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Guest lenakeem

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Guest susymoon

hahhaha.. i love minwoo's manager.. i'm not too familiar with the managers of the other members [even eric's =P] but i find minwoo's manager shooo cutee!! he seems so easy going, and manages to get bullied by minwoo all the time.. hahaha.. but he's so cute..

ginnie - her name sounds like instant noodle brand to me =P yoo mi.. isn't that oil and noodle in chinese? *please, i'm just guessing -___-* oily noodle?? ah nevermind me.. i'm crazy.. oh by the way, she kinda looks like han ji min.. the hair maybe?

and well, it's true que sera sera doesn't seem to have much moving power behind them anymore, since the leading female actress isn't eun hye.. but we'll see.. i think a lot of people would still watch the movie.. i for one [although i won't watch it live probably] would watch it just because eric's there =P

susymoon - i think junjin's best hairstyle is the 7th album little boy haircut.. i think he looked snuggly and cute back then =P i like his current hairstyle too actually, although i'd like it just a tad shorter.. he looks good with ponytail, the only guy so far that's acceptable [dude, it was even at the *hot* level] with a ponytail..

riz - i know what we can give him!!! a maid!! we'll smuggle you in as a present [aka the maid] and then you smuggle linh and i into the house, and we'll kidnap him together, and then go on a vacation together.. bwahahahahahahhaha!! *mumbles* i'm crazy..

yes finally a god taste yes he´s so sexy with pony tail,my god the blond hair is the worth ever besides it messes up your hair and dark hair swits him better i think that asian looks better with dark hair i´m 0ne year younger them junjin and i had blond hair for 7 years i can´t tell you how i regret that and now him soo happy i have it black and just like junjin the dark swits my better too,sorry for the bad english guys
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Guest kriza_09

12/2 afternoon, Minwoo attended Jung Dae Bin Funeral Wake.





Credits: Ocean-Six, BestShinwha and Shinhwaism

minwoo looks so sad.. =(

it's rare to see minwoo look that grim..

i didn't know they were really close that minwoo went to the funeral twice..

but then minwoo is close with a lot of FEMALE entertainers..

anyway, i think label mate means they are in the same company.. like how shinhwa and battle are label mates because they're in GoodEnt..

or how shinhwa, HOT, ftts, boa, SES used to be label mates.. (i miss those days)

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Guest sunnydays.

riz - i know what we can give him!!! a maid!! we'll smuggle you in as a present [aka the maid] and then you smuggle linh and i into the house, and we'll kidnap him together, and then go on a vacation together.. bwahahahahahahhaha!! *mumbles* i'm crazy..

LMAO. OMG A MAID! =D Oh yess... Nutzie, you're a psycho genius. XD;; Where shall we go on vacation? (: Somewhere where he can't escape, ofcourse... HAHAHA... XD;;

Hi poloblue long time no c. Hehe till date i have not heard any news abt overseas fans buying it. Will let u noe once i check it out from others. :D

12/2 Eric celebrates his birthday with 10,000 fans!!

HIS BIRTHDAY IS ALMOST HERE. =D Oh, Eric, my favorite. <3 Happy happy birthday (almost)! You deserve the best, I'm glad he celebrated his birthday with his fans & fellow Shinhwa members. (:

Angelix Thanks so much for all the fancams. (: I saw all of them... GOSHH, it made me so happy to see them together. <3 So so so happy. (:

Hyesung's mommy dance - OMGG. So hilarious... :D he kept being all shy. So cute~

How Do I Say Perf - Awww, I love this song. (: It was great. LMAO at when they started doing that "duckie" move, following each other around, during Eric's rap. (: Ahh, the audience was so into it... & Shinhwa did too... omg, watching that made me so happy~!

You're So Beautiful Perf - OMG, I like this song. O__O i've never heard it before, but it has a nice melody~~ Aww, they kept coming together... it was so adorable. (: *sigh* made me smile so much, it filled me up with so much happiness. =D LMAO it was so cute when they linked arms and started playing around, bouncing their arms up and down. ^___^ Poor Andy though, he didn't hold on to them~~ *hugs Andy* HAHAHA it was so funny when Dongwan kept trying to get away from Eric XD;

Funny poses - HAHAHA OMG I WANNA DO THAT. :D That's so adorable... they're so awesome. >:] No one can beat them at their weird funniness! Haha! LMAO Eric's poses... HAHAHAH wow.<3 Made me laugh so much XD He's so awesome (; LOL & Andy smacked Eric in the head... awww, so cute ~ (:

Managers' WIld Eyes Perf - LMAOO... the managers are so awesome. (: Hahaha~~ they danced it pretty well. (: LMAOOO AT THE FAT MANAGER HAHAHA =D The're so cool... I want managers. LIke them. (: I wonder whose manager is who?


SCORE, I own this page. (:

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Guest Jin4ever

i see krizza! * waves

alright i found some jinnie-and-his-lil' sis- photos^^





credits: shinhwachina

so for ppl who wants to marry him take a good look at ur sis-in-law^^

PS. i find the way he hugs his sister very endearing :P

omg he's so adorable...how can you find such old pics. Thank you so muchhhhhhh...save them all :)

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Guest s3xyminwoo

Shinhwa - Charity Auction for Clothes Worn during 8th Fanmeeting

OMG! I want! I want! I want! Whoever gets any one of their clothing would be really really really lucky! Wonder how much it would be ...

If I could buy one, I would like encase it and like make my own museum with that one piece of clothing ^^ And I would have like (orange) lights shining on it too. LOL

12/2 Eric celebrates his birthday with 10,000 fans!!

Yay! It's almost Eric's Birthday!!!! So glad to see him having such a great time, along with the other members (:

Wow. 10,000 fans??? That's A LOT! Wells, Happy Early Birthday Eric!!!

12/2 afternoon, Minwoo attended Jung Dae Bin Funeral Wake.

I know I shouldn't be saying this but, Minwoo looks so hot!

I know that he was at a funeral and all, but I can't help myself from like saying, "Oh my~! Just look at him!"

I never knew that they Minwoo was friends with Jung Da Bin. Wonder how they met??

Anyways, I just noticed his fashionable hat LOL :::Dolce and Gabbana:::

Who ever knew orange can be so beautiful?!?!

Every one gotta love Shinhwa && of course Shinhwa Changjo

Like they say, there would be no Shinhwa without Shinhwa Changjo!

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Guest x_sadendings

linh okie ill call u linh from now on lol xD oooo btw im eating oranges right now lol!

hi naomi! hehehe :o so you eat oranges... then i stamp you a ricsyung-er hehe

HAHAHA, & you call me almost-psycho... u__U;; LOLOL. Yeah, he does almost have everything... =\ We should strip him of all his belongings & then be the ones to give him things, so that he'll love us unconditionally forever and ever. >:] The vacation sounds awesome. & OFCOURSE,STALKERMODEWITHCAMERAS! =D HAHAHA wow, i can see a restraining order. :ph34r:

Que Sera Sera - YAY, they found a new lead. Darnit, I thought they were gonna ask ME. u__U LOLOL jk. (: I hope she has good chemistry with Eric. I've never seen her before, but hopefully they'll be successful, hmm? (:

.... no i didn't i said on the brink of insanity (:

:o good idea... stripping eric... *mind wonders off into pervert mode*


.... restraining order lawl & they didn't ask you because you're teh maid );

riz - i know what we can give him!!! a maid!! we'll smuggle you in as a present [aka the maid] and then you smuggle linh and i into the house, and we'll kidnap him together, and then go on a vacation together.. bwahahahahahahhaha!! *mumbles* i'm crazy..

nat i see most of the eric clan is on the brink of isanity & evil genuis-ness & the maid thing-y! we talked about this before XD

now... a plan to sneak riz in...

i see krizza! * waves

alright i found some jinnie-and-his-lil' sis- photos^^





credits: shinhwachina

so for ppl who wants to marry him take a good look at ur sis-in-law^^

PS. i find the way he hugs his sister very endearing :P

aw i like the way he hugs his sister (:

iwouldliketobeinherpostionlolbutmorewitherickthx XD

the one all the way a teh bottom one dude looks weird o.O

anyways lol take a good look at your sister-in-law (x


Shinhwa - Charity Auction for Clothes Worn during 8th Fanmeeting

:o I want Hyesungies jeans & eric kewl metallic jacket andmaybehisunderwearlikenatsaid :ph34r:

gosh i wonder how much their stuff will auction off to XD

HAAHAA i dont want to be his sister *winks* once we are blood relation means.... *cough cough* so CANNOT!!!

anyway i have something that after seeing u guys might wanna change your jeans brand cos... shinhwa wears TRUE RELIGION!!


:o :o :o i want hyesungies jean & dongwans! & erics look so kewl @-@

darn too bad im a girl ;_; if i was a guy i'd look so hot in those

10/2 Shinhwa 8th Fanmeeting before crowd and merchandise


EVEN THE PENCILS LOOK COOL! [i think it's a pencil lol]


12/2 Eric celebrates his birthday with 10,000 fans!!

10,000 fans who attended the fan meeting had prepared roses for Eric. Thus Eric was flabbergasted.

lols eric was flabbergasted XD

i wanna make eric flabbergasted :phew:

anyways wow 10,000 fans. dang.

im glad he had fun (:

LMAO. OMG A MAID! =D Oh yess... Nutzie, you're a psycho genius. XD;; Where shall we go on vacation? (: Somewhere where he can't escape, ofcourse... HAHAHA... XD;;




& I think we're all psycho except in not a genuis XD

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xtine - no, eric's birthday hasn't passed.. it's this friday, feb 16..

Cupcake - hahaha.. my friend said the same thing about eric too.. she was like "dude, this guy looks like a boyband by himself" because she thinks that he looks different in every picture.. she's so weird..

so_ronery - haven't you been taught that when you've nothing good to say, then don't say it? next time you think about posting here, follow my advice.. you see the little red "X" button at the top right hand corner of your explorer? click on that instead.. don't bother wasting your energy, it's not appreciated by anybody here.. thank you..

square-boxes - i'm not really fond of eric's pants.. i like hyesung's one though.. it's simple and clean.. dongwan's isn't bad either.. sorry eric ^^"

enne - eeeeee i want that orange doll thingy~~~ isn't that a cellphone wiper/cleaner thingy? it's sooo cuteee~~~

susymoon - hahhaa.. don't worry much about your english.. as long as we can understand each other, it's all good isn't it? i think his little boy haircut and this one [well, it's kinda getting long isn't it? he should trim it just a bit i think] are my favorites ^-^

riz - hmmmm.. good question.. where should we go?? let's go buy an island with his credit card, and build a nice little cottage for the 4 of us.. we'll go on a vacation there!! of course, don't forget to buy a boat, but we have to hide it from him.. it's for us to buy groceries and whatnot.. hehehe..

i think the fat manager is minwoo's, the one i'm fangirling with.. hahahah.. just cos he's so cute and cuddly.. he looks like he's easy to bully too!! and yeah, i like the new song too, isn't it beautiful.. it actually replayed itself in my brain during my physio lecture, and i was wondering where i heard it before.. it took me sometime before i realized it was shinhwa's new song -____-

linh - hahahaha.. now everybody knows how psycho we are O_o" at least we still share, and no blenders and bricks involved =P and yes, what's plan A?

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FlipSide and s3exyminwoo - Indeed Eric was havin so much fun at the fanmeeting whereby fans celebrated his birthday on tat day. ALthough his birthday is this coming friday, 16 feb. I tink most of us wish we were there too right? ;)

X-sadendings,s3exyminwoo and nutzie - Yup the merchandise are damn nice and well packaged. I love most of it though. Yup the handphone strap looks so damn cute

Kriza 09 and s3exyminwoo- Yup Minwoo looks hot yet sad at the pictures. I have no idea too that he and daebin are friends. Wonder how they met each other.

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I thought about it too but I saw logic in it. Hyesung does alot of singing and he has his mike on his right hand and if Andy links his arm though Hyesung, Hyesung would have problem singing especially since they are singing live. (At least that's what I thinkg! LOL!) :D

EDIT: I really hope we get to see the professional film of the 8th fan meeting. Maybe they'll include it with their 9th album? It looks like one of their best fanmeeting. AGAIN, THANK YOU MAL! Love you! :blush:

i was thinking that way too and since u think the same way then it must be that reason lol! xD if i could just move andy next to dongwan at the other end then dongwan could brighten andy up lol.

10/2 Shinhwa 8th Fanmeeting before crowd and merchandise


Its been a while since i post anything about them. Is time to catch up. hehe. Oh my upon seeing these how i wish i was there and also buy the merchandise. Right guys? ;)

omg i want those soooo much. i want the necklace and the orange stick glow in dark thingy's lol i dont know what theyre called =P

linh yes i eat oranges lol my mom makes me eat 1 orange per day these days... i need to eat more fruit as my mom says. but ive got to admit apples are still the best :ph34r:

OMG im sooo gonna buy those pants (forgot the name) from now on if i can find them here o.o lol ive never heard of the name accuatly O.o

Shinhwa - Charity Auction for Clothes Worn during 8th Fanmeeting

omg i want those clothes >.< i would want andy's shirt, hyesung's jacket, and for some reason junjin's t-shirt (yeah i have this thing that i love t-shirt's)

ive always thought... well ok so my cuzns when they got older their fav. color changed and i thought my fav. color wouldnt change either. but until last year it accuatly did and my fav. color since then is orange and it wont change!! nevaaaa >.< u cant make me!!! lol

oh and btw ive decided to get an orange sweater ^^ yup thanks for u guys suggestions and the people who told me whihc color i should get all told me to get orange and sooooo i will get orange lol

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Guest vignette

I can only recognize Minwoo's manager; Andy's manager the one wearing eye glasses that we see on the DVD of State of the Art repackaged album and Hyesung's manager has the same body built and hairstyle (at least on the fan event).

A lot of celebrities favor True Religion jeans because of the cut and fit. It's expensive though

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Guest sunnydays.

^ Haha, at first I thought it was Hyesung in the videos, but it's actually his manager! (: Thanks for the info.

.... no i didn't i said on the brink of insanity (:

:o good idea... stripping eric... *mind wonders off into pervert mode*


.... restraining order lawl & they didn't ask you because you're teh maid );

nat i see most of the eric clan is on the brink of isanity & evil genuis-ness & the maid thing-y! we talked about this before XD

now... a plan to sneak riz in...




& I think we're all psycho except in not a genuis XD

HAHA.. OMG, I wasn't even thinking of stripping Eric... U__U *COUGHDIRTYCOUGH* LOL Ofcourse, everywhere... :rolleyes: Yes, i am the maid, I have special access. *wink* LMAOO HAHAHAHA! Yeah... I think we're just all insane, too. *sigh* Ahh, well, it's really not our fault Eric is so irresistable. (: LOL remote island! I didn't think Taihiti or Hawaii or Alasaka were remote... LOLOL I DIDN'T THINK ALAKSA WAS AN ISLAND. HAHAHA! XDD; We'll build our own island in the middle of the pacific ocean just for our plans. 8D

riz - hmmmm.. good question.. where should we go?? let's go buy an island with his credit card, and build a nice little cottage for the 4 of us.. we'll go on a vacation there!! of course, don't forget to buy a boat, but we have to hide it from him.. it's for us to buy groceries and whatnot.. hehehe..

i think the fat manager is minwoo's, the one i'm fangirling with.. hahahah.. just cos he's so cute and cuddly.. he looks like he's easy to bully too!! and yeah, i like the new song too, isn't it beautiful.. it actually replayed itself in my brain during my physio lecture, and i was wondering where i heard it before.. it took me sometime before i realized it was shinhwa's new song -____-

linh - hahahaha.. now everybody knows how psycho we are O_o" at least we still share, and no blenders and bricks involved =P and yes, what's plan A?

Yay, sharing is caring. (; We are partners in crime, meaning we can plan more & be more successful. >;] HAHA! Yeah... he'll never escape. :ph34r: The managers are so cute. (: Haha, Minbong's, huh? I totally laughed out loud when his face came on the big screen of the stage. =D Soo cuute! Haha fangirlying is so much fun. :D That happens to me too, like in the middle of tests, a song would suddenly pop up in my head... when it's Shinhwa though, I smile & it makes me happy. =]

FlipSide and s3exyminwoo - Indeed Eric was havin so much fun at the fanmeeting whereby fans celebrated his birthday on tat day. ALthough his birthday is this coming friday, 16 feb. I tink most of us wish we were there too right? ;)

Yeah, this friday! I can't wait. (: We'll celebrate, right? tee hee!! We should kidnap Shinhwa & make them celebrate here. Right in this thread. LOLOL. =D



Dear, I missed you. =( LOL. <3 He looks greaaat. (: Still wish he'd cut his hair though. LOL. But i'm not too bothered by it. He looks like he gained a small bit of weight, but i'm happy. It means he's healthy. (: He looks healthy, which is great news. <3 He doesn't look deathly sick & thin anymore! XD; Gah, He's so hot. :P Thanks so so much for the pictures. (:

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I think Jinnie looks better with a lil bit of weight. I like him that way more! :D



Btw, anybody knows hows the bidding been going? I don't understand korean, so I can't navigate around that website! I hope the bids goes skyhigh!!! :D

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Guest vietgirl604

About QSS, yeap. If thinking about short-term, I will concern myself with ratings etc etc because YEH is the hot girl now due to Goong. But in the long term, if the series' plot is good, direction is good, and acting by all is good...I don't think it becomes much of a concern anymore. I think a lot of people are still watching it for Eric too. ME ME ME...I am one of them.

I think Yoo Mi is a good choice too in the sense that she brings no baggage to the character. She is a fresh face to most of us that haven't watch her movies. She's been active only in movie industry. In this drama, we can start with a clean slate with no previous reference. Also, without strong fan base could also mean she has virtually no antis. I am also quite aware of news mentioning Eric+YEH as the singers couple. With Yoo Mi , Yoon Ji Hye, Lee Kyu Hwan --We don't need to worry that news will forus on Eric's singer-turn-actor biases. She brings a different dimension to this scenario than previously.

Ah, I understand what you mean and I totally agree with you about it.

Shinhwa - Charity Auction for Clothes Worn during 8th Fanmeeting



i swear, he gets me too excited. whenever the characters in the drama hurt him/be mean to him

i start kicking my feet (cuz im laying on the ground) at my tv screen and pretend im sacking them for him (cuz eric wuldnt hurt them!)

anyways. good night my lovelies<3

HOT RIGHT?! ERIC BUMPED UP?! LOL. Yes, he's hot and haha glad you're enjoying it. I hated it when he got hit but when his mom hit him/chase him, I thought it was pretty funny LOL.

Shinhwa was good when i was a 12 yr old but now that i've grown up and become a man i no longer listen to their fake mumbling passed on as music.

That's harsh. No wonder you're banned.

anyway i have something that after seeing u guys might wanna change your jeans brand cos... shinhwa wears TRUE RELIGION!!



eric hyesung and dongwannie are wearing true religion!

CREDITS: bestshinhwa and myself (:

heehee call me biased but i think the jeans look better on them as compared to the one on the model's!

i like dongwannie's best!

Haha I KNEW IT! I KNEW THEY WERE WEARING TRUE RELIGION. This isn't Eric's first time either. I always knew he was wearing TR jeans. And YAY, I have a few pairs too. Mine is a lot like DongWan's but girl version. I like HyeSung's one too with the white thread. I don't really like Eric's flared ones lols..but YAY, I wear the same jeans as them! TEHEHEHEHEH But the jeans are DARN expensive I tell ya. They're like around $300CAD here

Aww, he looks so sad. I don't like seeing him like this.

And I like his hat.

minwoo looks so sad.. =(

it's rare to see minwoo look that grim..

i didn't know they were really close that minwoo went to the funeral twice..

but then minwoo is close with a lot of FEMALE entertainers..

anyway, i think label mate means they are in the same company.. like how shinhwa and battle are label mates because they're in GoodEnt..

or how shinhwa, HOT, ftts, boa, SES used to be label mates.. (i miss those days)

Oh, I understand what you mean now lols. Now it's like "duh" LOL.

I think he looks awesome. But I can't help but think how much HOTTER he'd be with short short hair again.





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LOL! As soon as I saw those clothes I thought about you DV! I knew you be dying to get your hands on them!

How much are True Religion Jean in US dollars? Do they sell them here in US?

I WANT Hyesung's jacket! LOL!

man, i so want to buy some of those clothes!!! thank god im a guy and can wear them, then say to everyone 'this is wannies jacket, this is andy's jeans, this was worn by eric, this was worn by jun jin, this was worn by minwoo, and this was worn by sungie!!!' id be wearing shinhwa's clothes all over. and all that fabric has touched their bodies and now its touched mine, that means im connected to shinhwa!!!!!

actually, id wear it once, then i'd put it in a glass case and display it in my living room. and have full on security, security cameras and body guards guarding shinhwa's OLD CLOTHES!!


is there an actual way to buy shinhwa merchandise from overseas?????

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Guest samshiku

The SHINHWA CHANGJO fans look so awesome! I love them to death! I wish I was there! ;(

Here are more SHINHWA CHANGJO fan pictures!! ^_^

WOW the sea of orange is AMAZING...its like an unspoken chemistry btwn the fans now that it has been abt 10 yrs...remember that these fans come from different backgrounds, countries, fansites/clubs etc....

im always VERY impressed when i see shinhwa mass activities...it will ALWAYS be a sea of orange^^

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Guest samshiku

i dunno if these have been posted...


























credits: shinhwa.net.cn+sina

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Guest chae nee sah

i dunno if these have been posted...



thanks for the pics!!!~

i really wish i was there.....i am really jelous with all the fans there!!!~n their merchandise!!!!!!!!!!!it's way tooooooo cooooool!!!!!

Hey girls...i just found these pics at Good EMG site...Junjin looks incredible good. See what i mean?

junjin looks very hot in the 1st pic....with a white shirt!!!~

gosh!!!i love white especially when SHINHWA'S member wore white...the white will look more damn good!!!!`


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