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[drama 2007] The Person I Love 사랑하는 사람아


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Thank you for the HQ Rozzy!!!!

About Dongwan's answer maybe he's just being honest? He's not married, but he's just breaking it to her easily with no ties. There may be a chance that if Dongwan said he's attached she'll try to harm Han Eung Jung. I hope the ratings will go up. The little talk between them sounded so CUTE!^^^^ They make such a cute couple.

But yeh i know about the "Cold Blood Warm Heart" series too ^^

*waits patiently for subs* ^^

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reminds me of Gallen Lo's character in TVB's "Cold Blood Warm Heart" where he ditch his true love and marry a rich girl. Soon after he gain power and control in her family's company, he kicks her out and return to his true love.

I was thinking the same thing...HK's TVB has plenty of these family, power, love series...I love Cold Blood Warm Heart...

Dongwan fighting!

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Guest greenbee

i just finished ep2 (scanning, since i dont understant korean) and it seems this series is more about the 5 siblings. Chan Joo is not a good guy (stealing his brother's credit card). But what i dont understand is y he doesn't seem to like the brother (who just arrived)? not many scenes with Han Eun Jung so far.

guess we all have to watch to find out how "evil" Dong Wan's character really is....

and about the ratings...it's unfortunately that Jumong is still airing, but ratings is not the most important factor in a good series. ^^

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Guest xXeunhaexP

he might be just using her, since she's a rich girl. but what i can't understand him is in the first place where the girl asked if he's married (and he answered no)..what is actually going on in his mind. I mean, i understand it's quite common for couples today to live together and raise a family together w/o a legal marriage certificate. but in their hearts, should they be considered that they are married. The way he answered her "May i ask the reason why [you don't want to go out with me]" is too ambiguous, leading the girl to think he's single. could he possibly be planning stuff already, after meeting her so many times?

reminds me of Gallen Lo's character in TVB's "Cold Blood Warm Heart" where he ditch his true love and marry a rich girl. Soon after he gain power and control in her family's company, he kicks her out and return to his true love.

yeah probably. he will probably end up using her becuase i read the synopsis and it said that he would leave han eun jung and to persue his dream to become rich. i guess he and the other guy *his competition* will fight for eun jung's love. i dunno. but i dont want dong want to be portrayed as this character :( i mean he has a baby and all he should stick with her and stay with her till the end. but i mean this is a drama and there NEEDS to be drama. but im asuming that eventually he will go back to her becuase the title of the drama is "this person I LOVE" i just hope it wont be a depressing drama :(

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reminds me of Gallen Lo's character in TVB's "Cold Blood Warm Heart" where he ditch his true love and marry a rich girl. Soon after he gain power and control in her family's company, he kicks her out and return to his true love.

Cold Blood Warm Heart has got to be one of the best tvb megadramas ever! i watched every single rerun the tv station aired. gonna buy the vcds for keepsakes but the usual problem.. no subs. but is dong wan really like gallen lo ka leung's character though? i have yet to watch the first episode but i won't be able to understand til the subs are released anyways

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Guest AlecRuby

I really think they are a great couple. I wish they will stick together.

So just curious, is this film going to jump, like after he left her to be with the rich girl, will it jump couple of years later, and they meet again? Not that it is bad or anythink, but series tend to do that.

I would be looking forward for them to see each other again after so many years, if it happen don't you think?

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^ Not sure if there'll be a time gap in this, also I don't think there will be. Dongwan can't just abadon his daughter, sure he can leave Seo Young but not his daughter...that'd be so cruel.

Luv, thank you for the caps. They're so good together. Eun Jung looks so pretty with her hair down like that. In one of your caps, Jung Eum looks scary...like the Joker, hehe.

Chan Joo needs a good whoopin'. How dare he do that. I'm guessing he's the black sheep of the family.

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Why did she go to the hospital to see the baby? Is there anything wrong with the child?

Also, the show preview had shown HEJ in a beautiful dress running. Do you all think that will be occuring while she is helping the brother shoot a film? I think this is how HEJ will get to meet the brother. What do you all think? :unsure:

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Awh, don't you just feel sorry for the women that fall into this category. :(

This is a situation where the guy just wants homogenized milk... you know.... the milk without the cow. <_<

:lol: homogenized milk! that is hilarious and so totally true!

Thank you so much for the caps. DW and EJ look so cute as a couple. Eun Jung looks really pretty in this, she isn't all made up and has that simiple yet very pretty look to her. It is sad that the ratings are so low but I'm sure it'll pick up - it's only just started. Jumong...geesh, that drama is a monster!

she does doesn't she! EJ is very pretty, and has really great complection. i hope the rating go higher too, i want that very badly!

oh and sweets, how many eps r planned for the drama?

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Guest babymarzy07

Awh, don't you just feel sorry for the women that fall into this category. :(

This is a situation where the guy just wants homogenized milk... you know.... the milk without the cow. <_<

hi gerryg nice too see u here.. i like ur statement how FUNNY yet sooo TRUE :) wannie really looks good here.. its hardly believeable from his looks to think he's going baddie (for me at least).. DW and EJ really make a good pair.. CB is taking me years it doesn't want to dl ep2..ill wait for a summary for now.. tough competition this drama.. im hoping it'll do better.. im thinking that maybe DW will leave EJ but then realize his mistake then he fights with the other guy to for her.. wow that's gonna be lots of heartache and tears..

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^^^ i've prepared myself for tears already. i just know i'll cry for DongWan and EunJung sooner or later!

btw - thank u dream_on for the download links! i actually have time to download the eps now...freakin school :tongue2:

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Hi, hi, everybody!! *Waving hand*

I really enjoyed episode 2. Seok Joo starts to show his ambitious side from this episode but still he loves Seo young with all his heart. The conflict among siblings surfaces already and how they will solve those problem later will keep me on edge, I'm sure. I just love family drama. All the characters are just real and they remind me of some relatives of my own.

haha. :rolleyes: Dongwan was superb in portraying Seok Joo and every new articles are praising his acting skill even though ratings are low. SBS should have placed this drama on the weekends time slot. <_< I'm sure this drama would get a lot better ratings then.

Episode 2…(spolier ahead)

It’s not done in order. I hope it won’t be confusing.

It starts with the scene when Seok Joo rejected Jung min’s offer to go out with her. After Seok Joo left, JM takes out mirror and looks at herself.

She might be thinking, “Oh, my god. How can he reject so pretty and rich girl like me?” haha… :rolleyes:

SJ came back to the office and heard that president’s son, Lee Sang Min was chosen for the head of headquarter. Since he was anticipating he might be promoted to that position, his disappointment was huge. (You can see how dongwan acted so well in those scenes.) The expression on his face when he met Sang Min in the elevator and how he came out from the elevator ahead of Sang Min… It shows how angry and jealous SJ was. Also, when in the parking lot camera shows two cars from the rooftop letting viewers to see big difference of two person’s status. I could feel SJ’s frustration and understand him. Sometimes, some people get things so easily, while others try so hard yet fail to have them. It’s just unfair. Anyway, later they meet again in the office when Seok Joo waiting for the fax from USA. While SJ introduces himself and bows politely, Sang Min just pats SJ’s shoulder in a way he’s superior to Seok Joo. No wonder SJ feels not good about that. :angry:

Finally, five siblings gathered together to discuss some matter. Tae Joo saved some money while working as stone carver for several years and tries to find a house so they can live together. Chan Joo strongly opposes to that idea complaining that he can’t share the same room with them in small house. While he just treats his oldest hyung, Tae Joo disrespectfully, he is so obedient to Seok Joo. You can see how Chan Joo acts differently towards them. SJ even smacks CJ when he acts disrespectfully. Hyun Joo tries to convince Chan Joo, but he says that he likes living with adopted parents better. Anyway, Chan Joo stole Tae Joo’s bankbook and card while waiting for the rest of family. Later, he took out money from the bank and spent some with gambling. Tae Joo finds out that his things are missing and gets so worried while Hyun Joo suspects Chan Joo might get those but still can’t tell his eldest brother.

Ark…..I hate Chan Joo so much already. :angry::angry:

Jung min’s family has their own problems. The president Lee and his wife have been using separate rooms for 10 years. Mrs. Lee despises her husband because she believes he married her for the money her father had. Apparently, Sang Min is not her son, but son of the president’s previous marriage. (Sounds familiar? Seok Joo’s future life story, maybe?) When the president Lee announced that Sang Min became the head of headquarters at family dinner, Mrs. Lee gets angry. Those two have big fights. She concerns that Sang Min might inherit everything.

Seo young still staying at hospital and Seok Joo goes to see her. The look on his face when he looking at sleeping Seo Young was awww~~~ :wub: and how call them each other as Ji eun mom and Ji eun dad was so sweet. :blush: :blush: (So, baby daughter’s name is Ji Eun.)

Next morning when SJ was waiting for the taxi after dropping off his car at the garage, Jung Min spotted him and gave him a ride to the office. Of course, SJ rejected at first but she was so persistent. While having coffee together, he gives her bill for fixing car. Still SJ doesn’t know that JM is the president’s daughter, so asks her if she’s actress wananbe and that’s why she’s approaching him. JM asks him to go out with him again and she will be good. Anyway, she acts so bold toward him. <_<

Seo yeong at hospital finds out that baby had fever and is being treated and get distressed. Even though the baby is all right now, she can’t calm down herself and breaks down when aunt came to see her. Seok Joo’s aunt comforts her and tells her that SY is like real daughter to me. SY feels so grateful for the love of aunt.

So surprised and worried after his aunt told him that baby was sick, SJ hurries back to the hospital. Jung min was waiting for him in the parking lot and approaches him saying if he forgot that she would wait for him. So annoyed, SJ tells her that he’ll be married soon and he has a child already. And he tells her that he’s in a hurry because the baby is sick. Jung Min gets so surprised and disappointed yet gives him a ride.

At the hospital, SJ makes Seo young feel relieved saying baby’s doing fine. And suddenly, he says, “Seo young ah, I want to earn a lot of money.” Seo young’s reaction was like, why he’s saying that out of blue?

For the preview for ep. 3,

Seok Joo’s narration, “I’ll love only you.”

And his cold face compared with Seo young’s happy face while lying together…

Can’t wait for the next episode.

Luv, I loved your screen caps. Please keep them coming. *HUG*

And everybody, I loved all of your opinions about this drama. Please keem them coming, also. *HUGS*

You guys are making watching this drama much enjoyable. Thank you.

Oh, if you need spot translation for certain scenes, let me know. I'll try best as I could. :)

Have a nice days.

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Thank you SO much for the short summaries yeonae . *hugs* they really are appreciated, at least by me anyway. Although i'm waiting for subs i still want to be up to date with how the story is developing. As you're describing Dongwan's reacitons in Ep 2 it seems that he's already planning something that may hurt Eun Jung (SY). TT_TT

i really can't wait to watch it though, the story really is starting to develop in teh second ep (at least it sounds like it) for SJ and SY. I think it'll be interesting to hear more about SJ's family situation. As for Jung Min i think she isn't all bad. Maybe being a rich girl she's just used to getting what she wants if she's persistent, but if you look at her family situation she seems to have alot of trouble too, so maybe it's her way of getting noticed by someone?

Thank you for everyone sharing!!!! mwahz

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