not from Ha Noi dear (I think her dad is, but not Nguyen Ngoc Ngan), because Hanoi-ers have a STRONGER accent....so yeah.

And I agree with inconnuu, Thuy Dung does have a nice photoshoot. I'm digging it.

but aren't their accents the Northern accents?! Cuz i've encountered people from Ha noi and they sound just like them...

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Guest C-Jay`eZ

but aren't their accents the Northern accents?! Cuz i've encountered people from Ha noi and they sound just like them...

Yeah, they're northern. Actual Ha Noi accent would be....Y Lan & her mom, Tran Thu Ha, some others (which I can't recall now)

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