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  Best Drama Star (2 nominations):

  Best Drama (3 nominations):

Nomination Period: August 9th - 31st
Voting starts on September 8th

***Can enter many nominations as you wish with your many Mnet account, Facebook, Twitter and Kakao.



  Best Drama Star (2 nominations):

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  Best Drama (3 nominations):

Type in “또 오해영”  (see sample in the screencap below).

Enter 2 more tvN dramas (can search up tvN dramas HERE  if you don’t know what else to nominate)


Repeat the same steps as above and you’re done.  Can enter many nominations as you wish with your many Mnet account, Facebook, Twitter and Kakao.  Thanks for supporting!

Source; EricMun.tumblr


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1 hour ago, Claudine Borras said:

Hi fellow SHCJs! I'm new here and a new fan of Shinwa as well. I think the reason Eric hasn't been active on screen lately is that maybe he's busy playing Pokemon Go hahaha being the introvert and gamer that he is


Anyeong :)

Oh dear... Shinhwa will comeback soon. No time for game since he needs to take care of so many things. Not sure if you already know that despite being Shinhwa leader, uri Eric oppa also head of Shincom. So I guess during his 'disappeared' times he was taking care of Shinhwa album (with Minwoo) and some contracts or administration jobs in Shinhwa company office. But don't worry, he'll showing off his game again (with uri Andy) after those 'headache stuff' and business go smoothly after sometimes lol..

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Hi guys and gals ..... popping in to announce our fun activity in AMO , the idea generated by Eric's new fans who love his portrayal of Park Do Kyung. He set many hearts a-fluttering and many dreams of wishing for a boyfriend like him or his character ( I read one of the comments somewhere ) Anyway he captivates.... even as we have this voting for a bridegroom outfit ala for AMO, fans drool and spazz over him. You probably have seen these pictures but for us the newsies..... he looks good. You might even be able to add even nicer pictures of him.... it'll be great if you can do so at the drama thread. ( some of you are tagged there )

Anyway in all things wonderful and sporting what would Eric's longtime fans choose for his impending wedding in AMO.?( It's only a game ) Love to hear your views.

Have a good day / night everyone.

Combi-pics credited to @mabelialong. Thanks friend.

Psssssssst.......... I personally like the Dior outfit... hahaha.



















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@PutriSalju....... Whoa.......Soooooo handsome your pictures of Eric. I like the bow-tie look at the red carpet. He looks so sharp. Also  so suave, sleek and well groomed. Are the one with the nekkid statues supposed to show his charms are irresistible even to Venus, the goddess of love ??  Thank you for posting..... I'm adding them to the collection at the drama thread. ... heee ! 

So I like this........


But dislike this...... no 23 is too cheesy and girly..... and his suit looks like a honeycomb and I expect bees to be homing in soon....arrrggghhhh.  Also pink-stripe shirt and red tie ??? Oh my eyes.....The hair's not helping either. I suspect his stylist had a bad day. I need to lie down from exhaustion.... too hard to look at.... kiddin' !


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@lavender2love The one with statue was the photoshoot from their Venus song comeback...very coincidence with your statement about Venus goddess XD.

Well, Eric always looks super good in suits. I guess this is the 'supposed to be groom smile-by Eric' when he has his wedding later


The one that you don't like, I think it was because of the super short hair that he had before after getting bald in his previous drama Korea secret Agency, winter drama and Que Sera Sera era.

Korea Secret Agency


Winter drama


Que Sera Sera


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On 8/16/2016 at 3:11 PM, lavender2love said:

@PutriSalju....... Whoa.......Soooooo handsome your pictures of Eric. I like the bow-tie look at the red carpet. He looks so sharp. Also  so suave, sleek and well groomed. Are the one with the nekkid statues supposed to show his charms are irresistible even to Venus, the goddess of love ??  Thank you for posting..... I'm adding them to the collection at the drama thread. ... heee ! 

So I like this........


But dislike this...... no 23 is too cheesy and girly..... and his suit looks like a honeycomb and I expect bees to be homing in soon....arrrggghhhh.  Also pink-stripe shirt and red tie ??? Oh my eyes.....The hair's not helping either. I suspect his stylist had a bad day. I need to lie down from exhaustion.... too hard to look at.... kiddin' !


A classic black tux is always a good choice! :)  yep that straight Dior combo of honeycomb with stripe shirt and a the pattern tie is too busy. Thou he pulled it off better than if it's on some one else? May be my bias is showing there hahaha

The one he wore at KBS Award is perfect as same for the classy slick-back hair.  And the one from Mnet's 20s Choice Award that Putri shared is also my favorite. :) 

Here are some more of Mr. Mun in suits


















And this Victorian/funky Dior suit is a nice twist for the typical black tux :)












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It's wild something that he joked about would become true one day as said in the article that it's highly possible.  I think this is the article from TechCrunch that the Sport Seoul referred to.... https://techcrunch.com/2016/07/18/why-the-top-5-tech-companies-are-dead-set-on-ai/

I guess people with 4Dness have that ability to see trend because they often think outside of the box.  :)





[Sports Seoul, Reporter Kim Do-Hyung] Recently, so many collaborations are happening in the K-pop world that it’s actually becoming a formula. Especially with many “I  want to do music with…” proposals, a lot of headlines are emerging.


▲ International News If Comes True… Eric X AlphaGo





In the afternoon of March (2016), Shinhwa had a press conference for their 18th Anniversary concert, ‘Hero’, in Songpa-Gu Olympic Park Gymnastics Stadium. During the press conference, the group’s leader Eric had the audience roaring with laughter with his whimsical answer (about Who would you like to collaborate with?”). He said, I would like to collaborate with the A.I. robot Alpha-Go.” and provoked giggles as he imitated the robot.(Translator’s note: AlphaGo is a computer intelligence program developed by Google)


Although Eric was joking at the time, but according to the IT specialized media, TechCrunch, artificial intelligence has reached a stage where the overall operation related to music, like composition, writing lyrics and even editing is possible. If the first subject of this kind of collaboration was Eric, it would surely make international headlines, don’t you think?  


Other 3 mentioned collaborations are: Park Myung-Soo & Singer Kim Yun-Woo, Kim Jun-Su &  rapper BewhY (from Show Me The Money 5), Kim Yoon-Ah & King of ballads, Kim Dong-Ryul


Source: Sport Seoul + Translation by EricMun.tumblr


Coming from His 4D Master as a trolling, who knows it might be possible one day. :lol:



gif by @msmemaaaa

cr: EricMun.tumblr


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Thank you @samaf for the short clip though I don't understand but I think I could catch what the clips want :P

Well, despite the unlucky environment during Spy Myung Wol shooting plus low rated ratings, SMW still sold well overseas. We can't expect what viewers want. bad luck in Korea doesn't mean bad luck outside Korea though. Take example Healer series. It was so-so in Korea but very popular internationally.

Glad that OHYA drama accepted well either korean and international viewers. 

Eric was spotted in E-mart near his home. He was buying something and trying some free foods there...hahaha...  Someone must be so hungry but finished everything that no stock at all. 

I wonder what he's doing these days. No update at all from him. While other members reported themselves like having recording in studio, shooting variety show, fanmeeting or vacation, but we don't see Eric's updates. I hope he'll show up before Shinhwa comeback on October. Because waiting for two months is a bit long :sweatingbullets:

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@samaf, thanks for sharing the Spy Myungwol clips. I think it's on a re-run in Mnet Japan as well as Discovery of Romance before SMW's re-run.  Oh Hae Young again will start its broadcast on Mnet tonight and it's highly recommended (no surprise since CJ E&M own both Mnet & tvN :)  

It'd be great if Eric and Hyunjin or the cast can promo OHYA in Japan... but with Shinhwa's comeback preparation, I wonder if it's possible for Eric.  I heard through the grapevine that there were calls for Eric's fanmeets in Taiwan, China & Singapore (just before the OHYA's last broadcast in Korea) but he turned them down :(   No reason was given but it's not hard to guess?  The call for a fanmeet in Taiwan, I don't know if it's the same one by KTTV or not but that one was right on the day of Shinhwa's 1st recording...

I hope he has enough time to promote the drama properly with his next drama. It's kinda pity he doesn't do much after OHYA.  If he were with a third-party management, I'm sure this will not happen.  They will strike as much as they can while the iron is hot (OHYA popularity).  Being his own management is great and very flexible for him but this is the down side that I'm sad to see. 


Any way, Seoul Dramas Award is on Sept.08th.  I wonder if OHYA is on the list and if OHYA casts are invited... :glasses:

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Just saw this old post on Twitter so I'm resharing this :)  Not putting him up as such a hero pedestal, just sharing another side of this otherwise VERY quiet person.  He does things not to stand out or to get praised.  He does what feels right to him at the moment... like this what he did way back then for this reporter to save her from embarrassment.  I don't care he's an introvert, no fluffs, doesn't have the "guy next door vibe".. behind all that quietness & 4Dness, there's a good man that you can count on.  That to me is more than enough :) 






Got a request to translate this Facebook post about Eric’s accident during Wolf drama filming and how it affected him not being able to enlist with Active Duty in Marine Corps as he wished.

As we know, Koreans take army enlistment very seriously that they often get suspicious at anything that migh cause army dodging or downgrading from Active Duty to Civil Duty.  At the time, there were some netizens looked down on Eric because he served as Public Service instead of Active Duty as he wished to before the Wolf accident happened.

Not sure why the FB poster wrote about the incident again now but it’s good for those who don’t know I guess?  From his old post, you can feel his frustration for being falsely accused of faking his condition to get out of active service.  

If you’re in for more reading there are some previous posts here: MBC’s Head of Talent Department Jung Han Heon was full of praise for Actor Mun Jeong Hyuk; and  Shinhwa’s Eric, a man of mettle



Shinhwa's leader, Eric

He gave up the US Citizenship to join the Marine corps, but ended up going to the Public Service.

People from the internet showed negative reaction such as "After all this, you just decided to entering the Public Service?". However, truthfully...

WOLF - MBC Offical page


January 16 to January 23 2006
Genre: Drama
Production: Park Hong Kyun
Screenplay: Kim Kyung Sae
Synopsis: There is no right and wrong in love. However, a love that gets attached and a love that lets go, a love that wants to get embraced and a love that wants to get love...

Drama "Wolf" starring Eric, Han Ji Min, Uhm Tae Woong

This drama was popular and fun, but it was put to an early telecast end of episode 4 due to an accident Eric and Han Ji Min got into.  That's how serious the accident was.

Accident article of that time


On the 22nd (January) at 1:30AM on Jongno, Seoul roadside, the actors were filming a scene where Han Ji Min's (Jisu) and secretary Moon Jung Hyuk (Dae Cheol) was jaywalking and protecting Han Ji Min. Due to untimely sign-giving between the stunt car and the director, they got into an accident as they collided with the stunt car.

One member of the production team who witnessed the accident during that time stated, "The stunt car was supposed to stop, but as it rushed forward without being able to step on the break.  Moon Jung Hyuk embraced Han Ji Min and protected her until the end." He revealed that, "Even after he collapsed on the ground, he remained calm and told Han Ji Min that he's fine."

"Han Ji Min always had a weak spine, so she suffered from pain even more from the accident", said the producer.  Adding on, "Moon Jung Hyuk grasped hold of Han Ji Min, he said his right side hurt starting from his ankle to his back."

Immediately, Moon Jung Hyuk and Han Ji Min were taken to Baek Hospital’s emergency located in Jonggu, Seoul.  After getting emergency care, they were hospitalized for a close examination of their condition.

The ‘Wolf’ production team were divided by team A and team B for the filming. Uhm Tae Woong and Lee Eun was able to avoid the accident because they were set to film on a food and drink stand located in Mapo-gu, Gongdeok-dong, Seoul.

Hearing the news of the accident at 2AM, Uhm Tae Woong and Lee Eun instantly rushed to the hospital and comforted the two actors. Moon Jung Hyuk and Han Ji Min is currently hospitalized at the Orthopedics and Neurosurgery whilst each undergoing treatment.


According to the plot, it was a scene where Eric was supposed to help Han Ji Min from a car accident.  However, the car did not stop due to the stunt man's mistake, resulting the car to speed forward to Han Ji Min at 40 mph.

Seeing that (the car not stopping and barged toward them), Eric embraced Han Ji Min and the car crashed onto him.  According to the testimonies of people at the scene, Eric's knee was hit and as he grasped onto Han Ji Min, he crashed once more on the car's window.

Still embracing Han Ji Min, he was thrown into the air and rolled down to the ground. Han Ji Min suffered from relatively minor injuries, but Eric was hurt starting from his ankle to his spine.

In the midst of all that, Eric who was in the most pain, embraced Han Ji Min and comforted her by saying, "Ji Min, it's alright. It's alright." ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


Eric was rushed into the hospital.  Eric was diagnosed with 8 weeks (to recover & rests) and struggled with restricted mobility.  However, the first thing he asked right when he opened his eyes was Han Ji Min's condition, "Is Ji Min fine?" ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅠㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

He's amazing...ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ


Shinhwa Changjo later discovered a post from Eric from one of the internet sites with a nickname Miclarge (this was Eric's nickname during that time. Usernames weren't hidden back then. Eric's nickname means "Loach")

Eric's post on  2007.12.13: 


"This is a question related to back disk and pelvic sequestration. I'm soon to join the army. (I will give you 40 points) Please help.

I received laser surgery because I had 3~4 and 4~5 disc herniation. The surgery I got was because of a car accident, and I realized this while getting the surgery, but I always had a pelvic sequestration on one side.  I started recovering for about 6 months and felt better after receiving surgery, but the next day I finished weight training accompanied by an ab & back workout.  Just as I was sitting up after watching a movie in the move theater, my back felt like it was pulled back and I couldn't move an inch.  It was two years ago at the beginning of the year when I received the surgery.  The time it relapsed at the movie theater was 6 months after.  Since then, I visited all kinds of famous hospitals such as the Chiropractic and Acupuncture Clinic.  It's been 1 year and a half since it relapsed but I still haven't fully recovered yet.  I feel like my body doesn't feel like a normal person's body, yet the doctors say that the surgery was successful and my condition isn't worsening according to the X-ray and MR and the Acupuncture Clinic's examination.  As for the symptoms, whenever I do some sort of a vigorous movement such as hiking around the neighborhood mountain for 10 minutes, my back feels like it's pulling back and curving to one side.  Even on a regular basis, my upper body is titled to the center of my pelvic.  I can't carry people on my back or wear backpacks while walking.  When I'm standing straight and move my upper body to the side before bringing it back to the center again, I think I feel a pain.  I have to undergo retesting at the end of the year but the doctors say that my surgery and its recovery progress is decent. I can't even hike for 10 minutes, let alone wearing a backpack, so can I go to army like this?  Also, before getting retested, I was a 1st grade on Active Duty.  By any chance, is there anyone who shares the same conditions as I do? I'm also curious about the symptoms of those of you who have both disk and pelvic sequestration. This a retest I'm getting after delaying my enlistment for work. I'm not doing this in hopes for downgrading or exemption. I would be so grateful if my body can fully recover so that I can serve in the Active Service.  But based on my condition, I'm curious what kind of results will come out for the retest... Active service? Public service? Or should I postpone it until I'm fully recovered?  Also, if I can't completely cure myself, I wonder if it would be alright to train in this current condition of mine?  During training, I wonder if I will be placed in a guilty situation where my back is displaced, but people accuse me of pretending illness?  All of you pros out there, I know this just sounds like a bunch of rambling, but I would appreciate your help."



He's awesome. ㅠㅠ Eventually, he served in the Public Service (because of his back) instead of the Active Service that he wanted to go.  It's not even a crime to enter Public Service, so it's a shame that people just talk negatively about him without knowing the entire situation.

Source: joahy0 FB + translation by ericmun.tumblr




Adding a few more photos of the incident



Eric's parents arrived at the hospital




Room 703 - Han Ji Min
Room 705 - Mun Jung Hyuk


source: ericmun.tumblr


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It's not surprise about the calls for fan meeting though. I mean, Eric has tons of fans in China and Japan since his dramas always do pretty well there. That's why I wonder why he didn't do any fan meeting until now. The reason perhaps the upcoming  Shinhwa comeback. And Spore and Taiwan. Oh well, though he wasn't there (Taiwan), we know that half of the questions that the journalist asked to Hyun Jin was related to him. So, I kinda guess he didn't make it to go there too. 

I'm sure he also never expected OHYA would be this huge. But even the low rated DoR, he has still times to attend some events or making photobook for us though Shinhwa comeback also very near last 2 years. Perhaps, he's busy doing Shinhwa preparation but maybe he doesn't want to feed the dating rumor. I mean to say, if he went to some interviews, journalists surely will ask about the dating rumor again and again. Maybe he wants to make people forget about the dating rumor too. 

However, I'm curious to death what he's doing these days. Other members spotted here and there but none pictures of Eric found. Usually, Minu or Andy will help us to update leadernim's news or at least give a hint. But nowadays nope. Nothing.

Lastly, I still hope he can attend TvN drama awards. That's the only event that I really wish he can make it (if he get nominations). 

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