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Subway today!!!

MmmMmMm haha its soo yummy!

But so fattening beacuse of the sauce they out but its so gooood

haha well i had the Italian BMT with Hearty Italian crusty bread - that bread it soo good, xD

and i had extra cheese, ham, turkey, honey mustard suace (must have!), extra mayo, lettuce, sweetcorn, a few pickles, tomatoes and it was all toasted.

hahah yes VERY fattening but oh wells what the heck i went swimming earler before that and i walked back home today because needed the excercise. haha :D:sweatingbullets:

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Guest untungl


breakfast: granola bar, milk

lunch: fried chicken and corn

dinner: fried shrimp, grilled chicken breast (marinated in salt, pepper, olive oil, and worcestershire sauce), mushrooms, and rice


breakfast: milk (woke up late :()

lunch: chick-fil-a nuggets & fries

dinner: spaghetti w/meatballs

I cook my own dinners, but not lunch... no time to cook lunch :/

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Guest trueloveway

white fungus soup (it supposedly increases blood pressure for all those low bp people)

fried egg and tomato



that's my lunch+dinner cos i'm working till late tonight.

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Guest xCrAzY4MiNwOox

morning: eggs & toast

afternoon: huge chefs salad

dinner: miso soup, cucumber salad, sushi && tempora udon @ my fave japanese restaurant!! ahh im so full... :sweatingbullets:

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Guest NotFromThisPlanet

for breakfast i had 2 terrikyaki chicken musubis from 7-11. for dinner i had ramen. for snack i had an almond snicker. it was delicious.

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Guest qquinto

i've been eating kolaches from kolache factory for breakfast every morning this past week.

most of the kolaches were

egg, sausage, and cheese

egg, bacon, and cheese

egg, potato, and cheese

pineapple & pecan

and the chicken ___ something.

oh my goodness.. they're so good. i think this winter break will be a kolache filled one. (:

oh and i've been having either chocolate or strawberry milk with them every morning.

i'd rather have a white chocolate frap. / white choco mocha with them, but it's too much trouble to hit starbucks up afterwards everytime. :[

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Guest buuberry

swiss sunrise @ hargen das :blush:

its this apple pie slices with two scoops of ice cream, whipped cream and strawberries.

poook. guilty pleasures. so i skipped lunch and dinner for that. :(

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Guest STARSohsobright


energy drink, a couple mini cupcakes, a piece of a oats&honey bar.

didn't eat too much yesterday, too busy.


a couple chips ahoy cookies

still early.

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Breakfast:Chicken bun,some cakes,oat biscuit

Lunch:Nothing,woke up late at 11am+

Dinner:Kimchi Jjigae and rice(YUMMY!!!)

Supper:More chicken bun,red bean paste buns,instant noodles,chocolate bar,milk

(I was so hungry after i got home from work..hehe)

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Guest Rainie_Days

Breakfast - A croissant, cup of tea.

Lunch - Rice, with pork, veggies and fish. 1 bowl of Soup.

Dinner - Veggies and Egg with Noodles.

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