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Guest xiaochingu.

how do you save the pictures on cyworld?

If you have firefox you can drag the pictures directly onto your computer

but using IE you have to take a screen cap and crop it out in a photoshop or paint program

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Guest alainachen_604

everyone seems to love PTJ ..

am i the only one that doesnt ? lol

i mean .. i dont hate him or anything

i just dont like him lol.

he seems to always have this "im cool" expression on his face

it annoys me .. but eh? sorry to all u PTJ lovers ><

yeah I agreee.. i just dont like him nor either his wierd expression ><"


also new jungroo is soo cute! xD

is she in mexico right now or something? =p


for somereason even though boram and saeam or twins

I find boram extremely gorgeous but saeam blah =T

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hey guys i hope someone can help me. i've been looking for pictures

of lee sang eun especially him in this picture


poster credits:goldly01

or any pictures of him. i have a bunch of self cams but

anything higher quality or anything would help.

thanks to anyone who can help me<3

FOUND. Thanks so much to a nice day<3

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Guest x3taeyeon



Does anybody have the set of pictures with the zebra print background?

Just like the one above (sorry for the super small picture)!

Please share if you have the HG versions of these pictures, please <33

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Guest f_r_E_a_K

I have a question...what do these ulzzangs do for a living? I know many are high school students, but does that mean they are good students? High school in Korea is extremely difficult and time-consuming...I don't understand this...

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Guest if_U

did lee chihoon and mikki ever go out?

i know she went out with lee jihoo

nope mikki and chihoon never went out they are just good friends,

also they model for the same company oh and i think

chihoon is dateing one of mikki's friend correct me on that someone if i'm wrong.....

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Guest xiaochingu.




did lee chihoon and mikki ever go out?

i know she went out with lee jihoo

no they didn't, in fact, she didn't even date lee ji hoo .__.

they're just reallyreally close friends (and...i'm not being sore..this is actually what i heard)

hey guys i hope someone can help me. i've been looking for pictures

of lee sang eun especially him in this picture


poster credits:goldly01

or any pictures of him. i have a bunch of self cams but

anything higher quality or anything would help.

thanks to anyone who can help me<3

actually his name is lee ji hoo..he changed it a couple of years ago =)

do you mean this photoshoot? .__. i saw some hq versions floating around before

but i couldn't find them T_T, sorry






but here are some that i think are pretty hq .__.















credit cyworld

sorry if they aren't what you're looking for

somebody post that one wear he's like smoking and wearing a red jacket! T_T

I have a question...what do these ulzzangs do for a living? I know many are high school students, but does that mean they are good students? High school in Korea is extremely difficult and time-consuming...I don't understand this...

...well...first, what is there to understand? to put it frankly

they're only ulzzangs ... we don't know much about them to begin with and uh..does it really matter if all we see of them are pictures?

sorry if i sound...rude .__. didn't mean to come off that way..but its just my opinion

o_o, secondly..i think a lot of them are actually in their early twenties and out of high school .__. they just look really young

some of the model, and own online stores..like ptj, imda, mikki, lch and etc

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Guest dancingbymyself

I have a question...what do these ulzzangs do for a living? I know many are high school students, but does that mean they are good students? High school in Korea is extremely difficult and time-consuming...I don't understand this...

Some model, some go to school (even in Korea they don't spend 24/7 in school), others proably go to University, and some just have regular jobs. Just because they're goodlooking and do alot of selca, doesn't mean they're not still regular people, who do the same things everyone else does.

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actually his name is lee ji hoo..he changed it a couple of years ago =)

do you mean this photoshoot? .__. i saw some hq versions floating around before

but i couldn't find them T_T, sorry


but here are some that i think are pretty hq .__.

sorry if they aren't what you're looking for

somebody post that one wear he's like smoking and wearing a red jacket! T_T

AHHH!<3 thank you so much for the help. after randomly checking pages i

found the hq. your help really helped me find the pics because i wasn't

sure what the photoshoot looked like.<3 thank you so much<33 and i

LOVE the pics you posted of him. haha && the red jacket pic i have and

he's just *q*. haha thanks again for helping me ^O^.

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Guest Cheri.B*

Hi Guys,

I just want a little hand on identifying who this girl is. I know the picture is small but is there someone that can help me find a clearer picture?

Thanks for anyone who tries to help ^^


btw, I found this on youtube and her hair caught my eyes thats all. I am not sure if she is even an ulzzang~ ^^;;

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Guest Choozie~♡


What are different things between Boram n Saeam?? TAT

I can't say who is boram, who is saeam TT________TT

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Guest hyolee

What are different things between Boram n Saeam?? TAT

I can't say who is boram, who is saeam TT________TT

Park Sae Am has black hair..and Boram's hair are brown..humm Boram's head is bigger than her sister...

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Guest Choozie~♡

Thanks haha XD

Mikki has update.

Can someone take her pic here TT^TT??


I can take one TAT



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