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Guest lenakeem

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no! its only a coincidence, plus, i have *Ayu* now

does n e one have the link to dl minwoo's new movie?????? i want to watch it!

ive been watching episodes of Nonstop 5 lately, the first episode that MinWoo appears in is actually funny!!! he is such a player in the episode! puahahah, its hilarious


Actually it is out...but no english subtitles yet...I don't think....

It was posted by luckyyou in the Minwoo drama thread:


Just look under the Ws section under K-Movies

Aish, I miss NN5 :( The last quarter of it anyways...the beginning episodes were so sofa king :sweatingbullets:

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I watched it but I don't remember all the details but if I remember right, it was funny because what he said how Dongwan acts when he's around fan.

In other words, Dongwan is very outspoken especially when it comes to what he believes in and has really strong opinions and will speak out his mind about things that are not right. (I guess we got sample of that when Dongwan spoke out when people were talking about Junjin when Junjin was to take over Shootdori.)

But when Dongwan is around fans on stage, he becomes different person...becomes "softie" with waves and saying "I love you" and winking at the fans. That was why people were laughing. Dongwan is so cute! LOL!

"Mommie" Alice

A questions guy and gals. Has anyone watched the clip where Shin Hae Chul talk about wannie on Norewah. The gist is he's saying that Wannie is outspoken, and not really like an actor? But I don't really understand why it's so funny :sweatingbullets:

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Guest aoraear

Please!!! Vote for SHINHWA (Virgin HitZ Awards)

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Thank you , From Shinhwa's Thaifans B)



1st slot : Name

2nd slot : Tel. (Please insert country code 66 ex. 6618749174 , 6624897134)

3rd slot : Email

Thank you very much :D:D

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Guest nutzie

I'll PM you after she posts...don't worry. Are you reading the chapters though? Or are you going to read them all when it's your turn to post?

I never got to listen to "The Street" before..is it possible for you to send it to me? And the video is hilarious!


yeah i've read the posted chapters.. so yep yep, all good =P thanks!!

i have the street song if you want.. but it's in wma format..

Since kyochon chicken is a franchise...ShinHwa does own one of the stores. I think they brought franchise rights (either that or they have have some shares) and there were some news about it a while back. Andy was filming Lovers in Prague at the time and wore a silver suit to the ribbon cutting ceremony. It was funny for awhile on th gameshows because of PMS on xman (who owns a chicken store) and Shin Jung wan on LL (nicknamed chicken). So technically they own that particular store, and the profits go to them...except the probably have to pay an annual franchise fee. It's like if I wanted to open a MacDonald's or something, I would do that.

yeah, i think your explanation makes sense.. hahah.. don't bother about my explanation then..

anyway, i have an interesting experience to share!!!

this morning, because of my mom's appointment, my dad drove me early to the subway station [like an hour early -_-"] so i thought, rather than spending that 1 hour in school, might as well walk over to my favorite sushi place and eat slowly and waste time.. but it turned out that it wasn't opened yet!! isn't that sad? well, i didn't want to waste my energy walking back and forth without doing anything, so i went into the bakery next to the sushi place.. i picked out a pack of green tea bread sticks [yummm] and was about to pay when guess what??? sunmin & hyesung - keep holding you was playing on the stereo!!!! yes, the bakery's owned by koreans [so is the sushi place, by the way] i recognized it as soon as the intro piano part was playing.. and since i wanted to listen to the song, i pretended to look at the other buns and breads and whatnot.. i think the bakery ahjumma got pissed off looking at this weird girl carrying one of her bread walking back and forth without picking up anything else, while blocking her way of putting the breads onto their trays..

i stayed there till the song ended before paying.. hahaha.. that totally made my dayyy!! see, now i'm so hyper.. even my mom says so too.. and don't worry, i got my sushi too, when my mom picked me up after school.. [forced her to come with me to eat sushi, and in the end, my dad got some of it too, cos we were really full..]

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Guest vietgirl604

^ lyndaaaaaaaa i can send u 'the street' if u want. do u want me to upload it on ysi m/u ? or sh'all i send it to u thru email/msn w/e u want. HAHA.

i need to fly myself to korea and hit up all the shinhwa-ga-fied places

Haha, send it any way you want. If you want to do it through MSN, just PM me for my email. It doesn't matter..any way that's easiest for you\.

Enjoy once again on this pics. I was like whoa again upon looking at the pics. hehe.

Read from a news that Shinhwa members and their managers are having one week break now. But poor Eric is still having his filming for his drama and he can't have this one week break. Poor him.

Poor Eric. I wished he could get a break as well...

no! its only a coincidence, plus, i have *Ayu* now

does n e one have the link to dl minwoo's new movie?????? i want to watch it!

ive been watching episodes of Nonstop 5 lately, the first episode that MinWoo appears in is actually funny!!! he is such a player in the episode! puahahah, its hilarious

Haha yeah..I loved it! MinWoo was so funny in his first episode..always getting slapped and stuff.


Anyone have the Sunmin thanks Hyesung song too? Haha, been so busy I haven't heard that one either...


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Guest tunggal

hello u guys...i always read this forum but rarely post anything...just wanna share u one story of mine :)

2 weeks ago i just moved to rent house..i bring along my CPU that full with korean stuffs esp related to Shinhwa..when i have spare time i watched them in XMAN or LL or MV or interviews...

until one day all my roomies (3 of them) joined me watching...bcoz they curious what am i doing and y i'm keep laughing to the same thing that i watched for 3rd or 4th time...

and finally they also in love with shinhwa...esp ANDY n ERIC..n one of them even want to wacth 'My Girl' bcoz i told her that ERICs' gf in there...

i dunno y but i feel very proud of it... :D:rolleyes: adding more SHINHWA fan in MALAYSIA..

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dont worry guys i have a pretty direct idea of what im gonna do with the first page. im just gonna take it step by step XPP

and i requested a poster by dearskye. cause shes friggen awesome at photoshopping :D

so just sit back and wait and watch the first post become beautiful :D

so that i dont SPAM.

anyone keeping up with wannaies new drama?

did it already come out? i think it did right??...

ahk i feel like such a bad fan XPP

and i heard that christine is trying to get all the shinhwa

cds kekeke. dont worry you'll be able to do it :D

wait-- i think it was you?? iono i was readaing the pages and i thought

i saw that O_O maybe it wasnt christine.. well anyways if it was

i was finally caught up with all the cds when i was around 7th

grade XPP. and trust me it wasnt easy or cheap. cause i refused

to buy it from soompi. i wanted to buy it from the store directly.. -_-

being my stubborn self >.< good luck fighting! lol

anyone wanna give me a list of links you guys would

want up on the first page?

LOL well i mentioned that i wanted all their cds and stuff. but i dont think that was me. haha. well i have 1 so far... LOL watch! i'll have the whole collection soon. hehe. gots my paycheque<3

anybdoy know where i can buy it for cheap? LOL.

Haha, send it any way you want. If you want to do it through MSN, just PM me for my email. It doesn't matter..any way that's easiest for you\.

Poor Eric. I wished he could get a break as well...

Haha yeah..I loved it! MinWoo was so funny in his first episode..always getting slapped and stuff.


Anyone have the Sunmin thanks Hyesung song too? Haha, been so busy I haven't heard that one either...

:) vietgirl604

lols i have both songs. so i'll send u both. m/u and ysi hasnt been workin for me recently. so i guess msn it is. i'll pm u later. haha.

hello u guys...i always read this forum but rarely post anything...just wanna share u one story of mine :)

2 weeks ago i just moved to rent house..i bring along my CPU that full with korean stuffs esp related to Shinhwa..when i have spare time i watched them in XMAN or LL or MV or interviews...

until one day all my roomies (3 of them) joined me watching...bcoz they curious what am i doing and y i'm keep laughing to the same thing that i watched for 3rd or 4th time...

and finally they also in love with shinhwa...esp ANDY n ERIC..n one of them even want to wacth 'My Girl' bcoz i told her that ERICs' gf in there...

i dunno y but i feel very proud of it... :D:rolleyes: adding more SHINHWA fan in MALAYSIA..

hehe. all shinhwa fans feel proud when they convert ppl to SHINHWA. woot. in maylasia, thats awesome. i gotta go around blasting 'brand new' or other good shinhwa songs randomly and then ppl will be like

":o :o what is that great music you're playing?!" and i'll tell them proudly about shinhwa. HEHE.

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Guest xmkaex

hello u guys...i always read this forum but rarely post anything...just wanna share u one story of mine :)

2 weeks ago i just moved to rent house..i bring along my CPU that full with korean stuffs esp related to Shinhwa..when i have spare time i watched them in XMAN or LL or MV or interviews...

until one day all my roomies (3 of them) joined me watching...bcoz they curious what am i doing and y i'm keep laughing to the same thing that i watched for 3rd or 4th time...

and finally they also in love with shinhwa...esp ANDY n ERIC..n one of them even want to wacth 'My Girl' bcoz i told her that ERICs' gf in there...

i dunno y but i feel very proud of it... :D:rolleyes: adding more SHINHWA fan in MALAYSIA..

yay another shinhwa fan...and you shinhwa-afied your friends too ^-^

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Guest nutzie

yeah, does anybody have the sunmin hyesung song?? i've been looking for it for like, forever [well, not really, actually since it played in my brain in a repeat mode] me waaannttt!!!

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Guest tunggal

hehe. all shinhwa fans feel proud when they convert ppl to SHINHWA. woot. in maylasia, thats awesome. i gotta go around blasting 'brand new' or other good shinhwa songs randomly and then ppl will be like

":o :o what is that great music you're playing?!" and i'll tell them proudly about shinhwa. HEHE.

yay another shinhwa fan...and you shinhwa-afied your friends too ^-^

yaaa..now i wanna play SHINHWA songs 24/7 until they know and like them..although we not understand the lyrics except the english one...but who cares..music is universal right :D:rolleyes:

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Guest poloblue

yeah, does anybody have the sunmin hyesung song?? i've been looking for it for like, forever [well, not really, actually since it played in my brain in a repeat mode] me waaannttt!!!

i'll send it to you on msn now

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Guest tvxqsaraeng

hey all! wow that whole dongwan thing is interesting...makes me like him even MORE! ^-^~~haha But yea! could someone give me the Sunmin thanks Hyesung song too! i've been wanting to here it for the longest time!!! gah!

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Guest hammie2010

^^ tts y even the SHINHWA members say ANDY is such a sweet guy... always think abt others =) ANDY's also cute... listen to SHINHWA's song.. self promotion... soo cute :blush:

*bobbing my head to HIGHWAY STAR :rolleyes: *

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Guest devylann

oomg!!! first time i noticed them was when JUnjin was in the drama "9 tailed fox" ( i know it's late but... never too late :) ) and i was like he's kinda cute... then i did a check and HERE I AM!! imma sooo in love wit them!!!! can never get enuf!! wish they come to USA so i can go to their concert!!!!

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oomg!!! first time i noticed them was when JUnjin was in the drama "9 tailed fox" ( i know it's late but... never too late :) ) and i was like he's kinda cute... then i did a check and HERE I AM!! imma sooo in love wit them!!!! can never get enuf!! wish they come to USA so i can go to their concert!!!!

OMG! Same story for me. I first noticed JJ in Fox and thought what a nice (speaking) voice and hot lookin' dude. Then I did a search and found out he belonged to a group called Shinhwa........... that was last Christmas...... and now y'all know the rest of the story.............. Shinhwa Forever!!!! B)

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^^ tts y even the SHINHWA members say ANDY is such a sweet guy... always think abt others =) ANDY's also cute... listen to SHINHWA's song.. self promotion... soo cute :blush:

*bobbing my head to HIGHWAY STAR :rolleyes: *

That's actually really true. andy does think abotu his hyungs a lot. in love letter there was that game where you have to name movies. andy kept saying 'spin kick' and 'june's diary' and iw us like

awwwwwwwwwwe hes totally saying it cuz of his hyungs<3 :blush: :wub:

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Guest superstar`kiss

oh man! Those SHINHWA figures are TOO friggin cute that its scary! haha! omG! I just just LOVEM' so much!!! :lol::wub:

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Guest xmkaex

oomg!!! first time i noticed them was when JUnjin was in the drama "9 tailed fox" ( i know it's late but... never too late :) ) and i was like he's kinda cute... then i did a check and HERE I AM!! imma sooo in love wit them!!!! can never get enuf!! wish they come to USA so i can go to their concert!!!!

i love that drama. i love the ost to it too ^-^

junjin a fighting fox/ninja guy...... :w00t:


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