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Guest lenakeem

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Guest jean_kkp

jean_kkp same here!! i listen to them in order. i cant listen to them mixed up, it just doesnt sound right. as you said its like a story. wow we have some things in common huh? haha i can never leave the house without my ipod. and now its even more important to bring my ipod. it makes me feel better ^^


LOL wannie is just tooo cute!!! <333 i wanna hug him waaah >___< " oh that just leaves me then" haha!! our witty guy xD

[08.04.11][trans] Dongwan: Dating a Shinhwa member...

*this is an excerpt from Dongwan's radio stint on 9 April

Question from listener

Please answer honestly, if I could spend a whole day with one of the six Shinhwa members, who will be the best person?

Dongwan's reply

This is what I think...

Eric - Sometimes a man who's too handsome make people feel burdened, it will be tougher to be with him

Oh.. that leaves just me then..

XDDD! as i have experienced, in fandom, there is no such thing as "n i thought i was the only one who thought/did this!"

eric is undeniably handsome...im sure id be pressurized to go out with someone this hot, he'd turn heads all around. but being crazy over eric as i am, im dreaming thathe'll give me the security so i dont even care ppl are looking. i just wanna flaunt my sexy man. haha. so... its okay wannie, i'll still take the risk and go for eric HAHA!

i feel so bad for wannie! he works so hard and gets unwell, plus from his diary entries i always get the idea that he is very lonely even though he puts on this cheerful front everytime he goes on camera. get some rest wannie! we just want u to be healthy and happy...

thanks forposting those!

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Guest bebex2chinky

awwwiiiee, what wannie said was too too cute :) hehehehee

ohhh did anyone receive their limited editions from ya yet?

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Guest 80slitenite

Like I keep saying - I would gladly take you Dongwan! ㅎㅎㅎ

I would love if the guys on an interview or something talked about how they feel to how Andy acts with Solbi and if they would do the show!!!!

Poor Wannie! That namja needs to be taken care of at all times!! If I took care of him, he would never leave the house. O_O lol

Kim Dongwan fighting!


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Guest angela7546

just got my limited edition of 9th album


i think im taking it with me to HB so in case if i can get minwoo's signature

o btw

we should do what DBSK fans are doing

make a seating chart with where all the shinhwa fans are sitting so we can know

im excited

im going shopping for some orange clothes

just got my limited edition of 9th album


i think im taking it with me to HB so in case if i can get minwoo's signature

o btw

we should do what DBSK fans are doing

make a seating chart with where all the shinhwa fans are sitting so we can know

im excited

im going shopping for some orange clothes

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Guest angela7546

oooh. angela7546 did u order from Y.A.? or anyone else ordered from Y.A. and got their CD yet? i have a feeling mines going to come tmrow <3

yea i orderred mine from yesasia

mine was said shipped out from YA on the 8th and i just got it this morning

so it's pretty fast

YA has always been pretty fast

one time i ordered something and it came the next day after it says shipped

yeah although i was so happy that it was so fast last time

but it seriously shocked me when the mail person was there

i was like WTF...it left YA like yesterday

off topic a bit.........

but yeah

the album is HUGE

PS: knowing minwoo is coming to HB made my day. and if i could get his signature on the 9th album

i think i will be so happy

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Guest nurkeyandie

aw, why isn't my special ed here yet? according to usps tracking, it left their bell, ca office yesterday and that's like not too far from where my parents live! i was at my parents til 4:30 but i couldn't wait for the mailperson to come, i had to go back to my apartment...i have a feeling it's gonna come today and when it does i'm gonna drive back to my parents tonight!!! i can't wait to actually hold it and see it and hear it!!!

and wannie, fighting!!! i agree with jean, i think wannie puts up a cheerful front but he's actually lonely. actually, i think all our boys are lonely when they're on their own, that's why they're always so happy when they have group activities...

edit: just saw this on youtube, it's a recent clip of eric on a photoshoot. http://youtube.com/watch?v=_xcPz3ZFuHY

somebody sub this pls coz he talks about the other members too! and is it just me or is eric really getting more and more handsome?!? :sweatingbullets: *fans self and remembers that she is primarily a hyesung devotee*

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Guest tk_angel

just got my limited edition of 9th album


i think im taking it with me to HB so in case if i can get minwoo's signature

im going shopping for some orange clothes

Angela im so excited and happy for you.. it's so good that u will be watching Ms perf.. and its good that Ms coming -- he will not disappoint the audience for sure.. let Ms charisma take over that stage...

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Guest angela7546

aw, why isn't my special ed here yet? according to usps tracking, it left their bell, ca office yesterday and that's like not too far from where my parents live! i was at my parents til 4:30 but i couldn't wait for the mailperson to come, i had to go back to my apartment...i have a feeling it's gonna come today and when it does i'm gonna drive back to my parents tonight!!! i can't wait to actually hold it and see it and hear it!!!

and wannie, fighting!!! i agree with jean, i think wannie puts up a cheerful front but he's actually lonely. actually, i think all our boys are lonely when they're on their own, that's why they're always so happy when they have group activities...

edit: just saw this on youtube, it's a recent clip of eric on a photoshoot. http://youtube.com/watch?v=_xcPz3ZFuHY

somebody sub this pls coz he talks about the other members too! and is it just me or is eric really getting more and more handsome?!? :sweatingbullets: *fans self and remembers that she is primarily a hyesung devotee*

yea i just saw this too

i like the part where he is talking about members putting pads (or whatever those are called in English, it's pretty much just this pad thing you put in your shoes to make you look taller) in their shoes. So all 6 of them all did it but then either Dongwan or Minwoo said, "if all you guys put it then it'll be pointless" hahaha this is funny i guess dongwan/minwoo was right. Cuz if everyone does it then they are probably still gonna be shorter than the others.

and then it went on to say that all the female staffs likes Eric. Of course...he is getting more and more handsome. But he is still so shy around girls (that model girl). Don't worry Eric, im sure all the girls want to be close to you (me too :sweatingbullets: )

that girl MC, aaaa.....Eric is my forever Eric, not yours (jkjk :sweatingbullets: )

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Guest angel2nyt

edit: just saw this on youtube, it's a recent clip of eric on a photoshoot. http://youtube.com/watch?v=_xcPz3ZFuHY

somebody sub this pls coz he talks about the other members too! and is it just me or is eric really getting more and more handsome?!? :sweatingbullets: *fans self and remembers that she is primarily a hyesung devotee*

i know right?

eric looks way more handsome now than say 2004

and i dont why too..

he has never been no. 1 or no. 2 favorite shinhwa member(they change ALL THE TIME)

but he looks so much more charming and cute nowadays..

maybe its because we're seeing sides of him that we really dont see that often

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Guest angela7546


i don't know if i had ask this already

any shinhwa/minwoo fans want to do a meet up

i know there is a HB meet up but there are so many people there

i know that DBSK and SNSD fans are doing different meet ups

so im just wondering any one want to do it

if there are at least a few people then i think i might start a thread or something

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i still can't believe minwoo is coming to the HB!

i really wanted shinhwa all of them to come to the HB but i guess they are super busy.

at least one of them are coming!

ps. i hope dongwan gets better!

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i come in peace


so minu is going to HB?


not fair...

i wish i can go to...

my perfume arrive yesterday

my fav smell of course minu's one

i like it


the umbrella is kinda cute too

ha ha ha

now i wish it is raining here so i can use my shinhwa umbrella

should i just keep it?

nah it's better to show off

ha ha ha

sumthing i did when i was away

i'm not good at ps

so i can only come with this

th_ricminjin.jpg th_3-1.jpg

th_2-2.jpg th_1-3.jpg

the size is weird


if u guys want u can use it as a personal use


i'm using the minu's one rite now

cause it hawt...


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Guest love!melody

We don't know for sure but my conclusion is that they are not. I've been checking Ocean's Six and De Capo site everyday for their schedule but nothing is mentioned except each member's solo activities. As I mentioned before, all the articles I have read on Andy and Dongwan, mentions that "now that they are finished with their 10th anniversary concert, they are concentrating on their solo activities", and I have also read comment by someone in Korea who wrote in Ocean's Six that "since Shinhwa is not promoting their 9th jib..."

Since 9th jib was present to the fans, I don't think they care about albums sale (which they don't have to worry but SE sold out even before release date). I thnik they just wanted convey their message to us fans and which they did excellent job of.

awwww~ *pouts* i was looking forward to seeing all six members on a show but i guess not :( *sigh* so i guess the 10th anniversary concert must have meant a lot more and made it even more special. ahhh~ i wish i could have went to the concert <3

*cries* dongwan oppa please get better soon <3 we will all be praying for you. and please don't overwork yourself

wow! so minwoo's coming to hb?!?! hmmm, anyone know when the day of the hb is? if it's during my sprink break, i seriously would like to attend it :)

and eric oppa looks really good in the latest interview. hehehe ^^ i love how he kids around and he looks so relaxed :)

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Guest nurkeyandie

hey, to those who live in the california/anywhere in the u.s. who ordered from y.a. and got their special ed already, did you have to sign for your package? coz my parents just called me to say that there's a note for me from usps saying that they tried to deliver a package but no one was home and when i tracked my order it already says "delivered." why didn't they just leave the thing on the frikkin porch like they always do?!? they were probably scared away by our dogs (they usually stay inside the house but since they got bathed earlier they were outside!)! i love our dogs but #$@#&$#&*#$*!!!! now i frikkin have to wait til monday to get my special ed and endure two more nights waiting for it!!! GRRRRR!!! i'm sorry but i just had to rant!!!! :tears:

Lord, give me patience!!! :tears:

anyway, thanks, angela, for the info about eric's vid (i'd like to meet up but i'm not going to hb, just to the peace concert, if it ever pushes through - and i sincerely hope it does)...and yes, angel2nyt, eric looks waay better now, and, fine, i admit that i like him more now coz of the recent news/updates that made me see his more serious side, but he's always been 5th or 6th in my ranking! hahaha! sorry, but yeah. now it's really impossible to say who my next favorite shinhwa member is (after hyesung, of course). :sweatingbullets:

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Guest angela7546

hey, to those who live in the california/anywhere in the u.s. who ordered from y.a. and got their special ed already, did you have to sign for your package? coz my parents just called me to say that there's a note for me from usps saying that they tried to deliver a package but no one was home and when i tracked my order it already says "delivered." why didn't they just leave the thing on the frikkin porch like they always do?!? they were probably scared away by our dogs (they usually stay inside the house but since they got bathed earlier they were outside!)! i love our dogs but #$@#&$#&*#$*!!!! now i frikkin have to wait til monday to get my special ed and endure two more nights waiting for it!!! GRRRRR!!! i'm sorry but i just had to rant!!!! :tears:

Lord, give me patience!!! :tears:

anyway, thanks, angela, for the info about eric's vid (i'd like to meet up but i'm not going to hb, just to the peace concert, if it ever pushes through - and i sincerely hope it does)...and yes, angel2nyt, eric looks waay better now, and, fine, i admit that i like him more now coz of the recent news/updates that made me see his more serious side, but he's always been 5th or 6th in my ranking! hahaha! sorry, but yeah. now it's really impossible to say who my next favorite shinhwa member is (after hyesung, of course). :sweatingbullets:

about the YA delievery thing

cuz this morning when the mail person came

i wasn't home but my roommate was so she got it for me

she said that they didn't ask her for a signature but they just want to make sure that someone in the house gets it and not just leave it outside

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andie you got yours at ur parents door already?! danng!! i havent gotten mine yet ><. yes they sent it to u. and then the mailman comes and you have to sign it and then recieve it or else they will leave a slip at your door when your not home and it says to go pick it up at the mail place.

ahhh u girls are making me sooo curious >< what serial number do u guys have? :P lets see what numbers we get xD


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Guest angela7546

andie you got yours at ur parents door already?! danng!! i havent gotten mine yet ><. yes they sent it to u. and then the mailman comes and you have to sign it and then recieve it or else they will leave a slip at your door when your not home and it says to go pick it up at the mail place.

ahhh u girls are making me sooo curious >< what serial number do u guys have? :P lets see what numbers we get xD


my nunber is kind of toward the back and its random


i think the smallest number i've seen so far is some girl on another chinese shinhwa fan site

she's in korea so she actually got to go to the store to buy it

it was within the 2000s number ........lucky her

and also reading from her story

she said she noticed that the korean SHCJ all buys at least 2 copies of the album to push up the sales

at first she thought it's just one person but then she notice almost all the fans buys two copies

:sweatingbullets: if the limited editin wasn't this expansive, i would have bought 2 copies too

may be i'll do that for dongwan's new album

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