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(RicSyung) Hyesung's Msgg to Eric


DJ : Eric went to the military service right ?

Hyesung : Ah , Yes .

DJ : Did’t write a letter for once time ?

Hyesung : Did’t write . How to write .

DJ : Now ,  want to send a message to Eric who was in the military service ?

Hyesung : Audio message ? Ah ~ That guy and me really ……

DJ : Two of you are not good ?

Hyesung : Is not not good . Erm hahahaha ( Clapping hand & laughing)

DJ : Awkward ?At the start also don’t know live so near .

Hyesung :The music again . Will embarrassed if there is background music .

(Message Start)

Jung Hyuk ah , is putting effort in traning right ? Erm …. Ah …. That … When you go there , listen to the old army . If follow their meaning work hard , because your age is big (Laugh) , they will treat you nicely  . Erm … anyway ….. erm … Put in effort for the training… erm … leave the army . Wah ~ very embarrassing ~ Aww ~ How to do ~ aiyo ~

DJ : Talk about ” Leave the army “

Hyesung : Come back healthily ~ Erm … meet together when you back … Wah ~ (Claping hand by himself)

DJ : Although is a bit short , but still can feel you miss Mun Jung Hyuk through the simple words .

Hyesung : Never call before ” Jung Hyuk ah “  , seems like is the first time . Everyday SMS also scold each other. Everyday , the joking scold . Also ,will hang up the phone when call , just say the thing want to talk , hang up after talking . Just joking only . Wah ~ very embarrassing , how to do . Hahahahahaha ~ Wah , going crazy . 

DJ : Regardless , it is ended . Have been broadcast…

Hyesung : So I just say ~~

DJ :Take care of your own body .

Hyesung : That guy can’t listen . How can he listen on this time … 

source: shinhwaempire

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2014.03.15 Amazing pre-debut stories of Shinhwa

Instiz: Pre-debut stories of how Shinhwa was cast in SM

Shinhwa was cast in 1995~1997. At that time, the companies were looking for idol-like people, so it was hard to get cast.



He was very popular in L.A. Andy's noona and Lee Soo Man's daughter liked him.

He was handsome and was also a good fighter, so he was always the top student in his school. If someone was being racist to him, he beat up that person right on the spot. He also helped fellow Koreans who suffered racism.

He was a good student and was accepted into four universities in the States. But his dream was to become a singer, so he auditioned in L.A and was cast in SM.

One of the four universities he was accepted was UCLA. He was accepted for acting. In Korea, he got into Dongguk University's theater acting major without special entrance.

His original dream was to become a rapper and he wanted to spread rap culture in Korea. Even though he ended up being an idol, his has great rapping skills. Underground rappers admit his rapping skills. He said he wouldn't have debuted as an idol if it wasn't the members.

His family was rich, he was popular, handsome, a good fighter, and was a good student. He was such an unfair character and was a perfect son.

His parents were strongly opposed to his dream. His parents wanted him to get a doctor's degree, so they took Eric's car key and killed the car.

But Eric calmly had a family meeting with his smart brain. He said, "I have full plans for my future. In my teen years, I'll do whatever I want. In my 20s, I'll be an actor. In my 30s, I'll open up my own entertainment company. In my 40s, I'll be a university professor." He said it very confidently and his parents agreed to him.

What's scary is that his plans are working until this day



According to Lee Minwoo, he grew up fishing at a river. He must've grew up at countryside.

He was very passionate for dancing. He was popular in Jeonju for his dancing.

He was in a dance team and was cast in SM at Everland dance competition. Actually, he was about to give up to go to the competition because he forgot to bring his music CD. But he looked around the entire Seoul, found the same CD and auditioned. He auditioned with his friend but his friend failed to get into Shinhwa. Minwoo, feeling sorry, was going to give up debuting in Shinhwa. Shinhwa members made him stay.

Before his debut, he got an offer for a solo debut but he rejected it and debuted in Shinhwa. Lee Soo Man gave him allowance without telling other Shinhwa members. Lee Soo Man must've adored him a lot.



When he was in high school, his nickname was "Hwimoon High School's Moses Miracles". Whenever Dongwan appeared, the students parted into half to see him.

He liked singing and acting. He was in a rock band in high school. He got popular with his handsome looks and his good singing, so he had many fans. On broadcast, he said he got cast when he was holding a big teddybear doll for his girlfriend. But SM and other companies were competing to cast him.

They even made special cast managers to cast Dongwan. The directors stalked after Dongwan to cast him. But Dongwan, who was doing rock, refused all because he never wanted to be an idol. He changed his mind when he saw Andy, Hyesung, and Eric practicing.



Hyesung was cast in the same L.A audition as Eric. Hyesung, Eric, and Andy were all popular in L.A so they knew each other.

He went to the SM audition because his friend wanted to audition. Lee Soo Man asked Hyesung to also sing and he sang blankly. Lee Soo Man listened to him singing and said to Andy, "isn't his voice so good?" Lee Soo Man was very impressed and cast him.

His friend failed the audition and he was the one who was cast. Fans wonder why he never had a dream to become a singer because he sings well.

When he was attending high school in Korea, his nickname was Shinil High School's oil tan because he was usually quiet but when he got mad, he acted very upset like a fueled fire.



Jun Jin was popular since high school because he was a good dancer.
According to Moon Heejun, Jun Jin was popular in Song-pa as a dancer.
He was Kangta's friend in high school and Kangta introduced him to SM. Jun Jin auditioned at SM and was cast.



Andy was also in a popular dance team in L.A. Their team was often called to other schools. He auditioned at a dance competition and was cast by Lee Soo Man.

Lee Soo Man called Andy to cast him, but Andy thought it was a prank call so he hung up right away. Lee Soo Man somehow got in touch with him and he told Andy to come to a park. At the park Lee Soo Man turned on a song and told him to dance on the spot. Andy danced. Lee Soo Man took him to a karaoke and signed a contract.

He was planned to debut in H.O.T. Tony Ahn, Moon Heejun, Kangta, and Andy worked as back dancers to get used to perform on a stage. Andy had fans even when he was a back dancer.

When H.O.T was about to debut, his mother opposed to it because Andy was only 16. Besides, Andy was also scared to debut in Korea. He went back to US.

Tony Ahn filled Andy's spot and Andy went back to L.A. A year later, Lee Soo Man again visited L.A and met Andy. Lee Soo Man took Andy to Korea again. He debuted in Shinhwa

Moon Heejun said when he saw Shinhwa members when they were trainees, they already looked like debuted singers because of their visuals and their aura.


- Daebak. They totally sound like fanfic characters

- It's really fanfic-like ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- SM's casting skills is amazing

- All of them are amazing ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- Oh daebak...


Source: Instiz
Translate: kpopfans



puahahah Eric's part.  As much as fanfic's like, most of that are true!!!!
Lee Soo Man's daughter liked Eric is new to me :)
His parents opposed him going back to Korea to be in a boy band is new to me.
Thou, possible cus if my kid was admitted to 4 top unniversities & colleges (like UCLA), I would oppose too lol
His plan to convince the parents to let him go, if true, is really wild how it turns so true 16+ years later :)

As for the fighting part, being racist and helping fellow Korean students who suffered from racism, I think it's true cus I remember a part on a very old show Shinhwa was on. The show call Star Go Go that Shinhwa participated in 2002 (which is also in the All About Shinhwa DVD set).  They were seen by a team of psychiatrist, traditional Korean medicine doctors... one of the questions to Eric was

Question: Do you remember the most difficult experience of yours?

ERIC: I had lived in US since I was in junior high school. Hanging around with my buddies, I caught in a fight badly once and had to go to the police station. Since it wasn’t long after I moved to the State, I wasn’t good at speaking and the situation was….. We didn’t start it but defended... < Caption: ~ A memory of being treated unfairly>.  But while explaining, the situation went to the direction unfavorable to us.

Can you feel the rebeliant young Eric? :)
Rebellious leader = rebelious group! Proof you ask? 
Here, Shinhwa's epic troll during Hey Come On.
They didn't want to liipsyn as told (by broadcaster or by SM)

I remember an old article, a reporter called him "the clarinet rebel from America"
He's not as rebellious now but that is so fitting, so Eric <3 <3

Credit as tagged + miumiuloveshinhwa

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Phi said:
His family was rich, he was popular, handsome, a good fighter, and was a good student. He was such an unfair character and was a perfect son.

His parents were strongly opposed to his dream. His parents wanted him to get a doctor's degree, so they took Eric's car key and killed the car.

But Eric calmly had a family meeting with his smart brain. He said, "I have full plans for my future. In my teen years, I'll do whatever I want. In my 20s, I'll be an actor. In my 30s, I'll open up my own entertainment company. In my 40s, I'll be a university professor." He said it very confidently and his parents agreed to him.

What's scary is that his plans are working until this day

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