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Guest lenakeem

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Guest sunnydays.

haha, i wonder what your sons would think if they had THREE shinwha obsessive people in the house... *thinks about my fanfic....* haha

^ i just found this clip again while youtube-ing... haha it cracks me up even though ive seen it countless times already... especially eric...lmao... haha

-the other 'daughter'....

Hahaha, OMG i remember that clip. Eric looks like a little kid eating ice cream. XD;; They're soooo random <3


Look at that poster! I want it so badly!!! ;[

O__O THEY LOOK SO HOT. Wow, I want it to... So i can wake up to their beautiful faces every single day... u__U LOLOLOL :P

Aaand regarding Eric's new hair... he looks SO young, and I do like his long hair better (except not as long as when they were on Heroine 6)... but I think he still looks oh so hott. (;

Tee hee I wanna be part of the family... :D

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Guest chopsticksandspoon

I think the only hope I have is for my 18 year old son to have girlfriend who LOVES Shinhwa much as I do and if Shinhwa comes to US, she and I could go to the concert. Of course I'll pay for both of us and get the best seats. Any volunteers to be my son's girlfriend???? LOL!

Hmmm....not bad idea...I need to have mother-to-son talk about his qualifications for his future girlfriend! LOL!

"Mommie" Alice

lols.. i volunteer! i'll do anything to go to a shinhwa concert! though i live in the philippines so too far from you ^^ and i am 16! your oldest is 18! they say that 2 years is the ideal age gap between partners... ^^

his haircut.. hmm.. i'd have to say it's still better than the debut haircut he had, and the blonde broom style.. and he doesn't look too bad.. maybe it'll grow on us i guess? and because his hair grows pretty fast, he'd probably have another style soon..

and i think i'm pretty good at brainwashing.. 3 of my friends have somehow come to know about shinhwa.. 1 says that she likes hyesung [although she doesn't like the fact that he looks like a girl.. but i would have to say, all her manga/anime guys look like girls too -_-"] and the other one said that dongwan's cute.. another one agrees that their songs aren't bad [she's persian, mind you..]

and the biggest converter of all... my cousin!! during the 2 weeks i was in vancouver, i spoonfed her with shinhwa stuff and she became almost as crazy as i am.. her quote, "this is the first band in which there's something i love about each of the members.." nuff said ^o^

i agree... his haircut ain't that bad... ^^ eric still looks handsome, ok, um.. charming! yep! charming is the word! ^^ but i still like his hair long.. especially the hair he had when they were promoting for 7th jib... especially his cut in LL season 1 and Xman... ^^ so handsome! and charming!


yay for more shinhwa converts! keke.. i always talk about them in school and i guess, when you say shinhwa, all my block mates will already know who they are. i talk about them nonstop, listen to their songs nonstop... ^^ this is MASS BRAINWASHING!

^ i just found this clip again while youtube-ing... haha it cracks me up even though ive seen it countless times already... especially eric...lmao... haha

-the other 'daughter'....


i've neevr seen this clip before!!! waa!!!! WooDong! love... and Ricdy love too!!!!! keke... ^^

*laughs loudly*

*falls off the chair*

eric keeps eating the mic >_<"" andy's got the same style as eric.. and the cloth-hanger thing is funnyyy.. eric's peace sign is cutee!! seems like the mic is yummy..

come to think of it, we can create a family tree of shinhwa fans.. of course, there wouldn't be any daddies or sons.. just the mommie and daughters -_-"

page ownage - 6

omo omo omo!

i agree i agree i agree!

we can organize this guys! then we'll make a graphic represantation of it and post it here.. and have banners or lines or blinkies in our siggies telling us who we are like : shinhwa family : daughter" or somehting more creative than that...


why am i so excited?

maybe because i just got a DSL connection at home???


the first thing i went to when i clicked the web broswer? type soompi! keke.. and head to this forum!!!!! ^^


i would just like to share a poem i made. i was just so inspired by SET FREE (7th brand new)


just comment.. ^^

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Guest vietgirl604

haha, i wonder what your sons would think if they had THREE shinwha obsessive people in the house... *thinks about my fanfic....* haha

^ i just found this clip again while youtube-ing... haha it cracks me up even though ive seen it countless times already... especially eric...lmao... haha

-the other 'daughter'....

OH MY GOSH THAT'S HILARIOUS. I wonder if they use the same mic..cause Eric was eating his. I wonder if his saliva got on it cause Jin was like "Aish." At first, I thought he was trying to push it up his nose LOL. MinWoo lmao. Jin just likes checking himself out or something HAHAHAHS. So adorable. It's so funny when Eric yelled and then DongWan brought out the big cube of..ice? LOL. Also notice MinWoo is pretty big across the shoulder to the other..especially when it changed to Eric's part. Man, Eric looks like some crazy man eating a microphone and he held Andy by a clothes hanger! LOL. Can't believe Jin tried eating the microphone too. The only normal ones were HyeSung and Dongwan.

lols.. i volunteer! i'll do anything to go to a shinhwa concert! though i live in the philippines so too far from you ^^ and i am 16! your oldest is 18! they say that 2 years is the ideal age gap between partners... ^^

i agree... his haircut ain't that bad... ^^ eric still looks handsome, ok, um.. charming! yep! charming is the word! ^^ but i still like his hair long.. especially the hair he had when they were promoting for 7th jib... especially his cut in LL season 1 and Xman... ^^ so handsome! and charming!


yay for more shinhwa converts! keke.. i always talk about them in school and i guess, when you say shinhwa, all my block mates will already know who they are. i talk about them nonstop, listen to their songs nonstop... ^^ this is MASS BRAINWASHING!


i've neevr seen this clip before!!! waa!!!! WooDong! love... and Ricdy love too!!!!! keke... ^^

omo omo omo!

i agree i agree i agree!

we can organize this guys! then we'll make a graphic represantation of it and post it here.. and have banners or lines or blinkies in our siggies telling us who we are like : shinhwa family : daughter" or somehting more creative than that...


why am i so excited?

maybe because i just got a DSL connection at home???


the first thing i went to when i clicked the web broswer? type soompi! keke.. and head to this forum!!!!! ^^


i would just like to share a poem i made. i was just so inspired by SET FREE (7th brand new)


just comment.. ^^

I guess her daughter's first son can have TWO girlfriends lmao. I saw that poem on minwooforum. I loved it so much..I posted a comment too. Hope you saw it. =)

:)vietgirl604 aka "Daughter" Lynda

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Guest *smilez*

erm ive been watching clips from 2005 to now and i realize that hyesung doesnt get along with the other members that much.....well maybe dongwan.... is it true they get annoyed with him?!?! i like dongwan because he seems most friendly to me haha

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Guest kaylah^18

Fans alerted on "Fake Shinhwa" in Thailand


Shinhwa will be having a concert in Bangkok, Thailand on August 19. In line with this event, people are alerted on "Fake Shinhwa". The organizers of this concert are announcing to fans that they should be careful when buying Shinhwa-related t-shirts, posters and all types of products that are illegally sold in Thailand.

The group gained their popularity in Thailand without much promotion but because of the dramas, commercials and other shows that were released in Thailand. Tickets for the concert of Shinhwa cost between 700 to 3,500 bahts, relatively a high price when compared with the salary of an average Thailander clerk. However, this did not become an obstacle, but rather, the tickets sold like "hot bread".

Source: KBS World Radio


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Guest chopsticksandspoon

I guess her daughter's first son can have TWO girlfriends lmao. I saw that poem on minwooforum. I loved it so much..I posted a comment too. Hope you saw it. =)

:)vietgirl604 aka "Daughter" Lynda

yeah! i saw it already! thankies for the comments! ^^

erm ive been watching clips from 2005 to now and i realize that hyesung doesnt get along with the other members that much.....well maybe dongwan.... is it true they get annoyed with him?!?! i like dongwan because he seems most friendly to me haha

hmm.. waht clips? can you show? hmm curious.. but of course it ain't possible, they love each other ^^

[scan] SG Teens Mag Sept issue - Shinhwa & DBSK

CLICK to see --> http://www.s-shinhwasarang.net/forums/index.php?topic=4534.0

credits : FIN^MIN @ http://s-shinhwasarang.net/forums

keke.. thanks for the links!

Fans alerted on "Fake Shinhwa" in Thailand


Shinhwa will be having a concert in Bangkok, Thailand on August 19. In line with this event, people are alerted on "Fake Shinhwa". The organizers of this concert are announcing to fans that they should be careful when buying Shinhwa-related t-shirts, posters and all types of products that are illegally sold in Thailand.

The group gained their popularity in Thailand without much promotion but because of the dramas, commercials and other shows that were released in Thailand. Tickets for the concert of Shinhwa cost between 700 to 3,500 bahts, relatively a high price when compared with the salary of an average Thailander clerk. However, this did not become an obstacle, but rather, the tickets sold like "hot bread".

Source: KBS World Radio


gah! i wish i'm in thailand!

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i officially hate my computer/internet..... it died on me like 4 times while i was trying to read 2 pages!!! stupid..... but it will not keep me from my shinhwa!!!!

is everyone talking about erics haircut???? um... i think its ok.. but i like his hair in the 7th album better, or when its shorter.... it looks like he got a buzz cut but then it grew out..... yeah....

MsCHua- i really want to see what the poster looks like, but for some reason, my stupid stupid computer is not letting me open it... it says the page cannot be found...is there a different link for it or somewhere else i can go to see it??? thanks....

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Guest vietgirl604

Fans alerted on "Fake Shinhwa" in Thailand


Shinhwa will be having a concert in Bangkok, Thailand on August 19. In line with this event, people are alerted on "Fake Shinhwa". The organizers of this concert are announcing to fans that they should be careful when buying Shinhwa-related t-shirts, posters and all types of products that are illegally sold in Thailand.

The group gained their popularity in Thailand without much promotion but because of the dramas, commercials and other shows that were released in Thailand. Tickets for the concert of Shinhwa cost between 700 to 3,500 bahts, relatively a high price when compared with the salary of an average Thailander clerk. However, this did not become an obstacle, but rather, the tickets sold like "hot bread".

Source: KBS World Radio


Hot Bread? LOL. Man, they should come to ME and have a concert...I'm so sad yet happy at the same time lols. But I don't get the "fake Shinhwa" thing..

Oh yeah, the poster is SO HOT. I don't know if I would put that on my wall, or on my ceiling above my bed LMAO!


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Guest qaxlod

I really don't mind Eric's haircut! I quite love it!

It makes him look younger plus HOTTER <3

He took a risk! Good for him! FIGHTING

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Guest luvjunjin0819

just stopping by to show some SHINHWA love!!!!!!!! thanks everyone for keeping us up to date on the guys! FIGHTING!!

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Guest qaxlod

Hey Everyone!

How's everyone doing?

I don't know why but I just simply feel so sad and upset.

Shinhwa's popularity is slowly decreasing for some reason.

I don't know why. It's being overtaken by other groups.

I just visited the Shinhwa Thailand Forum and only 690 registered members.

I also visited the TVXQ Thailand Forum and 1698 registered members.

I think that other groups like TVXQ has overthrown SHINHWA for some reason.

Where are all the fans? Where's the support they've been receving for so long? I miss the ultimate fans who provided nonstop support.

I miss all that. I'm on my 8th year of supporting and loving SHINHWA.

I've been a loyal, dedicated fan since their debut back in 1998.

I have the utmost respect for SHINHWA and my love for them keeps getting bigger and bigger.

I feel like I am forever indebted to them. They are forever in my heart and I will truly cherish the moments I have with them every single day despite the fact that they aren't in the same country as I am.


I will forever support and love you. FIGHTING


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I don't think Hyesung doesn't get along with other members although it was mentioned that Hyesung and Eric is like water and oil. Hyesung's personality is more reserved than others. If you watched Happy Together, they talk about how when they first lived together they would share bathroom together. One would be taking shower, one would be brushing his teeth, and one would be "taking care of his business" but Hyesung would not go in with them. He would wait until everyone finished and then take care of business.

"Mommie" Alice

erm ive been watching clips from 2005 to now and i realize that hyesung doesnt get along with the other members that much.....well maybe dongwan.... is it true they get annoyed with him?!?! i like dongwan because he seems most friendly to me haha

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Guest coolieever

Hey Everyone!

How's everyone doing?

I don't know why but I just simply feel so sad and upset.

Shinhwa's popularity is slowly decreasing for some reason.

I don't know why. It's being overtaken by other groups.

I just visited the Shinhwa Thailand Forum and only 690 registered members.

I also visited the TVXQ Thailand Forum and 1698 registered members.

I think that other groups like TVXQ has overthrown SHINHWA for some reason.

Where are all the fans? Where's the support they've been receving for so long? I miss the ultimate fans who provided nonstop support.

I miss all that. I'm on my 8th year of supporting and loving SHINHWA.

I've been a loyal, dedicated fan since their debut back in 1998.

I have the utmost respect for SHINHWA and my love for them keeps getting bigger and bigger.

I feel like I am forever indebted to them. They are forever in my heart and I will truly cherish the moments I have with them every single day despite the fact that they aren't in the same country as I am.


I will forever support and love you. FIGHTING


everyone in this thread is dedicated to them just like you.... juts think, someday, a few years from now.. a new boyband will overthrow dbsk and a dbsk fan will say the exact thing you did (well.. not EXACTLY.. but you get my point...) and as long as shinhwa still has fans, its all good... if they only had like.. 5 fans left... THEN id be worried...

heheh, i own another page... my 3rd one in this thread......

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Guest nutzie

I don't think Hyesung doesn't get along with other members although it was mentioned that Hyesung and Eric is like water and oil. Hyesung's personality is more reserved than others. If you watched Happy Together, they talk about how when they first lived together they would share bathroom together. One would be taking shower, one would be brushing his teeth, and one would be "taking care of his business" but Hyesung would not go in with them. He would wait until everyone finished and then take care of business.

"Mommie" Alice

they talked about that in ya shim man man too!! he would knock on the door asking them when they're gonna be done.. hahahaha.. funnyy.. i don't think i'm that close with my friends to the point of bathing together.. hahahaha.. i only do that with my cousin.. maybe it is a great way of getting closer afterall..

gaxlod i don't think that means that shinhwa fans are dwindling down.. i just think that since dbsk is considered [still] a new band, there's still a fever surrounding them.. but after awhile, the fever would cool down, and i'm pretty sure some fans would go off to some other, newer bands that are coming up..

as for shinhwa, we could have considered their "fever" to cool down years ago, but in reality, the fans are still going on strong, and slowly increasing by days.. that's what we should be proud of.. and the success of a band cannot be measured by the number of members of a forum.. what if fans are computer illiterate? forums are just a means of communication.. but it doesn't mean it's the total number of fans that are out there.. then it's not a fair measure of the success of the band..

as you can see, even after 8 years, shinhwa can still achieve the top in charts and whatnots, i think that is the proper measure of shinhwa's success.. and the fact that the "little bit" of fans that shinhwa has are caring enough to help the community and the new fans, especially during concerts and stuff, i think that's pretty admirable.. i'm pretty sure shinhwa's proud of all of us too..

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You took the words right out of my mouth! I was going to say the same thing.

"Mommie" Alice

juts think, someday, a few years from now.. a new boyband will overthrow dbsk and a dbsk fan will say the exact thing you did (well.. not EXACTLY.. but you get my point...)

Hmm, maybe it was Yashimmanman they said that instead of Happy Together. I know for sure in Happy Together, Eric mentioned he was taking care of his business when Minwoo threw hot water at him as a joke and Eric would chase after Minwoo. :) And someone (I think it was Dongwan?) asked Eric something about "not wiping himself"???? before running after Minwoo??? LOL! That part was little hard to understand because there was so much laughing going on. :P

At my old age, I'm losing my memory.....I guess this means I have to watch both episodes again to see what they said! LOL! BUT for now, I better get to bed so I can be at work tomorrow at 6 am.

Good night ladies. It was fun chatting with you guys today.

"Mommie" Alice

they talked about that in ya shim man man too!! he would knock on the door asking them when they're gonna be done.. hahahaha.. funnyy.. i don't think i'm that close with my friends to the point of bathing together.. hahahaha.. i only do that with my cousin.. maybe it is a great way of getting closer afterall..

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Guest tiffyisashinhwafreak!

Hey Everyone!

How's everyone doing?

I don't know why but I just simply feel so sad and upset.

Shinhwa's popularity is slowly decreasing for some reason.

I don't know why. It's being overtaken by other groups.

I just visited the Shinhwa Thailand Forum and only 690 registered members.

I also visited the TVXQ Thailand Forum and 1698 registered members.

I think that other groups like TVXQ has overthrown SHINHWA for some reason.

Where are all the fans? Where's the support they've been receving for so long? I miss the ultimate fans who provided nonstop support.

I miss all that. I'm on my 8th year of supporting and loving SHINHWA.

I've been a loyal, dedicated fan since their debut back in 1998.

I have the utmost respect for SHINHWA and my love for them keeps getting bigger and bigger.

I feel like I am forever indebted to them. They are forever in my heart and I will truly cherish the moments I have with them every single day despite the fact that they aren't in the same country as I am.


I will forever support and love you. FIGHTING


okay, so i know you posted this at ShinhwaChangJo.net, too...right? but anywaies, i relpyed to that post, too...so i guess...i'll just re-typed what i said, too....


don't say that, even if the popularity is decreasing, as long as your still a fan! that's what matter, is that you're a fan!

and even if the TVXQ Thailand Forum, does have more members, that's okay...all that it means that TVXQ have more members registered, that's all.

and its good that you have been a fan for 8 long years, i bet Shinhwa would be so happy, if they knew, that you are a fan who has been there for 8 long years, supporting them, all the way!

even if their popularity is slowly decreasing...it doesn't matter [well it does, but...] because even if the popularity is decreasing, Shinhwa's love for the fans is not! and the fans should know too! even Shinhwa's friendship will be forever and the fans know it too! that's one of the reason why Shinhwa has always been here because of their friendship, that showed us their love towards each others, making us wanting to be part of their friendship and love. [that's why we are all here, today ^^]

and also even if their popularity is slowly decreasing, Shinhwa will always be remember, its a name that will never be forgotten, even if it wants to be forgotten. just like their name, they live to be The Legend!

[ps. don't be upset or sad, you should be happy for helping Shinhwa, because you're a fan who was helping Shinhwa. example, when you made a topic about, Voting for Shinhwa, doing the search thing on Naver for Shinhwa, so they could be #1 on the most Search thingy...and also for just being a fan of Shinhwa for 8 years!]

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Guest xmkaex

I just watched the video a few minutes ago and I have to agree with you that the girl is just for decoration. Her dress only adding a splash of color to mv's stark texture. I can't see any connection with Minwoo and Hyesung's participation in the MV unlike Junjin and Andy who appeared as decoy.

The punching scene whould have been shot a little tighter to narrow the gap between Eric and Dongwan. The distance just makes it a little off for me. Nonetheless it's worth watching over and over again.

i did noticed the red gave it a spash of color. :lol:

Eric's New Hairstyle for SUPER ROOKIE 2



Ah! He looks so Japanese now.

But, I have to say, he still looks HOT without his hair!

Looks younger too! <33

Note: The producer for the drama made him cut his hair ;/

To look younger I guess o.O

ahhhhh he's looks so smexy and young with that hair cut.

reminds me of yo! days. :P

i noticed that during heroine 6 he kept on swishing his bangs to the side. lol

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