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Guest lenakeem

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Guest kriza_09

i still can't get over dongwan's eureka moment in SSP.. i wonder what the members were thinking when they watched it.. from his diary, it seems eric and hyesung watched the show...

note! this is not what dongwan wrote in his diary entry... it's just my own imagination of what the others were probably thinking of our lame dongwan... lol..

eric: 'ok, we just need to figure out how to break it out to our fans that shinhwa has just become a 5-member group...'

hyesung: 'this is exactly why shinhwa should not go on tv shows together...'

minwoo: 'that's exactly why i'm delaying my album release... so that i won't have to appear on tv shows with him...'

junjin: 'i should've listened to minwoo hyung when he said not to release my album at the same time with him...'

andy: 'i hope solbi wouldn't think that all shinhwa members are like that...'

solbi: 'how can andy have a hyung like this...'

hyori: 'i just had a deja vu.. this is exactly why i didn't like him in the first place 12 years ago..'

TJH: 'how did this guy get into shinhwa???'

Shin Jung Hwan: 'is he really...idol??'

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Guest jean_kkp

i still can't get over dongwan's eureka moment in SSP.. i wonder what the members were thinking when they watched it.. from his diary, it seems eric and hyesung watched the show...

eric: 'ok, we just need to figure out how to break it out to our fans that shinhwa has just become a 5-member group...'

hyesung: 'this is exactly why shinhwa should not go on tv shows together...'

minwoo: 'that's exactly why i'm delaying my album release... so that i won't have to appear on tv shows with him...'

junjin: 'i should've listened to minwoo hyung not to release my album at the same time with him...'

andy: 'i hope solbi wouldn't think that all shinhwa members are like that...'

solbi: 'how can andy have a hyung like this...'

hyori: 'i just had a deja vu.. this is exactly why i didn't like him in the first place 12 years ago..'

TJH: 'how did this guy get into shinhwa???'

Shin Jung Hwan: 'is he really...idol??'

LOL!!! he just posted a diary entry? thanks for translating it! im laughing like mad now because eric wants to sack dongwan! hahahaha!!! but... did andy really mean it? im thinking if he is really bothered about what solbi thinks, or that its just for entertainment effect >.<

regarding Q3... andy is just too adorable. "i must get married!!!" hahaha. im sure you have many girls waiting to serve you and be the best wife they can. i like solbi and anbi, but if andy thinks solbi isnt for him... whatever makes him happy. i just hope solbi may one day move andy ^^

why cant eric be normal for once and answer the question?! haha. i love eric. love the concept of such questions and answer, but its gonna stop in 7 more days cos they release one a day and the last question is Q10!!! maybe this is their form of "promotion" since fans would probably look fwd for more.

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Guest love!melody

[08.05.08] [News] Shinhwa's 9th jib sells nearly 100k copies even without activities


[08.05.08] [Trans] 10th anniv site Production Note 25: 10Q & 10A - Q3

Q3: 10 years later, what would I like to be doing?

*marvels* now THAT'S what you call shinhwa! <33333 almost 100K even without promotions ... imagine how many albums would have been sold if they did/do promote? 200K?!?!? i think this is probably the first time in quite some time since an album reached the 100K mark ^^ so proud of them! and so proud to be a fan <3 i hope they would perform some of their songs from their 9th album for some kind of special ocassion. that would make it even more special. i wish they would something like they did last winter at the end-of-the-year gayo shows, except performing their new songs :b hehehehe! anyways, thanks for sharing such great news :)

and all the shinhwa members would make great husbands and fathers. heheheh! dongwan and his soccer team! *couhgcough* i see he'll have to work really hard if he wants to make his own little soccer team LOL and he can be the coach! ahhhhhhhhhhh~ so cute! this reminds me of shoodori! that was such an adroable show. the little kids were adorable. and junjin was such a great, caring coach. and i remember when minwoo was a special guest :) they will make really really great fathers ^^

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LOL!!! he just posted a diary entry? thanks for translating it! im laughing like mad now because eric wants to sack dongwan! hahahaha!!! but... did andy really mean it? im thinking if he is really bothered about what solbi thinks, or that its just for entertainment effect >.<

er i dont think that is a diary entry

more of like what is their thought with wannie moment in SSP

and this is like what kriza thinks

what the other's is thinking/reaction at that moment

rite? :unsure:

i am not sure too

but it doesnt look like a diary entry for me :blink:


kriza, better come and explain


but i love the scenario u are making

ha ha ha

aish but eric oppa 6 minus 1 equals to 0



ha ha ha

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Guest helloello

hahaha sang sang plus was sooooo funny! Was waiting for shinhwa to get on to shows, but at least 2/6 is not that bad. Dongwan is so hilarious in it! "daddy's rainbow" :D And i totally agree with you kriza_09! The thoughts of everyone are so true!! Made me laugh like a mad person :D

And ooohhhh Ricsyung <3 I hope they will give an explanation soon :D

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Guest kassuma

i'm really enjoying the production notes that are being released periodically. i hope there will be enough to last forever ^^, any insights into shinhwa are always bound to be interesting & funny!

thanks to april aka su for translating them...your effort is greatly appreciated.

shinhwa fan forever! <<<333

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Guest lingling22

i had the biggest laugh when i watched the sang sang plus epi on yt..

dongwan's "daddy's RAINBOW, go away"

was classic..

for some reason.. i kinda like him being with hyori...

and they impressed with me their english skills..

..anyways i really wish even for one episode all of them would be together..

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Guest kriza_09

LOL!!! he just posted a diary entry? thanks for translating it! im laughing like mad now because eric wants to sack dongwan! hahahaha!!! but... did andy really mean it? im thinking if he is really bothered about what solbi thinks, or that its just for entertainment effect >.<

it's not what dongwan wrote in his diary entry... it's just my own imagination of what the others were probably thinking of our lame dongwan... lol..

sorry for the misunderstanding...

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[08.05.08] [News] Shinhwa's 9th jib sells nearly 100k copies even without activities

well, that's our shinhwa..

they've been in the industry for 10 yrs for nothing..

but it would've been much greater if they have promotions for their album

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Guest miaka0210

[08.05.08] [News] Shinhwa's 9th jib sells nearly 100k copies even without activities

The power of Shinhwa's 10 years is slowly working its magic.


[08.05.08] [Trans] 10th anniv site Production Note 25: 10Q & 10A - Q3

Q3: 10 years later, what would I like to be doing?

SHINWA: Oh yeah!!! That's our boys all right!!!! They'll forever be on top no matter what!!! They are just AMAZING!!!!

Eric: hmmmm I bet you'll still be our ET Eric who keeps on bugging our little prince (sungie!!!)....

Minwoo: We will NEVER betray you guys!!!!! Heck no!!!

Dongwan: Oh dongwan... you really want to have a big family huh? I bet you'll be a great dad (actually all the members will be)

Hyesung: hehehe so cute your "children who are as adorable as rabbits". and of course your forever will be the sweetest guy ever, "beautiful wife". can't wait to hear the beautiful melody you and your future wife will bring to us.

Junjin: Exactly!!! You'll be with your brothers producing great music for us to hear!

Andy: You shouldn't be too worried Andy I bet you'll find the girl that you're looking for by that time.

i still can't get over dongwan's eureka moment in SSP.. i wonder what the members were thinking when they watched it.. from his diary, it seems eric and hyesung watched the show...

note! this is not what dongwan wrote in his diary entry... it's just my own imagination of what the others were probably thinking of our lame dongwan... lol..

eric: 'ok, we just need to figure out how to break it out to our fans that shinhwa has just become a 5-member group...'

hyesung: 'this is exactly why shinhwa should not go on tv shows together...'

minwoo: 'that's exactly why i'm delaying my album release... so that i won't have to appear on tv shows with him...'

junjin: 'i should've listened to minwoo hyung when he said not to release my album at the same time with him...'

andy: 'i hope solbi wouldn't think that all shinhwa members are like that...'

solbi: 'how can andy have a hyung like this...'

hyori: 'i just had a deja vu.. this is exactly why i didn't like him in the first place 12 years ago..'

TJH: 'how did this guy get into shinhwa???'

Shin Jung Hwan: 'is he really...idol??'

thanks kriza for your great imagination! hahaha. it really mad me laugh for

I was actually thinking the same thing too. I was imagining what their reactions would be. :lol:

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Guest angel2nyt


Q4: If you have to sign on the copy of Shinhwa 9th Jib for each member


dongwan – please look at minwoo’s copy

minwoo – please look at junjin’s copy

junjin – please look at andy’s copy

andy – please look at hyesung’s copy

hyesung – please look at dongwan’s copy


eric – I

dongwan – love

hyesung – you

junjin – for

andy – real


Will write a long letter

Will be given ten years later…….

(the contents are secret)


junjin – I love you

dongwan – I love you

minwoo – I love you

andy – I love you

eric – 2008.5.9


hyesung – must become a real prince

eric – don’t be always at the 4th dimensional, come back to reality ~ ㅋ

dongwan – when going to the hospital, I will definitely ask hyung..^^

minwoo – when are you going to write a song for me? ? -.-

andy – when hyung are in the army, we won’t cry and go and play together…


I love you♥ I love you♥ I love you♥ I love you♥ I love you♥

Credit to Shinhwa10th (original article) + jojoyu7@shinhwachina (Korean to Chinese trans) + beck77@ShinHwaChangJo.net (Chinese to English trans)

urrgghhh eric...stop it already.. as jin said it.. come back to reality once in a while

hyesung's teasing eric!!!!!!!!

and junjin is so cute.. he will TRY to not cry when his hyungs go to the army..

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Guest nurkeyandie

^oh thank you, thank you, thank you! before, my screwed up sleeping pattern used to annoy me. but now that i can look forward to your translated posts, i'm actually happy that i'm up at this hour! :D

i agree! is eric teasing all of us? i know a lot of people love his et-ness and his 4-dimensionality, but yeah, this is why i said before that if we were friends in real life, i wouldn't know how to get along with eric...sorry eric lovers! :unsure: but i do know that he's just messing around, i know that he's actually mature and responsible and serious when it comes to work, that's why i'm pleasantly surprised when he says/does something serious (which i know he hates, of course!). :lol:

er, ricsyung much?!? :lol: hyesung and his "2008.5.9." ouch! but hyesung, i'm sure like all of us, when the time comes, you're gonna cry buckets as you temporarily say goodbye to eric...you're gonna try to hide it, but i'm sure like all of us, you're gonna miss him tons...plus, we all know you like him back anyway! all your fake hate makes your feelings obvious... :lol:

oh, i wish andy and junjin would go at the same time! so they have each other to play with when the hyungs are gone (i hope they play with hyesung too, just to cheer him up, coz i know he'll be sulking without the other hyungs :tears: ) and when it's their time to go, it'll be the hyungs who'll be missing them (does that make sense? sorry it's 4 am and i guess i'm not thinking straight). :)

surprisingly, it's minwoo's answer that i like the most. his answer says he needs everyone to get together for each one to understand his message. :blush:

btw, i'm surprised that hyesung's answer is today's date (or yesterday's in korea). i thought they were asked these bunch of questions before and dr. hong or whoever is posting the production notes just type up their answers one by one everyday. but i guess they're asked different questions everyday? i don't know, i doubt it...i think hyesung's real answer was whatever the date for that day is and dr. hong just typed up today's date. and yes, i think about these things...hahaha!

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Guest jangneri


Eric's answer is sooo fourth-dimensional!

I wouldn't be surprised if Dongwan actually make a very long letter. He's always been such a sentimentalist. :D

Hyesung just wrote the date~ XDDDDDDD Didn't want to say I love you to Eric. *ROFL* Their love-hate relationship is so cuute! I bet he's just shy to say I love you to Eric. <333 :D

Thanks for all the translations and news~

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Guest nutzie

as much as i like andy-solbi [and it sure hurts to say this >_<] we shouldn't be discussing the relationship between andy and solbi in this thread, considering solbi is not a shinhwa member.. so please, if you want to discuss about them, use the PM button or discuss it in the we got married thread in k-drama/movie forum.. thank you..

i think hyesung is saying sorry to eric because eric's going to the army soon, so he wants to apologize for pushing eric away all this time before eric goes away from him for real.. and eric's saying sorry to hyesung because he can't bother hyesung any longer when he's already at the army.. awww~~

andie - hahaha you said you can't get along with eric? just get along with hyesung will you? =P i'll take eric away from you, cos i think i can get along with him just fine.. he's weird, my friends say i'm weird.. we'll be weird together.. yeehaa~!! i think i love minwoo's message the most too [although it's kinda weird to have a person sign just 1 word on your album and nothing else O_o"] i was actually wondering what your hyesung meant by signing a date on my eric's album.. i thought it was some special date or something O_o" i didn't realize it's today's date =P

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Guest 80slitenite


I love Sungies "2008.5.9" puahaha Eric doesn't get an I love you

I wish I could read what Dongwan would have written to them. Probably would have made everyone cry.

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ha ha ha

eric's answer is so hillarious


oppa, what are u trying to say?


aw.... minu oppa so sweet :wub:

jin sounded like an old man giving advices

to the younger generation

the best?

to eric oppa stop being 4th dimensional


the cutest?

to andy, he asked him to play together


aish sungie

what are u trying to say

does 9/5 hold any special meaning to u?


wannie oppa

how long is that letter?

aish i wanna read too

aw... andy u are so cute :blush:

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Guest pao719

Hello everyone, I'm a fairly recent Shinhwa fan. I've been reading this thread for just 2-3 weeks, you're all so great! I have a lot of catching up to do and I'm sad that the boys are going to start leaving for the army soon. They really do have something special though because once I watched them all together on an x-man ep...I fell in love with Shinhwa! And after that, my appreciation of them just grew and grew, lots of you have said before that it's that bond that they have that makes them special and draws you in because they're so genuine and I'd have to agree!

I have 2 questions I'm hoping some of you may be able to answer.

(1) What is the diff between the Limited Edition 9th album and the Internation Limited Edition?? Cuz I bought the Korean Limited Edition but I was curious about the international one

(2) What show is this from? Cuz I've seen another screencap/gif of all of the boys dressed like this, they look so cute!!


Anyway, nice to meet you and thanks in advance!!

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Hello everyone, I'm a fairly recent Shinhwa fan. I've been reading this thread for just 2-3 weeks, you're all so great! I have a lot of catching up to do and I'm sad that the boys are going to start leaving for the army soon. They really do have something special though because once I watched them all together on an x-man ep...I fell in love with Shinhwa! And after that, my appreciation of them just grew and grew, lots of you have said before that it's that bond that they have that makes them special and draws you in because they're so genuine and I'd have to agree!

I have 2 questions I'm hoping some of you may be able to answer.

(1) What is the diff between the Limited Edition 9th album and the Internation Limited Edition?? Cuz I bought the Korean Limited Edition but I was curious about the international one

(2) What show is this from? Cuz I've seen another screencap/gif of all of the boys dressed like this, they look so cute!!


Anyway, nice to meet you and thanks in advance!!

^ Hi hi,

Do you mind me asking which xman ep you were watching? Just curious :)


Will do my best to answer your questions ^^

1) If I remember correctly, the only difference is that the International Limited Edition includes an extra postcard of the boys. I remember a scan of it being posted on shinhwachangjo.net...I think it's the pic of them all walking down that airport runway...can't really remember.

2) That's from Happy Together back in 2004. Definitely a show that can't be missed. Junjin is particularly cute in it ^^ Really, really funny stuff. There should be subs on youtube.

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Guest kriza_09

Hi... i have a quick question... is any of shinhwa members holding a concert in korea for the next 3 months??? i think minwoo is having a concert at the end of may.. does anyone remember the exact date??? thank youu..

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