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Guest lenakeem

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Guest x_sadendings

AIISH. You girls are making me all happy then sad then a little angry then happy and sad again X)

x sadendings: my name's naomi ^^ np. i think i remember u.. you used to come here all the time?

Ahh, I should have just said HI NAOMI cause I remember it was something like that XD

Yes, I used to come here all the time but I have been MIA for 1 yr due to school not switching my love for SHINHWA lol.


-I had to comment on this ^^ I love how JunJin also doesn't have to play 'OMG it's blah blah blah so I have to spaz over everything they say or do'

anyways back to Shinhwa. Just a quick comment I love how he talks about how the member have to stay still & cool no matter what, reminds me of

them on Happy Together, where they all posed for Mc Yoo (& someone I forgot....) hrm...

Here it is! & subbed too (8


I totally agree due to reading lavenderwingz post that once in awhile some of us just post shinhwa clips we love!


I truly loved reading your post & how you feel in love with shinhwa.

& after writing something like that I think the people in this thread will not only bash you, but instead hope that your first post here will never be your last.

The people in this thread welcome all shinhwa fans small or crazy. & trust me it's a family in which I had the pleasure of fangirling with and plain ole angry with ^^

ps omg i love ricsyung also~

panhia87 - LOL. Very random of me but those gifs remeind me of how I started my post in this thread.... Heroine 6 gifs of shinhwa XD!

& after that I think I did a bunch of Once In a Life Time gifs and Throw My Fist XD ahhh I really love remembering the good times I had in here.

yanee- :tears: those caps are sooo making me cry right now~ *clings on to wan* dont go~! I really have to get my hands on this DVD. Thank you for posting dear!

[08.11.16][Diary]Dongwan: Dinner

Source: November21

Translations: HappyHeart7@Shinhwa.biz

*kicks jin along with you* LOL. only their hands? how about some face time? XD anyways I'm not sure which one's Eric's hands.... though I am debating over it right now I think maybe bottom right is Eric's hand? anyways I'm glad they had a meal together !

1wawa3- hehe the fourth would be Eric's dear~ XD as Namoi pointed out Junjin was at a YSMM recording.

nglkt - OMG. Those are the same shoes! :lol: wow they look good even with short hair ~ (; Thank you for sharing dear RicWan is always love

Anyways, Cheer Up girls/guys(hey you'll never know)! If you think about it a long time ago I remember stressing over the boys enlistment and suddenly now it's here and sure it makes us sad, but think about it 2 years later we'll be saying "Gosh do you remember when they left..." I truly believe Shinhwa is everlasting, if they weren't then they wouldn't have lasted so long. A true Shinhwa Changjo-er will always love these boys no matter if they're there for our fangirling or not! and lavenderwingz is the perfect example of the power of Shinhwa.

Even if some of the old forum names don't show up anymore it's okay because you guys are here keeping the spirit of Shinhwa Soompi-ers going! At first I was actually kind of shocked after my hiatus to find this thread on the third page. I mean last I remember this thread was so active that we'd grow 2-4 pages a day. But all of that doesn't matter I can truly meant it when I say I believe people are going to come back to Shinhwa even if their fandom shifts. Well, I know for sure mines hasn't. For some reason no other band gets me excited and fangirl-y as Shinhwa. haha.

Geez, enough with my essay ! Though I would like to read something from you gals/guys!


-Make is short, long, whatever. Also you don't have to reply to this, I'm just curious!

(I'll be back with mines but just to warn it's LONG :ph34r: )

Remember 2 years will pass much more quickly than you think it will!

Even though it's breaking my heart to see them go off one by one. :(

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Guest 80slitenite

Lol strawberry16 edit out what I wrote about Maddy and my commentary in DW's diary post. too funny.

Woah nglkt!! Good looking out! WanRic too cute. and thanks for subbing those Jin clips XDDD

micky undies too cute!!

Vid of Dongwan right before he enlists T_T Such a handsome namja


I made this gif from the vid. Doesn't he make you proud? sigh.


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^ hahaha~ Tiff, you should just leave it, it's so funny XD

He does make me so proud...all grown-up and....off to the army T.T

Look at his beautiful bone structure.

For me, Hyesung isn't the pretty boy in the Shinhwa family...mostly definitely Dongwannie~! They joke about it when ppl call him that, but Wannie is really, really pretty!


@lavenderwingz- Yo! :) My fellow TAKE fan. I meant to comment on your post before, but somehow didn't :sweatingbullets: Thank you so much for telling us your story. I think it's stories like yours that keep the old fans going because it tells us that we're making some kind of impact with our efforts ^^ Always so happy to know that I manage to play a part, no matter how small, in someone's 'falling in love' with Shinhwa process :) *woot*

@amyliaz- *hugs* To tell the truth, your post sounds so sensitive and precious to me, I'm not sure how to reply. *gives another hug* I'm so glad you were able to find Shinhwa. Although, I'm sure they can never truly take the place of your brother, I'm glad you were able to find comfort in these six oppas. And I one hundred percent understand what you mean by something about Minwoo that just appeals to you...cuz there's just something about him that appeals to me XD Not like I'm obvious about it or anything :phew: lol Actually, I get goosebumps when guys wink, but somehow, when Minwoo does it, it's so love :wub:

@beckery- Hi, I'm not sure, but you blog right? ^^ I think I might've randomly come across your posts when I do my blog-reading spree on Shinhwa. Dongwan is practically your air right? :) And you did an enlistment countdown post thingy for Eric? Sorry if I'm mistaken >.< Either ways, hope to see more of you in the future.

@nglkt- Haha~ Thanks for pointing them out...I also wonder about them. Maybe Eric did recommend them since he was advising Dongwan about shoe sizes for the army :sweatingbullets: Hmm~

@devylann- Your sis is cool~ :rolleyes: I do think you might be surprised by the number of variety shows our boys are on nowadays >.< There's almost 1-2 shows per day...I can barely catch up with the whole downloading and watching marathon. I update daily too :ph34r:


-Make is short, long, whatever. Also you don't have to reply to this, I'm just curious!

(I'll be back with mines but just to warn it's LONG :ph34r: )

Remember 2 years will pass much more quickly than you think it will!

Even though it's breaking my heart to see them go off one by one. :(

Please do post a long one :D I love reading about how everyone discovered Shinhwa.

I think it's been awhile since I've replied to this question...so long ago, I'm not sure if I remember too clearly anymore :crazy:


Let me shamelessly make a re-account of how I discovered Shinhwa.

I believe it was at the end of 1999 or was it the beginning or 2000? Ah...! Can't remember which grade I did the project in anymore >___________<

Anyways, in some junior high science class I had to do a chemistry project and had to include a bunch of information about the possible international jobs in the topic we were assigned. I think I was assigned oil refinery or something about cracking anyways. I guess it's not really important <_< The point is that when I searched up these companies and jobs, I somehow ended up researching about a China-based company called Shinhwa. So I looked up Shinhwa on my trusty, free altavista dial-up internet and results popped up.

So unawares, page after page, I looked through each link. I think I was half-way through the search pages when lo and behold, the link I clicked on wasn't about an oil refinery company, but a MV called T.O.P. :D

And darn~ if it wasn't the coolest thing I've ever seen ^__^ The concept and technology they used for the MV was really something at the time. The song was darn awesome too. It kinda helped that I was having a love affair with Swan lake at the time too. I remember that I thought 'Twinkling of Paradise' was the most poetic thing I've ever read lol And that one guy in the white, spinning out from the back and kneeling in the water like there's no tomorrow was fated to be the love of my life XD Minwoo sshi ~~~ :wub: Logically thinking, I think I should've fallen for Jinnie since he technically had the best dancing techniques at the time and the flashiest too, and I usually fall for the best dancer, but somehow it ended up being Minwoo lol

Even after all these years, I still don't quite know how to explain how I felt when I watched the MV. How to say...? It was just that before I saw the MV, I had never felt that kind of 'synchronization' that I did when I watched it...and I don't think I have ever felt it again from any other group. I'm not sure if it's because of the dance style or the illusion of the same outfits at the time...but no other group has been able to make me feel the same way as when I watch Shinhwa dancing. Older groups like H.O.T., Sechkies, Seo Taiji and Boys etc all have a similar feeling, but there was just something more refined about Shinhwa's dancing...like an upgraded version or something. Of the new groups, there are moments, but they are ruined by the lack of attention to some details. I think you can almost call this an unbiased opinion because I wasn't a fan yet at the time when I was impressed by Shinhwa's dancing/performance.

Thing is, Shinhwa was just so in-sync with each other :blink: Honestly, if the boys didn't expose themselves during interviews, I would've had a hard time guessing just how different their dancing skills were because on stage their movements were just so alike... it was everyone performing 'one' dance and not everyone performing many different versions of the same dance....even how they tilt their heads and toes and fingers were the same. I guess you can call it Shinhwa's unique 'one-ness' ?? lol They really put the 'cool' in the choreography and I've yet to see it duplicated.

Sometimes I just want to bang my head repeatedly when people criticize Shinhwa's choreography for it's simplicity. I want to tell them, "Wrong, wrong and wrong again!! You are missing the charm of Shinhwa's dancing!" It's not the difficulty of Shinhwa's dances that captivate you, but their ability to make each move truly their own and to do them in perfect sync with each other. I'm getting sidetracked again =.=||| At any rate, this 'one-ness' really pulled me in. And when Minjin did the robot routine in the choreography...that did it for me, I was sucked in for life ^^

My introduction to T.O.P. didn't exactly launch me into a shinhwa vids watching spree that made so many of you fall in love with our boys. To put it roughly, there really wasn't much about Shinhwa on the internet at the time...english-wise anyways. At the time, my Chinese reading skills were next to non-existent, nevermind any Korean...so searching websites in different languages was unthinkable. Plus, my internet connection wasn't exactly ideal either. I did manage to find perfs here and there that hooked me on to their performances.

Luckily, around the same time I discovered Shinhwa, I also made an online friend who just happened to be Korean (chatrooms were ridiculously popular at the time)...don't you just love how things in life just work out? And so I managed to gleen some things and their albums from her. Unfortunately, when my computer crashed (so much lost T.T hu~), which took me awhile to replace, we lost contact. During that time, I still listened to Shinhwa music and watched their perfs repeatedly. Vids of their adorableness off the stage were also quickly winning me over. My second Shinhwa song was probably haegyulsa...the jacket and Pinocchio dance was just too cool~ It took me awhile to get use to the rapping, but the melody line was so good.

Two or so years later, when I seriously took up surfing the net again, I discovered shinhwa sarang cgi (?) (which become shinhwa sarang forums, then s-shinhwasarang and now the present shinhwa.biz) and I think that's when true, crazy fangirlness started :) I was a silent stalker for awhile and used a different sn, but don't really remember what it was. Anyone else remember the excitement when someone suspected to be 'Eric' commented on the board? :D It was really a sad time when shinhwa sarang closed down suddenly the summer after Shinhwa won their daesang because of server problems. Luckily, there were also the awesome members of shinhwachangjo.net that provided updated news and videos on all shinhwa activities. I think it was also around this time when I subbed my first Shinhwa vid: Love letter episode with Ha Ji Won.

And the end. That was my story. Didn't mean to type so much :sweatingbullets: It just all came out so naturally.


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nglkt: your right o__o. they ARE wearing the same shoes. hmm.. did eric tell wannie to buy the same shoes since they are in army? i kinda have a doubting feeling that they are wearing it for the army. haha ricwan love? xD

x_sadending ahh. o__o schooll *kicks school in the but  :tongue2: school isnt going good for me this week... working my butt off. aish.. btw im bad at names. i dont remember them often xP. haha, i dont blame you hehe.

80slitenite. ahhh. mianheee! >__<. this is what school does to u LOL. i was in a hurry. edited it out ^^. :P

how did i come to find and fall in love with shinhwa?.... Hmm... dont have time >o<. when i finish my hw around 9pm i'll probably come back and edit kk?. i'll try.

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Two or so years later, when I seriously took up surfing the net again, I discovered shinhwa sarang cgi (?) (which become shinhwa sarang forums, then s-shinhwasarang and now the present shinhwa.biz) and I think that's when true, crazy fangirlness started :)I was a silent stalker for awhile and used a different sn, but don't really remember what it was. Anyone else remember the excitement when someone suspected to be 'Eric' commented on the board? :D It was really a sad time when shinhwa sarang closed down suddenly the summer after Shinhwa won their daesang because of server problems. Luckily, there were also the awesome members of shinhwachangjo.net that provided updated news and videos on all shinhwa activities.


^^ crystalis, i love your story! it must have been destiny that brought you to shinhwa! But commenting on Eric commenting on the board, if you are talking about posting on his thread here in soompi; i was a massive poster before too with a differen sn (but like you i also forgot my sn and password) and i use to stalk the shinhwa thread and Eric's thread! I do remember that time when supposedly eric posted on the board and dongwan was right next to him. everyone was spazzing at the thread during that time! if that was him at least i am able to say that i got a chance to chat with eric! :D

And yes i remember ShinhwaSarang closing. it was really sad, the forum was really packed with shinhwa information! it took me awhile to find and know that it is now Shinhwabiz.

My Shinhwa fandom officially started while i was watching a korean music show. i didnt have any particular favorite band/singer then, but i just started to get into the korean entertainment. i saw shinhwa performing(forgot which song it was), and i started to look them up online. after a while, because the internet wasn't such a big thing then, i somewhat put the korean entertainment aside. after a couple of months, or a year or so, i saw eric's drama(come on how many of you didnt fall in love with eric in Phoenix!) and i started to look him up online, i looked him up in soompi and found that he is part of shinhwa and realized why that name sounded so familiar. so i started watching shinhwa videos, followed them on their variety shows!

The year they won their daesang would have been the best moment. i remember following them in every award show. even in the drama award where they performed and accompanied eric when he won the best new comer, how cute were they when they rushed up the stage and gave him flowers(i think it was during this event). i seriously loved seeing shinhwa all over the tv!

As much as i miss seeing them and watching them together in variety shows, they did promise that they'll appear on variety shows once they make their comeback(for those who received they dvd's and watched it, you guys know what im talking about right? :D)

i really love this sharing your shinhwa story!!! everyone should do it! haha i feel so random right now, but all this shinhwa talk is making me all hyper. although im sad that there isn't much shinhwa action, i always enjoy coming here and reading everyones posts!! so keep posting people

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Wow, mine's a short story i guess? LOL

I found shinhwa because of rain? LOL I started listening to rain after watching his dramas. And as always, one things leads to another. I started watching all those variety shows xman love letter etc... And i just chanced upon xman Germany special. But for me, i take a really really long time to like something/someone. Though the Germany special was funny and all, it only gave me the impression that shinhwa's a multi-talented group(funny, sings well, dances well etc..) =)

I think Andy's cuteness got onto me first... LOL i was 13 then. Then i was researching about shinhwa and i happened to listen to hyesung's version of take me to your heart. I was absolutely taken over by his voice. I thought it was much better than the original =) after listening to that song, i looked for more shinhwa songs. I happen to find the song that was constantly played in that xman germany special, ONCE IN A LIFETIME. And it sounds much better slower, balladish (coz the one they played during the xman germany special was the remixed one) I use to sing to that song everyday. But still that song wasn't enough to make me a fan of them..

I think what made me a fan was BRAND NEW, LIAR and the members' solo activities.

I'm not joking but i did listen to brand new and liar all day long... =) And the members' solo activities really made me hooked. It started last year from Explore M. =) I was really amazed by the quality of music minwoo could write/produce/sing. It's really really really good... I really liked M! But then Dongwan's album, kimdongwan is came out. I really really LOVED the album. And after that hyesung's 2nd album... WOW!

I think i'm one of those who became shinhwa fans because of the members' solo activities. =)

P.S: I think i'm considered a very young, new fan =) ( I started liking them since 2007 and i was only 5 when shinhwa debuted!)

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-Make is short, long, whatever. Also you don't have to reply to this, I'm just curious!

(I'll be back with mines but just to warn it's LONG :ph34r: )

Remember 2 years will pass much more quickly than you think it will!

Even though it's breaking my heart to see them go off one by one. :(

Well, I am so addicted to reading fanfictions and I would usually read fanfics with Shinhwa on it as the main characters. And I was not so into them that time. I think it was around early 2006 or 2005 where I got curious about them after reading tons of fanfiction about them. Yeah, that long. I think I started reading fanfics around 2001. Hehehe.

Then after researching who Shinhwa is, I was like, 'Woah! Cool.' I used to have a HUGE crush on Sungie that time. And then I got curious about them so I decided to watch some clips on YT. I think it was Hae Gyul Sah. Hehehe. I mean, they were so young back then. And their clothes were like ewww. Hahaha! It was so funny just thinking about the way they dress on their younger years. Hehehe. And then I watched Brand New. And Wannie is sooo love. Hehehe. And then one day, I just noticed myself always researching on the net about them, read lots of fanfics with them as the lead. Then I started downloading mp3s and videos of them.

I always think about them, talk about them and my friends were so clueless. They always ask me who Shinhwa is. And I would always start telling them Shinhwa is this, Shinhwa is that. So yeahh. Shinhwa's been part of my life since then.

And oh, funny thing was, I was already introduced to Shinhwa even before I started reading fanfictions. My uncle and my cousing used to live in Korea. And yeah, my cousins were Shinhwa fans back then. And they would always talk about Shinhwa and HOT, Sechskies. And I don't even care that time. Haha! I wish I just paid attention to my cousins that time. hehehe. But still, I was glad I got to know Shinhwa. hehehe.

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Hi, just want to ask you some question about the DVD (Shinhwa must go on)...i was wondering is the DVD include 'concert making film for Shinhwa’s 10th anniversary! Band practice, dance practice, concert rehearsals, backstage moments'? coz i cant seem to find it or is there any other version of the DVD ( i bought orange version, by the way)? please help, as i really want to watch those behind the scene moment ^^


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^I also have the orange version! It doesn't contain the videos you mentioned. Only the japan version does.. but you can watch the videos here: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=483634151. It was posted few pages back but I forgot who shared the link. Sorry! :)

Hi, just want to ask you some question about the DVD (Shinhwa must go on)...i was wondering is the DVD include 'concert making film for Shinhwa’s 10th anniversary! Band practice, dance practice, concert rehearsals, backstage moments'? coz i cant seem to find it or is there any other version of the DVD ( i bought orange version, by the way)? please help, as i really want to watch those behind the scene moment ^^


I have the same thing as you guys. The DVD has those things! You'll just have to find them! hehe. Hint: Just move your mouse around and something will light up! Then click on that hehe.

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Guest heygingersnap


Lee Min Woo, “Before Shinhwa’s Debut, Lee Soo Man Offered Me to Be Solo”

November 18, 2008

Singer Lee Min Woo (M) of Shinhwa revealed on cable TV tvN talk show “Taxi” that Lee Soo Man offered him to be a solo artist before Shinhwa debuted.

Lee Min Woo said, “At the time that Shinhwa members were forming, Lee Soo Man told me, ‘You are really hardworking. Would you like to be in a group? Would you like to be a solo?’ he asked.” But Lee Min Woo was already familiar with being in a group and he felt pressure so he turned down Lee Soo Man’s proposal.

The episode will broadcast on November 20 at midnight.

Source: Newsen

Credit: http://seoulfull.wordpress.com

Please take out only with credit and do not add any credits.

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find out why dongwan is not in the 79ers club like hyesung is~ =P


junjin is in this clip too, talking about his friendship with mc yoo jaesuk.. i think he's friends with lots of other people in the business too, since he's so friendly and naive =P

have fun watching~ i'll contribute more when i have the time..

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Guest gravitie

grrly: Thank you for the info! I'll try watching on the computer! Hahaahaha I was watching on the TV and it didn't have that....Oh, are the vids in the second DVD?

Btw I have a question. I once chanced upon this site that has lots of Shinhwa pictures, screencaps etc. It's really complete and organised. The pictures are in their respective albums and all. But I've forgotten the url.. does anyone know what I'm talking about? I've been trying to look for that site since last week... T_T

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find out why dongwan is not in the 79ers club like hyesung is~ =P


junjin is in this clip too, talking about his friendship with mc yoo jaesuk.. i think he's friends with lots of other people in the business too, since he's so friendly and naive =P

have fun watching~ i'll contribute more when i have the time..

HAHA LOL at the reason why dongwan isn't in the 79ers club. Thanks for the vid =)

i've uploaded Love Letter S1 with Han Eun Jung 2 part 1



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^I also have the orange version! It doesn't contain the videos you mentioned. Only the japan version does.. but you can watch the videos here: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=483634151. It was posted few pages back but I forgot who shared the link. Sorry! :)

thanks for sharing ne...i thought they would hav in Orange Edition too...cant read Korean but i think i heard it somewhere..^^

I have the same thing as you guys. The DVD has those things! You'll just have to find them! hehe. Hint: Just move your mouse around and something will light up! Then click on that hehe.

i'll try...but still couldnt find...sigh i'll try again later then ^^...thanks

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I have the same thing as you guys. The DVD has those things! You'll just have to find them! hehe. Hint: Just move your mouse around and something will light up! Then click on that hehe.

I am usually a silent reader .. but I have to thank grrly for the info..

I read in the cover of the orange edition that it has the make of the concert .. but I did not find it ..

so, I just give up and think that it is just in the Japanese version..

but it is really funny how they put it in this way.. if grrly does not talk.. I think I will not know

I think the Japans version has the MV making too.. too bad we do not have this in the orange edition..

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Guest robotic

I have the same thing as you guys. The DVD has those things! You'll just have to find them! hehe. Hint: Just move your mouse around and something will light up! Then click on that hehe.

Thanks so much.

I have yet to check my DVD for the hidden content.

Watched the concert twice and man, it's really one hell of an emotional rollercoaster..

Btw I have a question. I once chanced upon this site that has lots of Shinhwa pictures, screencaps etc. It's really complete and organised. The pictures are in their respective albums and all. But I've forgotten the url.. does anyone know what I'm talking about? I've been trying to look for that site since last week... T_T

Is this the site that you are talking about? >> http://junjin.info/gallery/

This one is organized with Shinhwa albums' pictures, members' solo pictures, magazine scans & screen caps..

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thanks grrly for the info! i found it! but ahhh, too bad there's no eng subbed for that part horr. *sigh* I'm into my tenth time watching the dvd, in six days! Anyone broke my record? Haha. [:

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