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❤ Park Shin Hye 박신혜 ❤ | Current Drama: Doctor Slump - Sat & Sun @10:30 PM [Upcoming Drama 2024: Judge From Hell]


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8 hours ago, ssr99 said:

She amazes me more and more with each interview. I do not know if it is me but it seems to have matured lately. She has her feet on the ground and knows her priorities.
I have a girl crush on her !!!

I am with you . Big  ahjumma's crush. Shin Hye has always been very mature for her age, well grounded, humble, with intelligent and meaningful conversation, even when she is interviewed on the spot without advance notice, reason why many mature people are her fan. Indeed, she amazes all people that come across her and/or take the time to get to know her, as an artist and public  figure, and as we can all see and heard from her friends and acquaintances, that also admire her personality. She holds herself in high moral standards, and have great people around her that support and believe her, and work hard to help her stay on that path. Of course as any human being, she has her flaws, which  she acknowledges, but her qualities is remarkable, reason why many want to be and have her as friend. She has healthy aura, and praises God for the blessings and good fortune. Lovely girl, that can only inspire love from other lovely people.  :wub:

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I'm crossing my fingers & toes hoping PD Na could make this dream come true for us, a Youth Over Flower with Shinhye, Hyorim, Krystal & Sungkyung. :wub::wub::wub:

Btw, hooray for new season for 3MAD. Let's hope our Shinhye would be invited as guest. :)

Happy Eid Mubbarak to our chingus here :)

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@klebinha i just marathoned HEIRS yesterday so imagine my giggle when i saw your caps hahaha

Cha Eunsang...her resilient spirit and pursuit of love & happiness. A young woman who understands well that real happiness is not found on material things but true wealth is being with people whom you love and cares about and vice versa. :wub::wub::wub:

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Maris Park Retweeted

#ParkShinHye #Brother #Translation * SH's brother asks her fans not to contact him with his private accounts. + Thanks for love and support.

Cr. The owner 
Hope none of our chingus here is doing it, because that is ultimate invasion of privacy, and it is not acceptable and/or fair. Shin Hye, as a public figure keeps all her fans very well informed of her where about of her public life, and even sometimes out of kindness share her private moments, there is no need to stalk and invading her, her family, and friends private account. Let respect, they are human beings like any of us, and deserve of privacy. Hope none chingus will take in any way as an offensive remark. Lets keep supporting our baby girl in a healthy and positive way. God bless you all.:)
Peace and Love always from this ahjumma's :heart:
Cr. As tagged
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