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Singing Tips & Recording Questions


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Guest gigglicious

WOW, everything here is helping me soo much! But I failed to see the part where I can get a free download of a software that allows me to sing with the instrumental thingy. Can anyone help me please?

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this is especially true! :D

I've got a question about transitions though. (This has probably been asked before :x).

I always feel like I have 2 different voices. But I've recently discovered that they're the normal speaking/chest voice and fake/head voice? For example: I can sing ChunMooStephanie AND As One/F.I.R. But it's like I can't connect this two voices because they're different voices? It sounds REALLY REALLY REALLY bad when I try to go from my chest voice to head voice. :x :x

Is it even possible to connect these two voices because if I did, then I'd have a wiiidddeee range O___O.

For example: Xtina? She can sing extremely low and then her higher notes are sort off light (but not that kinda fake/head/falsetto ish??) compared to her chest voice? My voice is something like that (but obviously not as good haha) just that I can't connect them :(

and it's hard for me to reach a higher note when I'm singing with my chest voice as opposed to singing with my head voice? (which I think they're around the same key just that they're different voices????) Gah! This is so confusing.

I think your breaking into falsetto. Head voice and fake voice(falsetto) are not the same which may explain the big difference when you move higher than chest voice.Like suggested you should maybe do some scale exercises and use some singing stuff.

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Guest dancesakura

im having trouble with my singing...like i sound like i have no energy or something when i listen to my recordings since i sang the songs acapella. well to me it sounds like that. :x does anyone know what i should do to make myself sound more lively and so? ^^;;

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^ Get yourself into the song. This about the story in the song. stand up, do some actions while you're at it, even if you look like an idiot. It all helps hahaha

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Guest nini-jj

em...i new here...i mean in this thread...i wanna ask what ia head voice and chest voice?? i sorry to ask..because i dump...so i hope can know wat is different..

beside that, i like to sing..but when i sing..i feel something wrong..the voice i talk and sing is different...em...my voice when i sing, the sound like cant come out....any other way to improve singing??

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Guest dancesakura

^ Get yourself into the song. This about the story in the song. stand up, do some actions while you're at it, even if you look like an idiot. It all helps hahaha

really? it doesnt seem to be working. maybe its just me. i dunno. ive been working really hard to improve my singing and make myself sound more lively but it doesnt work. >.<;;

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Guest dark intuitions


Start by looking through this thread for the number of people who have already asked this question. There were a couple a few pages ago i believe.


it works if you believe it. You aren't just singing, you are becoming a character. Trust me, it happens in drama also.


please look through the thread for chest and head voice. The speech level singing cds will also help you with learning the difference between them. The point of speech level singing is so that there isn't a difference between when you sing, and when you talk. Me on the other hand, there is, but i'm comfortable with my voice so it comes out naturally. Post some of your singing, i don't know how else we can help you. And practice.


Mikez is right. Massive font isn't going to capture my attention anymore than the small fonts, and I have a headache. Google Goldwave or something.


See Emy.

Rawr. Bad mood.

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Guest *Madison

Can you actually train your voice overtime so that it becomes 'smoky' and 'husky'??

Has anyone who has a normal voice trained their vocals so that overtime even when they talk their voice sounds 'smoky' and 'husky'??

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I don't see how large font can hurt ur eyes or give u a headache. It's usually reading small fonts that hurt my eyes. :rolleyes::phew:

As for helping much?

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What I've been wondering is, does anyone else besides me think that SG Wannabe have a unique voice? Individually I mean its like low, deep, and smooth. hmm i cant explain but to me it just sounds "different" in a good way tho. Just wondering if anyone else think so too or maybe its just me. haha :vicx:

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Guest dark intuitions

I don't see how large font can hurt ur eyes or give u a headache. It's usually reading small fonts that hurt my eyes. :rolleyes::phew:

As for helping much?

google Goldwave. Helps a lot. Look, I'll even not use google and do it! http://www.goldwave.com/release.php Oh, I see, it's not completely free? Audacity comes up under "free sound editing program" into google. I've used it before, it's workable, although I prefer Audition immensely. Use an illegal download/file sharing program if you wish to use Audition or Goldwave.

Helpful enough?

And yes, it does hurt ones eyes, because if you're focusing on reading small text, and then someone blasts you with massive bolded text, your eyes have to adjust. I just happened to be crying for a while before i came across your massively bolded text, so = headache.

J0n: Uh, sorry, no idea. :D


Hmm...you can train your voice in different vocal styles...which can help add depth to your singing...but I think the only way you can force your voice to be husky is severely damage your vocal cords (you know, that really bad technique where you scream until your throat bleeds and then let it heal?) But other than that, can't really help you there.


Helpful enough, emy? :P

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why are you always like crying <_< maybe i should tell some more cheesy jokes

Can you actually train your voice overtime so that it becomes 'smoky' and 'husky'??

Has anyone who has a normal voice trained their vocals so that overtime even when they talk their voice sounds 'smoky' and 'husky'??

yea i do that, its not like completely deep, but since ive been doing it for like 2 years those who hasnt heard me talk in a while didnt knew my voice anymore... now all the girls on phonebook wanna call me to hear me speak cuz they said i sound hot muhahahha

but yea, its possible

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Guest dark intuitions

eh, but mikez, you're a guy, your voice could have broken over that time for all we know =P

And I'm not crying all the time. Just two days ago...my rabbit died :( ttyl about it.

Hmm...question: Is singing in headvoice bad/incorrect technique etc? As compared to chest voice.

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wow so many answers XD yay

anyways i want to ask... when you sing you need to push from your stomach and not use like.. your voice *you kno what i mean* or else it will damage them right o.o >.> i need help on the breathing thing

theres half and half on what i get and what i dont. if you sign up to sing lessons they teach them to you right? like they tell you about falsetto,alto and stuff >.< im planning to sign up o.o its so hard without a teacher T.T

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Guest dancesakura


it works if you believe it. You aren't just singing, you are becoming a character. Trust me, it happens in drama also.

i did that and i can sort of see a little improvement not a lot. but i'll have to keep practicing for my voice to get better im assuming. thanks for answering my question. :)

i also have another question..i dunno if this was asked before cuz i didnt check..but..yeah..anyways..do people who sing hear a different voice from what others hear? like..my friends says my voice is nice and everthing but when i record and listen to it..i sound totally different from what i imagine.. :x sorry if this was asked before >.<;;;

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dark intuition: sorrry about your rabbit :(. As for your question I cant help, because i dont even know myself if i'm singing in headvoice or falsetto. I think i'm singing in headvoice but i'm not sure :vicx:.

wow so many answers XD yay

anyways i want to ask... when you sing you need to push from your stomach and not use like.. your voice *you kno what i mean* or else it will damage them right o.o >.> i need help on the breathing thing

theres half and half on what i get and what i dont. if you sign up to sing lessons they teach them to you right? like they tell you about falsetto,alto and stuff >.< im planning to sign up o.o its so hard without a teacher T.T

From what I know, when you sing from your stomache and support it (i still dont really know what that means) it puts less pressure on your vocal cords. Which then means that your throat wont feel like its being forced. From personal experiences, some day I can kareoke(sing along) to a few songs over and over and my voice will never feel like its being strained, but some days i can sing couple sings and all of sudden feel like i have a sore throat. When that happens usually i pick up on it and notice that its usually because of my breathing.

I've also read an article somewhere (this might not be anything new to you but when i found out it was for me) that usually beginner singers like my self, think that drinking water right before we start singing or while singing helps more than it really does.

I found the article so I'll just quote it.

It takes at least twenty minutes, on an empty stomach, for water to cycle around your system and show up at the membranes where it’s needed. Other beverages take longer because they must be digested.

Contrary to belief, nothing we swallow touches the vocal folds. All of the potions singers consume in an effort to wet their whistle are channeled away from the larynx by the epiglottis and sent down the esophagus. It’s just as well. Like the eye, the larynx should be awash in saline, not tea or honey. Even if your drink seeps down to the vocal folds, the air stream created to sing promptly blow-dries the area. If you are driving your voice hard, or are nervous, the muscles in the throat tighten. The tension closes the saliva ducts designated for the larynx. Like blinking, swallowing changes the muscles’ position for a second and allows the ducts to open and relubricate -- that’s if you are hydrated in the first place.

Well, I hope something I said has helped.

i also have another question..i dunno if this was asked before cuz i didnt check..but..yeah..anyways..do people who sing hear a different voice from what others hear? like..my friends says my voice is nice and everthing but when i record and listen to it..i sound totally different from what i imagine.. :x sorry if this was asked before >.<;;;

Its probably have been answered, but since I'm on a roll, I'll answer it. When you sing you hear the sound that resonates (I think thats the word) in your body and thats the sound you hear, but as it travels thru all the other muscles and then actually comes out of ur mouth, it'll sound a little different thru the air. So thats why when you sing, record, and playback it'll sound different because you're use to singing and hearing whats resonating in your body/skull. Thats why they say if you want to get better, record your self and hear how you sound.

Since i got kinda stucked i decided to search and here is the best answer i found haha

This perception is very common and a person can be rather surprised by how their voice sounds when recorded. Most people find their recorded voice higher in pitch and somewhat thin, when compared to their spoken voice.

The vibrations produced by our larynx are transmitted to our ears through both the air and our head. We 'hear' our voices through the air and through our body. A recording of a person's voice captures only the information transmitted through the air. When played back, we hear only the portion of the sound that was transmitted through the air, without any of the colourations produced when it travels through our body. If you plug your ears very soundly and speak, you will 'hear' everything you say, but your voice will sound very different than with your ears open.

I hope that helps. I'm also a beginner, so I apologize if anything is wrong :vicx:.

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