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Lee Joongi “I want to try making a Hollywood film”

Lee Joongi revealed his goal of venturing into Hollywood.

In his photoshoot and interview with fashion magazine @star1, actor Lee Joongi revealed his endless passion and ambition towards acting.

“In the future, I want to become an actor like Ahn Sung Ki whom citizens place their faith in through his various works over the years,” Lee Joongi said. “I must carry out my activities with even more faith and sincerity,” he added.



“In this lifetime, I should try working on a Hollywood film at least once right? If a hundred years make a lifetime, I hope this will come true within 70 years,” Lee Joongi revealed his honest goal.

The December issue of @star1 goes on sale on 18 November. 

Translated from Korean to English by @daegorr
Source: http://www.atstar1.com/view.php?uid=201311211406110810

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Thank you very much @daegorr for another piece of translation. Wish his wish comes true but not in next 70 years, soon, otherwise I would not be here to support you Joongi.
@emaan, welcome back, hope uni life is fun for you.

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Hello @emaan, we missed you, hope everything is ok with school :) 
Thank you everyone for the updates. I wonder if he really will accept the offer. Considering his scheduled FMs and that the shooting of this show is starting tomorrow, I have little hope regarding that. But I would love to see him try something fresh and new.. I enjoyed the episodes of Family Outing, I saw many sides of him I didn't know. haha he was so cute in there, but I also realized he was rather, errr impatient, maybe because of his fervent and hyperactive personality. And people in there were expecting him to be like real Iljimae and ninja like, so it was funny to see his clumsiness ;))  
ohhh @patoi what are you saying? I seriously got teary-eyed when you said that :( Numbers are not that important dear, and his wish will come true much much sooner, I believe he can do that :)  patoi said:At 0.47 I wonder what Ju Ji Hoon talks about uri Joongi.

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Thank you dear @petito, you are so kind, and I wish he realizes his wish real soon too.
@daegorr, thank you for translating what Ji Hoon said for us. He's funny and I wish him to have a better year next year (feeling sorry for his Medical Top Team's ratings).

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I have mixed feelings about the news of him joining 1N2D.
Honestly, I'm quite excited at the thought of him being on a weekly variety show. He said he wants people to see him as a "neighbourhood oppa", so I think a variety show will be a good chance for him to show the more human, ordinary, down-to-earth side of him. Although the show may expose his flaws and put him in embarrassing situations, I think it can kind of boost his image as a "friendly" star, especially since 1N2D often involves interaction with members of the public.
Also, if he does accept the offer, I think besides variety being a new challenge for him, it may also be because he doesn't want to feel lonely. Actors tend to bond very closely when they work together on shows like 1N2D and Running Man, and this friendship even extends BEYOND the show because they invite one another to star in their music videos or cameo in their dramas/movies. Kim Joo Hyuk and Cha Tae Hyun are seasoned veteran actors and it might be a good thing for Joongi to make friends with them. Who knows, they might recommend him to star in a good movie! Joongi also says he likes to find new ways to communicate with fans, so a weekly variety show is one way for fans to see more of him, and also show a new side of himself. 
However, there is the problem of whether he is really suited for this kind of show or not. I found him enjoyable in Family Outing, but I think he is more comfortable appearing on a variety show alone rather than with a group of people as he tends to become rather quiet. In shows like JG World, where he is the main focus, he can be talkative and rattle on and on. Perhaps, if he becomes more comfortable with the other members, he might open up and reveal more of himself on the show. Also, being a top star, it is quite hard to imagine him playing games that destroy his image and performing in front of old ladies (1N2D occassionally holds free mini concerts for old folks in villages). This show also puts its stars through rather harsh conditions, like sleeping out in the cold during winter, and might potentially affect his health. I don't think managing his schedule will be a big problem because many of the previous 1N2D members have been filming other stuff while filming 1N2D also. For example, ex-member Joo Won was filming a drama, a movie and starring in a musical all at the same time while appearing on 1N2D, so if other stars can manage it, I believe LJG can too. 
Although I did wish he would appear in a variety show, I wasn't expecting it to be THIS soon, and even a regular member. He has always been talking about wanting to act in this and that in interviews, so I thought acting would be his priority now. This variety stint is too out-of-the-blue. 1N2D is also a show on the decline, and I don't want him to get stuck on a sinking ship. If he does join the show, I hope the show gets better and the ratings improve. But come what may, it is his choice and his life ultimately, so I'll respect his decision. 
Sorry for this long essay!

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@daegorr, thank you for your insightful thoughts. I tend to agree with what you said. I heard that the show is in a decline so that is not good for him to get involved with. Actually I would rather see him as a guest in variety show such as Running Man and not a regular cast despite my wish to see him every week.

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Agree you @daegorr about 1N2D, and thank you for translations of star1 mag :)

I'll try to accept his decision even if he joins it since I want him only as a guest for the variety shows. Like daegorr said, this show and its members have both pros & cons for him. I believe he will consider it carefully.

We knows that he's really ambitious for his acting career and he knows how to choose projects to get high impression by fans and viewers (esp. to professionals), he would probably know which decision would be better. He at least won't let his career to be interrupted. Tomorrow is the filimg day so we will get the confirmed news I guess, I'm waiting... :)

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Some news about Jun ki. I heard he was offered to be a member of 2D1N show. I don`t know what I feel about it. I would preferred a new role in a drama or film.

OK, I don`t watch reality shows but 2D1N was first and only show I was slightly interested. I read some recaps and watch a couple of scenes. I used to watch for Kim Seung Woo, UTW and Joo Won but I stopped. If Jun Ki will sign for this show I will try to watch or read recaps just for him. He will know better if this kind of show is suited for him. He could still make dramas. We`ll see.

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larus said: Some news about Jun ki. I heard he was offered to be a member of 2D1N show. I don`t know what I feel about it. I would preferred a new role in a drama or film.

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Recently we are always talking about serious things, if Jun Ki has won the award or not, if he will attend the show or not.. ;)) Life is already too tiring and serious so here is some color and beauty for the eyes :)
Aww I forgot how adorable they were together :x no matter what Jun Ki chooses I'll probably always miss that little cutie :x 

The eyes that he had "complex" about ;)) :x

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Dear @daegorr @Merry @larus @patoi @petito I agree with you all . As I thought , it looks like the show 1N2D was not so good for her career . I don't know . At first , I was glad to hear this news , but after reading all of your opinions , I think he shouldn't accept this offer . I did watch the show 1N2D , from the time Lee Seung Gi & Joo Won , and I had thought it would be very nice if Lee Jun Ki joined , but as @daegorr opinion , seems to be difficult for him , I don't know , I just think it would be possible this difficult for him . I'm worried about him .
I agree if he was just a guest star in the variety show , not a regular member. He is more suited to follow an event if he is to be his main concern . He could better express himself and show another side of him than if he were in a team . You are right , He guest starred in the variety show I think that's enough . There are many other ways if he wanted to show another side of himself to the fans , not just by joining in shows like 1N2D . I still love him even though he doesn't often show up on tv shows . I'm glad he has his own show like JG world

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Excerpt& Translation by Elly : IMX delivered their official stance about LJG’s joining 1N2D. IMX says “Sorry for the confusions in reporting about his joining 1N2D. It is true that KBS offered the position and we deliberated on it with the producing team.” “However, His fan meeting concerts are scheduled and most of all LJG himself still intently wishes to focus on his acting career. Thus, we concluded that carrying out the two things at the same time might bring trouble to others and courteously turned down . http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=011&aid=0002427219 Cr: JGFamily

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Lusia said: willenette said: Lusia said:


said: A selfish part of me wants to see him on a weekly basic.

And it's nice to see Junki branch out to variety , doing something differently. When he appeared in Golden Fishery, he said something like...I don't remember correctly but he was interested in variety too.

Joining variety shows provides chances to let people know more about him.

Rating of 2D1N isn't good, but if the combination of new cast, new format and new PD can help increase the rating, then it will be so good.

On the other hand:

- Since the current rating of the show is low, esp compared to its heyday, there will be a lot of pressure on the cast.

- Filming for the show is harsh but it's not really my concern: as an actor, Junki's been through worse things. As people mentioned above, I am worry if attendance in the show will cause difficulties for his filming later


It's not impossible to struggle between schedules but it will be a problem. His fan meeting tour will end in Feb, if he decides on his project, then filming is likely to begin soon after that.

I personally hope that Junki will take the offer. Honestly, not really just because I want to him regularly.

Junki is a very lonely person. I want to see him in a team. Yes, that team may meet only once per week. But still, they are his team members. And it's a good chance for him to meet other people, getting close to others. 

Still, I will respect any decision he makes about this

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Just like we expected :) He must have thought all those we mentioned yesterday. He is also someone doing one thing right and perfectly rather than doing many things at the same time. It would be too tiring for him anyway. He already gets dirty and soaked and suffers in drama shootings so I'm glad he declined the offer ;)

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class="content-title"Lee Jun Ki Won’t Be Joining “1N2D,” but Comedian Kim Joon Ho Will

Lee Jun Ki Won’t Be Joining “1N2D,” but Comedian Kim Joon Ho Will

Comedian Kim Joon Ho, actor Kim Joo Hyuk, singer Jung Joon Young and rapper Defconn have been confirmed as the new members for KBS 2TV’s “1 Night 2 Days” Season three.

Actor Lee Jun Ki, however, won’t be joining the cast of “1N2D” Season 3, despite previous rumors.

A representative from KBS’ variety department revealed that, “Kim Joon Ho, Kim Joo Hyuk, Jung Joon Young, and Defconn have been chosen as the new season three members. They started filming on November 23. Lee Jun Ki did not participate in the first filming session and he will not be joining the season three’s cast.”

Lee Jun Ki’s agency stated, “If (Lee Jun Ki) starts work on another project, it will be difficult for him to film ‘1N2D’ simultaneously, so he has decided not to appear on the show.”

Lee Jun Ki had received a proposal to appear on “1N2D” a month ago, and was in talks with the production team right up to just before the first filming session, but had finally decided not to go ahead due to scheduling issues.

On November 22 at dawn, filming for the third season began with remaining members Kim Jong Min and Cha Tae Hyun driving to each of the new members’ houses in turn to greet them. After the cast was gathered, the members began their first mission, a lunch mission.

Giving his thoughts on the general mood, season three producer Seo Soo Min stated, “They’re all sort of out of it. It’s natural that it’ll be awkward meeting for the first time. Everyone’s giving it their best shot for a start.”

Producer Seo Soo Min also noted that while the new members might be lacking somewhat as variety entertainments, he believes that it will be interesting to see what kind of chemistry all the different characters bring to the show.

“There are many who have doubts about the show, but despite those doubts, season three has begun. You’re not watching ‘1N2D’ because you want to see close friends going on a vacation. It’ll be interesting to watch the members come together as they encounter sleeplessness and dissatisfaction.”

He added, “The Bokbulbok game, the trademark of ’1N2D,’ will continue in season three. We’re definitely also keeping the wake-up mission, but it’s going to be distinctly different. We’ve prepared different equipment. Season three will center on the stories of those who going on the trips. Unexpected combinations, how people who don’t mix get along, and whether the trips actually happen, please anticipate the new season.”

The first broadcast of “1N2D” season three is scheduled to be on December 1, and we will be able to finally meet the newseason three cast members. The cast began filming the third season on November 22, along with remaining members Cha Tae Hyun and Kim Jong Min, in Inje, Gangwon-do. With producer Seo Soo Min and producer Yoo Ho Jin taking the helm, audiences will be curious to see if “1N2D” can return to its former glory.


Source 1 and 2 / soompi news

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after thinking about the chances of that happening when he joined in 1N2D, I am finally relieved upon confirmation that he rejected this offer. Well, he had to keep focused on his acting career, but it would be great if he was a guest star in some variety show.
let's wait for his next project, a new album, fan meeting, and the new drama ...... and a new girlfriend? ;)) ;)) ;)) ;)) ;)) ;)) ;)) ;))

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