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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest lovehunter12

The sweetest would probably be:

Him: Do u know how much i like you?

Me: M.. Love ? ( lols. im stupid? )

Him: No.. I over love and like you.

Me: Ohw. really. U do? How much?

Him: M.. Its uncountable baby.

Always make me smile..


Other factors too.. But too much.

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Guest KuYA II

"You have a very cute smile"

-It was a compliment from a filipina singer name "Pratricia Javier" shes a very sweet person ^^.

"Hehe your really cute"

-my classmate told me when my cousin was helping me out pronouncing this stupid LONG medical terms >>;;;

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after reading one of my rants on xanga, my guy friend leaves me a comment saying this

'aww don't worry, if one guy hurts you, another one will come with a bandaid'

lol >.< it was sweet and dorky

& last night while i was talking to another one of my guy friends..

him- F$%!!!!!!


him- i bit my lip, im BLEEEEDING!!

me-o_O that sucks...

[5 minutes later and still complaining about it]

me-go put a bandaid on it...

him-no.. you do it for me =]

haha i don't know whats up with me and bandaids lol

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Guest KimSamSoon's craziie fan

It was 8:30 AM in the morning here, and 11:30PM in Japan

I was in my English class. My boyfriend called me

Him: Helloooooo

Me: I'm in class, and you should sleep now hunnie

Him: I just call to hear your voice. Honey,

Me: what?

Him: honey,

Me: what? I need to get back to class now

Him: drive safety ok

Me: Ok, I know

Him: Honey,

Me: I will drive slower

Him: I always love you, I always miss you

And he said "I miss you" 10x then tell me go back to class.

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It was 8:30 AM in the morning here, and 11:30PM in Japan

I was in my English class. My boyfriend called me

Him: Helloooooo

Me: I'm in class, and you should sleep now hunnie

Him: I just call to hear your voice. Honey,

Me: what?

Him: honey,

Me: what? I need to get back to class now

Him: drive safety ok

Me: Ok, I know

Him: Honey,

Me: I will drive slower

Him: I always love you, I always miss you

And he said "I miss you" 10x then tell me go back to class.

aw how cute!!!!!!

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Guest thealmightyGOD

Her: I remember seeing this guy blah blah blah blah and it made me smile.

Me: Yeah that was probably me.

Her: Haha you made me smile before I even knew you.

I made her smile 3 years before I met her. Too bad I forked up. I blow at life.

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"ok hunny call me later ok?"


"..why not?"

"i want some time to miss you.."

that was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me ever..sadly.. i cant remember which ex said that.

that is sooooo sweet! *sighs* i'm in a lovey mood right now -_-;

"I know i'm stupid, but i make you laugh, smile, and all happy inside =D"

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, that's the sweetest thing i've heard today.

now for my story:

we were chatting on MSN and he always threatens me that he'll block me, he's the only guy i talk to because he's always on when i'm online^^ so i didn't want to lose a chatting buddy.....which has turned into a crush <_>


why is it that you can tease me but i can't tease you?


i dunno


not fair


u never start it xD


then you always threaten me that you'll block me too


i wont anyways xD


but i'm not positive about that -_-;


its just so funny when u think i will xD


no it's not funny ><


i wont




i always think you'll block me ><


to me it is xD


shut up






so u can teae me now




yay ^^


sorry, if i'm childish sometimes -_-;

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Guest jenesepas

part of our email convo the day after the nite we spent on the train together:

me: you passed out on the train

him: did i, did you take advantage of me, you should've, i dont mind

i thought that was pretty sweet

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Guest itcomeswithpepsi

Awww all these stories are so cute >-<

These are mine lmao

Him: Guess what?

Me: What?

Him: I organized my buddy list!

Me: ...Good for you

Him: You know what folder you're under?

Me: What?

Him: The one and only.

Keke...I thought that was kind of cute lol

Him: I need someone to talk to.

Me: You can talk to me =)

Him: No, I want someone to talk to all the time.

Me: Hm...Oh! I have a teddy bear, and I talk to him whenever I'm bored.

Me: Go get yourself a teddy bear!

Him: No, you can be my teddy bear instead.

haha so dorky...but cute. He's younger than me by a year lmao

He had a crush on me lol...i think that's so cute haha

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Guest TakeThatBack!

I was having an arguement with this guy I just met and he mad me so angry i was probabaly blowing steam. At the end when we just stood there stairing at each other ( i gave him my death stare lol), he smiled and said "you're beautiful". I was full on blushing but I tried to keep a straight face. I was already boiling from being angry and blushing probalby made me look like a capsicum. LOL. Thinking back on it, it was sweet what he said.

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Guest f_ishie

this just happened..

my friend and i decided to call eachother teddy so i put up a pic of a teddy and he saw it and he said

cute teddy but not as cute as my teddy!!! :blush: :D

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He's a smoker. And i'm always trying to convince him not to smoke/quit and this is what he said.

"i kno i kno. but i think about it sometimes. and i think ive already fuc/ked up my life, what do i got 2 live 4 n e more. but youre making it worth it right now."

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Guest serenexmuse

Wow.. I was reading some of the posts and they're so sweet~ This probably doesn't even match up to anything.. but my boyfriend wrote this in a letter to me:

"...In any case, I miss your presence, and for one, I hope these withdrawal symptoms don't get cured on their own – in fact, I promise you they won't. Not until I get to see you."


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