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U guys are TOO fast >.<

Am I the only to think that Song Mira look like a frog ???

I find her not really beautiful , but like mm a classic 'ok' girl .... =_= I hope it is clear

I think That Namji is ONLY good becuz of her Psed pic ...

they were pic of her when she did a "show" ( i think it was a show) Well but it was on Street ... She was ewhhhh .... really average ...

I won't say that I approuve surgery , but psing is worst becuz well when u have the person iin front of u well u are disappointed ....

Thank for posting so much

And thank to Lisa for the perf ^^ ( I pmed u ^_^)

I am 16 >.<

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hmm,not sure,but every1 wan 2 b gud lookin rite?? mebe tats the reason dey go 4 syrgery n photoshoppin,n yea,i dun tink mira tat pweety too,i duno y,i tink she's ok too,but not till tat pweety^^

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Guest LoveHLi

anyone have any pictures of this guy...i think his name is lee se young or something...he was posted in the old thread...i only have a few pictures of him...want more! :P


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Guest KPxAngelTears12

The thing I like from Sang Ah is, she doesn`t PS her pics much ^^

And so Imda and Mira :)

yeah they all just had alot of surgery on their faces. I rather PS then go through pointless surgery. its not even like they get paid for this ulzzang thing ;)

lee hyun ah 이현아



does anyone have more good pics of her?

edit: 240 =)

I know her B) thats the designer I was talking about, thats Imda's best friend B)


so I noticed something, everyone in here always has something to say about how ulzzang girls PS and get surgery.. howcome no one ever says anything about the guys? alot of them had surgery and of course they PS, I'm guessing most of the people that come in here are girls though so of course a bunch of a girls wouldn't care T_T but you all seem to care when girls PS or get surgery. sorry I just find that weird.

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yea,i prefer PS too,whoa tats imda bez fren?? she's hot!! ^^

yea,guys had surgery,y dun we talk about d guys?? its kinda hurt if u say sumtin bad to our fav ulzzang ya noe,honestly it does,but owh well,nvm about it hmm..

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Guest MaryMagdalin

^yeaa the only guy i know who had surgery is kkr right? did he? lol not really sure

KKR got ssangapul

he wasn`t very good looking before =__=

i agree with whoever said mira was average

my fav girl uhljjang is still park hanbyul <3

or ex-uhljjang...


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Guest KPxAngelTears12

actually most of the guys get something done with their jaw to make more defined, and get their eyes done like the girls.

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Guest MaryMagdalin

actually most of the guys get something done with their jaw to make more defined, and get their eyes done like the girls.

yea that`s true

there is a massage for that

they can massage your face and change the form of your face slightly

my bf`s aunt did it and she said it got rid of her pimples too >__<

i want that!!!

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yea that`s true

there is a massage for that

they can massage your face and change the form of your face slightly

my bf`s aunt did it and she said it got rid of her pimples too >__<

i want that!!!

whoa!! rily?? man i gotta try that too!!

so wat time izit now in u guys country? mine is 3.30am now(malaysia)

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Guest MaryMagdalin

i want that massage too! lmao!

it's 11:38 am here in california!


yeah i might do it next summer in korea ^ ^

my bf is taking me~~~


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Guest KPxAngelTears12

yea that`s true

there is a massage for that

they can massage your face and change the form of your face slightly

my bf`s aunt did it and she said it got rid of her pimples too >__<

i want that!!!

no its called getting rid of the fat around your face, if they had any, then making the jaw somehow smaller, I heard BoA had a surgery like that too but I don't think she did.

geez everyones so quick to say the girls had surgery if they have big eyes, even if they didn't but when it comes to the guys theres always a excuse, huh? ;) I guess its just impossible for a korean girl to have big eyes but korean guys all have nice big eyes too right? -_-

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Guest LoveHLi

omg! i missed it when nao posted! man! just watched it! adorable nao!

+edited+ I OWN!!! lalalalala....

i'll come back with pictures...

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Guest Cerulean


Namji's teeth are straight..she should smile more. >.<

Maybe she doesn't smile because her cheek fat goes up when she does? and then she has this line on her face..? xP

^O^ u make her smiley face soundz so nasty. ^O^ but what you said is totally true.

look at her eyes.

they look so screwed up

like her left pupil goes to the left, and her right pupil is amazing to the right.

tz like, some ppl go cross eyed, and herz is the opposite.


everyone who post here is so young, yay. so many ppl in their 14th year of life.

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