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Singing Tips & Recording Questions


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Guest heartdrops

I checked that my mic is already at the loudest but it still comes out soft when I record something. Is there an option to turn it louder on the program (Adobe Audition)

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there should be a thing blue box with the letter V in it, input a higher number than 0 to increase the volume

thats to the left of the track you recorded in btw

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Guest cluel3ss

the link on the first page doesnt work... and my friend... she says i haf a nice voice and all but it doesnt suit for some songs... what does she mean by that? and she says im not suitable for "draggy" songs... plz help

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Guest bishie_bashie

Heya everyone.

A little about myself... I can reach high notes but not low notes. Also, I lack of emotions (but my friend says it can be nurtured through practice?). My voice, too, lacks of power. How can I improve that?

Here is my soundclick: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=550486

Hope you can hear some of my most recent songs (at the top of page) and give me some comments on how to improve in low notes and power. Thanks!

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cluel3ss@ everyone's voice is different. Not all songs suit everyone's voice. That's why singers have people that write songs mainly for them. This way~ there voice makes a good pair with the music and it sounds good. About draggy songs~ i guess it's just that your voice matched an upbeat song, but i've never heard you sing... so it's kind of hard.

bishie_bashie@ Well there are many different ways to fix that. First... more practice and experience in this area is diffenately needed. Your voice is cute but it's not mature, that's what my chorus teacher tells us and I think suits your problem. You are still using a baby voice, which is fine, but if you continue you will never reach low or high notes. Even if you can, they don't sound good.

Some practices my teacher makes me do is::

a:: open your mouth wide and go from loud and very high to a soft and low note. Continue this many times until your voice is open instead of kept in.

b:: doing the scale help~

c:: singing with a head voice helps! Even though when you sing pop music you don't exactly use your head voice, you mainly use your chest voice. But practicing in head voice helps you to control your voice more.

d:: for emotions, what I do is picture the something sad for sad things. When I sang timeless, I remembered the MTV and it made me sad... or. Try to communicate using your voice make it that so you are telling someone this. Not telling, more like convincing. How sad, or happy, or how the song is.

e:: don't just sing the song. ((that's what it sounds like to me when I hear you)) It seems like you are only reading off the words. You don't understand... knowing the meaning of the text helps with the emotion.


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Guest sundubu <3

this may sound like a no brainer question but i don't know the answer to it so maybe you guys can help me .. lol... BUT, how do you know which key you sing in? i once took a vocal class where the teacher told me i was a soprano (albeit untrained haha) but i mean, how would i know which key to start in for a particular song? kinda like how artists do covers - they sometimes change the original key of the song to fit their range? if i make any sense at all lol thanks for helping!

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Guest ny-sw / ny_sw.

^ Look at the key signature.

If it's got a whole bunch of sharps, take the last sharp and go up a step and that's what key you're in.

If it's got flats, it's the 2nd to last flat. That's the key you're in.

Transpose the song..

Like, make mi in one key mi in another and so forth.

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Guest bishie_bashie

bishie_bashie@ Well there are many different ways to fix that. First... more practice and experience in this area is diffenately needed. Your voice is cute but it's not mature, that's what my chorus teacher tells us and I think suits your problem. You are still using a baby voice, which is fine, but if you continue you will never reach low or high notes. Even if you can, they don't sound good.

Some practices my teacher makes me do is::

a:: open your mouth wide and go from loud and very high to a soft and low note. Continue this many times until your voice is open instead of kept in.

b:: doing the scale help~

c:: singing with a head voice helps! Even though when you sing pop music you don't exactly use your head voice, you mainly use your chest voice. But practicing in head voice helps you to control your voice more.

d:: for emotions, what I do is picture the something sad for sad things. When I sang timeless, I remembered the MTV and it made me sad... or. Try to communicate using your voice make it that so you are telling someone this. Not telling, more like convincing. How sad, or happy, or how the song is.

e:: don't just sing the song. ((that's what it sounds like to me when I hear you)) It seems like you are only reading off the words. You don't understand... knowing the meaning of the text helps with the emotion.


Hey there! Thanks for the tip! I'll practise using those tips! Do hear my new recorded song when I'm done with it! I would love to hear your comments, whether I have improved or not. =]

But what if my voice doesnt mature at all. ah. It will yeah?

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I don't know if it's my mic or it's my voice,

but it always has this... feedback in the background sort of, and you can tell that the music is coming recorded straight from a computer or something. It's not like big static, it just makes the voice coming out sound more... microphonic. or something. I'll try uploading something later lol

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I guess I should put this question up here since it does relate to "recording"

I want to buy a microphone, but will the kareoke mic's work with my computer if the plugs are the same size?

Or do I have to buy mic's that are specifically built for computers?

thank you :)

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Guest azzboii_

my throat has been messed up for a while.

dunno if u heard it, but recording "chain hang low" i did dat kiddy/high voice >< ..... a bit out of my range..

when i try to hit a high note again, my throat feels blocked...

its hurts kinda, and my voice is tired very quick ><"

anyone who can tell wuds wrong? or tips to help me with it?


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never ever force your voice..use the back of your throat..and sing high..with your tongue behind your teeth..and then use your stomach to breath and compress..it's hard to explain >.<..I'm learning it as well and it will NEVER EVER MAKE YOUR THROAT HURT..for shizzle...and always open your mouth and dropping it down..never ever lock your jaw in a certain area like what I do -_- haha..so ya those should help you stop your throat from hurting

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Guest 보석미남

this is especially true! :D

c:: singing with a head voice helps! Even though when you sing pop music you don't exactly use your head voice, you mainly use your chest voice. But practicing in head voice helps you to control your voice more.

I've got a question about transitions though. (This has probably been asked before :x).

I always feel like I have 2 different voices. But I've recently discovered that they're the normal speaking/chest voice and fake/head voice? For example: I can sing ChunMooStephanie AND As One/F.I.R. But it's like I can't connect this two voices because they're different voices? It sounds REALLY REALLY REALLY bad when I try to go from my chest voice to head voice. :x :x

Is it even possible to connect these two voices because if I did, then I'd have a wiiidddeee range O___O.

For example: Xtina? She can sing extremely low and then her higher notes are sort off light (but not that kinda fake/head/falsetto ish??) compared to her chest voice? My voice is something like that (but obviously not as good haha) just that I can't connect them :(

and it's hard for me to reach a higher note when I'm singing with my chest voice as opposed to singing with my head voice? (which I think they're around the same key just that they're different voices????) Gah! This is so confusing.

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Guest dark intuitions

I believe it is known as the break or the bridge between chest and head voice, and I guess there are ways you can train your voice to cross it. Um, that speech level singing stuff for one? Or, in my case, I keep doing scales and songs that do cross the break to soften it, and so I learn better control. Just practice I suppose

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