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Guest Inconnu

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Guest yuyugirl009

Tinkerbelly- I don't know why but,

that comment wasn't necessary. Not

only it was rude, but also hurtful.

If they're not pretty enough than

find yourself some goodlooking

people and stare at them to satisfy yourself.

Since these people aren't good enough

then why do you bother coming back?

Myong is really cute when she smiles.

Tila's pretty, but that hair style is too

gangsta for me
















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Kelbin is <3

am i the only one, who senses a new arguing coming up? XD... seriously, Tinkerbelly. this time you have gone too far. it´s your opinion if you find the contestants not so actractive, but calling them a joke is unnecessary ^^

Lol, let´s play the "HOW MANY UHLZZANGs CAN YOU SPOT GAME", yeah?

whoever spots them all, gets a box of cookies XD.

all pictures taken from Eric´s 360°... yes, apparently this guy know all of them XD




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Guest yuyugirl009


I see BT, Bryan, Andy, Bie Bie,

I forgot his name, but BT's friend...the

dude that's touching the pink shirt dude.

Then Bryan's partner, I also forgot his name.

I'm ashamed of myself.

can I have my cookies now?

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for the ones that join the contest and have soompi accounts: you guys are all gorgeous and pretty. it's an unchangeable fact =) ... so don't let those stupid haters make you feel down. let her think of herself as all pretty and gorgeous while the other ones are "such jokes" since only she thinks that way... :phew: do like Rowie had said: ignore, delete those hate comments off your minds and move on :)

* Jackie: eh?! I don't get whatcha saying?! what did i do that was so great?! xD hahaha

Nat: he's Trí Văn :P

Jen: seeing Bao Thy, Bryan, and Tri Van is enuff for me :lol:

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the guy in Pink is Eric, and the other guy´s name is Mon. isn´t he BT´s makeup artist or something, i forgot lolz... awww Nat i didn´t expect you guys to be so sharp. where do i send the box of cookies XD?

vivian... you didn´t see Andy lolz...

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Guest Inconnu

yuyugirl009 Are those new Kelbin pictures? :ph34r: He looks cute in them!

He hasn't updated much on his 360 =__=;;;


I wonder if he dyed his hair... it looks brown and he looks like he got a tan.



Kelbin is <3

am i the only one, who senses a new arguing coming up? XD... seriously, Tinkerbelly. this time you have gone too far. it´s your opinion if you find the contestants not so actractive, but calling them a joke is unnecessary ^^

Lol, let´s play the "HOW MANY UHLZZANGs CAN YOU SPOT GAME", yeah?

whoever spots them all, gets a box of cookies XD.

all pictures taken from Eric´s 360°... yes, apparently this guy know all of them XD


^ Let's see... all I see his BT and Bryan =D I havent seen all the others

posted on here...


^ Bryan, that other guy from SBS (forgot his name), BT, and the

one who's winking reminds me of Shuya but it isnt! lol


^ Pei Pei and Andy!!

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Guest yuyugirl009

Lolz...Tri Van? That's a nice name.

Eric and Mon...got it.

Chiyo- thanks for the cookies.

They're yummy

Reese- Kelbin's been uploading a lot new pix.

He discovered a new way to pose. The "CHU-face".


BTW...Shuya rocks the socks off this page.

I think he did dyed his hair. He's still hot

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hey ppl not a regular and these are not pictures but just wanted to post this music video from Yen Thi & Yen Trang ..since i really liked may trang and their music

Good Bye My Love

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Guest Swtess

^ I like that song. The chorus made such a nice ringtone.

Tila's face always reminds me of Barbie, Da S or w.e you call her. The girl in Meteor Garden.

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Guest yuyugirl009


he lives in a place where people grow grass.

So i'm guessing the States. She/he reminds me

so much of Jin Akanishi.

I'm not sure if she's a he or a she. I did find her pictures wearing a skirt













DSC01560-1.jpg << nice body

















DSCN1019.jpg << Girl?

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Guest *tinkerbelly

hahaha, just wondering where is your warning level at?

Are u too ignorant to count or u didn't see the 0% number on my warning level?

Well i'm just telling the truth. Is it rude to tell the truth?

just look at the numbers of the vote for the girls. Didn't it tell a lot already?????

I mean some of the girls are pretty but all of them are just average or below average.

I can go to the 411 section and find a bunch of girls who are way better than that.

I just wish there were more girls join. You guys should have promoted the contest more.

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Guest jolie pomme

Are u too ignorant to count or u didn't see the 0% number on my warning level?

Well i'm just telling the truth. Is it rude to tell the truth?

just look at the numbers of the vote for the girls. Didn't it tell a lot already?????

I mean some of the girls are pretty but all of them are just average or below average.

I can go to the 411 section and find a bunch of girls who are way better than that.

I just wish there were more girls join. You guys should have promoted the contest more.

Ignorant? Lol, I have a feeling that that you haven’t a clue what it means. Are you ignorant of the fact that most of those contestants are soompiers? Or simply that bashing other members isn’t allowed here? Lady, I don’t know what planet you come from but that’s rude in my book. How bout continually complaining about how plain looking we Viets are, contribute something yourself? And FYI you can only see your own warning levels.

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Guest *tinkerbelly

My bad. I didn't know that only me can see it. Yeah and it's still 0% if u wanna know.

You're funny. I bet that more than half of the members here doesn't know these girls have accounts on soompi.

And I only said some of the girls in the contest. And the contest doesn't have to do anything with soompi. It's the Vietnamese Uhlzzang contest not Soompi Vietnamese Uhlzzang HELLOO??? That's so nonsensical

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GRRRRRR.... wtf is happening here?!

tinkerbelly: wtf do u say those things for at this time?! why the f didn't YOU promote it in the first, calling those so-called pretty ulzzangs to join it so that they cud win as you wish... you weren't effing in the contest's management team... you never knew how much effort we had put into this, as well as in promotion... if all you can do is giving those sh!*ty comments then stfu... keep those comments to yourself.. no one really wish to hear it from you.. whether it's the truth or not... :tongue2:

i really really tried not to be provoked... but your words are just soo ignorant... if you cant keep those sh!tty comments to yourself then don't even effing say it out... i dont care if those are the truths or not... being considerate is highly reccommended in here.. if you can't even do that.. just don't go here anymore.. and I BET THAT MORE THAN HALF OF THE PEOPLE HERE WUDN"T WELCOME SUCH PEOPLE LIKE YOU WITH YOUR RUDE COMMENTS. -_-

sorry... i don't care if my warning level wud increase... i totally care less now.. i tried my best not to get emotional about your senseless words... but urrgg.. they're just too stupid and ignorant.. -___-''

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Guest kr0ssant

I find myself checking this thread less and less and less.

It was fun at first. It was like finally, new faces to the whole "uhlzzang" thing.

Esp. Vietnamese. Maybe cause im viet, so im bias seeing these new faces and thier style.

How Vietnam has changed from the traditional typical look to more of a modern look that maybe all can relate to.

But 75% comments in here are just criticisms or little childish arguements.

Some of you just need to learn the difference between voicing a considerate opinion and being bluntly honest.

I know sometimes people let it slip and make a mean comment but some of you just don't get it. You do it over and over and over again when people clearly ask you to stop cause its mean or bothersome. Its like being blunt and not being able to listen is your forte.

I ain't saying I am always nice and follow the rules, but atleast I try. Be considerate to others. People could just be looking at the comment and not post anything.

The "I am just voicing my opinion" line doesn't work too well when its obviously more of a bash then an opinion.

just my 2cent. :ph34r:

My bad. I didn't know that only me can see it. Yeah and it's still 0% if u wanna know.

You're funny. I bet that more than half of the members here doesn't know these girls have accounts on soompi.

And I only said some of the girls in the contest. And the contest doesn't have to do anything with soompi. It's the Vietnamese Uhlzzang contest not Soompi Vietnamese Uhlzzang HELLOO??? That's so nonsensical

Actually it does have to do with soompi. The contest was first promoted on soompi (Actually a few people asked to have it) but soompi is such a highly diverse forum but that making a viet only ulhzzang contest would be leaving out 90% of everyone else that post here. So it was moved to Yahoo360 cause there's also a high population of Viet net idols using 360's already. Some were asked to join but refuse to because why? Because they know comments and criticisms like this would happen. So promotion for the contest was in between soompi, 360's, and various other places. Just not many wanted to join.

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Guest JaCkiie

:unsure: Well I was trying my best not to participate in this argument but Bell, I have to say that the Viet Ulzzang Contest Management Team did try their best to promote the contest & honestly, we did try to get 'pretty' girls to get involved but some of the girls never replied back etc. But yeah, we can't really do anything about it anymore since the contest has already passed and we can't exactly go back into the past. So if there is another Viet Ulzzang Contest in the future, maybe you can help us promote the contest :) And this isn't to just Bell, I know some people out there who are disappointed with the results but there's really nothing you can do about it & all we can do is look towards in the future :)

haven't seen Kelbin in a while so thanks yuyugirl009 (sorry dear but I cant' seem to remember your name) for uploading his photos! & Bim Bim did update but I'm feeling pretty lazy at the moment so I probably won't update..but I'm sure someone else will :D

And Reese, thanks for the Shuya photo! I remember I used to be pretty crazy about him..but that sorta died but he's still cute though :)

Edit: I have to agree with Kross, and actually about him checking the thread less & less, well that's actually me too, like there's actually no joy in participating in this thread anymore.

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Guest Joanne <3

I find myself checking this thread less and less and less.

It was fun at first. It was like finally, new faces to the whole "uhlzzang" thing.

Esp. Vietnamese. Maybe cause im viet, so im bias seeing these new faces and thier style.

How Vietnam has changed from the traditional typical look to more of a modern look that maybe all can relate to.

But 75% comments in here are just criticisms or little childish arguements.

Some of you just need to learn the difference between voicing a considerate opinion and being bluntly honest.

I know sometimes people let it slip and make a mean comment but some of you just don't get it. You do it over and over and over again when people clearly ask you to stop cause its mean or bothersome. Its like being blunt and not being able to listen is your forte.

I ain't saying I am always nice and follow the rules, but atleast I try. Be considerate to others. People could just be looking at the comment and not post anything.

The "I am just voicing my opinion" line doesn't work too well when its obviously more of a bash then an opinion.

just my 2cent. :ph34r:

Ah, Kross! Wise words. This is exactly the reason why I stopped regularly visiting this thread. Some people don't seem to understand at all... :rolleyes:

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Guest *tinkerbelly

GRRRRRR.... wtf is happening here?!

they're just too stupid and ignorant.. -___-''

Gosh I didn't even insult you or your parents.

Why do you have to be so angry. I don't get it.

Well first of all I wasn't in the staff of the contest. So I didn't know how u guys work, and promote it. Yeah maybe u've tried your best but it wasn't good enough.

- First, the timing wasn't good. There should be more time, to get more people to know about this contest.

- There are a lot of vietnamese famous forums like : yeah1, viethiphop, yeuamnhac.... where almost every vietnamese teenager knows about. So why didn't you promote the contest there?

- If there is some prize, how come I didn't hear anything about it?

- U guys even didn't ask us what's bad about the contest. So we all can fix it next time.

- What exactly will people get after this contest ? I mean look at the #1 girl and boy ( i don't even remember their name ) and don't even see their pictures here that much.

Please be responsible.

I find myself checking this thread less and less and less.

Don't only blame on the arguments. Those new faces, new pictures are being post lately are having the Uhlzzang thingy less and less. They don't have the TTS Andy BimBim BThy craziness anymore.

Maybe this will be my last post here. U don't have to hear all my s#&4T anymore

V Edit: Well, if u still think this contest is perfect, i don't have anything else to say haha. Good luck with the next one.

V With Love,

V Tinkerbelly

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