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[drama 2006] Alone In Love 연애시대

Guest yeohweping

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Guest mhugh

56:56 - 58:58, Episode 6. I found this scene endearing and wanted to share it with everyone.

EH is narrating and this segment sets the tone for the whole drama, I think.

I put her narration in quotes.

"Love starts from various reasons."

Sister: Dr. Kong? I was just thinking while brushing my teeth.... I think I'm falling in love with you.

Ob-gyn: Okay, I got it. Yes. I've got it. I'm busy. Yeah.

(When what she said finally sinks in and as he turns around to look at the phone, EH narrates,)

"Some love is unexpected...."

EH's friend: Dong-Jin! How are you?

(The DJ's co-worker, who obviously loves DJ and finally summons courage to give him the present to show her love to him,

the EH's friend shows up. In frustration, she gives the present to the other guy, and both he and DJ misconstrue her true intention.)

"Some love starts from a misunderstanding."

Wrestler woman: Excuse me.

Guy: Yes?

Wrestler: Slowly. Initially you want to go with two...

"With some love, you don't know exactly when it has started."

Wrestler: Get closer. You want to pull your arms inward.

With the rich guy's father (I guess the father is the real rich guy) putting away the necklace that belonged to his beloved wife,

"(For some,) when will love ever end?"

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Guest applescelery

I also read in either Korean newspaper or Korean blog that this rich guy is not the only guy that EH will come across. Appaently there is going to be another guy that may present a greater threat to EH & DJ's hopeful reunion.

Could this other guy be the one who has a fear of water? The one who's been turning up at the club to swim since the first episode?

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Guest vondunker

This girl is really participating in alot movies and dramas! woohoo. Son Ye Jin right? I heard she did a good job in The Art of Seduction.

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Guest mhugh

Could this other guy be the one who has a fear of water? The one who's been turning up at the club to swim since the first episode?

Yes, it is the professor with the fear of water that's going to be the next guy in EH's romantic parade.

According to the Japanese book, EH ends up with the professor, and DJ ends up with EH's friend with the little girl, and thus far the TV drama has apparently followed the book faithfully. But many Koreans have been "protesting" about the ending of the book and want the ending of the TV drama to be different.

I agree that if the TV drama has the same ending as the book, then all the nuances of everlasting love that the writers have tried to show us would be in vain. For example, you remember how DJ looks at the bicycle rack every morning from his bus commute to make sure that her bicycle is there at her work place. And once when it wasn't there because she didn't ride her bike after visiting the accident site (her mother's), how disppointed he was. Also, after wrongly assuming that the rich guy and EH spent the night together in a hotel, he drops his phone in total shock, and spends the whole night in that stupified position sitting on the sofa. And what about in the first episode, when they are bantering about how the other should start seeing other people, and yet the karaoke song they chose to sing is about how they will always love each other and how much each other means to them.

Starting with that cry of "Taxi!" when she realizes that he knows how affected she is about his imminent matchmaking date to numerous examples of how much he still means to her, all these would be meaningless and pointless if they don't end up together.

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interesting indeed. thanks for the info. i've been wondering about the guy's brief appearance since he's not that unknown an actor ... having seen him a couple of dramas & movies. so he's gonna play a bigger role later on.

*sigh* ... after reading about how the original novel is suppose to end ...

and if the tv drama has thus far followed the book faithfully ... then it goes to reason that it could very well end like in the book ... and although both of them are still in love with each other ... this drama could very well be depicting how one learn to move on with their lives eventhough you're still in love with your exs ... doesn't mean you don't love them anymore but maybe you have to come to terms that you will always love that person and accept it as that but sometimes it's just not possible to stay together no matter how much you love that person ... because realistically ... love doesn't conquer all. the romantic in me however want them to get back together so i'm hoping that the korean version might choose to end differently.

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thanks mhugh for the information on the novel .i been trying to find a translated copy one actually to see how close this script is following the book ~ ..

but if this is from a japanese novel .i will not be surprised that is the ending ..but maybe whenever it come to kdrama context that is not really what viewers want ..but i suppose this is what the real message when the writer wrote this message want to say ~ ...

but well the romantic in me does want it otherwise .~ ..there too much traces of their love still just lingering there ...to really just not be able to follow it to the end

the narration is so nicely inserted ..the esp 6 narration was endearing~

(it kinda of remind me of jdramas .they tend to have those narations..linking up happening with a theme always dibe with a very soft touch .~ )

interesting indeed. thanks for the info. i've been wondering about the guy's brief appearance since he's not that unknown an actor ... having seen him a couple of dramas & movies. so he's gonna play a bigger role later on.

yayaya i was going to say that about that actor .wasnt he in HArd love .ya and i see him in other movies too ..and since i see him in the pool before i had been wondering why did he just slip in and out.his role should have more importance ? right i was thinking ..~~ and then i see how now in esp 6 he had some interaction with her ...the way he is indirectly giving her advise of how to deal with her issues ...when he is dealing and conquering his own fear of the water ..

sigh**there is this pharse that eun ho repeat it twice if the three of them ..just one of them just be honest and frank then ..perhaps alot of things will not be as what it is .~ .but sometimes u know about it yet you just cannot seem to be able to be honest ..like how dong jin .know ..he shoud reject mei yeon ..yet that moment .when he sense her wounds and reach out to help her ..that moment he know he might be doing a thing that will hurt her more in the future but still ..it was that moment he just feel he want to do what he did ...like with eun sol too. .......*sob*sob* the littke kid ..he make her simled ..~ sigh* .

You know im a true and hopeless romantic at heart but quite frankly, i think that both of them should move on. I know i know im expecting tomatoes to be thrown at me at any moment now but if you really think about it, there is just too much emotional baggage that both of them carry with another that i think that despite their mutual love for another (to be expected since you married and loved each other in the past) but also, that baggage makes you too comfortable and paralyzes you with fear of moving on and trying new things and meeting new people. I think that is what the red jumbled up string represents, not obstacles to their relationship but rather that raw fear of trying and meeting new people and experiencing life outside your comfot zone.

You know, Blinkz, i was thinking the same thing about that kid, but really in the end, its her mother that disturbs me the most because she is using her own daughter as emotional blackmail. Granted it could be a subconscious sort of thing but do you blame her though. She is seeking comfort and her way of doing that is through her daughter. i think that this part of the storyline is a reflection of korean society in general. For single mothers/fathers, its particularly difficult to get back into the 'game' than it is anywhere else in the world due to old school beliefs, traditions, customs, etc despite the many modernizations in korean society, the confucion system is still an integral part of life there.

when they are trying to see new people .they cannot help but turn back and see who they leaving behind ~ .i suppose maybe in a way that string represent ...actually there is so many things that tumbled up red knot can repesent .sometimes i see it as their issues that get so tied up in a knot .sometimes i see it as something that is not making them able to move apart ..but yet there is a string there ..meant they had loved .it will always be there as a bond between them wont it ~ ..arghhhh .i am talking nonsense..

good to see you watching this drama too ! hug !! .keke .our bool sae link sigh I Sure hope there is no mad woman coming up !

i love their rememberance of their first meeting it was a very simple encounter .it can happen to anyone i suppose not too over dramatic .but the way they were recalling it ..so many flaws they can speak of now *but the scenes show just how the two are so nervous about it i like how it was done ! and the current how they are speaking to the invidiuals they are having a a new relationship .with ...`~ kaka ..and i see them remember it so vividly .and with such a simle ..it bring a simle to me too ~ ..

and then hyun jeong with his father .~ ..sigh the scene at the park .~ now he realise what he had not know or rather did not really think in that context all along he been just wanting to blame his father ...seeing only his mother suffering yet he never know that his mother never suffer in the way he thought betrayed by love .but she was so truly loved .by his father .........she never regret it

sob sob ! .


Can someone tell me where I can find the review written by dramaok?

go to


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Guest dramaok

Anyone find EH's sister cute? Another plus of this drama is all the cute and funny supporting cast such as EH's sister, the doctor and especially the lady wrestler...ha ha..

I think this is the first time I am seeing a main character of a drama having a wrestler friend.

EH's sister, ji-ho (lee ha-na), is cute, but i think she looks older than son ye jin.

and for someone 23 years old she's really jaded. i guess it's combination of growing up w/out her mother and seeing her sister go through divorce? she always sound older.

and it's just me but i find the wrestler segment boring. it seems not to fit w/ the rest of the story well.

but like you said it's fresh for kdrama. a female wrestler friend.

yayaya i was going to say that about that actor .wasnt he in HArd love .ya and i see him in other movies too ..and since i see him in the pool before i had been wondering why did he just slip in and out.his role should have more importance ? right i was thinking ..~~ and then i see how now in esp 6 he had some interaction with her ...the way he is indirectly giving her advise of how to deal with her issues ...when he is dealing and conquering his own fear of the water ..

yup he was in hardlove as oh yeon soo's 'first love'...

actor = seo tae-hwa.

he was in the film 'friend' and also 'funny movie' and 'i wish i had a wife too'.

he's been doing a lot of musicals and broadway type stage work. i guess he sings really well.

thx mhugh for the spot translation and bringing up seo tae-hwa's role in this drama.

that makes a lot of sense to me. since eun-ho needs someone to help her heal from her past.

she actually never really dealt with it... ? and he seems perfect fit to help her face the fear of it since he overcame his own trauma. aww poor dong-jin.. though he loves eun-ho there seems to be little room for him in her life sometimes... dunno he's not 'man' enough for her sometimes.. to me.. not necessarily in a negative connotation but eun-ho sort of needs someone to sweep her off her feet now or help her discover something new... but being with dong-jin.. she seems stuck. going nowhere. and since their past is too painful to talk about more than at the gravesite... okay i don't know where i'm going. just something about dong-jin and eun-ho not really possible for me, despite their obvious love.

in life i think one can know a true love.. one that might even rock your world as you know it... but it's too painful for you or those around you to keep that love.. so you must let it go. your love may not stop and you will surely miss it but it's for the better. sometimes one must choose between what feels right and what's right in every other way.

and the little girl... actress jin ji-hui (born 1999) <-- so young. ^^


she's stealing the hearts of audiences.. with her little voice.. 'uncle can you be my father? '

she's being dubbed 'dakota fanning of korea'. haha. can't she just be jin ji-hui of korea?

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Guest huynh21

I'm fond of this Kdrama. It's really amazing and more mature than anyone else. I love the 2 leads characters and the mother with her son. I hope this drama can reach a good stat in korean audience !!!

It's so funny and sad and we can identify with actors like reality.

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Guest lunae

Finally got to watch the 1st epi after sub is out *thanks very very much subbing team <3* I really really like this drama. I feel like watching a movie~ The setting are all classy, SYJ wearing nice clothes, some of the parts are funnie too~... The fact that the drama has great casts also makes it good to watch. Plus I'm really in the mood for some matured love instead of the bubbly gummy love that's been shown over and over again in kdrama

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just finished episode 5 [i'M SO BEHIND! ARGH]

omg, i just read the spoiler about the ending. i told myself not to, and i couldn't help myself o_O; i know the drdama should follow the novel, since that's what it's based on, but my hopes since the first episode is that eunho and dongjin get together! the line the doc said to the sis.. something like "they're not really separated, they're merely apart for just awhile..." that line rang so true! i hate the novel's ending!!! i don't care if people are trying to be realistic with the whole "too much baggage and hurt to turn back time" stuff. just a little bit of honesty, and letting their guard down.. they could see how much they care for each other! ahhh!! >_<;;

but ever since the voice overs started in episode five, i'd been getting the feeling that the ending wasn't going to go the way i'd hoped. when eun-ho says "if only we had been honest ...we could have stopped hurting ourselves, and others." she says similar things like that two/three times.. i almost convinced myself to stop watching the drama after i heard her say that. but the dialogue, storyline, and actors are just too good to give up. it will most likely end like the novel, because she says those things from the future, and it just fits..

i have a feeling episode six is going to be insane. the previews showing dong-jin saving mi-yeon when she meets her ex-husband, finding out hyun-joong is only using eun-ho to get back at his father. and now that i know there's another man that eun-ho meets.. i had a feeling his role would increase though. the shots of her watching him trying to stay underwater, and then the conversation near the elevator. although his first impression wasn't the best with her.. i think he freaked her out a little o_O; and then the daughter asking him to be her father! omg, that was just... heartbreaking. for the little girl, and because i knew it would have a huge imact on dong-jin's actions. after losing his own child, i bet the minute she says that... ahh... and the scene when the baby music starts playing, and they both hear it. the flashback to when they were in the room, so happy and in love. it was all so heartbreaking. luckily, the writers were so amazing with the script, i'm not depressed watching this. they somehow manage to keep it light and funny, while having such a deep storyline.

[edit] wait! i just changed my mind about the ending. it says "the weird love that started after separation" on the wallie with the red yarn! i totally forgot about that!! hmm.. and i just read the page before this. wow, everyone has such awsome thoughts and inputs about this drama, i'm taking all of them into consideration now. *sigh. someone wrote that if they just admitted their love, maybe that's when they could truly separate. i sort of get what you mean.. although i might not entirely agree with it. it's like, they're both totally in denial. they refuse to admit to each other, and themselves that they loved each other very much, and still care for one another. because of their stubborness, it's like they can't get past a certain point in their relationship. if they both fully came to terms with how they feel, they would realize that's it's alright to still care for one another. fate might have gotten in the way with all those awful experiencees in the past, but it really is ok to not entirely hate each other. [right?!] i think that's what they were saying when they wrote that. anyhow, all the little scenes people wrote about, i remembered everything all over again! ah, i could write about this forever.

need to watch ep 6!! and download 7 - 8!!

[btw, we will have eps 7 - 8 up @ http://soompi.filefront.com as soon as their server gets back up!] and if anyone would be willing to help upload the HQ's of this drama, please PM me! i just love this drama so much ...i bet the experience would be even better if we had HQ ^^!! hehe *sigh~

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Guest Shinhwa LoVe

i love this drama~i thought it was going to be a melodrama, but it's very comical, i love gam soo sung~^^

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just finished episode 6! omg, i can't wait for today's episode :w00t: this drama is getting better! [although i wish the ratings were higher.. i wonder why they're not..] anyhow, episode 6. hmm..

+hyeon-joong took a 180 in this episode. when he found out the truth about the relationship between his mother and father, i couldn't even begin to imagine how he felt. and i got to see his father in an entirely new light. i gave him a cheer when he went and talked to EH. it was the right thing to do. HJ had way too much anger and hatred bottled up inside, that's all he could think about. and even though he still has alot of pain to deal with, at least now he knows the truth. and EH can move on with her life, too.

+when ES asked DJ to be her dad.... once again, i loved and hated that scene at the same time. loved because it melted my heart to see her say that. hated bc i knew it'd get in the way..

+that scene where MY meets her ex-husband. o.m.g. i almost punched my computer screen! what a bastard!!!!!! can you believe it?! my mouth dropped open when he said "you can never re-marry even if you wanted to, because you'd want to keep receiving money from me." and i have to admit, i hated MY before, because she was trying to steal away DJ, but after the past was revealed, i understand her a bit better now. the fact that she divorced her ex because he beat her. and the fact that ES doesn't smile, and thinks she is ugly, because her one night when her father came home drunk, he told her that because she was like her mother, she was ugly, and looked awful when she smiled. that broke my heart. ARGH! THAT AWFUL AWFUL PERSON!

+i liked when EH's wresting friend told DJ straight up that he needed to make things clear with MY, and he needed to stop being a coward. and that he needed to make things straight with EH, too. [said exactly howd i'd been feeling!]

+one favorite scene of mine, at the very end of the episode, when they showed the three different loves that started in entirely different ways.. out of the three, i squeeled when the younger sister told dr. gong she liked him. hahahaha and the way she said it! "i just remembered when i was brushing my teeth, but i think i like you." HAHAHAHAH <3 love that girl. and then dr. gong! "oh, alright, ok, i'll see you tomorrow at work." click. *realizes what she said 10 seconds later* hahahaha :wub:

+another scene that made my heart ache was the scene when she asks that guy to find her a book, and she suddenly gets reminded of when she first met DJ. ahhhhh, that scene was killer.

i don't care about anything else now. I WANT THEM TO BE TOGETHER *cries*

can't wait for episode 7!

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