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Guest lenakeem

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Guest 80slitenite

Lmao!!! I'll gladly take you Dongwan!!

He cannot be burdened by Minwoo's gaze. WooDong!! haha

Thank you strawberry16!

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bebe sam you too? ahaha i know! wannies laugh is contagious!! aha 10 years later. im young so i may not look weird yet haha. no worries we'll all be here with ya xD. really? i thought from listening through track 9 that it was maybe jinnie coughing o.o we really needa video >__< and see their actions haha

yeah! :lol: i know it's a lil unusual since it's kinda like eavesdropping, ONLY, we have no idea what they're talking about! :lol: im just guessing it's either wannie or minu based on those production notes that they were under the weather during pre-prod. and yeah it would be great if they would include a video of that "laughing" track (well they were laughing a lot on that one! :lol: ) in the concert DVD...

[08.04.11][trans] Dongwan: Dating a Shinhwa member...

*this is an excerpt from Dongwan's radio stint on 9 April

Question from listener

Please answer honestly, if I could spend a whole day with one of the six Shinhwa members, who will be the best person?

Oh.. that leaves just me then..

and this is why i love dongwan! seriously i could prolly talk to him for hours and not get bored for 1 single second! (if only i speak Hangul and he speaks more english :lol: )

i'd like to share some scaps from KBS' Entertainment Weekly last Monday :) just click on the images for larger view.

cr: Amaryllis for providing the video :)

th_shinhwaKBS1.jpg th_shinhwaKBS2.jpg th_shinhwaKBS3.jpg th_shinhwaKBS4.jpg

th_shinhwaKBS5.jpg th_shinhwaKBS6.jpg th_shinhwaKBS7.jpg th_shinhwaKBS8.jpg

th_shinhwaKBS9.jpg th_shinhwaKBS10.jpg th_shinhwaKBS11.jpg

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Oh.. that leaves just me then..

Wahaha~ that was so cute of Dongwan XD

So I guess he rather spend his time alone yeah?

Or maybe if Andy is less busy he will like to spend his time with him? hehe~

Too bad I missed the radio show >_< Need to find a place to listen to this soon~

Anyways~ thanks for posting strawberry16 <3

- edit -

Oops, I owned a page again :sweatingbullets:

I dont have anything much to share though ><


^ This is the only pic I can find in my folder ^^;;

Having a major cleanup now~

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Guest nurkeyandie

ahahaha! dongwan's so funny...i imagine that at the end of the day you've spent with dongwan, you'll prolly have a tummy ache from laughing way too much. ^-^ and he's right about minu's gaze... :sweatingbullets: that's why i'm sticking with hyesung... :sweatingbullets:

thanks for that, naomi, and thanks midnightgirl13 for the production note translations (gad, a song by hyesung and minu?!? that's a song i wanna hear!)! ^-^

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Guest love!melody

[08.04.11][trans] Dongwan: Dating a Shinhwa member...

LMAO! dongwan oppa is just adorable <3 hehehehe! LOL his comments about each of the members are so cute hehehe and his last statement: "Oh ... that leaves just me then ..." ROFL! wish i can pinch his cheeks LMAO :)

and i'm still wondering if they are going to promote this album or not? i hope they do .... *prays* i miss seeing all 6 members on shows together <3

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I hope this isn't breaking the rules, but I know some of you don't go into the individual posts and I just wanted to bring this to everyone's attention.

I was just about to post DW's adorable pictures from his upcoming appearance on Miraculous Victory and Defeat, but I just read some distressing news. My Korean isn't the best so I'm not going to do a line-by-line translation, but basically, for the past 11 days, he's been in the recording studio finishing his 2nd album for its release date of April 24th. B/c of Shinhwa's activities and concerts, he hadn't been able to rest in between. He suddenly had acute abdominal pain (I think that's what it is) and fainted. He's been admitted to the hospital and is receiving treatment. (Click here for the list of articles).

I'm sure they'll be full translated articles soon, but I just wanted to bring to everyone's attention. Please keep him in your prayers. :tears: The articles were saying how this may affect his album release date and promotions, but seriously? We don't care. We just want him healthy. I hope he gets lots and lots of rest and doesn't worry and stress about his album. It's important, but not as important as his health.

I don't like thinking about my lovely, always-smiling oppa in pain. :tears:

DW's been a guest DJ for Park Myung Soo for the past 3 days and obviously gave no intention that he wasn't feeling well...aigoo, I'm so upset and worried.

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Guest miaka0210

[08.04.11][trans] Dongwan: Dating a Shinhwa member...

*this is an excerpt from Dongwan's radio stint on 9 April


Question from listener

Please answer honestly, if I could spend a whole day with one of the six Shinhwa members, who will be the best person?

Dongwan's reply

This is what I think...

Eric - Sometimes a man who's too handsome make people feel burdened, it will be tougher to be with him

Minwoo - You like mushy guys? Just his gaze alone, I can't handle it for even 10 seconds

Hyesung - A guy who's too gentle isn't charming

Junjin - It's tiring to deal with someone too stubborn

Andy - He doesn't have time to date because he's experiencing married life with Solbi lately

Oh.. that leaves just me then..

Source: MBC FM4U - A Date at 2pm: I am Kim Dongwan

Chi trans: 韩小国@BESTSHINHWA

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz

I gotta say though that dongwan's really witty. hehehe... but no matter what, at the end of the day I still just can't seem to pick which member I would want. They just all drive me crazy. hehehe :w00t:

This actually reminds me of the video I saw before of Hyesung on YSMM when he was asked about how he reacted when his girlfriend was more amazed by the other members performance. I don't know why but I thought it was really cute on how he replied to each members performances. hehehee.... :lol:

thanks for that, naomi, and thanks midnightgirl13 for the production note translations (gad, a song by hyesung and minu?!? that's a song i wanna hear!)! ^-^

I know huh! That would really be interesting, a collaboration between these two people. wow! a wonder what kind of music it would be? hmmmmm.....

I hope this isn't breaking the rules, but I know some of you don't go into the individual posts and I just wanted to bring this to everyone's attention.

DW's been a guest DJ for Park Myung Soo for the past 3 days and obviously gave no intention that he wasn't feeling well...aigoo, I'm so upset and worried.

awww... poor dongwan. all of them should really take care of their health. i know they really want to work hard on everything they do but they really should at least stop sometimes and relax. hopefully he'll be fine though. thanks for sharing!

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hehe.. dongwannie.. is so cute.....

he didnt' include himself in the list..hehe..

Andy - He doesn't have time to date because he's experiencing married life with Solbi lately

dongwannie.. did watch... andy "we just married" wonder what's.... the members.. reaction when they watch.. andy and solbi marriage life..hehe..

i can't pick one too... they'r too cute.. in their own way.. too unique......

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Guest tk_angel

I really love wannies wit... he is so funny but I'd still go for the too gentle member... umm who would that be?? LOL

Thanks for posting the latest news translations and pix :)

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Guest chae nee sah


minwoo is goin to the HB???

wuaa..i wnat to go to HB too!!!!!

really want to see him...

grr, i'm sure he will looks really great...

p/s: really hope that dongwan will get better....

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Guest angela7546


minwoo is goin to the HB???

wuaa..i wnat to go to HB too!!!!!

really want to see him...

grr, i'm sure he will looks really great...

p/s: really hope that dongwan will get better....

i agree

hope dongwan can get better

if it means postpone his album release, then postpone it

really....it's health means a lot more to me

plz get better

HURRAY!! MINWOO IS COMING TO HB!!! 1/6 AT LEAST! YES!! i wasn't really looking forward to HB because all the singers coming weren't really my favs but at least Minwoo is coming!! WHOOO!!!

yea...minwoo coming just made HB so much better for me

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Guest apricot

I just got the special edition..Anyone knows how to see the serial no on it?? Is it on the CD itself 'coz I see some digits but I can't be sure..hah.

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Guest angel2nyt

LOL wannie is just tooo cute!!! <333 i wanna hug him waaah >___< " oh that just leaves me then" haha!! our witty guy xD

[08.04.11][trans] Dongwan: Dating a Shinhwa member...

*this is an excerpt from Dongwan's radio stint on 9 April

Question from listener

Please answer honestly, if I could spend a whole day with one of the six Shinhwa members, who will be the best person?

Dongwan's reply

This is what I think...

Eric - Sometimes a man who's too handsome make people feel burdened, it will be tougher to be with him

Minwoo - You like mushy guys? Just his gaze alone, I can't handle it for even 10 seconds

Hyesung - A guy who's too gentle isn't charming

Junjin - It's tiring to deal with someone too stubborn

Andy - He doesn't have time to date because he's experiencing married life with Solbi lately

Oh.. that leaves just me then..

Source: MBC FM4U - A Date at 2pm: I am Kim Dongwan

Chi trans: 韩小国@BESTSHINHWA

Eng trans: midnightgirl13@shinhwabiz

the guy's adorkable really and smart


he cant handle minwoo's gaze even just for 10 seconds..

but i think i can handle it way longer :ph34r:


so junjin is stubborn.. he is a bit stubborn

oh by the way, wannie has just been diagnosed with Acute Gastroenteritis and Intestinal Obstruction

i hope he gets the rest he needs

minwoo is going to the hollywood bowl???

lucky people

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We don't know for sure but my conclusion is that they are not. I've been checking Ocean's Six and De Capo site everyday for their schedule but nothing is mentioned except each member's solo activities. As I mentioned before, all the articles I have read on Andy and Dongwan, mentions that "now that they are finished with their 10th anniversary concert, they are concentrating on their solo activities", and I have also read comment by someone in Korea who wrote in Ocean's Six that "since Shinhwa is not promoting their 9th jib..."

Since 9th jib was present to the fans, I don't think they care about albums sale (which they don't have to worry but SE sold out even before release date). I thnik they just wanted convey their message to us fans and which they did excellent job of.


is shinhwa promoting their 9th album at all?

Yes I am. I have alreday told me boys that I already pre-ordered all the things I wanted (SE of 9th jib, white tumbler, Hyesung's concert DVD, DW's 2nd jib) so they need to pay up. Since I got alot, I'll split it between my birthday and mother's day gifts! LOL!

And my friends wanted to know if there's other "Shinhwa" things I wanted and I told them to hold on until they release the new tumblers and I would like to have them as my belated birthday gift! LOL! My friends are telling me, "I'm such a TEENAGER!" LOL! Don't know if I should take that as an insult or compliment! LOL!

amy -

mommie alice - did you ask your husband or your kids to give you shinhwa gifts for your birthday? hahaha.. my friends and i are doing this "want list" thing for each of our birthdays, and the first 2 things on my want list are the shinhwa 9th album, and the shinhwa merchandise.. let's see whether they're insane enough to buy them for me.. i hope they are >_<"

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haha! dongwan's comment about each member is funny..

yeah.. eric's getting handsome and handsome each day..

hyesung being gentle, i don't see any bad about it.. haha!

jinnie being stubborn, haha! well, it is har too deal with stubborn people..

hmmm.. if i would date minwoo and he would look at me, haha! I bet i wouldn't handle it too!

maybe i'll just faint.. haha!

his comment about andy being married to solbi made me laugh.. hahaha!

he's so funny..

haha! it's a funny way to say that we should date wannie.. lols.

i hope wannie get well soon!

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