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The Sweetest Thing


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Guest <3 for six seasons

Me and my then-BF met a couple of days ago, it was very awkward but i still managed

to have a conversation with him -

ME: So... how are you?

HIM: Not so fine actually, i can't move on.

ME: Can't move on to what?

HIM: To other stuffs. you know, like.. another relationship.

ME: Why? But you have to. We have to move on.

HIM: The reason i can't move on is because i have nothing to move on to..

ME: HUH? O________O

HIM: I gave it up all for you.


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i was crying, and we were fighting and out of nowhere...

guy: you know what?


guy: even when youre crying, i still think you're beautiful, even when you're yelling at me, i still love you, i never meant to hurt you, stop crying please, cuase it's killing me

WAHH. that is so cute.. like a movie or fanfic..

well there was this one time and i was with two guys

and then one of the guys said i had a cute laugh, but i didn't hear it.

and then we just started talking and laughing again and then the other guy

said "You do have a cute laugh"

i know it's not romantic and they are just my friends, but i felt pretty cute =3

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Guest mrsjaejoong

me: stop staring at her!

him: *still checking girl out*

me: *getting pissed* stop it! she's not THAT hot! *obviously getting jealous*

him: i never said she was hot

me: well, you're looking at her like she is

him: no, im comparing her to you. she's hot.. i admit. but it's so funny

me: wth is the matter with you o.O what's so funny?

him: just 2 months before i met you, i would've done anything to get that girls attention. i don't want to even bother anymore since i've found something much better

me: *blush*blush*blush*blush*blush*blush*blush*blush*

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Guest perezosa

i don't like this dude, but i thought he said the sweetest thing ever, which made me smile for the rest of the day. so how can a guy i don't even like keep me smiling for the rest of the day ? why of course, our convo >_<

him: -handshake- ... how am i gonna copy you?

me: you're not! ;]

him: blahblah something from the convo that i forgot

me : uhh.

him: did i just call you [idk] ?

me : uh no? idk.

him: i miss you sitting behind us

me : aha - [i'm like awww inside] -

him : forreal. i want our old seats back.

somethingsomethingsomething .

k, it may not seem so sweet, but i thought it was awww-worthy! :]

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Guest wee33

gosh i hope the person i'm talking about isn't going to read this! because he doesn't know how i feel.

we were sitting with a group of people and it was his classmates/friends and they asked how we became friends and how we got to know each other... something like that.

so he goes, "wait, there's a story to it. you know the tickets we were handing out for our play? i used the ticket as an excuse to talk to her."

before the incident, he told me one on one that he used the ticket as an excuse to talk to me. i thought it was really cute.

it sounds really simple and plain but i was so flattered.

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right nowww, this is from the guy i like^^

i was wearing a tank top.

him: it's raining outside, put a sweater on.

i was like awww on the inside but i only said: it's okay, i like rain^^

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Guest johker

when we were in high school, she had to go away on a trip for three days. she wrote me three letters ahead of time and i get to read one a day when she was gone. the last letter (day three) she said:

"i feel sad because i'm not with you. i don't ever want to leave you for more than one day. i can't do it. it's too hard not hearing your voice everyday"

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Guest o1babyxld

We were on the phone and it was already 11:00.

Me: Do u believe in that 11:11 thing

Him: whats that

Me: you know, when it's 11:11, somebody is thinking about you.

Him: Now i do, you're always thinking about me

Me: Not even <_<

Him: It's 11:11 now, what are you thinking about

Me: Hmm...my test tomorrow, gonna ace it :P , and you?

Him: You should believe in that too, because i'm always thinking of you

Here's another sweet thing that happened

Kay, we rarely talk to each other at school. I like him, we're not going out or anything.

Him: Why don't you talk to me at school!?!!?

Me: Sorry, it's weird. every girl likes you, i'm scared they'll ambush me or something.

Him: Talk to me, it's ok, if they try and hurt you i'll kick their a**, i wont let anyone hurt you.

Me: Still theres nothing to talk about. Why dont u talk to me then?!?!

Him: Well.....It would put you in a bad position, that's all. You just broke up with ... because there was too much pressure on you. You can't handle pressure well, i know that. You'll break under the strain. And i dont want to be the one to do that to you. Besides, like you said, every girl loves me. including you

Me: <_< not even, for me, it's kinda the same reason. Kay, i lied about being scared of those girls. All of them, i could kick their a** any day, i'm weak but i know how to defend myself. just that, everyone will bother you going "oh you like her dont you,blah blah blah". Then you're going to get pissed off a lot and i only like seeing you smile.

Him: Aww, as long as you're around, i'll always smile

He is so sweet that sometimes when i think about stuff, it makes me want to cry.

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Guest sodaniechea

hrmm, my bf isn't the nicest guy in the world since he yells a lot and has a short temper ~_~ but there were a few incidents

1. i thought he didn't love me anymore so i teared up while he was using the comp (i was sitting on the ground and i told him this a few hours back. why was i still there? idk either). then he got up to get a paper and pen and wrote:

-i will never say i don't love you. i can't even bring myself to say that i don't love you > and he held me :X

2. i was stressing out and i had a huge breakdown [we also argued during that moment too]. i was about to walk away because i don't like crying in front of people and he hugged me for awhile til i stopped crying and said "that's why i'm here, to stop your tears because it kills me inside to see you stress out :["

3. on christmas he came over, and as soon as i opened the door, he pulled my hand and made me get in the car. i was like O_o;;;;;;;;;; 'did i do something? >.>' he didn't say anything and continued driving. basically he took me to the place where we had our first date, first kiss, and first hug. :>

4. had another argument and i was about to yell til he just kissed me and said 'you're cute when you're mad' >:l

5. he said something that depressed me so i sat outside while he went somewhere. when he came back he held this cute little stuff animal of thumper and stuffed a huge rice crispy in my mouth [i love rice crispies <333] and said 'i didn't mean to make you sad *eskimo kiss*'

6. we were heading to my car and i couldn't walk fast because i was having a lot of pain in my abdomen and we had been fighting that day too. i didn't want to look at him when walking because i don't like seeing him angry. anyways, once we got to the parking lot he just lift me up and carried me to the car. i told him to stop and put me down because i didn't want to hurt his back, but he didn't say anything. when we got to my car, he took my keys away [T_T] and drove home. then when we got home he carried me into my room and went to make tea. afterwards, he came in, handed me the cup of tea and said 'i don't ever want to see you suffer, so i'm here to cure you *huge grin*' and kissed my forehead

7. i was walking him to the door and he pulled me to go outside with him and kissed me then said "ha! now you can't say you've never been kissed in the rain"

sort of long but teeheee every time we argue, i think of those times :]. he's like a cream puff, tough on the outside but nice and sweet on the inside :P

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Guest crazy4yunho

:rolleyes: "i'll be missing you until the day we get to meet again....."

"don't be a pain in the butt and just throw everything away just becauseyou got married to a jerk....you're my daughter and i'll still love you...well...kind of..."

"will we ever meet again?....or will we see each other in reality?...saranghae chingu^^"

hey is this enough?....this is all i remember from my funny dumb friends....they're all dumb but also loving....i wish to see them all again if we have the chance to...oh and the reason why i post these sayings up because i'll always and will never forget them...i just hope that they'll all come in here and read it.

and if it does....i have a confession to make to one of them....that i like (krushing) one of them....but as i have realized....that the one i like is maybe not the one i think it is, but the one i'd married to....(well... although it's just a fake marriage^^...hehehe...i got forced too....)

out of all that....




HeeCHUL ah!....


LOvE always,

The clumsy dongsaeng

that gets manipulated easily!^^


YANG JINYA NIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink:

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Guest Angxizzle

recently someone confessed me and i said no b/c of alot of reasons but the person still said,

"your a beautiful and sweet person who ever ends up with you is the luckiest person alive."

it was a little out there or dramatic but it was sweet i gotta admit since i rejected them. :mellow:

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i've had too many aww moments with my crush aha.

Him (6:56:48 PM): i like everything about u

Him (6:56:52 PM): i like you because you are you

Me (6:57:08 PM): T_T thats so sweet

Him (9:48:37 AM): :-( didnt give me a chance to say good night!

- yeah theres a huge time gap because i was away

Me (10:51:18 AM): lol januar

Him (10:51:30 AM): yeah?

Me (10:51:31 AM): you said g'night like four times

Me (10:51:33 AM): -.-

Him (10:51:46 AM): yeah but not the last one :/

Him (10:52:01 AM): you were like bye bye cycle and signed off right then

Me (10:52:06 AM): o_o ok ok!

Me (10:52:10 AM): i'll wait next time :P

Him (10:52:15 AM): sweet!

not sweet, because we were fighting but it was funny haha

him (10:34:20 PM): lol oh my goodness!

me (10:34:28 PM): WHAT

me (10:34:31 PM): -__-

him (10:34:57 PM): we;re in a tense moment, nd all of a sudden William Hung comes on on my iTunes

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Guest joongielove

"Come on, let me see your beautiful face."

My boyfriend has become very good at knowing what to say. :blush: He said that to me when i was upset and not facing him lol

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Guest Mooshi_4uuu

'I cant breathe when you touching me (ya know the song? by J Holiday)

Guess you gotta give me CPR

You can tongue me '

'I have a dream someday you and me

will find ourselves

in love again'(another song from Mariah)

damn. maybe he gets all his lines from songs lol damn

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Guest <3 for six seasons

I am terrified to let you go. There's no one else like you. --

sajdhsajdhka;; OMGWTH. sweetest. thing. ever. my S/O ever said

How can i let go of him if he keeps saying things like that? :tears:

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Guest xqtpi

" You know, I like the way you look at me when you smile. Your eyes are so chinky, it feels like I'm staring at the moon! " <3

[On AIM]

x34: <3 xinfinity!


ex3: you won?

ex3: it's funny how you pronounce "WON" as "WAN" x'D

x34: wanna know why?

ex3: why?

x34: WO AI NI, WO AI NI, WO AI NI! <3

" Your lips are shaped like a heart, my lips are shaped like a heart, hearts should always be together! "

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