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Guest WithYunHo

i was wondering about XING's cyworld links? i remember it being posted here but

i didn't really wanna go through all 134 pages to find it...anyone have the links?

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Guest canityo
DUDE.. okay so I didn't download PD's performance... MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA THAT GIF IS SO AMUSING TO WATCH. I wish I can do that... ._.;

KiBum's body is so narrow, seriously. Even if he's got abs... THAT BOY IS SKINNY.

I love YunAh for the Yume spam. :D

How can you not?? I keep watching the fancams and stuff all over again because PD is oh-so-smexy. <3333

Yeah Kibum is really skinny, you can tell from the concert pictures when he holds a mic or something. His hands look meatless. T^T

i was looking at KiBum's dog tag thing trying to figure out what it was. xD

i still don't know. a dragon thing?? lol. my wild guess.

i want to go watch Star King again even though i watched it last night while you were making this Yunah. ahahah

PD. xDD i don't think i ever watched it. o_O it is sorta weird looking. ;] but he's PD.

and PD reminds me of GD when he wears that red beanie thing.

Tummy Spam!! oh yeah!! LOL

thanks Yunah<3

I don't think it's a dragon. O_O It doesn't look like one! Now you got me staring at it. >_<

The red beanie is eating his head, Kim says.

i was wondering about XING's cyworld links? i remember it being posted here but

i didn't really wanna go through all 134 pages to find it...anyone have the links?

Yeah I do. >< I know it off by heart? .__."

http://cyworld.com/ryuxing - Kibum

http://cyworld.com/byybyy123 - Jinhyun

http://cyworld.com/singerkyk - Yume

http://cyworld.com/flowyg - Poppin' Dragon

http://cyworld.com/sungsutot - Hyesung

And Kevin has one but it's empty, so there's no point in visiting it.

Xing.. i kinda like their music.. it's kute.. i remember Kevin.. he's kute.

Kind of? You must love their music. And yes, Kevin is cute. ^^

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Guest Jenni.Pho

I haven't been to this thread is quite a while.

That P.D gif is great. Thanks for sharing it canityo.

JinHyun is so pale/white in his second picture! But still good non the less lol.

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Guest canityo

^ I think he did that CYWORLD image editing thing. XD You can change the lighting at stuff. o.o;

0_o I don't think this at Soompi before but if you were at CYNOSTAR, you would have seen unless you joined later.


Left to Right: Young Kyung (Yume), Kevin, Sungsoo (Hyesung), Joon Hyung (Poppin' Dragon)

Credits: Baidu + CYNOSTAR.NET

Hehe, I don't think Jinhyun was there and I think Kibum was taking the picture 'cos there's an extra fork? It's a guess. [:

Edit-- OH YEAH~ Kibum posted in his Cyworld yesterday and Yume edited his home message? Yeah well their alive. And I'm sure Kevin is alive. ^^

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Nice~ the picture is focused on their hands. xD Is that CAKE I spot?

The picture is so bright. >_<

I shouldn't comment now since I'm in a bad mood. But yeah.

Funny how they're all going for the same cake. I want cake now.

My brother used to make cake for me. T_T but he stopped. T_T damn brother.

I'm sensing their debut soon. I hope its true. They have 23 days left to do something.

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Guest JA.NiCE

what lovely hands they have. xD

they're all sharing one piece of cake??

i can't tell because it's so bright.

hmm who has the girliest hands?? lmao.

yes. i'm sure the boys are still alive. =]

can't wait o read KiBum's new entry.

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Guest canityo

shir0-chan: There's not much of Mushroom's hand. ;_; I bet you Hyesung ate most of it. :D

JA.NiCE: I don't think any of them have girly hands. XD The picture is not that bright for me.

Erm editing hold on.







Credits: Cyworld + CYNOSTAR.NET

I just found those pictures. ^^ Omfg, Kibum is so cute. <3 And Yume's sexy back eh? xD

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Oh wow new pictures already. xD hahaha those smiley faces reminds me of "Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex". Those photos...are all stalker photos right?

Woah YunAh you're good!

Just to get back to the hand picture...I think my knuckles are as big as Yume's O______O

Damn my guy friends are right. == I do have big knuckles for a girl. ==

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Guest JA.NiCE

Yunah i know none of them have girly hands. lol.

KiBum is so handsome in that picture. he almost has a smile going on there. =]

next time go all th way okay KiBum?? ;]

i see butt!! Yume is bringing sexy back. LMAO

random buthis shoes are so white and bright. =D

those smilely faces look oh so hot on them. xDD

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Guest canityo

Why do people love to edit out their faces? D: Oh well, a few pictures is already very good.

Been finding more things to update with these days. :] And yes, this thread is going slightly faster. If only we gained a few more people who would post with us. ;_;

Kibum looks so cuteeeeeee in that picture, I can literally stare at it forever! I wonder who took it though, and I wonder where he was? xD I want to squish his cheeks. xD

All this is just to keep this thread well and alive, I feel bad when it lands on the 2nd or 3rd page. It's like we aren't supporting them enough. >_<

Hmm have you guys realised the fans that meet them usually meet Hyesung, Yume and Kevin? o.o I see their signatures everywhere.

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... *sighs* it suck being international. Erm yes, the photo of KiBum is really nice. He didn't glare! He didn't glare. There's so many potential stalkers over there. Hehh~ at least they get the chance to practice their stalking skills.

JA.NiCE - Behave yourself girl^^ hahah~ though, you said that was going to come out of my mouth. xD

canityo - Yeahz I get what you mean there. hEhh~ maybe those boys are more expose to day light then the other guys? Who knows. T_T

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Guest canityo

^ Them 3 go out together eh? xD

Their managers seem nice to always let them sign autographs and take pictures with fans. xD How nice. Some managers are just like 'no'. >_> How mean.

Daylight?? Hyesung was dead for almost a month remember Cammy? DO YOU REMEMBER!!? *shakes you back and forth*

I wonder why they stop posting messages on XING.TV? D:

Edit-- Omfg, I owneded! XD Brb

Poppin' Dragon & a puppy!


Credits: As Tagged + CYNOSTAR.NET

^ Omfg, how cute. :DDD<333

The little dog that was in the IYH photo shoot


Credits: As Tagged + CYNOSTAR.NET

Chinese fan presents to XING (Yume/Hyesung/Jinhyun Bday Proj)



^ Messages in separate piles for them three.


^ Rubix cube


^ Packaged altogether

Credits: XING Staytion + CYNOSTAR.NET

Do not hotlink.

Good enough eh?

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Guest maizakichi

I don't think any of them have girly hands. XD The picture is not that bright for me.


i think kibum has girly hands..lol...

and that picture is LOVE!!! weee..

Why do people love to edit out their faces? D:

Kibum looks so cuteeeeeee in that picture, I can literally stare at it forever! I wonder who took it though, and I wonder where he was? xD I want to squish his cheeks. xD

i think they keep the unedited pics to themselves and show the edited version to the people...

and geez....stop stealing my kibum...i don't share...lol..joke (^^)v

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Guest canityo

^ Woman, no one is snatching your Kibum away you should talk to Janice about that 'cos she loves Kibum too! As for me I have....XING! xD Yeah >_> I can't choose anymore. ><

I just went to look for more pictures and found a bunch of Jin Hyun pictures. So enjoy, this is only half the bunch. The rest of them is at CYNOSTAR.NET

You should be able to spot Jin hyun pretty easily, the ones that you can't I've put a caption with it. If you still are lost in some pictures just post your question along with the pic URL. (Don't quote the pic :mellow:)










070708CYIJO8.jpg- He is the topless guy









v Click to enlarge

th_070708CYLJH13.jpg - 2nd row, 2nd to the left. (The guy in red with a jacket. :])

And....Ahnyang Highschool




There are 18 other pictures in CYNOSTAR.NET and one more of Ahnyang Highschool.

If you want a bigger version of the group picture, PM me.

Dang man their school is huge. O_O (It's the school PD goes to as well) Man all this and the other half took me nearly 3 hours. >_> Jinhyun has too many friends. Too many that take pictures at least.

The one with him on a horse is so *squeals*!

Yess now all reply reply reply. T_T It may not be Kevin the whole of XING but it's the best I could do for finding stuff on XING today.

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YunAh you're my hero! *runs to myspace to change it*

These pictures, the ones of JinHyun and the waterfalls reminds me of my survival camp. 20kg on my back climbing mountain while walking for 18km for the entire day...not fun at all. Funny how there's a rainbow behind them. xD I wanna try that someday (@ the next survival camp). Perhaps JinHyun and his friends likes to camwhore, that's why there's so much photos.

The horse photo is so cute. xD JinHyun's got the same look in every photo. xD

Thank you heaps for sharing YunAh^^

Maiza - *steps back* KiBum's all yours. xD Though I would slaughter anyone that insults him in any ways (I'll slaughter them in one way or another). ^^ Mark my words.

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AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW that white puppy is fricken CUTE! lsadkfjwoirjfsdlkjf I want to steal the puppy away and carry the little fluff of cuteness with me even to work because my boss is a big softie so he won't care if he sees a lump in my shirt or something *cackles* PD and a puppy. It sounds so adorable and just...right.

Woo! Jin Hyun and classmates, friends, and what-not. Oh look! His school :D Okay, in the second picture; is it just me who's seeing this or is that a towel tucked into the waistband of his pants? I don't know, at first I thought it was his shirt ripping because girls got a little crazy over seeing his hot abs. But anyways, he's riding a horse. I love horses but I don't get to go riding often because in California it's a little difficult to ride them on a daily basis. Too many fricken roads now x.x His school looks really fun, too. On the outside it may seem dull but it's what is inside that makes it more the fun. The people, the surrounding, the entertainment, and just being there <3

Woo I haven't said this much in the thread before. GO ME! *dies*

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Guest shaaaron

Yume looks really tall (more like long) in the backside pictures. *becomes giddy* 8D

DUUUDEE THAT BLACK DOG WITH PD IS SO CUTE cause look how small it looks when PD holds it. xD

Jeez, these cute dogs are probably as expensive as heck. ._.;

JinHyun! Him with makeup and that REALLY tight shirt is entertaining me right now. xD <3

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Guest WithYunHo

Thanks for the links to their CyWorld!! It was nice to look around...

Those are very nice gifts to them...they're already huge in China...that's cool...

I really like the cube gift...

Yay! More Jin Hyun pictures! Though I rarely see him...I'm beginning to recognize him...

it's so easy to pick him out of the pictures...

Thanks so much guys for sharing!

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Guest canityo

Yay for the people who bumped the thread! XD Which is only four *falls*

Oh well, I don't to see XING on the bottom of the second page. It's kind of heart breaking.



gksrmfdl dksTjwlspdy ^^;

dk~ekq ~ ekq~ godp~~~Tw T"

Credits: Cyworld + Cynostar.net

Uh yeah, I'm aware it's jibberish. xD He is strange in a cute way? ._.

I'm confused, anyway I've noticed that they haven't been as active on Cyworld as before.

They must be getting busy eh?

More clues to that they will release their album/single soon! XD

T_T I fail at keeping the thread alive toady. D:

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