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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest KBAvril55

A guy wrote a short poem to me... actually he would follow me around singing songs too...

In that poem, he said that he saw a star falling from the sky, and he decided to follow it, he's been searching for it seven days, and each day he'd find a letter (my name consists of 7 letters), and each of them represented something like B or beautiful, L for love or A for being the first (A comes first on the alphabet), etc. On his seventh day he found the last letter but couldn't figure out what it meant, so when he finally got tired and decided to go back, he found ME instead. He used to call me his star... It was very cute and romantic, but I rejected him. He's my close friend now...

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Guest Patchwork Wings

Through a text:

"Please just don't be saying that. If there really is anything else, please let me know. You can vent to me."

OR Something along those lines.

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Guest xxsweety

my ex and I were in class the other day..and i had my book standing upwards cause i was mad at him, so he knocked down my book and i said "hey you why did you knock down my castle" he said " cause i wanted to see the princess" it was soo cute, and i jsut kept smiling.

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Guest m1ndylee

"i think you're beautiful"

"you are my life"

"i really think we were meant for each other."

"i love you" = best words ever.


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Guest ichigo.<3

"I know we've been into lots of fights and stuff because of me, but you know its because I care right? I'm lucky to have you as a girlfriend who forgives me for everything. I love you wifey."


I miss him so much.

Too bad it didn't last.

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Guest sj4ever13

i remembered the time when me and my bf had a fight.... i told him,"go'!!find someone else..i know someone out there is better than me"...

and he told me,why would i look for someone better when the best is just right in front of me...

and after he said that...i can't stop myself blushing and smiling.. :blush:

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Guest Simply_M3

this was just a few days ago.

I was walking from one building to another to class when I saw one of my guy friends walking the opposite direction as me.

"Yo, zip up your jacket!! You're going to get sick if you don't." I just laughed thinking he was just messing around when he stopped in front of me and made me zip it up.

It was sweet coz he never says nething sweet. usually we're dissing each other back and forth LOL

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today i was just talking to my bf on the phone & i got kinda mad because he was doing hw instead of talking. it was 12:30am already.. and i was just gonna sleep if he wasn't even gonna talk so i hung up on him and told him i was tired,

then a few min later he txted me

"i love you so much.. your everything to me. even tho there are bad days, i'd still wanna be with you each & every second. love you lotss."


then i wasn't mad anymore, so i got up to finish some of my hw & continued kept texting with him.

he called and i told him i was doing hw.

so he didn't wanna bother me.

and texted me after,,

"hahah hurry up + finish your hwk and sleep or you'll get panda eyes tmr:) i miss you so much it feels a million and ten times worse than the canucks losing to the flames. xD"

HAHA <3333

he's a big canucks fan while i'm a flames fan lol~~~~

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Guest starbleedsaway

"One of the chefs at work offered me some oysters today, I ate it because I know you like oysters!"

it was silly but so sweet because he doesn't like oysters but ate it because I told him once that I liked oysters :'D

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Guest rain.lee.bow

he looks at me with this serious face and said " i think i'm in love with you" it was the cutest thing ever <33

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Guest BakaPrincess

"I really like you and I want you to be the girl I see everyday. I want you to be mine."


Oh gosh... haha.

And it's just the beginning. =)

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Guest eccentric

well the most recent was from my 4 yr old little cousin

her: chi suong (my vietnamese name) is beautiful ^.^

haha it was just the cutest and sweetest thing she ever said to me. I adore the lil punk

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Me: Ooh look at the new five dollar bill. It's so pretty.

Him: I think you're prettier.

It's not sweet, but it's one of the nicest thing that came out of his mouth since forever.

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Guest Sungminnnie

Me: Go get a girlfriend so that you won't be online so much.

Him: You can be my girlfriend.

I gave the dumbest response, ever.



Him: Honey, I'm back!

Me: WTH.

Him: Don't couples say that?

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