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Guest lenakeem

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thanks mal for posting those pictures xD *hugs*

i was literally laughing when i saw those pictures :lol:

they all look so silly.

hahah and i spotted woodong action too..hehe

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Guest sunnydays.

MAL: Question.

Why didn't they celebrate Andy's birthday with Eric's? Don't they always do 2 birthdays at a time? Especially since members missed Andy's birthday, shouldn't they have celebrated Andy's too?

:o Good question... awww, I want them to celebrate Andy's birthday too~~<3


Thanks soooooooo much for the pictures... omggg, seeing those pictures made me smiiile like crazy. :D jaksle;rjkasl;er wowww it looks so much fun, you're so luck you got the chance to go over there. =D Aww, dear Eric looks so handsome<3 He shaved his facial hair! Haha! XD;; OMG, they all look so freaking adorable... I miss seeing all of them together, I wanted to cry tears of joy<33 LOLOL @ the Shinhwa orange balloon stick pictures... XDD Dude, omgg, they look like they had so much fun!! & The pictures are hilarious... & the performances look hot. Is there a video out there of this?? Omg, thank you so so so much, Mal. (:<3 That trully made my day.

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Guest talksound

O.O k;lasdfj;lskdjf;alskdjf;aklsdjf;alsdkfa;jsld.

Minwoo ... looks ... totally for the occasion. He looks good. (:

Yay! 9th Album! (=

& Happy Early one to Eric. x)

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Guest vietgirl604

I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'll forget about the past and move forward.

i'll strat posting again.

i don't care if i missed 47 pages.


I CAN'T KEEP QUIET ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the RicSyung pics. Haha that's what I did when I took a break from this thread. I swear I missed 100 pages..but was too lazy to go reread it all.


minwoo looks old in the photos. his new haircut made him look young in the pictures from the previous pages, but at the fanmeeting, he looked like a 30 yr old dad!!!!!

He does, but in a VERY SEXY DAD kind of way..damn. I want to be the mother of his children HEHEHE.


it is still going.

as confirmed by eric.


and they plan to release their 100th album too.

as confirmed by andy.


and they also plan to have concerts for 20 more years.

as confirmed by wannie.

and they plan WILL stay together forever too.

as confirmed by the six of them


hope i helped.

I la la LOVE how you said that hahas. And yes, they better be together forever, have 20 more years of concerts, have their 100th album! And the 9th this year.

i have this class in our school called AVID and its this program/class where they help u to improve even more on ur grades and to learn stuff to pass highschool to go into college and soon were gonna get these sweaters with our names on the back and AVID on the front and im gonna get a orange sweater lol but my mom wants me to get red -_____- hmmm shinhwa family help me choose XDDD the choices are... red,orange,blue,white,black,green. tell me ur opinions kk?

ORANGE, of course lols. If not orange, I say white or black.

LOL! I guess I have to eat dirt with DV because that was my thought too! Minwoo looks old in the fanmeeting pictures....NOT THAT I'm complaining! LOL!

LOL I'll join you guys in eating dirt. I agree MinWoo looks older but I think it's because of the clothes and/or the glasses ...but he'd make a hella great looking dad. And of course you want him to look older Mommie LOL.


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you aren't the only one.

i started to shake and everything and tear up.


i just didn't mention it cause i always say how i cry when it comes to shinhwa and lols, you guys might think i'm weird to cry at every little thing...

now that i read on my excuse, it sounds so LAME.


yes, i hope it will go along smoothly!

I thought my reaction was really odd. I don't cry easily for many things. I guess I was really stressed these couple days and those pictures gave me a smile and I was really happy to see dear Ric so happy. Does that even make sense? Moreover, with the stress from his series that is coming up (the anticipation and hope that it will do well) and knowing that this may be his last fan meeting before he leaves for the army, I guess I was overwhelmed and surprised myself. The pictures reminded me of a year ago when he wasn't at the fanmeeting due to his accident. Eric spent his birthday at the hospital last year and I am so glad that he is back.

He was so happy that evening. That's what matters. Counting down to his series in March...Fighting ERIC!

p.s I am glad Shinhwa Changjo did this simple celebration. I don't think he even got a present from Shinhwa Changjo last year during the fanmeeting, just because he didn't attend. They should make up for that!

BY THE WAY..Where is that bowl of dirt? Care to share some?

Did you guys read that the managers imitated WILD GUYS during the fanmeeting...LOLZZZZZzzz

Each Shinhwa member taught their own manager the dance moves...And the managers danced during the fan meeting!!

I can't wait to see that!


I don't really call ricmin a couple in my head lolz I don't know, the feeling is different? They're like two really cool guys that actually 'hang out' with each other and doing guy things (listening to the same music, both compose very similar music, they almost quit Shinhwa together, spending xmas together, sneaking out together)...hard to explain...

You know...guys that automatically hi-five each other when they meet...

They're tougher than the other couples??

I guess a better way to say it is...with the other shinhwa couples...there's always a feeling of one protecting the other or there's a more dominant personality... (married couple feeling XD, dongseng, mother protecting her young, etc lolz)...but it isn't like that with ricmin


I found that "Couples" is a very subjective thing. It is almost how you interpret and see things. How you see Minwoo and how you view Eric's personality will form how you see Ricmin or Minric. It is the same with other couples. If one person likes Ricdy, no matter how much you say that there is nothing there, the person will still see Ricdy. Or if you totally like Jinsyung, when you see Jin and Hyesung, you will automatically look for hints of Jinsyung in whatever interaction or clip or picture.

Yes, couples is very interesting to me. There is always the dominant personality and the protected personality.

I've observed that there is a difference between Ricjin vs. Jinric --- Minric vs. Ricmin.

On English sites, I see RICmin, RICjin, RICdy more often. But on chinese sites, there is also JinRIC, MinRIC.

Which one starts first refers to the dominant personality. So if it is RICmin..It means that RIC is the dominant one in this couple.

The opposite will be true for MINric.

Whenever I read about couples...I tend to find it very interesting. How did all these come about? Why is this so attractive to fangirls? Why does it only exist in Korea and not other kinds of boybands in Taiwan, Hong Kong, USA etc etc?

hehe..Interesting...about other couples in other bands outside of Shinhwa...gosh..I really have no clue if they are as close as Shinhwa. I don't pay attention to them at all. hehehehehe...

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Guest krazie4adream

mianhae~~ i'm soo bad...i haven't been keeping up with this thread for two weeks maybe...

lol.....let me go back a few pages......

i've been reading fanfics lately....and got soo caught up..


okies i went back like 10 pages..cuz i want to watch some Shinhwa clips on youtube..so imma comment on some of the topics that's ranting in here!! then comment on each of them...hehe...excited..[there are millions of things i want to say..so i didn't bother to quote..plus it's not good to spam anyways..]


wow..that picture with the licking the cream off the knife......is =O!! hehe..it's soo cute...

i'm sure they LOVE each other and are not OIL and WATER..hehe


is that a KISSSSS!!!! ahhhhhhhhh..must go watch this....[i'm feel ancient..sniff sniff]

omgosh.....i hate those screencaps.....he seems to enjoy it..haha...


wow.."highest in the entertainment industry" eh? lol...Eric is making some BIG bucks.....that's good.....i'm soo happy for him..his cf's are always soo charming

Dongwan's EVIL Character

dicapo???..haha...okies....@.@ i still haven't started to watch his drama cuz he turns bad and it seems soo depressing.....maybe during spring break..when i have the time/energy to watch it....[i soo devoted! i know!! but depressing dramas making me cry soo badly and my eyes will swell the next day]..Dongwan always takes his work very seriously..constantly striving for higher success!! OPPA HWAITING!!!!

Dongwan's Diary- aka Can't Sleep

his diary seems sooo deep this time...i love how he titles it "IT's OPPA" haha..gives us permission to call him that

i agree with every word u say OPPA...but Don't Give up ..and PUCK those STARS..cuz i noe you have the ability to Achieve them!! again......FIGHTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AJA AJA~~~

p.s~ i really hope he doesn't stress too much....i think that's why he can't sleep...his life is soo tense....

Minwoo[Funeral pix]

i don't noe who the actress is..but i heard some ppl cried ...although i don't noe her..but GOD BLESS HER~

minwoo is dressed very respectingly...no accessories...a plain black suit with a simple solid black tie

and glasses[showed his real self..no contacts]


okies now for each member....sorry if it's all about looks..cuz i'm soo into fashion/styling


from the fan meeting pictures..i can see his weightloss a bit...altho he still has that chubby face..but his legs and body, you can tell slimed down a lot....and his hair is more styled than last times..but i still want it back to before~~the 8th album days


DAMN he looks GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! esp. at the fanmeeting!!! i love his sheek metalic jacket...and his new hair...that is GROWING!!

lol...when he cut it for KSA..i hated it..but now it's looking good~ ^.^v


he looks soo stress and worked up..but his smile is very convincing!!! hehe..dongwannie......looks pretty much the same..not much style change...still casual..but he matured a bit more...


sigh....he still hasn't cut his hair....i'm waiting for his new change in the ninth album..i hope he cuts it..but his body seems to GET MORE in shape...[if that's even possible..since it was GREAT to begin with]


little ah Di!! lol...he looks THE SAME!! always........maybe cuz i seen him the most out of all them..cuz of xman


....the new hair brings me back to his IF YOU days....

but because he isn't as chubby and his face seems to have gotten "longer"? he looks older..yes..

the color is okay..i like it more darker brown..like in nonstop5..the color was good!!

but he still has that charm

he needs to lose those glasses..i'm sorry...black frames look better for him..in my opinion

o!! and SHAVE...since ppl here says he looks older..[i have to admit..they are getting older but i've been a fan of them ever since Perfect Man days....soo NO MATTER how old they get or how they look...i still LOVE THEM]

his new style[clothes wise] is soo HIM still..yet more mature...not as playful...maybe it's not his casual look ..that's why..but like i like the trucker hate, fade/destroyed jeans, with a fitted graphic t-shirt look.....


i think they are soo different image wise.....like if u look at DBSK..i think they all sorta have that style[sTYLE wise not personality..i noe DBSK is very special too!GO YUNHO!]..but like SHINHWA is really 6 different guys..which makes them soo special..

okies.........THE END.....

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Guest angel2nyt

fanmeeting pics!!!!!!!! thanks angelix!!!!!!! are u mal???? or is mal some1 else??

well, i noticed that this fanmeeting is the 8th one. so in total theyve only have 8th fanmeetings/??????? i thought there would have been more since theyve been around for so long, and also, didnt they have a japanese one last yr?

minwoo looks old in the photos. his new haircut made him look young in the pictures from the previous pages, but at the fanmeeting, he looked like a 30 yr old dad!!!!!

as krizza has said it dv..poloblue.. i had to maintain the being anonymous(do i make sense)

shut up..eat dirt


its just the freakin' glasses

mal thatnk you so much for the pictures!!

and you went to the fanmeeting..


dongwan looks so cute..

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Guest angel2nyt

dang.. it must be pretty sad for minwoo last night.. his friend's funeral and a fanmeeting

edit: yes... sunho looks like a little boy with the white sweater... so cute

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Guest kriza_09

remember the pureness i talked about just a few posts ago???

there you go...




go here for more: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...p;#entry4934974

credit: ocean's six + somdary


look at the last picture!!!! i've never seen such a pure smile come out from a 27-yr-old man..

he's officially become my favorite member.. ^^

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Guest pharmer

^^^ thanks for the pictures!! you can't be more correct. He is just super loveable right now. too bad this forum has no music, otherwise Kim Jong Jook's Loveable should be playing rightabout now!!!

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Guest chae nee sah

look at the last picture!!!! i've never seen such a pure smile come out from a 27-yr-old man..

he's officially become my favorite member.. ^^

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Please Please Please unquote them!

In my opinion, Andy doesn't seem to grow old at all. He looks sooooo good all the time!

And as he matures, I like him more!



THANKS for letting me know about the BATTLE AND SHINHWA moments pics. :D

i'm all excited!!!



But it's good cause I see you here still. :D

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Guest chae nee sah

haha...eric is so funny~

minwoo is definitely has change~i love him now more than before,even though he looks a lil bit old...

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Guest miss':bella

My friends in Korea also went to the 8th fan meeting.

They are so lucky. They sent me pics too. MAN, I WANT TO GO SO BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!

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chae nee sah]/b] can u pwez take edit and take off the IMG tags? we dont wanna get in trouble again :(

remember the pureness i talked about just a few posts ago???

there you go...




go here for more: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?sho...p;#entry4934974

credit: ocean's six + somdary


look at the last picture!!!! i've never seen such a pure smile come out from a 27-yr-old man..

he's officially become my favorite member.. ^^

thanks for showing us the pictures ^^ yes thats why andy's my fav. shinhwa member because he just has this really cute and pure smile like u said and he never stops being cute. cuz he's born to be cute XDD

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