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I read the article in our Shinhwa thread already and it was really worth the time...and since I grew up with the Beatles at school (my music class teacher loved them so we learned a lot songs....lol...) the comparison was twice as interesting... :) :)

I don't know any Shinhwa fans over here at all besides from me and my two friends (I got them hooked on our gorgeous men...kekeke)...Kpop is nearly unkwon over here besides from very few people...so it feels nice to be able to fangirl with others here...though I'm rather shy most of the time to post in new threads...^^

You're right because Eric is rather quiet and introvert at the first sight it needs some time to "discover" him...but once we found out his charm it's even harder or nearly impossible to get over him...Minwoo was my first bias (and he still stands his ground next to Eric...kekeke...that's why I love every Ricmin action) because of his outgoing character and humor...

I've not been too long into Kpop and Kdramas...maybe around four years...so when I started they were on hiatus...by that time I haven't watch any of Eric's dramas either...so they were unknown to me...I think it was two years ago during one of the old X-man shows that I came across Minwoo and heard of the name Shinhwa for the first time...then I heard of their comeback and their own variety show and the rest is history...I got addicted to them...spending days and nights googling them and watching everything available of them...and within cementing my love for them...and yes, I saw your entries in the Shinhwa Broadcast thread and was always thankful for your updates... :x

How did you discover them?...

The pics are so gorgeous...I can't stop swooning over him...hihihi...and your words "His eyes, his lashes, his nose, his sexy lips.... perfection!" made me giggle cause I wrote something nearly the same on September 3rd on my blog: "I think Eric really has one of the most handsome facial features...really!...I mean I love a lot of actors...but all of them have a minor issue that doesn't make them 100%...but I think Eric comes close to this 100% like no one else...and this nearly 100% is even natural...nothing is fake on him which is even more awesome!...He is someone who can wear anything and would always look good...even in ahjumma pants...hahaha...but of course somehow I love him the most in suits...it looks so suave! However, Eric is not afraid to look "ugly" (as if you ever could call a man like him "ugly") as well..."

Hi! I think we haven't met before but I'm sure we will meet more often in the future...so :-h :-h
If I'm not mistaken SB will be back by the end of Oktober...if they won't postphone it again...


Sharing two cute gifs of him during SB (credits to hyukables):

Eric1.gif  Eric3.gif

I'm asking again and again: "How can a man be this handsome and at the same time this cute????"....

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 Hello, hello, will come back after, just a quick post before I'm heading out for work kkkk
Andrew Jackson the writer for Shinhwa Venus & This Love tweeted this today...
Shinhwa's 12th jib is in the making!!!

With another Shinhwa album in the working, make me wonder if we'll get to see Eric solo this year or early 2014 at all

screencap by me XD

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welcome back!!! hope thing went well with your exams :D
when you decide to watch the last episode of Que Sera Sera, let me know what you make of that cus there were lot debate over of interpretation of the ending (dream or reality) XD

As for Shinhwa Broadcast I think PD Yoon said back in early September that they don't have firm date or time frame but could be Oct/Nov.  And they're working on the theme/ideas for Season4.  I really hope it's October. We're all pretty deprived of our daily dose of Shindorks :(:((

@limanh oh that was how it started for you :D it's so weird I thought I saw you at the old Shinhwa thread long ago XDD

I'm not that far off from you as fan as a fangirl.  It all started around X-mas 2006 (excuse me for talking about this again & again XDD).  I was just getting into K-drama at the time so I was at a video rental store loading up dramas (Korean, HK & Taiwanese) for the long X-mas break.  I was specifically looking for something funny and this box set of a guy with such cute & dorky expression caught my eyes (thank goodness hahaha).  And so the rest is history, there's no return :)


Even though I spazz a lot over how handsome Eric is, it was his acting & cuteness super adorableness in Super Rookie that got me hooked :)

Confession: Jin was the #2 guy among Shinhwa when I first discover Shinhwa (something with the B-boys I guess XDD)

Ship all Shinhwa couples, though the RicSung, RicMin, RicDy (in no order) are always my top 3 Eric ship XDDD  Actually I ship RicSung ALOT, RicMin always love cus I love how comfortable they're with each other and when it comes Shincom, these 2 CEOs are perfect compliment of each other in where they might be lacking.  RicDy is special cus keun hyung-maknae line + they know each other the longest and they're are comfortable trolling each other.... yet looking out for each other at the same time....

limanh said: @Phi
The pics are so gorgeous...I can't stop swooning over him...hihihi...and your words "His eyes, his lashes, his nose, his sexy lips.... perfection!" made me giggle cause I wrote something nearly the same on September 3rd on my blog: "I think Eric really has one of the most handsome facial features...really!...I mean I love a lot of actors...but all of them have a minor issue that doesn't make them 100%...but I think Eric comes close to this 100% like no one else...and this nearly 100% is even natural...nothing is fake on him which is even more awesome!...He is someone who can wear anything and would always look good...even in ahjumma pants...hahaha...but of course somehow I love him the most in suits...it looks so suave!

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@kimminminni Thanks for posting & sharing RicMin photo. Just found the proper trans for it :)

2013.10.01 Mnet Twitter Round-Up

Shinhwa Company continued to troll fans, revealing another “never-before-seen” photo of the members that was previously blurred out, posting the photo of Eric and Min Woo on Facebook on October 1, writing:

Ah, I promised to post a blurry photo, right?
I will then.
(It’s not as special as you might’ve expected.


So the blurred out photo is actually blurry…we see what you did there, clever admin.

Photo Credit: Shinhwa FB
Source: MWave

This blurry collage of old pics below was posted in May is the one admin referred to.
We all guessed it was Eric who posted this pic and trolled Shinchangs by saying they will reveal those photos in the collage depends on the number of likes it gets XD

"Last year when Shinhwa Company was founded, these photos of Shinhwa became my personal property because I lost the right timing to release them… I’m planning to share them now.”

Photo credit: Shinwha FB
Source: omonatheydidn't

Now you understand why Mwave said cleaver admin at the end of their post there.
The original blurry photo collage is actually made of blurry photos lol @-)
So witty & cleaver admin (Eric is that you?!) :P

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just to add some more...
per FB comment, RicMinJin FB photo was taken on Shinkansen (Japan bullet/high speed train)

That was back in Jun.2012 during Shinhwa concert tour in Japan as these photos below

The shirts martches!!! XDD
The green thing Minwoo holding in Shincom FB pic is probably the green jacket here

Credit as tagged + Ame-sang @ UBeric

Lastly, vote Shinhwa for Mnet 2013 Style Icon Award.
Pick 10 and vote, pick strategically for the other 9 choices :P


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2013.10.01 Shinhwa FB Update: Continue of Blur Photo Collage Reveal

[관리자의 전하는 말]
블러사진 - 가운데 오른쪽

[From Admin]
Blur photo - middle right

Credit: Shinhwa FB

just a refresh, here once again the blur photo collage


Let's see, so far what has been revealed are:

Middle row (left to right): 2nd pic (game room), 4th pic (on the tractor - 2012 Invincible Youth)
Bottom row (left to right): 3rd pic (RicMinJin on Shinkansen train - 2012 Japan concerts)

You all know about Andrew Jackson meeting up with Shinhwa (photo proof shots with Minwoo had been posted by both Shincom & Andrew).  There's speculation whether he's working with Minwoo for his upcoming album or they're starting on Shinhwa's 12th jib.  It's possible either case or both :)

Though I've been hearing alot from K-fans about a Fall comeback next year instead of March or Summer like it has been.  And some thinnk that for a Fall comeback, it's too early to work on 12th right now... It's all speculation but will see how this turns out. 

I miss them but I'm not rushing, as long as they're coming back next year, Spring, Summer or Fall... doesn't matter XDD  With a Fall comeback it's probably a good break for the members' solo activities (give them more time to play with for projects)  :)

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I know it's not new but let me say it again and again: "I miss Ricmin and Shinhwa so much"...after so many appearances during the summer it's so quiet right now...I have to satisfy my yearning for them by rewatching their old videos and shows on YT...please, come back soon... :(( :((

Is that right that you also from Europe? Where, mind telling me? Cause I'm also from Europe... :D
And is your first real name Kimmi? It would be too much of an coincidence!...lol...^^

Sadly, I also only know of Shinhwa Forever SF, there were two other groups but they stopped at some time...T_T...I wish I would be able to speak Korean I would offer my help to sub immediately...*sighs*....

I think you saw me at the Shinhwa Broadcast thread the whole last year...at least that's where I got to know you from...lol...
I don't think you stumbled on my blog cause it's more private...I usually only share my thoughts and fangirling heart with my friends over there and it has the same name as mine here...so you would have recognized me...^^

I think Eric is one of the most dashing men in suits...and I know he prefers casual wear and I'm perfectly fine with it...as said there is nothing that wouldn't fit him...I just think he looks especially smexy in suits...I've always had a soft spot for handsome men in suits and he is the perfect personalization for me...kekeke....

As for Andrew Jackson...I'm wondering myself if it's just for Minbong or for Shinhwa...hard to say, ne? Cause we only see Minbong on the pic with him but on the other hand Andrew said he had an epic time with the guys...so I think all we can do is waiting for their news...yup, I don't mind them having their musical comeback later if it enables him to be an actor again...I miss actor Eric just too much!...

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agree with you.  Eric's built has great proportion for suits. He doesn't wear the suit, he carries it so well, especially like the tailored one.  Really bring out the best of his figure.

It's so hard to guess but it's very likely Andrew is there to work with Shinhwa on the 12th jib cus the Fall rumor is still rumor.  Even if it's Fall comeback for next year, also possible they work on the 12th now to give them more time for solo later on....  I'm speculating that might be Eric planning for solo comeback early next year hence they're having a head start on the 12th jib now?  Oh well, it'll come when they're ready. :D

A quick summary of Andy's barbeque dinner fanmeet (40 fans at $900 each)

Andy is preparing to venture into F&B (Food & Beverages) business.
When asked to rank members in terms of cooking skill, Andy's ans: WRSMJ (Dongwan, Eric, Hyesung, Minwoo, Junjin)

        DongWan will cook well when all ingredients are prepared for him.
        Eric likes to search for recipes on his phone, take detailed notes on what need to be done.
        Hyesung thinks that he can cook well.....
        MinWoo doesn't cook often, but likes to eat
        As for jinnie.....Andy went into super LOLing mode, couldn't finish his sentence.

They considered sitcom style filming for Shinhwa Broadcast, 30mins for an ep. But it's very tiring, requiring 1 day of indoor n 2 days of outdoor filming--- which is hard for us to keep up since we've aged. Can also consider current K-variety's format of XdaysXnights for Shingbang. Then again, our physical strength & time are the biggest problems.

Andy: We've been meeting up recently to discuss on Shinhwa's development, comeback and Shinhwa Broadcast... ahhh, so tiring~~~

Andy mentioned Shinhwa Broadcast may come back at the end of October.  (PD Yoon said in September Shinhwa Broadcast could comeback either October or November....)

Credit: inmyownmind1

Throw in this cute gif set from various Shinhwa's performances of Stay  :)

Credit: msmemamaaa

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Mind me asking if you are Asian though you live in Canada? Cause my first impression of you was that you are, can't tell why...lol...
I'm a curious girl who wants to get to know other Shinhwa fans, hope you are not angry about it...if you don't want to say it here, you can also pm me or not say it at all...^^

Btw, do you know how many tickets they sold this year for their Japan concerts? I'm so happy that their concerts are that successful and our men don't need to worry about their financial status...I was watching their talk shows and my Minbong was last and I was worried a little....though I think I can rest assured now...

This picture has been shared on the main Shinhwa thread already but I want to share it here cause the first thing that came across my mind when I saw it, was "Lol...so typical Eric...he sleeps again^^!"...and it's from my favorite Eric hairstyle time... :)) :))

(credit: Shinhwa Company FB)

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@limanh, your hunch is right :D I'm Viet.  You?  :)

For Japan concerts, you meant The Return in 2012 or The Classic this year?  I don't find the ticket sales tally for their concerts in Japan (actually all of their overseas concerts).  Though from what I remember chatting with some Japanese fans, it wasn't a sold out (good ticket sales, just not sold-out for some dates)... I should ask more details XD  Last year & this year they had 3 concerts in Japan each.  Though last year they had 2 days in Tokyo 1 day in Kobe.  This year, all 3 concerts were in Tokyo.

Which talk show was that? Radio Star last year? and why you were worried? me being nosy :P

2013.10.06 Shinhwa FB Photo Update

Another reveal from Shinhwa's photo blur collection :D

Credit: Shinhwa FB

This one I'm quite sure it was in Osaka last year.
Cus Minwoo shared this on his FB last year they were eating curry in Osaka :D
Who was the 4th one at the table that took the photos, Dongwan?


Throwing this cute RicMin selca while waiting with Shinhwa to get on shinkansen train
And of course Eric's selca with sleeping Minwoo on the train XD
From their outfits, this series of pics were on the same day

Photos credit: Shinhwa FB + Minwoo FB + Shinhwa Indonesia

So let's count what's been revealed so far from Shinhwa photo blur collage :P

First row (left to right
): 2nd pic (Shinbang Kid episode) + last pic (Roygen CF filming)
Middle row:  completely revealed!!
Last row (left to right): last 2 photos (Osaka - 2012 Japan concert tour)

4 more to go.....
I hope they'll have a 2013 Photo Blur collage when they're done with this one *fingers crossed* 8->


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Apparently, you can email in your card/letter if it's passed cut off date of OCT.06
Doesn't need to write anything fancy, a simple congrats to him is just as nice...
well,my letter to him got 3 pages + a card or 2... LOL


It's going to be 10 years on Oct.22 that Eric 1st took his acting chop in Breathless (a.k.a. I Run) with Kim Kang-woo.
To celebrate, Korean fans are whipping up this small project

Hello. We're Korean supporters of ERIC.
This year is the 10th anniversary of his DEBUT as an ACTOR.
So, we're going to prepare some presents and handwritten letters.
Present ; flowers, rice cakes, champagnes, the letters and etc.
We're raising money for this support and collecting the letters.
We expect your participation.

Fund Raising:
Period : till Oct.13
Paypal : ehrrhwn@gmail.com
Minimum Amount: $5 (due to high bank fees & conversion)

For letters

Period: Must received by Oct.06
Mailing Adresses:

                 Everything for ERIC
                 #202, 1690-66, Haengun-dong
                 Gwanak-gu, Seoul, 151-812


               Everything for ERIC
               The dentist, 4th floor
               1660-6, Nakseongdae-dong
               Gwanak-gu, Seoul, 151-818

If you have any question, can drop them a shout here >> Eric's 10th Anniversary Project
(Registration is pretty easy even if you don't know Korean :)

OR you can contact through their Twitter >> EveryERIC

All info by: Only Eric

If you contribute to Fund Raising, after sending your Paypal please log in at home page and complete this last step :)

Click on the <For Overseas Fans> and copy the template there then click WRITE.
Paste it there and fill in the info and follow the rest.


Thank you all and hope you can participate!!!!
:-*  :-*  :-*

Credit: veealterego tumblr

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So I was right...kekeke...you know what? I'm also half Vietnamese... :D Looks like we have more in common besides our love for Shinhwa! You know, you are still lucky cause you were able to get his dramas to watch on TV...over here I can't rent them or buy them even if I want to...I have to order it online if I want to have it...actually it was my cousin back then who made me love Kdramas...she lives in Vancouver right now and once visited her parents over here and brought some dramas with her to watch...this was how I got acquainted to it and love it... :)

Yes, I was looking for their sales from the Asia tours last year and this year but couldn't find any, I was not sure if I've might have just overread it...^^ I want our men to have all the success that is possible...and I was curious if they got new fans from last year to this year though I do think they did...they are the only group that I would travel to another European country just to see them live!...I hope one day they will have a World Tour and come to Europe!

Yes, it was last and this years' Radio Star...now Eric is last :(( ...I hope he is still fine...he really should do a solo project again to improve his income...I know they are not poor but still, it worries me to know that especially Minbong had really bad financial problems...I hope they will never have to worry again...I had to cry so badly when they talked about their hardships on WinWin...

I know where Slovenia is, dear!...I had geography at school... :D though I've never been to Slovenia, I was only once in Austria...so we are nearly neigbours cause I live where the heart of Middle Europe is beating...hahaha...just kidding!...No, I live in Germany... :)
As I told Phi already I'm a curious girl, so mind telling me who is on your avatar? I mean mine and Phi's aren't difficult to tell, right?... :D :D

Sorry for my ranting, girls! :P

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@kimmimini, I've also heard about Slovenia and know it's part of Europe though I can't recall Slovenia's neighboring counties.  Thanks for refreshing :D  @limanh, I think Kimmimini's DP is Rihanna :)

@limanh, you're also 1/2 Viet? hahah nice!!! you manage keeping some fluency with that too?  I can speak & read Viet well but writing, I start loosing it.  Although my city doesn't have a huge Viet/Asian community like other cities like Vancouver, Toronto or Montreal... it still big enough for a Viet Video/DVD rentals that carry dubbed dramas & movies mostly from Hongkong, Korean, Taiwan & China.  I didn't get on the K-drama train till early 2006.  Though as not so available as it is now, I can download from forums and that when I landed on Soompi kkkkk

As for Shinhwa, I'm quite sure they got lot of new fans since they came back last year and I think Shinhwa Broadcast contributes a huge part to that.  Not only they manage to keep a good chunk of their old fans base, they also attract new & young fans (as young as 13 from what I've seen hehehe). 

As for their concerts, I think they do even better than last year, especially in Korea.  Hongkong was a bit of a challenge. China, Japan, Taiwan did quite well.  They often have article after finishing a country tour and mentioning of the total attendance.  I don't see that this year, not sure if I miss it or they don't bother. 

hehehe it's sad seeing Eric last this year on Radio Star (from 2nd place last year) but I wonder if Hyesung was last before he switched over to the MC side.... Though I think Radio Star's ranking is just a very rough estimate on potential this year earning.  Junjin also had no solo activities other than fanmeet, yet he ranked higher than Minwoo who had concerts and stuffs.... 

As for Eric, I'm not too worry for his income :)  I think his total net worth is still jang cus from what he has accumulated from years before + he's good with managing his finance (known for generous gifting to people around him but he's not shy from selling his unused kitty case online hahaha)

I heard he has an Aston Martin DB9.  Depends on the level, this baby is about 200K - 230K in Canada.  Not sure how true cus some one else said he has (had) a black Porsche around March-ish... So he either bought a new car or the gal mistook Aston Martin DB9 for a Porsche. :D

I'm a bit worried for Minwoo & JinJun the most among Shinhwa comes to financial stability.  They both have love ones that were in huge financial help more than once or twice.  Junjin's problem is he's very trusting people that got him some bad investments.  For Minwoo, music industry has become very competitive it's not easy to make earnings.  One must put in a lot of money to produce an album + MV + costumes and everything to come with it for stage performances... It's a risk.  I think he's been doing well since he came back from the army and this year album for his 10th Anniversary as a soloist will have high anticipation. :)

Sharing this old clip of Dongwan on Taxi show in Jan.2011
I've always feel Eric does most of behind the scene & negotiating on Shinhwa behalf, this clip confirm it a bit more for me :D
What he paid in tax was more than 1 member's earning OTL.  Eric's earnings during his CF king is really no joke.XD
Quiet often shy yet very dependable and so selfless he is.  Best K-pop leader, now doubt

2011.05 Taxi DongwanTalked about Eric


2005.12.28 Eric Speak English on a Japanese show (Sakigake Ongaku)

Almost 8 years since this show but he hasn't age much at all huh?
How is it possible? XD


2006 Eric's English Greeting to Thailand fans - Que Sera Sera drama support

Eric looks so handsome here. I love this hair cut


whew, that a long post, sorry for writing up an essay :P

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Reposting this because of a new cut off date + new option to send + A NEW PAGE!!!

You can still mail in your card, letters to Eric upto OCT.13
AND IF, you're still late,  you can email  >> snupi357@naver.com your card/letter upto OCT.13

Doesn't need to write anything fancy, a simple congrats to him is just as nice... :)


It's going to be 10 years on Oct.22 that Eric 1st took his acting chop in Breathless (a.k.a. I Run) with Kim Kang-woo.
To celebrate, Korean fans are whipping up this small project

Hello. We're Korean supporters of ERIC.
This year is the 10th anniversary of his DEBUT as an ACTOR.
So, we're going to prepare some presents and handwritten letters.
Present ; flowers, rice cakes, champagnes, the letters and etc.
We're raising money for this support and collecting the letters.
We expect your participation.

Fund Raising:
Period : till Oct.13
Paypal : ehrrhwn@gmail.com
Minimum Amount: $5 (due to high bank fees & conversion)

For letters

Period: Must received by Oct.13
Mailing Adresses:

                 Everything for ERIC
                 #202, 1690-66, Haengun-dong
                 Gwanak-gu, Seoul, 151-812


               Everything for ERIC
               The dentist, 4th floor
               1660-6, Nakseongdae-dong
               Gwanak-gu, Seoul, 151-818

If you have any question, can drop them a shout here >> Eric's 10th Anniversary Project
(Registration is pretty easy even if you don't know Korean :)

OR you can contact through their Twitter >> EveryERIC

All info by: Only Eric

If you contribute to Fund Raising, after sending your Paypal please log in at home page and complete this last step :)

Click on the <For Overseas Fans> and copy the template there then click WRITE.
Paste it there and fill in the info and follow the rest.


Thank you all and hope you can participate!!!!
:-*  :-*  :-*

Credit: veealterego tumblr

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2013.10.08 Shinhwa FB Update

[관리자의 전하는 말]
블러사진 - 누굴까요?

[From Admin]
Blur photo - Hey, guess who?

Credit: Shinhwa FB

That is Eric (wearing the cap backing to us). DayDay is in the blue t-shirt.
This picture was posted on DayDay's instagram back in March 2013 with DdayDay commenting:

It's that time again #Shinhwa

Credit: DayDay's instagram

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