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Oh Hae-young Again: Episode 1

by LollyPip | May 3, 2016 |



Oh Hae-young Again makes a delightful first impression, blending wry humor and spunky characters with interesting cinematography and an impish soundtrack to create a very promising premiere episode. This first hour is mostly introductions and setup, but there’s something about it that has me emotionally all-in right from the beginning. I want to know more — about the world, its inhabitants, and why one very handsome but heartsick sound director is suddenly and inexplicably seeing the future.

DETAILS please go thru this link: http://www.dramabeans.com/2016/05/oh-hae-young-again-episode-1/


I like it.

I have rarely been so quickly and instantly enchanted by a drama, but Oh Hae-young Again grabbed my attention from the very first minute. That opening scene with Hae-young walking down the windy street and Do-kyung creating her sound effects was not only clever and interesting, it was absolutely lovely. The scene later with Do-kyung listening to the different cafe sounds was also quiet impressive, and very artistic. The use of light and shadows throughout the episode is quite gorgeous, and the dreamy scenes of Do-kyung’s visions are as soft and exquisite as they are mysterious. Beautiful cinematography isn’t usually something I look for as an essential component of a rom-com, but when it adds as much to the storytelling as it is here, it gives me shivers of something special to come.

Aside from that, the show also has an interesting sense of balance that I find intriguing — it’s got a healthy dose of humor along with some strong, serious content, and manages to include both without making the show feel disjointed or awkward. The transitions between moods are smooth and easy. The humor mostly seems centered around Hae-young while Do-kyung’s scenes carry an ominous overtone, enhanced by his mysterious visions, but I don’t find that the dichotomy makes the show feel off-kilter like it would in less skilled directorial hands. The PD’s last drama was the hilarious and heartwarming Marriage Not Dating, which I also felt had this same wonderful sense of balance in its romantic and comedic areas, and so far this drama is shaping up to have that same “feel,” with wonderful characters and incredibly addictive ambiance.


But the characters are the best thing about it, particularly our two leads. I really like Hae-young at first glance — she’s got a spark, something special about her, that I attribute partly to the writing and partly to Seo Hyun-jin herself. She brings something unique to her characters, a sort of vulnerable strength, if that makes sense. She always gives the women she plays this steel core, while letting them be soft and feminine at the same time, and it makes her characters extremely endearing and fun to watch. I love how Hae-young just says what she’s thinking, whether it’s to her family, her friends, or even some random asshat she’s been set up with (and oh man, I’ve been on that exact nightmare blind date, though I left in the middle of the meal!). She’s definitely got an insecure streak though, which especially comes out with regards to her job and her relationship with Director Park, that I think will be interesting to explore.

As much as Hae-young is an open book, Do-kyung is the exact opposite — he’s closed off and volatile, a perfectionist who’s quick to anger. It’s interesting how he works with so many of his family members yet seems to hold them all at arm’s length, though his closer relationship with his friend Ji-sang shows that he’s capable of deeper friendships. We don’t know a lot about him personally at this point other than that he’s suddenly having strange prophetic visions, and that they aren’t always about bad or negative events. I’m dying of curiosity to know why they’re happening and what they mean, what’s causing them, and why they’re starting now, of all times. And above all, why is he seeing Hae-young, a woman he’s never met?

Though this premiere didn’t give us a lot of information about the characters or the overarching plot line, it did give us enough to intrigue me and have me bouncing in my chair to see more. Normally I’d be wishing we’d gotten more information in a first episode (and we’ve barely even touched on the second Oh Hae-young and how she fits into all this), but in this case I feel that everything we did get was so sleek and polished, balanced with a healthy dose of humor and heartwarming moments, that I’m happy with the show exactly as-is. I actually like the languid pace the show is setting right off the bat, and I’m not leaving this first episode feeling as though I’d seen more than what we’ve been shown so far. Between the gorgeous cinematography, the beautiful soundtrack, Do-kyung’s intriguing visions and above all, the wonderfully faceted characters, I’m predicting that Oh Hae-young Again has something really amazing in store for its viewers. I’ve been here long enough now that I hesitate to get too excited about a show this early, but this first episode has made a promise, and I can only hope with all my heart that it keeps that promise.


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@innasalvatore, thanks for sharing the rating.  I don't want to jinx it but it looks like a jail visit/fanmeeting is in reach? XD   If they get 5%, I wonder if the writer will lined up to get a hugs from the 2 ladies, his name is Park Hae Young! hahaha

Any one know what's that show that tvN show that is in the number 1 spot in the top 10 list?  I heard it's a very popular show but can't google trans image hahaha


My k-friend said Eric was filming last night in Bukchong again.  Seo Hyun Jin, Ye Jiwon, Kim Jisuk, Heo Youngji and Heo Jongmin were also there.  I'm not sure if they all filmed a scene together for having different scenes.  She said Eric seemed to be tired and there was a lot of waiting as well.... and he seem to be in pain still but she can't tell if it's worse now than he was limping as seen on Monday night during the CGV event in these fancams.  He seem to wear a wrap in his right foot, there's no sock on the left one...




I love he took the fanmade Another Miss Oh fan from the NoFace-nim.  She's been out there promoting the drama every where when she can.  Eric & his manager Jaehak saw her when she was promoting in Bukchon giving out these cute Another Miss Oh fans.  It's not creepy as this NoFace promo thing seem to be normal in Korea :)




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Another nice recap!! not because she likes Eric but because it's well written! :)


Another Miss Oh Episode 1 Recap

Posted on 05/04/2016 by kjtamuser 

The first episode introduces all the characters.

Another Miss Oh (aka Another Oh Hae Young), Episode 1 “Can I Cry” Recap 

I love the opening credits which totally featured Eric. I didn’t think I’d love his hair with that style but he’s looking good. I don’t know why I’m surprised.


I really enjoyed watching Park Do Kyung (Eric) do all the sound effects even though I know that wasn’t Eric doing it but the character doing it that that was pretty cool and it was perfect the way they took that opportunity to work in the first song of the OST which was beautiful. That was all cleverly done. Now we finally get to hear Do Kyung speak at the end of that scene where he pretends he was the chick running in the film.

Our leading lady, Oh Hae Young (Seo Hyun Jin), is engaged to be married. She arrives home and finds everyone including her parents having a celebratory meal. She announces to her mother she’s not getting married. Her mother freaks, the wedding is tomorrow. Hae Young says she fought with her fiance. Her mother says everybody fights with fiance. Hae Young says she’s not getting married. Everybody turns and stares at her stunned.

Hae Young’s mother calls the fiance to warn him to be at the wedding. She tells him all girls get upset before wedding. It doesn’t sound like he’s very receptive to that and is intractable as her daughter. She yells at Hae Young. Why are you calling off the wedding? Hae Young says because she can’t stand to see her fiance’s face.


Hae Young’s father is stuck with sending out a text saying that there will be no wedding. The phone starts ringing off the hook with people asking why. Hae Young’s mother gets livid that her her daughter has put her put the family in this embarrassing situation. She marches into her daughter’s room and hits Hae Young repeatedly with a pillow. She demands to know why Hae Young brought this man home? Why did she say that she was marrying him when she would eventually embarrass her parents like this?

One month later…we see Hae Young working at an eatery where she lovingly makes the rice and takes a lot of pleasure in the fact that people like her rice.


Hae Young meets with her boss, Park Soo Kyung (Ye Ji Won), and offers a new menu for the eatery. Her boss tells her it’s not about the rice, stop focusing on the rice. Her boss gives her back the menu and tells her to create a new one. The boss wants to know why she’s called psycho at work. Hae Young has to explain that it’s because her boss comes and goes so often that she makes the employees nervous. Her boss claims she has a weak stomach. Her boss belittles her for thinking she’s brave by not getting married, when really she was just stupid. Hae Young tells her boss that she has been belittled for breaking off the wedding seven times. Her boss counters know it’s been nine times. Ha!

Hae Young goes out to the open office area with her coworkers and complains about her boss. Everyone is laughing with Hae Young until they don’t. Hae Young continues on, and yes you guessed it, her boss is standing there listening to her. Her boss glares at her. Hae Young berates her coworkers for making her look like a moron. Honey you did that all yourself by mocking the boss openly.

Do Kyung watches a team of three do the sound for a fairly intricate fight scene. It’s interesting to watch them make all the sound effects to go with the action. As Do Kyung plays it back in notices that the incorrect sound was made for a bone breakage and stops the action. One of the three gets very irritated and yells at him. Do Kyung glares at him. The man apologizes. Do Kyung tells them they have one hour to do it over and get it right. Do Kyung leaves the room. The remaining men are frustrated that Do Kyung is so demanding and a perfectionist.


Do Kyung reviews the work of a coworker, Park Hoon (Heo Jeong Min). He is very displeased that Park Hoon used daytime sounds for a nighttime scene. He whacks Park Hoon on his head and tells him he has got to get these kinds of details right. Park Hoon is frustrated. He’d hoped that Do Kyung would not notice, but Do Kyung is going to notice everything. Park Hoon has a hissy fit and yells at Do Kyung…not a smart thing to do. Do Kyung yells back and Park Hoon cowers.

Later we see Do Kyung just listening to sounds to try and find the perfect sound for bone breaking scene and he comes up with celery snapping of all things. Do Kyung takes it back to the team of three and they use the celery. It works.


Hae Young goes out with a friend and defends her decision to not get married. Her friend says people are still wondering why Hae Young didn’t get married and what went wrong?

Do Kyung comes out of the sauna with his friend Lee Jin Sang (Kim Ji Suk). Do Kyung has a sense of déjà vu. Jin Sang friend tells him no big deal everybody gets those. But then Do Kyung has a premonition of what will happen next for his friend…Jin Sang will get a ticket. And sure enough Jin Sang walks to his car, and there’s a ticket. Yeah that’s a little freaky.

Her mother still suffers humiliation among her neighborhood friends as being the woman with the daughter of the called off the wedding the day before. Her friend offers to set her daughter up on a blind date. The mother talks to the daughter about going on a blind date. The daughter refuses saying that it’s too soon. They certainly don’t see eye to eye.


Do Kyung insults a director who is complaining that he’s taking too long doing the sound effects. Do Kyung tells the director, he won’t rush his work. His boss, whoi turns out to be his mother, comes in and tries to calm the director down. Later Do Kyung tells his mother that she’s throwing away her money on bad films as a producer. Do Kyung asks does she no longer realize what is good and what is bad? His mother stalks away and says “one day you’ll kill somebody with those words”.

Later Do Kyung has a premonition of a bird running into a window. He walks along the bank a windows and a bird runs into the window. This is interesting seeing his premonitions come true. Frankly I’m wondering what’s the connection between our leads? When do they cross paths?


Hae Young goes on a bad blind date. He’s more interested in looking at his phone and eating and frankly just ignoring her. I’m a bit mystified when after the date she tells him that they need to see each other for a week. She vows that she’ll make him he’ll show make him fall for her in just one week’s time. Why bother with a jerk like that?

The blind date mother calls Hae Young’s mother and complains about what Hae Young said. To her credit, Hae Young’s mother isn’t impressed that the blind date told his mother everything and hangs up on her.

Do Kyung researches déjà vu. Do Kyung calls Jin Sang to have a drink. When Jin Sang comes arrives, Do Kyung has a vision of a sign falling on his friend’s car. Do Kyung tells his friend to park in a different spot. Jin Sang doesn’t want to. Do Kyung says he has a bad feeling. Jin Sang starts towards the car but Do Kyung stops him afraid that his friend will get hurt. Then the sign falls on Jin Sang’s car pretty much annihilating it. Later Jin Sang asks Do Kyung if he saw the sign swinging? Do Kyung doesn’t answer.


Broody shower scene, I love those! Now Do Kyung has a vision of Hae Young. He sees blood coming out of her nose. He sees Hae Young crossing the street.

Do Kyung goes to a doctor to explain what’s happening to him. It’s not déjà vu. He’s having premonitions. The doctor is doodling on his pad while he listens to him. Do Kyung explains that he sees this woman. He’s never met her before. But he sees bits of her during his days and Do Kyung thinks one day they will meet. The dialogue on how he explained that was nicely done. Do Kyung says their paths may have already crossed. We see a scene of Hae Young walking up to Do Kyung looking at him and passing. Then she stops and looks at Do Kyung. He looks at her. She turns and walks away.


Hae Young sees her mother while she’s walking home. She’s injured her arm when she fell back while drinking with her friend. Her mother is embarrassed when Hae Young tells a local vendor that she hurt her arm while drinking. Her mother rips into Hae Young at the house. Hae Young takes off to get away for her mother’s complaints. Ah, it is the premonition that Do Kyung had coming to pass as she comes out of the house it’s just like he envisioned.

Park Hoon burns his ex-girlfriends gifts to him. Then he takes the box of ashes and dumps it on a table that she’s sipping a drink at. Park Hoon kinda freaks out and he yells. Everyone stares. She laughs. Park Hoon yells at everyone don’t smile don’t smile. Park Hoon grabs a snack at a convenience store and tells the clerk, Yoon An Na (Heo Young Ji) he broke up with his girlfriend and is trying to decide who to date next. An Na offers herself as a candidate.


At work Hae Young’s boss says it’s time for a random check of store number one. Hae Young takes off after the boss. She’s just about to text the store or the surprise visit. Her boss declares do not text. The random check doesn’t go well. The boss yells at the manager the employees and Hae Young. Later at an after work company party at a bar/eatery Hae Young considers herself pathetic. She gets drunk. Her boss walks out and Hae Young has words with her boss. Her boss is upset that Hae Young canceled her wedding and she missed the buffet that she starved herself for. Weird!

As Hae Young walks home drunk we see a flashback where her fiance tells Hae Young that he doesn’t love her enough to marry her. Ouch! So he was the one that broke it off. Hae Young asks him to let her say she was the one that canceled the wedding. She wants to save face. No wonder she’s feeling pathetic. She was dumped by her fiance. Her boss berates her. Rejection seems to be a theme with her right now. And who wouldn’t feel bad about that?


Do Kyung has a premonition of Hae Young, a car honking at her while crossing the street. He wonders who she is.

The convenience store clerk An Na and Park Hoon are now dating and she’s very excited about it.


Do Kyung meets a Hae Young’s friend at a coffee shop. She tells him about her friend that got dumped the day before her wedding. Do Kyung loses himself in thought. For whatever reason he gets up and leaves the table. Hae Young is on the phone just coming into the coffee shop. Do Kyung comes down the stairs. Do Kyung runs into Hae Young. The force of the impact bloodies her nose. Do Kyung stares in disbelief as Hae Young turns to him with blood running down her nose just like he saw on his premonition. I like how the producer cut between his premonition and the actual reality of the moment. Do Kyung is stunned and says nothing. Hae Young’s friend comes up shocked to see blood coming down her nose. She introduces Hae Young to Do Kyung. He says nothing and just passes passes by her and leaves. It must be weird to have your premonition come to life right in front of you.

Okay it gets a little confusing as he talks to the friend at work. Is his ex-girlfriend named Hae Young too? Is she talking about the Hae Young that he just ran into? We get a little clarity as Do Kyung looks at the high school yearbook and finds his ex-girlfriend’s picture then he turns the page and he finds Hae Young’s picture. Both women are named Hae Young. So there’s two women named Hae Young that he’s dreaming about.


It becomes a little clearer when Do Kyung calls Jin Sang to meet him. He shows Jin Sang the high school yearbook. In flashback we see that they schemed to destroy Hae Young’s fiance. However it wasn’t his ex-girlfriend’s fiance. It was Hae Young’s fiance. His friend is stunned to find there were two Hae Young’s in the same high school. He can’t believe they schemed to destroy the wrong fiance for the wrong Hae Young.

Meanwhile Hae Young is out with her friend. She decides that she wants to meet Do Kyung. Maybe she can meet up for drinks. Maybe Do Kyung can pay for her nose to be fixed.


The men talk and they realized that they hurt the wrong man. They took away his business, and out of embarrassment, he broke up with Hae Young the day before their wedding. They realize Hae Young claimed to cause the breakup to save face. They both feel terrible that they hurt the wrong man and inadvertently hurt her. Their revenge plan was a bust. Instead of hurting the right Hae Young, they hurt the wrong one. Do Kyung admits he seen Hae Young in his dreams.


Jin Sang offers to drive Do Kyung home. Do Kyung decides to walk. Do Kyung leaves his wallet in his friend’s car. Jin Sang calls him and turns around to bring his wallet to Do Kyung. Meanwhile Hae Young is walking home. She’s a bit drunk. Jin Sang spots him and literally throws the wallet into traffic near him. Do Kyung tries to get to his wallet but the traffic is too heavy. Hae Young manages to walk across the road, pick up the wallet, and return it to him without incident. As she offers the wallet to Do Kyung he sees his premonition where she says to him “I’m not dying”. That freaks him out.

My thoughts
* Full disclosure…I’m watching this drama for Eric, so you might detect bias. At the end of this decent first episode I had a handle on the premise, and it intrigues me. But watching the first episode wasn’t 100% enjoyable.
* I didn’t really like Hae Young. How many times was she she drinking this episode? I didn’t like her family, friend, boss or coworkers. I’m not drawn to her in any way. That’s a rocky start for me with our leading lady. However at the end of the episode I realized that Hae Young was the one that got the raw end of the deal. Do Kyung and Jin Sang destroyed her fiance, who broke up with her because he was no longer financially stable. I have some empathy for her and there is plenty of time to grow to like this character. Let’s hope that happens.
* Eric’s character, Do Kyung, on the other hand, appeals to me. As I stated, I am predispositioned to like characters that Eric portrays. But I liked Do Kyung better than any other character in this episode. Do Kyung was intense. Do Kyung was excellent at his job. Do Kyung demanded good work from himself and others. He wasn’t happy that his mother was making sub par movies. He wanted better for her. He wanted better for his coworkers. He wanted to produce quality sound. Then we come to the freaky part. He starts having these visions. And they are premonitions of what the future will bring. The premonitions start to come true. That would make me uncomfortable. Do Kyung seemed to handle it by saying very little and looking shocked. The number of lines that Eric had in this episode wasn’t high. But he demonstrated quite a bit of feeling with his eyes.
* I’m not sure where they’re going to go with this series. Do Kyung is a major reason for Hae Young’s pain and suffering. How will that play out?  Because I love Eric, I will find out. Let’s see if the second episode draws me to Hae Young.
* I absolutely adored the song they featured during this episode. I look forward to when they release it on the OST because it was a great song.
* Interesting that the writer’s name is Park Hae Young and the character’s name of Oh Hae Young.
* The first song of the OST has been released. Nope, it’s not the one I loved, that will come later I’m sure. It’s called “Softly” by South Korean duo Wable. Check it out via the link or the embedded video below:

Source: kjtamusing



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2016.05.02 Another Miss Oh Live Chat Before the CGV Event

There were lot of laughter and I'm very curious of what were asked/answered.
How I wish it was subbed.


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Another Miss Oh Episode 2 Recap

Posted on 05/05/2016 by kjtamuser

Proximity between our leads increases.

Another Miss Oh (Another Oh Hae Young), Episode 2 “A Relationship Due to Willful Negligence” Recap 

We start the episode with the scene where Oh Hae Young (Seo Hyun Jin) brings Park Do Kyung (Eric) his wallet. Still digging whatever this song is. He recalls the premonition where she tells him she’s not dying. Present day she asks if he’ll thank her for giving you back the wallet. Jarred back to reality, he responds thank you. She suggests they go for a drink. He says nothing. She tells him she’s thinking about getting her nose redone. It will only cost 2M to 3M. If he had said yes to that drink, she would’ve forgotten the nose job costs. She walks away. She turns. She asks him can I pick the spot where we get our drink?

The bar she picks is loud and she has to yell to be heard. She asks what her friend told him about her. Do Kyung claims nothing. She realizes her friend gossiped about her. She says your eyes just told me everything I need to know. Do Kyung claims her friend only said that she was pretty. She laughs in his face. She stares at him. She talks and he stares. She gets drunk. This chick just does not impress me. Do Kyung drives her home. She blathers about there being many girls in high school with the same similar names. She says there was another girl in high school with the exact same name. We know that that woman is his ex-fiancé. He flashes back to his scene with his ex-fiance discussing how to say her name. Do Kyung tells her that he doesn’t drink. I wish she would do the same because she’s an annoying drunk. She claims drunk women don’t tell tales. That’s a lie. She suggests to him that they may never see each other again. Do Kyung looks at her. She looks at him. He must like that idea because he speeds up and gets her home lickety-split. Do Kyung pulls over and gets sick on the side of the road. This premonition stuff seems to be really messing with his head. I suppose it would totally freak me out to if I keep having visions.


Do Kyung tells his best friend Lee Jin Sang (Kim Ji Suk) that he could not admit to Hae Young about his connection to Hae Young’s fiance but instead told her how pretty she was. Jin Sang thinks if she ever finds out they ruined her wedding he’s in big trouble. Jin Sang asked about his ex-fiancé. Where is she? Do Kyung claims not to know. Jin Sang thinks maybe his ex-fiance is in hiding. Jin Sang asks are if he is clairvoyant. Do Kyung clarifies that she pops into his head like a vision. Irritated Do Kyung walks away. Jin Sang advises him not to tell others about his clairvoyant abilities. A drunk Park Soo Kyung (Ye Ji Won) (recall she is Hae Young’s boss) comes home. Is every woman in this series destined to be drunk? Do Kyung tells her to go to bed.

His brother Park Hoon (Heo Jeong Min) comes home with his new convenience store girlfriend An Na Do Kyung. Does everybody in this series live in this apartment? Do Kyung asked the girl how old she is. She claims to be 21. Do Kyung demands to see her ID. She offers it and it does seem to prove that she’s 21. If it’s a legitimate ID. Do Kyung asks why she would want to date a 33-year-old guy when she’s only 21. He tells Park Hoon not to bring her around. Park Hoon counters Jin Sang is there all the time. He takes her back to his bedroom. They claim they will only kiss. While they are kissing on his bed Soo Kyung rears her head up off the floor. Needless to say she scares them.

The next morning Do Kyung gets up and he stores a tape away with the night sounds. Does this guy just like constantly record life and keep it on tapes?He has a premonition of Hae Young being in his apartment he turns around looks for her. But she’s not there.

Hae Young has a hangover and complains that her mother is being too loud. Her mother asks is someone beating you up? Hae Young tells her mother her nose was just an accident, no big deal. Her mother cites her hurt arm and now her nose.

Hae Young looks for her cell phone but can’t find it. She dashes outside to find Do Kyung waiting for her. He has her cell phone. Hae Young is grateful. Do Kyung turns to leave but remembers the premonition of her in his apartment. Do Kyung turns to her and ask if she knows where he lives. Hae Young assures him she does not. Do Kyung drives off as she tries to apologize for being drunk.

At work she offers the next menu to her boss Soo Kyung. She apologizes for her behavior last night. Hae Young muses that she would beat her boss in a battle. Her boss counters that she would win the battle.

Hae Young complains to coworkers that she’s got a class reunion. She’ll be there and another beautiful girl with the same name will be there. Hae Young just doesn’t want to be compared to that gorgeous Hae Young. She recalls the other Hae Young being beautiful and well-liked in high school while she was just a plain quiet girl. She recalls everybody always wanted to talk to the other Hae Young but never her. We see flashbacks of this. Her coworkers encouraged her to go to the high school reunion.

At the reunion everybody’s disappointed it’s the wrong Hae Young that shows up. That would be annoying. Nobody knows what’s happened to pretty Hae Young. Nobody’s heard from her in two years. They know she dated somebody but they don’t know who he is. Oh no, one guy doesn’t realize that Hae Young broke up with her finance the day before her wedding. I must say she handles it well. Hae Young tells her coworkers that she broke up with her fiance because she loves men too much and living with one man for the rest of her life just didn’t seem fair.

The friend irritates her mother once again.

Do Kyung returns home to his apartment and finds his brother Hoon pretending that he wasn’t working on a script. Do Kyung gets a phone call. Convenience store girlfriend tells Do Kyung to pick up but he won’t. Do Kyung takes his phone to his bedroom. His brother guesses that his ex-fiance is the one that called him. Hoon recalls trying to find Do Kyung when his fiance left without a trace. He searched but couldn’t find her. His brother says Hae Young is a name that is banished in this household.

We see the flash back of Do Kyung waiting in vain for his bride Hae Young. He calls she doesn’t pick up. Do Kyung searches hospital emergency rooms but she’s not there. Do Kyung can’t find the woman he loves and was expecting to marry that day. I like is his hair style in the flashback. He finds pictures of her with another man. That’s not good. Back to present day. You see why he shut himself off from this world. Why go back to emotions when emotions just cause pain? After the high school reunion Hae Young comes home and makes herself food. Her mother watches her eat and walks away.I’m just not really getting the whole comedic aspect of the mother. Next day he dresses for work. The ten missed calls were from his mother. Do Kyung assures his brother he will call his mother. He meets his mother at a restaurant. The mother tells him Chairman Jung wanted to meet him too. I guess she’s engaged this guy. His mother is all smiles when her fiance Chairman Jung shows up. So Chairman Jung helped him get revenge on the wrong fiance, who is in jail. His mother asks why did he get revenge on this guy? He doesn’t answer.

As Do Kyung drives away from the lunch we see the flashback again with him and Jin Sang where they spy on the fiance with Chairman Jung. Jin Sang encourages him to take revenge against the fiance. Initially Do Kyung wasn’t interested at all. Jin Sang gave him something to drink and told him that his true intentions would come out after he had alcohol in the system. Do Kyung ended up getting drunk. Now Jin Sang asks if he wants revenge against this guy. Do Kyung stares at the fiancé. Do Kyung decides to throw at the dartboard. A bull’s eye means revenge otherwise he lets the poor guy go.Holy smokes! From across the room he lands a bull’s eye. I’m not sure who’s more startled. The best friend or him. Hugging and smiles all around. Do Kyung looks at the fiance with murder in his eyes. Do Kyung gets on the elevator with Chairman Jung. Do Kyung smiles at the fiance with menace. Jin Sang learns that when Chairman Jung pulled out his money in the firm all the other investors did too. The company collapsed. He went bankrupt and had to go to jail. Do Kyung realizes they need to fix this. Do Kyung wants to get the poor man out of jail.

We see a friend visit the fiancé in jail. He asked about Hae Young. Flashback to the breakup scene. Nice touch that at the end of the breakup scene Hae Young wakes up in her bedroom. I like that transition from the prison to her bedroom. She puts in a tango CDM grooves to it. Her long-suffering mother watches then joins in. That’s a nice touch. Her parents watch her groove. Her mother worries about the mental state of her daughter.

Outside the prison Do Kyung waits while Jin Sang meets with the fiance. Jin Sang tells the fiance he’s there to help him get out. The fiance refuses his help. He asks why did Chairman Jung turned against him? What was the problem? Jin Sang meets him outside of the prison. He wants to know why DK did that to them. He encourages DK to tell the fiance the truth. DK wonders if that would just make things worse the truth.

Hae Young rides through the park but then a ball comes in her path that she topples over. She has to walk or bike home and she’s a mess. All the neighborhood ladies stare at her. Oh no more gossip about HY. Her mother will be embarrassed yet again. Ouch! Her dress was tucked in her in her underwear. Not good.

Her mother tells her father they should abandon their daughter because she’s crazy. That’s the first time I ever found them amusing. When HY comes home all her stuff (and I mean all of it including the appliances) are outside. The note from her father reads “We release you. Have a good life”. They change the code on the house! That is most definitely see you later from her parents. She calls her friend. But she’s busy at work and can’t come out. She sees her fiance’s friend and asks how her ex-fiancé is doing. The guy says he’s doing well. She’s relieved. He walks away. I am surprised she doesn’t know that ex-fiance is in jail. I would think something like that might be in the papers and she would reenter. Or certainly somebody would gossip and get that back to her. As she walks to the crowd she starts crying. She can’t believe her fiance is doing well. He’s without her. He is supposed to be miserable!

Do Kyung spends a lot of time deciding whether or not to take the incoming phone call. Do Kyung takes it and this time it is his ex-fiance Hae Young. He’s not happy to hear from her. She tells him she misses him. That infuriates Do Kyung and he throws the phone.

Another round of drinking. He’s at the bar. He’s pounding the booze. Do Kyung demands the music be turned down. Hae Young is there drinking alone too. They stare at each other. She looks out of it. Do Kyung sits back down in his chair with his back to her. She continues to drink alone. Do Kyung starts to leave the bar but comes back to her table. Do Kyung asks if someone hurt her?

Now under the cherry blossoms they sit. Hae Young tells them he’s not the most miserable person in the world. She’s the most miserable person in the world. It’s a contest I don’t want to enter. She suggests they share why they are miserable. She says if they say it then they’ll forget. No surprise, she starts first. She shares she was dumped the day before her wedding. She says it’s the first time she’s really said that out loud. She shares her fiance said he wasn’t sure he could lover for the rest of her life. She starts crying. Do Kyung is looking miserable at this point. She shares the fiance said he couldn’t stand watching her eat and laughs. She is still crying while she’s laughing, but she is laughing. She shares she asked for the right to say that she was the one canceled the wedding. He looks at her. She shares she just had to tell somebody the honest truth just once. To somebody that just is a passerby. And to somebody that is in as much misery as she is. She tells him now it’s his turn. She stares at him. Tell me why your miserable she encourages. He says nothing. She’s okay with that. She gets up and tells him they should never see each other again. He says I’m sorry. She was about what? They stare at each other. He says nothing. She walks away. He stares at her. He puts his head down. She walks away drunk and unhappy. This time it looks like she’s not navigating the road so well lovely Do Kyung pulls her out of the road. Do Kyung puts her in the back of the cab and he takes the front with the driver. I love the juxtaposition of him in front of her in back with him staring at her at the rear view mirror. Nicely done producer. He gets her out of the car. He takes her to her parents house. We know this is not her home anymore as her parents kicked her out. He doesn’t know that. Do Kyung encourages her to live no matter how it hurts…just live…if you survive, you’ve won. Do Kyung walks away. She stands there, a tear goes down her face. She sits in the garden of the house next to the refrigerator. She tells the appliances it’s tough luck that she’s their owner. She says it’s time for them to go together.

Next morning moving guys get all her stuff out of the front yard of her parents house. Her father watches the moving guys pack things up. She gets in the moving van. They drive away with all her stuff piled high. Father tells his mother her mother that she’s gone. Her mother starts to cry. Her father’s upset too. At her new apartment she tells herself live no matter how it hurts. She moves her furniture right through the wall. She finds out the wall is a flimsy just a sheet of drywall. Behind the drywall is a door. She knocks. No one answers. She opens the door. OMG Behind the door is Do Kyung’s sound studio / bedroom! That was a surprising twist. She creeps into his sound studio. She walks around. It certainly looks like his place. Do Kyung walks out of the bathroom clad in a towel. She stares at him, stunned. Do Kyung looks up and sees her, stunned. Do Kyung has flashbacks of her. Now the premonition he had of seeing her in his apartment comes true. Do Kyung stares at her. She stares at him. Little smile on her face and she utters “wow”. Do Kyung stares stunned that another premonition has become reality.

My thoughts
*This episode was better than the first one. It was less about Do Kyung having the premonitions and more about him wanting to right the wrong of ruining the wrong finance. She, on the other hand, struggled with her new reality, the class reunion, and her parents kicking her out. I can see that the writer is pulling these two together. It’s like threads that were far apart and now being drawn close together so they can intertwine. What are the odds that she would get an apartment that is right next to his ultra posh pad. Look at the difference between her tiny room and his ultra posh brick apartment. You must suspend your brain and just go with it. The flashback premonition was minimal in comparison with how prominently it was showcased in the first episode.

* Okay I had a semi-breakthrough connecting with Hae Young this episode. For the majority the episode I am was not digging this character. She just doesn’t garner much empathy from me. But I had a breakthrough at the moment where she was miserable in the bar and Do Kyung took her to the park and encouraged her. I like the fact that she encouraged Do Kyung to share misery with each other since they were equally miserable. It felt raw and real. For the first time I felt something for her. I like the fact that her parents kicked her out. Having the character out of her family home is a plus. Now she lives right next door to him, it’s even better.

* What is it with Do Kyung having like the smallest batch of dialogue of any character in this series? It’s bugging me that Do Kyung doesn’t have much to say. What did I like this episode? I like the fact that Do Kyung felt bad about messing with the wrong fiance . I like the fact that Do Kyung and his lawyer friend decided they were going to try and make amends. I actually like the fact that the fiance said no I don’t want your help. I want you to tell me why you did this to me. That’s the question…why did you do this to me? And I like the fact that Do Kyung reached out to her. In the bar. He initially walked away. Do Kyung was going to cut her out of his life. But the premonitions, the fact that he wronged her fiance, the fact that she’s miserable because of him, he’s too good of a guy just to ignore that. Do Kyung reached out to her. He listened to her. He wasn’t able to share in return. But he did listen. And Do Kyung got her home safely. So we see an edge of caring. Do Kyung is emotionally shut down because his fiance dumped him on the day of their wedding, not the day before the wedding like she suffered through, but the date of the wedding. You saw in the flashback how upset Do Kyung was as he searched for her but to no avail. And then to know that she just dropped out of sight with out an explanation. So she never told him why she just disappeared. If I were him I would have a hard time getting over the fact that someone walked away, on the day of the wedding, without an explanation. Then Do Kyung gets the phone call from her, and she says she misses him? Small details – I find his mother a bit annoying. I kinda like the vibe with his brother. I’m looking forward to this character’s growth from almost shell shocked withdrawn guy, to a man that makes amends and re-engages with the world.

cr: kjtamusings

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At first, I thought it was déjà vu. It’s different from déjà vu.
I see things beforehand, and then the exact thing follows. Now I keep seeing this lady.
I haven’t met her before. I’ve never met her before in my life.
But…she seems like someone I’ve known for a while.
I see bits of her throughout the day.I have a feeling that she and I will meet somehow.
Our paths may have already crossed... 






cr: kaydrama

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Guys, first of all I'm so happy that Oh Hae Young drama is now trending in Korea. Until this time, it's on #1 for korean drama on Naver. And ratings is increased which make me really happy for the team. Seo Hyun Jin is getting popular for her role as Oh Hae Young. happy for her. It stated on Naver that ratings for episode 2 is 3% (Nielsen) and TNMS is 2.6%. Shouldn't the trio set fan meeting in jail (lol)? Anyway, I hope more people will watch this.

I'm worried about Eric's legs. We know Eric doesn't want to make his fans worry. I just hope nothing serious. I read in Dramabeans recaps and comments and I realized I missed many things (maybe because I watched in korean). Do Kyung isn't as bad as people might think. I'm happy for that. But even if Do Kyung's character is bad, I really don't mind since I even support even if Eric plays a villain. I just hope one thing, the writer give a proper character development and great closure for whatever the ending will be. 

And one more thing, I hope people not hating Eric if he plays bad guy in this series. I mean, sometimes viewers are so immature to think that charaters in drama = real life for the actors.Anyway, let's continue enjoy the series till the end.

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@PutriSalju, nope, not quite there for the jail fanmeeting yet. XD  The 3% national for EP.02 is a round up.  It was 2.981% to be exact :)  I hope Eric's ankle heals fast.  Haven't seen sighting of him filming outside in the last few days... 

I don't think Dokyung is a bad guy. He made a big mistake but he wasn't meant to bankrupt Taejin or put him in jail.  I don't mind if Dokyung turns out to be bad guy either if that's what his character is.  It's annoying when some can't distinguish acting is different from actors/actresses' real life/character and mess the 2 together.  I see it often, not just Eric.  Is why I hate it when the drama PR peeps say "xxx character is like Eric".

Looking forward to Monday!

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Yup... they said 98% Do Kyung is Eric? Ha....!!!! Do Kyung is 98% not Eric. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this character is new to Eric. The coldy guy. But oh well, maybe after sometimes we see his real character. I mean after his scar already gone. Don't you think he rarely speak? He spoke only few lines in the first two episodes. I hope he speak more in the upcoming episodes lol....

I feel more comfortable to write in this thread rather than in OH Hae Young's thread because if I wrote something about Do Kyung, people might think I'm bias since Eric is playing Do Kyung. I hope his character will be developed more whether as good or bad guy. I'm so ready for that. And I really don't mind even if he can't back to OHY2 or OHY1 if the story should be like that. Actually I need something refresh about korean drama. 

Bias aside, I think Do Kyung is my favorite character. Yes, he made huge mistake. Yes, he's cold. Yes, he's perfectionist. But like someone said in OHY's thread. He's like un-opened book. We, viewers already guess so many things about him. And I'm intrique about his dejavu things. About the connection between him and his mother who looks snobby. 

I said before that I like Eric with Jeon Hye Bin but when I re-watched off screen stuff, Seo Hyun Jin is so sweet and shy. It's so cute how they both shyly smile to each other during interviews. And I love how Hyun Jin cares about Eric's mic and sit during interview. Hye Bin is more quirky it seems with the free touchy all the time to uri oppa. It amazes me of how she can so freely do that in every chances she has but Hyun Jin looks like the polite hoobae that always following what Eric said or commands like how they giving greeting and so on. And I found it's so sweet about the fact OHY seems so independent and strong in front of others but turn to 'weak' in front of Do Kyung. Ahhhh... I don't know which one I will support. I like both girls lol...Can't Do Kyung just do polygamy instead? hahahahaha.....


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