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Guest Inconnu

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WOW. She's gorgeous!! Never heard of her, but love her now x)

wow that's not right. not mentioning names but a couple of the contestants are popular in this thread so i guess the rule doesnt apply to those ppl because he or she is already popular here, so they just accept that person's picture anyways no matter if it was photoshop. seems like its not fair at all. the rules should applied to everyone no matter how good looking u r in those pictures right? it has to be non-photoshop, unless the owner change the rules and allow photoshopping.

edit - first post again.. lol ok here are some pictures of bao thy. i think she's cute ^_^





omg sooooo cuttttee ^_______^^;;;;;

WAY pretty! She's really got that "naturally beautiful" look going on!

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woah... i didn't visit the thread today... and i think i saw comments regarding the contest ^^;; :sweatingbullets: so here i am to answer ^^

IF you guys talk about those pictures that I posted up up there... most of those weren't the ones they sent in for scoring. Those were the ones after the scores, and they wanted to send in other picture of themselves for the displays..... and yep... they have PS yes i can tell too ^^ ....

- The NON-Photoshopped pics and non-webcam pics are the ones that they wanted to be scored. The extras can be any pics that help them show off their styles.

I do believe that pictures contestants sent in FOR SCORING [the 2 main pics] WERE NOT PS-ED AT ALL... [well... according to my PS-recognition eyes or other judges in the contest that might have a better eye to recognize a PS-ed pic than I might...] -_-

and to __kimiCOUTURE : You entered the contest?! what is your name?!

edit: oh ... i know who you are.... you cannot say that. You have talked to me about it too... I told you that it was okie to use that pics.. but probably you mite get less score since most of your face in that pic was totally blurred [i know that it's not PS-ed] and u told me that it was bc of ur camera didn't I?! ... So please don't just blame that judge.

edit #2: I don't know if this would lead to closing of the thread or not.. but it kinda annoys me so i wanna let it out ^^ ... I've read some comments indicate that the results weren't as good as expected... or the top 11 ulzzangs weren't as beautiful/handsome for an ulzzang.. or "i've seen better looking ulzzangs" blah blah blah... If you guys have seem those people.. .why didn't you guys recruit them to join so that they could win as you expected?! :blink: ....

Viet Ulzzangs Contest is held for the first time, of course it has pros and cons... but if you guys blamed the cons on us not judging so fairly, or the results should have been better... it's not fair for us!!!! If you guys think whoever would win IN YOUR OPINION, then why didn't you recruit them for the contest before the contest even started?! REMEMBER THIS FACT: because we wanted more people to join the contest and we gave them, those so-called ulzzangs to have time to be acknowledged about the contest, we have extended the deadline... But besides BimBim or Quoc Tran or Andy Hoang [those with more than 200 friends in 360] the so-called ulzzangs, joined, NO ONE ELSE DID!!! so what could we do?! Should we beg them to join and whatnot?! We have messaged them thousand times yet they still did not join... so... oh well... then go blame your favorite so-called ulzzangs for not entering... don't blame us on the results not being so accurate ACCORDING TO YOUR OPINION...

kk i'm done... sorry if it offended anyone... and if i really have to get warned by this, I could care less.. yet I'm relieved by saying all out...

Sincerely, :)


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woah... i didn't visit the thread today... and i think i saw comments regarding the contest ^^;; :sweatingbullets: so here i am to answer ^^

IF you guys talk about those pictures that I posted up up there... most of those weren't the ones they sent in for scoring. Those were the ones after the scores, and they wanted to send in other picture of themselves for the displays..... and yep... they have PS yes i can tell too ^^ ....

- The NON-Photoshopped pics and non-webcam pics are the ones that they wanted to be scored. The extras can be any pics that help them show off their styles.

I do believe that pictures contestants sent in FOR SCORING [the 2 main pics] WERE NOT PS-ED AT ALL... [well... according to my PS-recognition eyes or other judges in the contest that might have a better eye to recognize a PS-ed pic than I might...] -_-

and to __kimiCOUTURE : You entered the contest?! what is your name?!

edit: oh ... i know who you are.... you cannot say that. You have talked to me about it too... I told you that it was okie to use that pics.. but probably you mite get less score since most of your face in that pic was totally blurred [i know that it's not PS-ed] and u told me that it was bc of ur camera didn't I?! ... So please don't just blame that judge.

Ohh, no of course I definitely wasn't blaming the judges. You really did a lot to help me through the contest!

It actually wasn't the camera; I checked, it's so weird T___T

But because of the fact that I thought the pictures you had posted were edited, I thought it was a shame. But now that you've clarified that those aren't the pictures sent in for judging, I completely understand, and hold absolutely nothing against any of the judges of the contest whatsoever.

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Guest JaCkiie


I would just like to add that if you're not actually on the judging team yourself and you don't actually do all the hardwork like Vivian did, you guys won't actually understand what it feels like because this is the first one, and we're trying to make it work but since there was a lack of volunteer/contestants, we can't really do anything about it. We personally messaged a lot of people ourselves and some never even bothered. We felt disappointed because we gave up our time just to try and get more contestants in but unfortunately, they weren't interested in it.

Also, you guys don't know how much time and effor we have put in just to make the contest run smoothly, help contestants out, and honestly, I remember getting so fustrated because people didn't follow the rules correctly no matter how many times we have stated them etc. And we have wrote out hte rules so it was easy to comprehend and even when contestants did get it wrong, we even sent emails explaining it to them how to do it correctly etc.

I understand the contest isn't the best contest but what can we do? It was planned in a short amount of time, held in a short amount of time and this whole contest is actually happening at a bad time for a number of judges including myself. Yet, all the judges tried their best despite of their social/education lives etc.

I don't know, but I think that we should really acknowledge the judges including Vivian and Jackie for actually making this possible despite everything. AND I would love to add more but I got to go tutor.

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* Jackiee's post was supposed to be after mine ^^... so Kathy, that "^" sign.. i dont think she indicated ur post ^^ =) just wanna clarify it in case you mite get it wrong ^^

ooh and btw... we'll open a "DISCUSSION BLOG" for the ulzzang contest sooner.... and if you guys have any disagreement, you can let them all out there... and I'm the first person who's sooo willing to answer/explain it all =)

but if it's just comment like "oh.. i think the results should have been better" or "i've seen better looking ones" or any type of bashing towards the contestants... we are not going to answer that and anyone who bashes the contestants will be included in the Viet Ulzzangs Contest's blacklist. -_-

yea... let's stop about the comments towards the contest, shall we?! =) wait a bit longer.. and you guys can discuss it in our blog... since i don't want another big discussion in here that would lead to closing of the thread. =)

or if you can't wait until then, feel free to pm me.. i'm here to answer :)



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Guest d0rkifiedxl0ser

Haha. Vivian and Jackie explained it all. No need for me to say anything.

Ehh. Bao Thy is pretty but I like Ngoc Anh better.

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Guest shootingstarz

maybe you guys should fix the rules a bit because i thought no ps pictures are not allowed ever. so im guessing its allowed for the second round? that part everyone is confused. -_-;;

anyways i like bao thy and ngoc anh equally but i thiink bao thy takes more pictures and thats why shes a bit more popular. i cant find any pics of ngoc anh.

@nancxy i wish i have her here too!

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Guest noroki

That's an interesting TOPIC ~

wow Vietnamese's people are like that now =]

Some girls look like really chinese ~

probably because china is close to Vietnam

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Guest JooLee

WE LOVE YOU JUDGES! ^^ thanks for all the hard work. heheh ^___^ <3333

and i hope the rest of the contest goes well >__<

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kay i voted. i def think its a popularity contest on the boys side. LOL they have so many voters..maybe ppl didnt see the girl's blog.

but whats with some ppl having 2 pics and some have only 1?

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Guest hotmonkey

Would it matter if I told you? You've never been to af anyways. :phew: Anyways if you really arn't Tav you two have the same pictures, taste, and are both Hanoians. Quite the coincidence. I guess theres a twin for everyone out there lol. :-P

lol I finally figure out who Tav is !!!!!!! she is actually a close friend of mine!!! lol and yes we both are Hanoian .... my parents know her parents lol and well yeah alot of times we have the same taste maybe because we been friends for so long that her taste rubs on me hehehe oh and we share the photobucket accounts so sometimes she took my pictures and I took her pictures ...... thats why i don;t know the names to alot of the people that i posted !!!! .... those are actually her pictures :lol:

wow she is very pretty

oh and to people that said that there should be no photoshopped pictures allow in the contest .... I agree with you

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Guest Jaysonessence

lol! why argument? c'mon its just a CONTEST! for fun! not something "extremely" serious. just take it easy peepz! i did join too, but i didn't make in that's okay lol

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Guest thislove

Wow viet ppl are so pretty. Even tho some of them I mistaken for chinese which I shouldn't cuz I hated when ppl say I'm chinese. Aww...where do u guys find all these hot good looking pics.?

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Guest hotmonkey

I don't know if I'm allowed to post my pics up here. (Seen some people do it) But I will.

Btw, I'm only using this account because I don't want people to know my real soompi account. Haha.

If you don't think I'll ullzzang material enough, then I'll remove it.

No bashing like you people did to other memebers. That was just rude. -_-''





[Please don't steal. Not that you would want to. ]

wow i think u are very pretty you should enter the contest :)

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Guest JaCkiie



That's his old photos, but honestly speaking, lately he doesn't look that hot anymore, and Ive seen him around lately and yeah, in my opnion, his popularity went down after he shaved his hair. lmao.

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That's his old photos, but honestly speaking, lately he doesn't look that hot anymore, and Ive seen him around lately and yeah, in my opnion, his popularity went down after he shaved his hair. lmao.

i yeah i know... he change ALOT..^^.. oh well he was cute in primary school..^^

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Guest aznluvblue


since i own this page, imma post sum pix ^^

his name z SON, hez soooo fine, i saw his webcam, he looks really cute, hez from HA NOI





i know this guy from myspace



NGUYEN BINH MINH, i love him ^@^




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