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Guest canityo

Marumir is leaving XING

Hello. This is Marumir.

For more promising opportunities I will be not be in the boyband, XING anymore

I think that people will be surprised by this sudden news.

However, because I am leaving for better things please do not be sad, I ask that you please support me.

Also, because this is for better opportunities please do not stop supporting XING Ent.

Don’t be distressed or heartbroken about it.

Please wait for new things to come.

I said I would meet the fans again with a cooler image,

My marumir family (fans), please continue to cheer on for me so that I can come back with a cooler image.

I will be always Kim Ki Bum with Marumir

Credits: Marumirkb + Aejoo & Kandy + CYNOSTAR.NET

If you wish to take this information out, please ask for permission

Most of you are saying 'OMFG THAT'S FAKE!!' right? Well I'm sorry but it isn't.

Kibum posted this HIMSELF on his own cafe, and he hinted it in the entry before.

I'm really heartbroken right now, I spent a lot of time just being heartbroken.

XING wouldn't be XING without Kibum, six minus one equals to NOTHING. NOT XING NOT NOTHING!!!!

I'm still feeling shaky about this, I want to give him a hug saying that you don't have to leave. T_T!

I'm willing to wait even another YEAR for you guys to debut if it's about his health. I don't want XING to be a FIVE or adding a new member. That isn't XING!

How can we NOT be sad? Maybe it's the shock.

But I couldn't even imagine what the MEMBERS are going through. T_T...One day he is blonde the next he leaves.

Are we, fans, suppose to even BELIEVE THAT??? It seems unbelievable doesn't it?

I didn't even want to post up the news...

Yes, being a XING fangirl is hard.

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^Okay, after reading that I'm no longer in a quandary and lost for words. Yes, I am sad and disappointed in his choice of leaving the group. He started out in the group and he leaves them. But we can't change his mind on the matter of his choice of leaving them behind to continue on his own. I know we've been waiting for a long six months that soon end up with ONE MEMBER LEAVING. It's a pity really, to see his talent never be released with them because how are we to really know how much of his talent is there now? I don't know what to say anymore. I'm sad inside but I guess I'm still confused about some other things that won't bring out the full disappointment and unhappiness that this has brought upon them. As a group of six has now gone down to five; for some reason it will feel so incomplete and uneven without Ki Bum there anymore.

Anyone will be confused, befuddled, and worried of what Ki Bum means by what he says in that entry. Sure it's not really giving us the hope that he may still be a part of the group or not; but we shall have to wait and see. I know the waiting isn't the best part of it all, but Ki Bum is Ki Bum. Don't know if that makes sense to anyone but yeah x.x Ganbatte ne, Ki Bum. You worry me with the entry, but you can always pick yourself back up again <3333

The group pics are so nice. It's wonderful to see ALL SIX of them now. Jin Hyun looks so nice; they all look wonderful. Now that Ki Bum has blonde hair I'm still in a lost quandary of words.

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Guest maizakichi

yay! kibum blonde!!!!!

heheheh....weee...i like this one better <3

wee...i should really change my highlights now to platinum blonde~

haha...now i have a damn good reason..lol..

but why oh why is his cy entry like that?

it's as if he's quitting Xing..T_T

kibum-ah...don't worry..i'll support you till the end..wee....


WHY OH WHY! HOW COME?! man i'm heart broken!


dang...i was right about his cy entry above..

just when i have already think of a right gift to give to him..

man...why? i just wan't to find out why he isn't part of xing anymore...

i'm really really sad...



i really don't know what to say...

and i was just editing the video i want to make for him just this morning...

argghh...i hate friday the 13th...dang..

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*hugs Janice and Maiza* It must be really hard for you two. Six...six...six...six...six. I'm willing to see his stare day and night. Now why did I complain about his stare? I'll take a thousand year of that cold stare. T_T

Everyone is probably sad and confuse right now. After almost 7 months of absence, they dump this news on us. KiBum said to not be sad, but its unavoidable.

I'm never looking forward to July again.

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Guest canityo


^ Aren't we all?

We aren't even SUPPOSE to be heartbroken, by his demands? xD

I folded stars for XING, a LOT of stars. I don't want to fold stars anymore.

Well, I suppose we have to say goodbye to Kibum.















































^ He is on the left.

Credits: Cyworld/As tagged/blogs/fansites + cynostar.net

I'm going to make a thread in the picture section too. So make sure you support it!

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Guest maizakichi

it really is hard...and damn..i'm crying T_T

i still can't get over it....

i really hope he doesn't leave xing completely...

i mean..i hope he still is part of xing ent.

huhuhuh..just when they announced about the streetjam thing..and now he's leaving?

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So...what will happen to the street jam thing? Only five of them will attend? 6 months (almost 7) = this. Great!

Its so shocking. Just yesterday we were jumping in joy over street jam and doing the 36 days countdown. And now we're dealing with THIS.

What the heck is going on anyways?

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Awww YunAh T_______T Now I'm really feeling the sentimental emotions engulfing me now. Looking at all these pics of Ki Bum is like it will be the last time to see some NEW ones of him with the group. But I will never stop looking at these pics. NEVER.

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Guest S2bjoo

Weplzz~ He's no longer.. Marumir?? :blush:

We've all known you r Kim Ki Bum .. no worries~ Bummie sshi nah =DDD

Thank you so much 4 posting~ canityo

& as he said.. pls do not stop supporting XING!! =]]]

.. s/o gonna check Dsp official site !!?? :P kaka~

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Guest canityo

I have no comment on his decision. Just have nothing to say.

I'm coping quite alright now. (:


^ Here's the link to the picture thread. Caution: LAGGGG ATTACK. ><

Edit-- Holy cow, I owned. If you caught me yesterday maybe I would have found something...

But no. >< Sorry nothing to share, until I find something...

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Guest maizakichi

oh..just noticed that it hasn't even been a full month since he posted on the fanclub section of xing.tv....

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Guest canityo

Kibum's cyworld is on fire at the moment.It has like 2197 views, just for TODAY. T_T I hope he stays in XING ent. even if he will do solo activities from XING. >< I suppose the people who were having a slim chance of hope of Kibum debuting are heartbroken too, after all they were fans of him before that?And I think I found info on their second single now. *runs off*Kibum's cyworld is on fire at the moment.It has like 2197 views, just for TODAY. T_T I hope he stays in XING ent. even if he will do solo activities from XING. >< I suppose the people who were having a slim chance of hope of Kibum debuting are heartbroken too, after all they were fans of him before that?And I think I found info on their second single now. *runs off*


Research on the long awaited group Xing’s 2nd album tracklist is going to be put into action.

We’re doing this especially for fans, who will have an opportunity to listen to the new album beforehand.

Location: Newface studio

Date: 2007.7.15 (Sunday)

Time: session 1: 1PM

Session 2: 5PM

- Entry will be first come first served, if there are a lot of people, we’ll be separating them into small group

Credits: XING.TV + Sooey + CYNOSTAR.NET

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Guest whit3light

i miss kibum already ... :tears:

i hop he does stay in XIng ent.. really do >.<

and on a better note.. i can't wait for their album to come out!!!!!! >.<

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LOL That news is very sudden honestly. Suddenly saying that they're letting people listen to the second single. Strange how this wasn't announced earlier so that more fans would know about it. Strange how YunAh's only fished out the news today. Is it a set up?

Like conpensation for KiBum's sudden announcement? Reminds me of how I tricked my friend's little newphew that I'd treat him at my favourite ice cream shop if he stops crying, what's even funnier that he stopped crying straight away. T_T

I don't know what to think anymore. LOL its an ice cream treat to Korean fans. Lucky Korean fans.

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Guest canityo

Uhm yeah. It seems like as if they are saying sorry to them that Kibum is gone.

T_T...like jee. 7 months later and you finally reveal some new music to a 2 groups of fans. Kind of odd, but you know what? After not believing that a member would ever leave. It's pretty believable in our condition.

I suppose after the year has gone by and when XING gains a lot more fans they would care if Kibum was in the group or not. If you know what I mean, it's not meant to be offensive or anything but...yeah.

There's also some other news on Jinhyun being in a Pepsi event, sorry I forgot about that 'cos Sylvia hasn't PMed me back with the translation yet and that was before I found out Kibum...yeah.

Except the person who types things have typing issues they typed 'ZEN' as 'ZEM' and I was like who is ZEM ._.

Anywho, it's kind of weird that they have been announcing things this week. I guess we should appreciate the things that are going on. After all fans might sneak in a recording device and record it for us.

Why do I have no feeling to look forward to it anymore? ==...

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Guest maizakichi

Like conpensation for KiBum's sudden announcement? Reminds me of how I tricked my friend's little newphew that I'd treat him at my favourite ice cream shop if he stops crying, what's even funnier that he stopped crying straight away. T_T
i feel the same thing..it hasn't been a month since he posted in xing.tv...

and now this...

i'm just wondering about their new 2nd single though...so kibum is not part of any songs in there anymore?

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^ Perhaps its the SHOCK of finding out that KiBum left. After all we've all been anticipating for his debut since 7 months ago. JinHyun being on a pepsi event? Perhaps that might cheer me up, but when? Everything takes time these days.

July is the midst of summer, maybe things are finally acting up. They did say something about the summer, just that they didn't say "WHEN" during the summer. Soon could mean months. For the past months all informations about XING's appearance have either been FALSE or CANCELED, something's always in the way. Its crushing really.

We might not look forward to their the sound clip right now, but you never know, once we hear it we might get some energy again.

Wait...is KiBum still apart of the second single?

- edit -

In my opinion...if its something that they've just decided like a few weeks ago, then I think that KiBum's still in the single. BUT if its something planned a long time ago, then he's not included? Let's wait and see!

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Guest whit3light

sumthings wrong with this week

OMG FRIDAY 13 yesterday it was yesterday i betcha!!!!! it has sumthing to do with it!!! T_T

i mean it was really sudden...

i get where ur comin from yunah... if Xing has as many fans as .... wat dbsk.. my god O_O the world would come to an end..., <_<

really jinhyun migbht be in a pepsi event O_O..

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Guest canityo

I really don't know if he is or isn't. I hope he is...but then he isn't a part of...wah?

We will know soon, we just have to be a little more patient.

I think Jinhyun is...along with Black Eyed Peas? *falls*

That seems a bit off. o.o It's suppose to be on the 10th of August. But let's just wait for Sylvia's reply to me first.

Hmm...I have some Yume Fan Present pictures to post up soon.

I'm a bit out of it today, because of something but I remembered. ^^

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Hmm will fans rebel tomorrow? Because of KiBum? Then again, if you dont feed the dogs for a long time, they'll end up consuming the food instead of caring about why they've been hungry (I'm not comparing fans to dogs alright!). I think I'm thinking a little too much. The article didn't mention anything about the XING members. I wonder if they're attending it.

I guess the sudden announcement made a pretty big impact on us. Hey at least the thread grew a little!

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