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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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130927 tweet 10
Do you have time to rest? It’s the youth when every minute, every second is priceless kk
(trans by elly)

130927 tweet 9
Let’s plan strategies for the next work~! 
(trans by Elly)

130927 tweet 8
Completing a father role in style, Lee Joon Gi has expanded acting skills to a broader range. ★Actor J-G ! ★ @JGshock3m 아빠 연기를 제대로 소화해낸 이준기는 이제 좀 더 폭넓은 연기자의 세계로~ㅋㅋ

------130927 tweet 6
I bumped on the wall twice as soon as I woke up TT ah… I feel so lonely for some reasons I don’t know. Kk I am sauntering back and forth to appease the feeling of emptiness. TT ★Actor J-G ! ★ @JGshock1m 아침에 일어나자마자 벽에 두번 부딪혔어요ㅜㅜ 아 나 왠지 너무 외롭고 쓸쓸해ㅋㅋ 그 공허함 달래려고 왔다리갔다리슈먀ㅜㅜ
(trans by Elly)


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130927 tweet 5
Let’s just kill each other k 우리 서로 죽자며 ㅋ pic.twitter.com/UYZefdpDfy
(trans by Elly)

Haha, they are so cute.. I think this is why I felt so sorry for Moon Il-Suk ;)

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You guys have probably seen this, it is a very old video. I love the song he is singing, it is so catchy. Btw, this show was freaking funny :D The song starts at 00:50
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You guys have probably seen this, it is a very old video. I love the song he is singing, it is so catchy. Btw, this show was freaking funny :D The song starts at 00:50

Definitely, yes ;)

Joongi seems so satisfying for having done another great job. Can feel his high happiness yesterday, tweeting all day long :x

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I've been mourning that Joon-gi is not going to be on my laptop screen weekly for a while more, and watching old videos so...who wants to rewatch Healing Camp? :D


(Also because nothing beats his knight on white horse entrance)


I've never posted before but I was rewatching Healing Camp (conveniently, my HD download haha) and had this sudden desire to share :) Although I'm usually silent, thank you so much to all of you who are constantly updating here (and on his drama threads when they're running)!

Also, a new video with Joon-gi subbed :)


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@POGA oh yeah i am watching his old videos too :D thanks to jun ki who never makes us forget him through tweets, jg style, episode j etc.. he is a number one actor to his fans :)

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I would talk about his acting but I will keep it to TW thread and focus on how goooood he looked in there. Especially in the last few epsiodes clean and in suits and all :D 
Oh, first, I loved his kicks, wish we had gifs of them :)





His happy painful eyes :x :x 








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Lol there are not enough hearts emoticons available for the post above.

:\"> :x =(( =((
God knows when he is going to come back with a drama. God, let it not be during my exams next year. 

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There are so many things to talk about our Joon. It is difficult sometimes to choose what to talk about him in TW thread and most of the time I forgot and blabbing about him in that thread annoying the hell out of those who were not his fans lol. Well, could not help myself.

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haha yes me too :D @patoi, but what can we do? He was the lead, he is good-looking, a great actor and has a killer smile.. We were talking about common facts :P 
I sometimes feel sad that I got to know Jun Ki so late, but I think this was better because if became a fan of him in my high-school or university years, I would probably fail all my exams :)

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