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Guest flipdragn

god i hate nate robinson. he acts like hes so tough. Someone needs to whoop his richard simmons.

lol well apparently, j.r. smith isn't tough enough to take on nate robinson. smith tried to tackle robinson into the stands and smith was the one who got thrown down.

i think only carmelo, smith, collins, robinson, and jeffries should get suspended and none of the other guys on the court. those were pretty much the only guys fighting. the others were holding them back.

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Guest gjak1117

Carmelo clearly didn't punch him. And he wasn't running away, he was shifting his body to get a better position. If he was running away, he wouldn't be running backwards.

Dude he was clearly running away, and you can hear the pop in the tape.

I know i'm biased because I live in New York, but there's no way this incident escalates in such a way if Carmelo throws that punch. This whole thing is a much bigger deal because of Carmelo.

The Nuggets weren't showing good sportsmanship by keeping their starters in like that, hence I can see why Collins made that hard foul, though I don't agree with it. And the Nuggets were also about to sub in three new players right before the incident occured.

If you look at the tape, Nate Robinson at first was just trying to keep Smith off of Collins before he shoved him.

(I'd like to say on a separate but unethical note that Nate Robinson is a beast, the way he took a charging smith and put him on the floor.)

Then it's just a shoving match, until smith charges at Robinson and they go into the stands; but if you watch the footage, look at Carmelo Anthony, while all the other players are coming in to restrain smith and robinson, he just goes in flying.

Hell, initially it looks like Jared Jeffries wasn't even trying to get in on the fight. Although he does push Carmelo away rather fiercely after he came in swinging. (this is where that picture with his hand on Carmelo's neck comes from)

Then once Smith and Robinson go down, Jeffries and Frye go in to break them up, what does Carmelo do? He goes in, grabs Frye by the back of his jersey, and flings him to the floor, the proceeds to stand over Frye for a second before getting back into the mix. Jared Jeffries is just standing for a moment while things are starting to calm down, (he had just been trying to break smith and robinson up,) then Carmelo just walks over and pushes him. (maybe this is why Jeffries went after him so aggressively)

Then Carmelo feels the need to throw that punch at Collins; it wasn't a direct hit, but you can hear the pop on the tape. Then he runs! he actually backs pedals away, but it's still running away, you can't defend that. Just like Thomas can't blame it on the nuggets. That was such a sucker move by Carmelo. After he does that, all hell breaks loose again. Totally unnecessary.

If it hadn't been for Carmelo, this wouldn't have escalated to such an extent. Collins, Robinson, and Smith weren't right in what they did, but it should have ended in that. I hope Carmelo sits a long time.

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Guest knockblock

The Knicks could have probably done something about their blowout like play defense and stop them from getting all the fastbreaks and stuff. Maybe then they won't be seeing them. So maybe it wasn't good sportsmanship for George Karl to keep his Nugget starters late in the game. But I blame Isiah Thomas too for whatever play he planned.

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Guest LolitaMan

The result and fact is that carmelo's a punkass richard simmons pinkberry. That's all there is to it. Jeffries would've whooped his thugass.

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You know... you guys should use some logic.

A slap is pretty more accurate than a punch. Maybe Carmelo didn't wanna hit Najera (I think that's him) or one of the guys in the suits by accident.

i think only carmelo, smith, collins, robinson, and jeffries should get suspended and none of the other guys on the court. those were pretty much the only guys fighting. the others were holding them back.

Welcome to David Stern's world of suspensions. <_<

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Suspensions total 47 games from Knicks-Nuggets fight



Carmelo Anthony - 15

Eligible to return: Jan. 20 at Houston


J.R. Smith - 10

Eligible to return: Jan. 8 vs. Milwaukee

Nene - 1

Eligible to return: Dec. 20 vs. Phoenix


Nate Robinson - 10

Eligible to return: Jan. 10 vs. Phila.

Mardy Collins - 6

Eligible to return: Dec. 31 at Clippers

Jared Jeffries - 4

Eligible to return: Dec. 27 vs. Detroit

Jerome James - 1

Eligible to return: Dec. 20 vs. Charlotte


Since both New York and Denver have games today, the suspensions for all players start today.

Hmmm .... I expected harsher suspensions from David Stern .... Guess not ...

And imo ... JR should get a harsher penalty than Nate ...

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Indeed JR should get a harsher suspension, his tackle on Robinson was pretty violent.

Well there goes any NBA awards for Carmelo at season's end.

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Guest thelivinlegend21

The so-called brawl was child's play. When you have Carmelo sucker punching Collins and running away, that's enough to tell you what kind of a fight it was. Collins' foul was uncalled for. J.R. Smith's anger was reasonable, but retaliated immaturely. Nate Robinson stood up for his teammate but did a little more than he bargained for. Thomas is whining like a little kid for mercy. Karl is carrying out a personal agenda for his good buddy Larry.

Hah, New York and Denver got better after losing their players to suspensions. 98-97 Knicks over the Jazz, Nuggets are on the verge of routing the Wizards (currently 71-51). It's too bad a 20 point lead means nothing in the NBA. They can still come back!

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Guest flipdragn

well the knicks didn't really lose any key players so i don't see how they would get worse anyway but i'm surprised that the nuggets did that good

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Guest epark1281

If thomas was so concerned about his Knicked getting mopped all over the floor, he shoulda COACHED better so that they wouldn't have gotten blown out. Don't expect another team to take pity on you because you SUCK. "I'll call you uncle, just don't hurt meeeeeee"


This whole franchise stinks, from top to bottom, from Nate "Thug" Robinson, to Zeke "It ain't my fault" Thomas. How could Zeke answer the question, "are you embarassed" by saying "dude, why was Karl rubbting it my face?"


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^ i dont know. i believe that nate robinson was the instigator in the entire incident, and he should have had an equal suspension as anthony. i just don't see jr smith doing anything to mardy collins, other than jawing at him, but the push that nate robinson throws sets him off.

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^ i dont know. i believe that nate robinson was the instigator in the entire incident, and he should have had an equal suspension as anthony. i just don't see jr smith doing anything to mardy collins, other than jawing at him, but the push that nate robinson throws sets him off.

Nate the same as Anthony? Don't think so ... Nate didn't sock a guy in the face after the brawl had calmed down.

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Guest epark1281

Nate the same as Anthony? Don't think so ... Nate didn't sock a guy in the face after the brawl had calmed down.

Nate was actually the first guy to inflame the situation. One could argue that if nate hadn't started to go mano y mano with Smith, the situation wouldn't have escalated in the FIRST place, and the only thing that woulda happened is that JR and Collins would have been yapping back and forth until their "smarter" teamates would have pulled them apart.


here's the youtube clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUD1Bjv2-S4

as you can see, shawty nate robinson throws the first punch. It misses, but he's clearly going for JR's head.

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Nate was actually the first guy to inflame the situation. One could argue that if nate hadn't started to go mano y mano with Smith, the situation wouldn't have escalated in the FIRST place, and the only thing that woulda happened is that JR and Collins would have been yapping back and forth until their "smarter" teamates would have pulled them apart.


here's the youtube clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUD1Bjv2-S4

as you can see, shawty nate robinson throws the first punch. It misses, but he's clearly going for JR's head.

But you can say this about the Pistons/Pacers brawl. If Ben Wallace had never shoved Artest, it would've never escalated to the point that it did.

But whatever .... I really don't know what I'm talking about now. xD ... Here's some real news:

Sixers, Nuggets reach agreement for Iverson


The trade, pending league approval, some two weeks after Iverson demanded a trade in Philly, would send Andre Miller, Joe Smith and two 2007 first-round picks to the Sixers for Iverson and perhaps another minimum-salaried player or two. It was expected to be completed later Tuesday barring any snags.
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Guest tomatoboi

just saw it on ESPN.. I dont nkow how Iverson in the Nuggets would work out.. Well see when Carmelo comes back. They can either be GOOD AS HELL or theyre gona suck richard simmons.

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