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❤ Park Shin Hye 박신혜 ❤ | Current Drama: Doctor Slump - Sat & Sun @10:30 PM [Upcoming Drama 2024: Judge From Hell]


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Guest simply_dream

Why don't you just keep out of this thread. Go to YEH thread and say those. I'm sure the other YEH fans like to hear it. We don't.

BTW, love the new pictures! First I though Heo Yi Jae and Park Shin Hye didn't get along. In the photoshoot video clip, Shin Hye and Kang Doo were having a fun time while Yi Jae just looked on. But I'm glad they are getting along. They are both in the teenage year and you know know teenager can be. But I guess they are now young adults. :)

Though I was disappointed that PSH didn't get the main female character role, I'm happy she decided to take a different role to challenge herself. I think her role as Sae Srung (?) is interesting. We get to see PSH flirt with two guys! Totally different from her previous roles. :D

yea!! i sorta thought that a little bit too, but actually there wasnt much shin hye and yi jae interaction for me to decide upon it, but i can tell shin hye can make friends easily, especially guy friends HAHA, i think she's sorta close with se7en too rather than kangdoo haha which makes me HAPPIER altho she didnt get the main role, i think it's cause they sorta have more scenes together? and i do also like her role as sae ryung... tough and cold side of her, and like u said, we get to see her flirting with 2 cute guys haha

^ I'm just scare that ppl will hate her becuz of that role...I dunno yet how it's going but hope she won't be mean mean mean...but in a good way if she get ppl hate her role it means that she's a good actress rite?!

Luv the first pic of her she's soo cute!!!^^

ME TOO!!!! i am scared how people would hate her like how they hated song joo hyo in goong which was NOT good, because joo hyo was talking about how much hate she was also receiving in real life ALTHOUGH she's only acting a tv role, she said even her own sister doubted her and i was just like what o.0 so bad lol... hope it doesnt happen to shin hye, but the thing is that with the way shin hye looks, it's hard to hate her, and she already actually had her first image in her heads alrdy as the innocent good girl, no matter how evil she is now... it's OK lol at least i hope... =P

since i am so bored with nothing to do, i decided to transfer some things from the goong s thread about shin hye here... since nobody does it here anyways but people should come to this thread and get her info, I WILL DO IT! lolcredits to all those who posted this in the goong thread







credits to luv for all these pics




Click here to DL the vid clip

Click here to DL the full CF

THIS CF IS AWESOME! the first 1 was just a flat ad right? meaning no cf... just a photoshoot, right? but this 1 is actually a CF and i am totally loving the whole jihoon & shinhye love haha FREE HUGS <3

Translation thanks to mommie Alice

JJH: Joo Jihoon

PSH: Park Shinhye

MC: Girl doing the interview and making remrks. (Didn't know what to call her eventhough her name was mentioned later)

PD: PD who doing the clip.

MC: Korean’s handsome prince, Joo Jihoon and new main person in new Goong, Park Shinhye

MC: Heard they are having special date so we visited there. Let’s meet them gother.

MC: Here is Myroni Park.

MC: We see couple who’s sharing love…at close look, it’s Joo Jihoon and Park Shinhye.

JJH: Are you warm?

JJH taking bite out of dumpling.

JJH: It taste good.

PD: Looking at the dumpling reminded me of someone who really likes dumpling.

PSH: Who?

PD: Kim Yongman!

PSH laughing.

PSH: Eat the dumpling (offering to the camera)

PSH: I’m not going to give to you! (teasing)

PD: Your partner is Se7en right….how is it, comparing the two?

PSH: Ha, little later…when he’s (JJH) not here.

JJH: You were saying bad things about me?!?!? (laughing)

PSH: No…

MC: PSH is receiving a lot of love from Se7en in drama.

MC: Today’s filming concept is Free Hug…it’s only filming but envious of PSH getting hugs from JJH.

MC: Jihoon shi, give me hug too!

PD: Is there celebrity you wish to hug?

PD: (looking at PSH) You have Se7en.

PSH: No…it’s not that.

JJH: (giving little push to PSH acting like he’s jealous)

Interview inside with PSH and JJH:

MC: I’m going to give present for the New Years…here’s PSH and JJH.

MC: First of all, Jihoon shi, you received newcomers best actor award.

JJH: I didn’t do much and to receive this big award, I want to thank everyone and I will work harder in future.

MC: Don’t you have hugging scene between two of you? You know like the kiss scene you did.

JJH: I almost got arrested. (jokingly said)

PD: (not quite sure here but I think he said) You have to lift her little.

PD: You can’t do that? (at the pretend kiss scene). She is under age.

MC: PSH is still a high school student.

JJH: I know nothing about it. (laughing)

MC: You are very tall

PD: This is first time I saw anyone who tries to make camera man be comfortable. (JJH spread his legs out so he’ll be at eye level with the camera man)

JJH: I stretched a lot by lifting my arms up.

MC: Yes, this is the stretch JJH showed as (showing the scene from Goong after show), I’m going to do that starting today.

MC: If there’s any hug that you remember?

JJH: When you were young and when it was time to wake up to go to the school, Mothers usually yells at the kids but my mother always hugged me and woke me up.

PSH: Me too!

JJH: Then we have same mother?

Everyone laughing at JJH’s humor.

PSH: Joo Shinhye?

JJH: Park Jihoon?

MC: Right this moment, if there’s someone you want to hug?

MC tapping at herself to give hint to JJH that he wants to hug her!

JJH: I want to hug my senior in college….(pointing at the MC)

MC: Hoon, Hoon!

MC: Remember this scene (scene from Goong)….doesn’t it look same?

MC: Lastly, let’s end it with hug.

JJH hugging both girls (MC and PSH)

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Guest iheartjeonghoon

PSH looks so good with JJH! hehehe. i guess if only they were the ones in goong, they could have won the best couple, right?

and she's still turning 17! wow! :D

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Guest simply_dream

thanks avid_fan8 for the ktf cf i been looking all over for it! and yahoo kr hates me, or it's just that i dont know how to work it =P

PSH looks so good with JJH! hehehe. i guess if only they were the ones in goong, they could have won the best couple, right?

and she's still turning 17! wow! :D

yea!!! omg she's gonna turn 17 next month febuary 18, that's 18 in korea!!! and it means she's legal right? no underage, so people who kiss her wont become a pedophile *haha jk jk =P*

news credit yahoo kr, if someone can translate >.<




*i see curse of the golden flower, i thought it was a chinese movie o.0... no IT IS THE CHINESE MOVIE! seeing that lady in the poster, but what have shin hye got to do with it? is she like dubbing it or something o.0*

[포토]박신혜,'장이모우 감독님 환영합니다'

[조이뉴스24] 2007년 01월 19일(금) 오전 09:49 가 가| 이메일| 프린트 <조이뉴스24>영화 '붉은수수밭'으로 국내에 잘 알려진 장이모우 감독이 18일 오후 5시 서울 논현동 임피리얼팰리스호텔에서 내한 기자회견을 가졌다.

이날 탤런트 박신혜가 장이모우 감독에게 내한을 환영하는 꽃다발을 전달하고 있다.

장이모우 감독은 지난해 완성한 '황후花'의 국내 개봉을 앞두고 있다.

another article

(고뉴스=백민재 기자) MBC 드라마 '궁S'에 출연하고 있는 박신혜(17)가 중국의 거장 장예모(56) 감독을 만났다.

장예모 감독은 18일 오후 5시 30분 서울 임피리얼 팰리스 호텔에서 내한 기자회견을 가졌다. 그는 오는 25일 개봉되는 주윤발, 공리 주연의 영화 '황후화' 홍보차 한국을 찾았다.

박신혜는 이날 기자회견이 끝난 후 깜짝 등장, 장예모 감독에게 직접 꽃다발을 전했다.

박신혜는 평소 존경해 온 장 감독을 보기 위해 촬영 스케줄까지 연기했다고. 그녀는 "영화 '연인', '영웅' 등 장예모 감독의 작품을 정말 감동적으로 봤다. 오늘도 '궁S' 촬영 스케줄이 있었지만 제작진을 졸라서 왔다"며 웃었다.

또 박신혜는 "직접 만나니 눈빛에서 카리스마가 넘치고 정말 멋있다"며 수줍은 미소를 지었다.

꽃다발을 받고 미소를 지은 장예모 감독은 "신인 배우라고 들었다. 배우의 생명은 연기력인 만큼, 노력해서 나중에 꼭 함께 일할 수 있는 기회가 있었으면 좋겠다"고 답했다.

한편, 박신혜는 '궁S'에서 야심 많은 귀족녀 신세령 역할을 맡아 열연 중이다.

another article

[뉴스엔 글 윤여수 기자/사진 유용석 기자]

‘궁S’에 출연 중인 박신혜가 중국이 낳은 세계적인 영화감독 장예모 감독과 만났다.

박신혜는 영화 ‘황후화’ 홍보를 위해 방한한 장예모 감독에게 꽃다발을 전했다.

두 사람의 만남은 18일 오후 서울 강남 임피리얼 팰리스 호텔에서 열린 장예모 감독 기자간담회 직후 이뤄졌다.

이들의 만남은 ‘황후화’의 수입사인 그룹에이트가 ‘궁S’의 제작사인 것이 인연이 됐다.

박신혜는 이날 “장예모 감독의 ‘영웅’과 ‘연인’을 너무 재미있게 봤다. 배우들의 연기에 감동했다”면서 ‘궁S’의 연출자 황인뢰 PD를 “졸라 촬영 일정을 미루고 이 곳에 왔다”고 말했다.

이어 그녀는 장예모 감독이 “카리스마가 굉장히 많고 멋있다”며 수줍게 꽃다발을 전했다.

이에 장예모 감독은 박신혜가 “잠재력 지닌 배우라고 들었다”면서 “배우에게 연기력은 생명이다. 계속 연기력을 키워 나중에 함께 할 수 있으면 좋겠다”고 화답했다.

장예모 감독의 신작 ‘황후화’는 당나라 말기 황궁을 배경으로 벌어지는 음모와 암투를 그린 영화로 오는 25일 개봉된다.

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i also like her in goong s , she looks really gorgeous in the series, and it seems like shes maturing nicely, her acting skills are pretty sharp for someone at her age :) .. i hope to see more of her in the future ..

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Guest sang_woo_always

I also was scared that ppl were going to start hating shin hye for her role in goong...but I really don't care now..cause i love her...and i love her for trying on different roles....she's soo young...and talented...I'm sure she'll be like song hye gyo when she grows up!!!! :)

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Guest iheartjeonghoon


__lol! that was a nice one! but anyway, if people don't know abouther agem they could have mistaken her for a 22-y/o agashi because she defo looks matured! :D

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Guest simply_dream

hmm, who's that guy with PSH in the pictures?

i've been peeking at the Goong S pictures and i agree, she's glowing :wub:

such a beauty she has turned into :D

that guy is some director HAHA that's all i can get out of that article XD


__lol! that was a nice one! but anyway, if people don't know abouther agem they could have mistaken her for a 22-y/o agashi because she defo looks matured! :D

true, well all celebrities that are actually really young dont look like they are really young... do i make sense? LOL like moon geun young is 19... but she look like she's in her mid 20s.... seungri from big bang is 16 but he look like he's early 20s... lee yeon hee is also 19 but i think she look more mid 20s XD go ara is also a 1990er but she look even OLDER than park shin hye... i guess when u become a celebrity, u just look more mature... but then looking at shinhye's own picture like not photoshoot wise... like self-cam wise i think she look like her real age =D

BTW!!! does anyone know how to work a daum cafe? LOL

this is shin hye's daum cafe, but i dont know how to work it?


do i need to sign up or something? o.0 well i would, if i knew how? lol can someone teach me? XD

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Guest AlecRuby

PSH still have a very big fan base. In Heaven Tree, her popularity grow alot. When she and Lee Wan went on the computer after promotion to look at how many fans check them out, PSH was I believe the top ten people in Korea most search. I guess on that forum though??

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park shin hye's interview two years ago (i think)

Many people were surprised to see you dance and headbang in Lee Seung-hwan's concert. You seem to be a talented dancer too.

Park: I like dancing but I don't know if I'm good at it. Anyway, appearing in the concert was a good chance to introduce myself to the public

'Daejanggeum' is a big hit these days. Don't you want to star in a period drama?

Park: Sure. I love period dramas. If I get a chance to make an appearance, I'd like to perform as Heebin Jang. She's an attractive character.

But you look so sweet for such a strong character! Wouldn't it be difficult for you to handle that role?

Park: Don't worry. I have many faces. (laugh) This schoolgirl-like face is just one of them!

Are there any performers that you are friends with?

Park: Som2 is a good friend. We go to the same dance class. She is a very talkative and active girl. I envy her because she eats so much without putting on weight. I think I'm rather plump.(laugh)

Name a male celebrity that best suits your ideal type.

Park: Seven is a singer that I like, and I like the actor Bong Tae-gyu. I especially like peculiar characters like Mr. Bong.

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Guest simply_dream

@ AlecRuby : I think she does have lots of fans in Korea too, not only did because of heaven's tree but she did a few sitcom which we were not able to see here outside of korea, that's why it is hard for people to hate her since she already have such a big fanbase... she even held an autograph signing session, and u dont have 1 of those unless people would come to want ur autograph LOL... but in my opinion goong s hasn't made a huge impact on the audience like it did with goong... so hatred is out of the question now lol...

@ avid fan8 : YEA! that interview haha.. i found it so funny how she is now working with se7en =) and i love it... i seriously thought i posted that before... hmm i guess i didn't... this was the interview when she's 13... so... about 4 years? during the time when she gained popularity in stairway to heaven also talks the most search thing AlexRuby mentioned

longer vrs of the article posted by avid fan8, credits to tsinoy.com

Park Shin-hye, little Choi Ji-woo in "The Stairway to Heaven", got into stardom, and this 13-year-old actress is happy to take a big step toward her acting career. The Teen Times met her at the Dream Factory office in Seongnae-dong on December 20.

You recently ranked top on the searching word list of Naver. How do you feel about it?

Park: Many people were interested in the drama, "Stairway to Heaven" so Lee Wan and I got on the searching word list. I was stunned by it at first. It’s so nice but... I don’t know. It’m hard to express the way I felt in words.

When your friends saw you on TV, what did they say?

Park: They were surprised at first. But now they have become used to it. They monitor the drama and advise me on many things. And many students from nearby schools come to see me these days. In my own way, I'm a celebrity in this area.(laugh)

Your online fan club has over a hundred thousand members. Do you often meet them online?

Park: Sure. I regularly visit the site and read fan's messages. Every single word of my fans encourages me a lot.

'Starlight Shin-hye' is a new word that's been coined online by your fans. Do you like it?

Park: My fans say that I'm like a star fallen suddenly from the sky. I like the name. It's very pretty.

Many people were surprised to see you dance and headbang in Lee Seung-hwan's concert. You seem to be a talented dancer too.

Park: I like dancing but I don't know if I'm good at it. Anyway, appearing in the concert was a good chance to introduce myself to the public

'Daejanggeum' is a big hit these days. Don't you want to star in a period drama?

Park: Sure. I love period dramas. If I get a chance to make an appearance, I'd like to perform as Heebin Jang. She's an attractive character.

But you look so sweet for such a strong character! Wouldn't it be difficult for you to handle that role?

Park: Don't worry. I have many faces. (laugh) This schoolgirl-like face is just one of them!

Are there any performers that you are friends with?

Park: Som2 is a good friend. We go to the same dance class. She is a very talkative and active girl. I envy her because she eats so much without putting on weight. I think I'm rather plump.(laugh)

Name a male celebrity that best suits your ideal type.

Park: Seven is a singer that I like, and I like the actor Bong Tae-gyu. I especially like peculiar characters like Mr. Bong.

What conception dream did your mother have when she became pregnant with you?

Park: My mom was in a Korean style house like the one she lived in when she was young. Suddenly it started to rain heavily, and water flowed onto the terrace. Then a red-ripe persimmon appeared. She says that the terrace represents the stage, and the persimmon, me. So she thinks the dream is saying that I will be a big star who is loved by everybody.(laugh)

What's your favorite food?

Park: I'm never picky about food.(laugh) I like Kimchi especially, and I can eat two bowls of rice with only Kimchi as a side dish. My parents come from Jeolla-do, so they are very good cooks. I like everything they make for me.

What do you plan to do on the last day of the year?

Park: I will attend the SBS awarding ceremony. I'm supposed to win the 'Best Young Actress' award with Jo Jeong-eun of Daejangguem. It will be a very meaningful day for me.

Tell us about your New Year's resolution.

Park: I hope I can work in films. I want to see myself on the big screen.

I always ask this for the last question. What's the most precious thing to you?

Park: My family and my best friend. They always stand by me and understand me. And I also value my cell phone because it's so important for me to communicate with other people. I never go anywhere without my cell phone.


credits to Mz.Bubbly{o}liciou @ asianfanatics

i have never seen these ones altho i saw the other photoshoot with clride =P it makes me like them even more LOL i am becoming a joo jihoon and park shinhye shipper now haha...





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